[IBM Cloud Pak for Integration]

Deploying a queue manager using the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration Platform Navigator

Use the QueueManager custom resource to deploy a queue manager onto a Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform cluster using the IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration Platform Navigator. This task should be completed by a project administrator

Before you begin

In a browser, launch the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration Platform Navigator.

If this is the first time deploying a queue manager into this Red Hat OpenShift project, then follow the steps for Preparing your Red Hat OpenShift project for IBM MQ.


  1. Deploy a queue manager.
    The following example deploys a "quick start" queue manager, which uses ephemeral (non-persistent) storage, and turns off MQ security. Messages will not be persisted across restarts of the queue manager. You can adjust the configuration to change many queue manager settings.
    1. In the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration Platform Navigator, click Administration then Integration Runtimes. In older versions of the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration Platform Navigator, click Runtime and instances.
    2. Click Create instance.
    3. Select Messaging, and click Next. In older versions of the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration Platform Navigator, click Queue Manager, and click Next.
      The form to create an instance of a QueueManager is displayed.
      Note: You can also click Code to view or change the QueueManager configuration YAML.
    4. In the Details section, check or update the Name field, and specify the Namespace in which to create the queue manager instance.
    5. If you accept the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration license agreement, change License acceptance to On.
      You must accept the license to deploy a queue manager.
    6. In the Queue Manager section, check or update the Name of the underlying queue manager. In older versions of the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration Platform Navigator, use the Queue Manager Config section.
      By default, the name of the queue manager used by IBM® MQ client applications will be the same as the name of the QueueManager, but with any invalid characters (such as hyphens) removed.
    7. Click Create
      The list of queue managers in the current project (namespace) is now displayed. The new QueueManager should have a status of Pending
  2. Check the queue manager is running
    The creation is complete when the QueueManager status is Running.