[MQ 9.3.5 Feb 2024]

What's changed in IBM MQ 9.3.5

Before upgrading your queue managers to the latest product version, review these changes to functions and resources since IBM® MQ 9.3.4 and decide whether you must plan to make changes to existing applications, scripts, and procedures before starting to migrate your systems.

Client application changes

Changes to Bouncy Castle JAR file names

From IBM MQ 9.3.5, the names of the Bouncy Castle JAR files bundled with the product have changed. For example, bcprov-jdk15to18.jar has changed to bcprov-jdk18on.jar. For more information, see IBM MQ classes for JMS/Jakarta Messaging relocatable JAR files and IBM MQ classes for Java relocatable JAR files.


Error message improvements for security exit failures when a .NET client is connecting to IBM MQ

A security exit program is used to verify that the partner at the other end of a channel is genuine. This is also known as authentication. To specify that a channel must use a security exit, you can specify the exit name in the SCYEXIT field of the channel definition.

From IBM MQ 9.3.5, a new and improved diagnostic message is thrown by the managed IBM MQ classes for .NET or IBM MQ classes for XMS .NET client application if the security exit used by the application results in a unsuccessful connection to the IBM MQ server. The old error message 2195 MQRC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR is replaced by the new error message 2406 MQRC_CLIENT_EXIT_LOAD_ERROR.

For more information about security exits, see Channel security exit programs.

[MQ 9.3.5 Feb 2024][AIX][Linux]

runmqdlq tool default permissions change

From IBM MQ 9.3.5, the default permissions of runmqdlq have been changed to remove the setuid bit. When running runmqdlq, the tool now runs under the context of the user that invokes the command. This change brings runmqdlq in line with other tools that support client connection functionality.

For more information about runmqdlq, see runmqdlq (run dead-letter queue handler).


Changes to zHyperWrite

From IBM MQ 9.3.5, the zHyperWrite behavior has changed, so that when ZHYWRITE(YES) is set, active log writes attempt to use zHyperWrite regardless of whether the log data sets are enabled for zHyperWrite. Previously active log writes would attempt to use zHyperWrite only if the log data sets were enabled for zHyperWrite.

For more information, see Using zHyperWrite with IBM MQ active logs.


Update to zos_saf_registry.xml

From IBM MQ 9.3.5, the sample configuration file zos_saf_registry.xml has been updated to remove a duplicate safAuthorization entry.

This update fixes an issue where an ICH408I error might occur when the IBM MQ Console on z/OS® is upgraded to a level that ships WebSphere® Liberty Profile or later: that is, from IBM MQ 9.3.0 Fix Pack 2 for Long Term Support and from IBM MQ 9.3.1 CSU 1 and IBM MQ 9.3.2 for Continuous Delivery.

For more information, see Configuring a SAF registry for the IBM MQ Console and REST API.