
Introduction to monitoring IBM MQ for z/OS

Use this topic as an overview of the monitoring facilities available for IBM® MQ for z/OS®. For example, obtaining snapshots, using IBM MQ trace, online monitoring, and events.

This topic describes how to monitor the performance and resource usage of IBM MQ.
  • It outlines some of the information that you can retrieve and briefly describes a general approach to investigating performance problems.
  • It outlines some of the information that you can retrieve and briefly describes a general approach to investigating performance problems. See Investigating performance problems for more information.
  • It describes how you can collect statistics about the performance of IBM MQ by using SMF records.
  • It describes how to gather accounting data to enable you to charge your customers for their use of your IBM MQ systems.
  • It describes how to use IBM MQ events (alerts) to monitor your systems.
Here are some of the tools you might use to monitor IBM MQ; they are described in the sections that follow:

Information about interpreting the data gathered by the performance statistics trace is given inInterpreting IBM MQ for z/OS performance statistics.

Information about interpreting the data gathered by the accounting trace is given inInterpreting IBM MQ for z/OS accounting data.