[OpenShift Container Platform][IBM Cloud Pak for Integration]

Installing the IBM MQ Operator using the Red Hat OpenShift web console

The IBM® MQ Operator can be installed onto Red Hat® OpenShift® using the Operator Hub.

Before you begin

Log in to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster web console.


  1. Optional: [Extended Update Support] Add the IBM Common Services Operators to the list of installable operators.

    This step applies to releases of IBM MQ Operator 1.5 and earlier. The step adds a separate Common Services catalog. For later releases of the Operator, the Common Services are included in the IBM catalog.

    1. Click the plus icon in the top right of the screen. You see the Import YAML dialog box.
    2. Paste the following resource definition in the dialog box.
      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
      kind: CatalogSource
        name: opencloud-operators
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
        displayName: IBMCS Operators
        publisher: IBM
        sourceType: grpc
        image: icr.io/cpopen/ibm-common-service-catalog:latest
            interval: 45m
    3. Click Create.
  2. Add the IBM operators to the list of installable operators
    1. Click the plus icon in the top right of the screen. You see the Import YAML dialog box.
    2. Paste the following resource definition in the dialog box.
      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
      kind: CatalogSource
        name: ibm-operator-catalog
        namespace: openshift-marketplace
        displayName: IBM Operator Catalog
        image: icr.io/cpopen/ibm-operator-catalog:latest
        publisher: IBM
        sourceType: grpc
            interval: 45m
    3. Click Create.
  3. Create a namespace to use for the IBM MQ Operator
    The IBM MQ Operator can be installed scoped to a single namespace or all namespaces. This step is only needed if you want to install into a particular namespace which does not already exist.
    1. From the navigation pane, click the Home > Projects.
      The Projects page is displayed.
    2. Click Create Project. A Create Project area is displayed.
    3. Enter details of the namespace that you are creating. For example, you can specify "ibm-mq" as the name.
    4. Click Create. The namespace for your IBM MQ Operator is created.
  4. Install the IBM MQ Operator.
    1. From the navigation pane, click Operators > OperatorHub.
      The OperatorHub page is displayed.
    2. In the All Items field, enter "IBM MQ".
      The IBM MQ catalog entry is displayed.
    3. Select IBM MQ.
      The IBM MQ window is displayed.
    4. Click Install.
      You see the Create Operator Subscription page.
    5. Review Version support for the IBM MQ Operator to determine which operator channel to choose.
    6. Set Installation Mode to either the specific namespace that you created, or the cluster-wide scope.

      Choosing the cluster-wide scope is recommended, because installing different versions of an Operator in different namespaces can lead to problems. Operators are designed to be extensions of the control plane.

    7. Click Subscribe.
      You will see IBM MQ on the Installed Operators page.
    8. Check the status of the Operator on the Installed Operators page, the status will change to Succeeded when the installation is complete.

What to do next

Preparing your Red Hat OpenShift project for IBM MQ using the Red Hat OpenShift web console