[AIX][Windows][z/OS][Linux][V9.0.4 Oct 2017]

IBM MQ 9.0.4 changes from earlier IBM MQ 9.0.x CD releases

Changes to functions and resources introduced in earlier IBM® MQ 9.0.x CD releases are described in this section.

Review this information if you are moving to IBM MQ 9.0.4 from an earlier Continuous Delivery release.

For additional information about system requirements for IBM MQ 9.0, see the System Requirements for IBM MQ 9.0 web page. You can use the Software Product Compatibility Reports (SPCR) tool to find information on supported operating systems, system requirements, prerequisites, and optional supported software. The web page includes more information about the SPCR tool and links to reports for each supported platform.

Changes to error logging

There are various changes to error logging in IBM MQ 9.0.4:
  • The change in log rollover behavior.

    See Using error logs for more information.

  • The increased default log size.

    From IBM MQ 9.0.4, the default log size before rollover has changed from 2 MB to 32 MB.

    You need to ensure that you have enough disk space to allow for the increase in size.

  • All diagnostic messages, whether to the error logs or to the screen, now have the severity appended.
    Attention: You need to modify any parsing tools appropriately.

    The AMQ_DIAGNOSTIC_MSG_SEVERITY environment variable with a value of 0 is now used to turn off this feature. For more information, see Using error logs.

  • New information in messages, including:
    • ArithInsert1
    • ArithInsert2
    • CommentInsert1
    • CommentInsert2
    • CommentInsert3
  • The suppression of message amq8245.

    Message amq8077 is put out as message amq8245 for display only.

New attribute added to the administrative Queue REST APIs

For IBM MQ 9.0.4, the attribute enableMediaImageOperations has been added to the Queue REST API. This attribute is in the extended object. For more information, see Request body attributes for queues.

Changes to unit of work identifiers in the response body attributes for queues

From IBM MQ 9.0.4, the unitOfWorkId and qmgrTransactionId attributes in the applicationHandles object are represented in hexadecimal. In earlier versions, these attributes are represented in Base64 format. For more information, see Response body attributes for queues.

Changes to the base URL for the administrative REST API

With the introduction of the new messaging REST API in IBM MQ 9.0.4, the existing base URLs for the administrative REST API have a new format to distinguish and separate the two:

For IBM MQ 9.0.3 and earlier, use the following URL format for the administrative REST API:

For IBM MQ 9.0.4, and later, use the following URL format for the administrative REST API:

The login URL stays at :
for IBM MQ 9.0.4.

For more information about the new Messaging REST API, see Messaging REST API reference.