MQCFIL - PCF integer list parameter

The MQCFIL PCF structure describes an integer-list parameter in a message that is a command or a response to a command. In either case, the format name in the message descriptor is MQFMT_ADMIN.

The MQCFIL structure can also be used for user-defined message data. In this case the message descriptor Format field is MQFMT_PCF (see Message descriptor for a PCF command ). Also in this case, not all the fields in the structure are meaningful. The supplied initial values can be used for most fields, but the application must set the StrucLength, Count, and Values fields to the values appropriate to the data.

The structure ends with a variable-length array of integers; see the Values field in the following section for further details.

Fields for MQCFIL

Structure type.
This indicates that the structure is an MQCFIL structure describing an integer-list parameter. The value must be:
Structure defining an integer list.
StrucLength (MQLONG)
Structure length.

This is the length in bytes of the MQCFIL structure, including the array of integers at the end of the structure (the Values field). The length must be a multiple of four, and must be sufficient to contain the array; any bytes between the end of the array and the length defined by the StrucLength field are not significant.

The following constant gives the length of the fixed part of the structure, that is the length excluding the Values field:
Length of fixed part of command format integer-list parameter structure.
Parameter (MQLONG)
Parameter identifier.

This identifies the parameter with values that are contained in the structure. The values that can occur in this field depend on the value of the Command field in the MQCFH structure; see MQCFH - PCF header for details.

The parameter is from the following groups of parameters:
  • MQIA_*
  • MQIACF_*
  • MQIAMO_*
  • MQIACH_*
Count (MQLONG)
Count of parameter values.

This is the number of elements in the Values array; it must be zero or greater.

Values (MQLONG x Count)
Parameter values.

This is an array of values for the parameter identified by the Parameter field. For example, for MQIACF_Q_ATTRS, this field is a list of attribute selectors (MQCA_* and MQIA_* values).

The way that this field is declared depends on the programming language:
  • For the C programming language, the field is declared as an array with one element. Storage for the structure must be allocated dynamically, and pointers used to address the fields within it.
  • For the COBOL, PL/I, RPG, and System/390 assembler programming languages, the field is omitted from the structure declaration. When an instance of the structure is declared, you must include MQCFIL in a larger structure, and declare additional fields following MQCFIL, to represent the Values field as required.

C language declaration

typedef struct tagMQCFIL {
  MQLONG  Type;         /* Structure type */
  MQLONG  StrucLength;  /* Structure length */
  MQLONG  Parameter;    /* Parameter identifier */
  MQLONG  Count;        /* Count of parameter values */
  MQLONG  Values[1];    /* Parameter values - first element */

COBOL language declaration

**   MQCFIL structure
  10 MQCFIL.
**    Structure type
   15 MQCFIL-TYPE        PIC S9(9) BINARY.
**    Structure length
**    Parameter identifier
**    Count of parameter values
   15 MQCFIL-COUNT       PIC S9(9) BINARY.

PL/I language declaration ( z/OS® only)

 1 MQCFIL based,
  3 Type        fixed bin(31), /* Structure type */
  3 StrucLength fixed bin(31), /* Structure length */
  3 Parameter   fixed bin(31), /* Parameter identifier */
  3 Count       fixed bin(31); /* Count of parameter values */

System/390 assembler-language declaration ( z/OS only)

MQCFIL                         DSECT
MQCFIL_TYPE                    DS   F        Structure type
MQCFIL_STRUCLENGTH             DS   F        Structure length
MQCFIL_PARAMETER               DS   F        Parameter identifier
MQCFIL_COUNT                   DS   F        Count of parameter values
MQCFIL_LENGTH                  EQU  *-MQCFIL Length of structure
                               ORG  MQCFIL
MQCFIL_AREA                    DS   CL(MQCFIL_LENGTH)

Visual Basic language declaration ( Windows only)

  Type As Long         ' Structure type
  StrucLength As Long  ' Structure length
  Parameter As Long    ' Parameter identifier
  Count As Long        ' Count of parameter values
End Type


RPG language declaration ( IBM® i only)

D* MQCFIL Structure
D* Structure type
D  ILTYP                  1      4I 0 INZ(5)
D* Structure length
D  ILLEN                  5      8I 0 INZ(16)
D* Parameter identifier
D  ILPRM                  9     12I 0 INZ(0)
D* Count of parameter values
D  ILCNT                 13     16I 0 INZ(0)