[MQ 9.3.1 Oct 2022]

Adding a remote queue manager to the IBM MQ Console by using the command line - CD only

You can add a remote queue manager to the IBM® MQ Console by using the setmqweb remote command on the command line. A remote queue manager can be either a queue manager that is running in a different installation on the same system as the IBM MQ Console, or a queue manager that is running on a different system.

Before you begin

Note: The steps in this task require you to run MQSC commands:

Ensure that the mqweb server is configured to allow remote queue manager connections to the IBM MQ Console. For more information, see Configuring remote queue manager connections behavior.


  1. On the remote queue manager, create a server-connection channel to allow remote administration of the queue manager by using the DEFINE CHANNEL MQSC command.
    For example, to create a server-connection channel QM1.SVRCONN for queue manager QM1, enter the following MQSC command:
    For more information about DEFINE CHANNEL and the options available, see DEFINE CHANNEL.
  2. Ensure that an appropriate user is authorized to administer the queue manager and MQ objects that are associated with the queue manager.
    • [AIX, Linux, Windows]On AIX, Linux, and Windows use the setmqaut control command on a standard command line.
    • [z/OS]On z/OS, define RACF profiles to give the authorized user access to the queue manager.
    For example on AIX, Linux, and Windows, to authorize user exampleUser to access the queue manager QM1, enter the following control command:
    setmqaut -m QM1 -t qmgr -p exampleUser +connect +inq +setall +dsp
    This authorized user might be one of the following users:
    • A user ID that is the same as the user ID that starts the mqweb server that runs the IBM MQ Console on the system from which you want to remotely administer this queue manager.
    • A user ID that matches a user ID and password that is then included in the setmqweb remote command in step 7. By including the user ID and password in the setmqweb remote command, this user ID and password is used for authentication when the IBM MQ Console connects to the queue manager.
    • A user ID that is determined by channel security rules. For example, you might set a channel authentication rule on the server-connection channel to allow connections from the IP address from which you use the IBM MQ Console for remote administration, and map all these connections to a specific user ID that is authorized to use the queue manager. For more information, see Creating new CHLAUTH rules for channels.
  3. [AIX, Linux, Windows]If there is no listener running on the remote queue manager, create a listener to accept incoming network connections by using the DEFINE LISTENER MQSC command.
    For example, to create a listener REMOTE.LISTENER on port 1414 for remote queue manager QM1, enter the following MQSC command:
    runmqsc QM1
  4. Ensure that the listener is running by using the START LISTENER MQSC command.
    [AIX, Linux, Windows]For example, on AIX, Linux, and Windows to start the listener REMOTE.LISTENER for queue manager QM1, enter the following MQSC command:
    runmqsc QM1
    [z/OS]For example, on z/OS, to start the listener, enter the following MQSC command:
    Note that the channel initiator address space must be started before you can start a listener on z/OS.
  5. Create a JSON CCDT file that contains the remote queue manager connection information:
    • Generate a CCDT file by using the IBM MQ Console that is associated with the same installation as the queue manager that you want to connect to remotely.

      From the Home panel, click the Download connection file tile.

    • Create a JSON format CCDT file that defines the connection. For more information about creating a JSON format CCDT, see Configuring a JSON format CCDT.

      The CCDT file must include the name, clientConnection, and type information. You can optionally include additional information such as transmissionSecurity information. For more information about all the CCDT channel attribute definitions, see Complete list of CCDT channel attribute definitions.

      The following example shows a basic JSON CCDT file for a remote queue manager connection. It sets the name of the channel to the same name as the example server-connection channel created in step 1, and the connection port to the same value as the port that is used by the listener. The connection host is set to the host name of the system on which the example remote queue manager, QM1, is running:

        "channel": [{
            "name": "QM1.SVRCONN",
            "clientConnection": {
              "connection": [{
                  "host": "example.com",
                  "port": 1414
              "queueManager": "QM1"
            "type": "clientConnection"
  6. Copy the JSON CCDT file to the system where the IBM MQ Console is running.
  7. From the installation that is running the IBM MQ Console, use the setmqweb remote command to add the remote queue manager information to the IBM MQ Console configuration.

    As a minimum, to add a remote queue manager to the IBM MQ Console you must provide the queue manager name, a unique name for the queue manager (to differentiate between other remote queue managers that might have the same queue manager name), and the CCDT URL for the queue manager. The unique name is the display name in the IBM MQ Console, so specify a name that makes it clear that this is a remote queue manager, for example, "remote-QM2". There are several additional options that you can specify, such as the username and password to use for the remote queue manager connection, or details of the trust store and key store. For a full list of parameters than can be specified with the setmqweb remote command, see setmqweb remote.

    For example, to add the example remote queue manager QM1, using the example CCDT file, enter the following command:
    setmqweb remote add -uniqueName "MACHINEAQM1" -qmgrName "QM1" -ccdtURL "c:\myccdts\ccdt.json"


The remote queue manager appears in the remote queue manager list in the IBM MQ Console when the remote connection list is next refreshed. Provided that the connection is successful, you can administer the objects of the remote queue manager in the same way that you work with the objects of a local queue manager.


The following example sets up the remote queue manager connection for a queue manager QM1. The IBM MQ Console is authorized to administer the queue manager based on the authorization given to the user exampleUser. The credentials of this user are provided to the IBM MQ Console when the setmqweb remote command is used to configure the remote queue manager connection information.
  1. On the system where the remote queue manager QM1 is, a server-connection channel and a listener are created. The listener is started, and authorization is given for user exampleUser to administer the queue manager. For example, on AIX, Linux, and Windows, run the following commands:
    runmqsc QM1
    #Define the server connection channel that will accept connections from the Console
    # Define the listener to use for the connection from the Console
    # Start the listener
    #Set mq authorization for exampleUser to access the queue manager
    setmqaut -m QM1 -t qmgr -p exampleUser +connect +inq +setall +dsp
  2. On the system where the IBM MQ Console is running, a QM1_ccdt.json file is created with the following connection information:
      "channel": [{
          "name": "QM1.SVRCONN",
          "clientConnection": {
            "connection": [{
                "host": "example.com",
                "port": 1414
            "queueManager": "QM1"
          "type": "clientConnection"
  3. On the system where the IBM MQ Console is running, the remote queue manager connection information for queue manager QM1 is added to the mqweb server. The credentials for exampleUser are included in the connection information:
    setmqweb remote add -uniqueName "remote-QM1" -qmgrName "QM1" -ccdtURL "c:\myccdts\QM1_ccdt.json" -username "exampleUser" -password "password"
  4. The IBM MQ Console shows the remote queue manager QM1.