[Windows][z/OS][Linux][V9.0.1 Nov 2016]

What's changed in IBM MQ 9.0.1

Changes to functions and resources in IBM® MQ 9.0.1 are described in this section. Review these changes before upgrading queue managers to the latest product version and decide whether you must plan to make changes to existing applications, scripts, and procedures before starting to migrate your systems.

For additional information about system requirements for IBM MQ 9.0, see the System Requirements for IBM MQ 9.0 web page. You can use the Software Product Compatibility Reports (SPCR) tool to find information on supported operating systems, system requirements, prerequisites, and optional supported software. The web page includes more information about the SPCR tool and links to reports for each supported platform.


Changes to install feature names on Windows

From IBM MQ 9.0.1, there are changes to the names of some of the installable features on Windows:
  • The Java and .NET Messaging and Web Services feature is now named Extended Messaging APIs.
  • The Windows Client is now named MQI Client.

MQPROMPT environment variable for runmqsc

From IBM MQ 9.0.1, you can make it easier to see that you are in an MQSC environment and see some details of the current environment by setting a prompt of your choice by using the MQPROMPT environment variable. For more information, see Administration using MQSC commands.

Restriction on the use of topic alias queues in distribution lists

Distribution lists do not support the use of alias queues that point to topic objects. From IBM MQ 9.0.1, if an alias queue points to a topic object in a distribution list, IBM MQ returns MQRC_ALIAS_BASE_Q_TYPE_ERROR.

Deprecated CipherSpecs

From IBM MQ 9.0.1, the following CipherSpecs are deprecated:
  • [Windows][UNIX][Linux]FIPS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA
  • [Windows][UNIX][Linux]ECDHE_ECDSA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA256
  • [Windows][UNIX][Linux]ECDHE_RSA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA256
For more information, see Deprecated cipherspecs.

Changes to DISPLAY CHSTATUS output values for remote Managed File Transfer Agents

From IBM MQ 9.0.1, output from the DISPLAY CHSTATUS command includes values that make it clear when the application that is running at the remote end of a channel is a Managed File Transfer Agent:
  • The RAPPLTAG channel attribute value that displays the remote partner application name is updated to display MFT Agent and agent name.
  • A new RPRODUCT product identifier MQJF is added to indicate that the product running at the remote end of the channel is a Managed File Transfer Agent.
For more information, see Display CHSTATUS.

Changes to message to file transfers in Managed File Transfer

In a message to file transfer, the source agent now browses the messages from the source queue, unlike the destructive GET, in versions before IBM MQ 9.0.1. The messages are removed from the source queue after all messages (in a group if message grouping is used) have been browsed and data written to the destination file. This allows messages to remain in the source queue if a transfer fails or is canceled. Due to this change, authority to BROWSE must also be provided along with GET authority to run message to file transfers.

For more information about the message-to-file feature, see Transferring data from messages to files.

New MFT agent property additionalWildcardSandboxChecking

From IBM MQ 9.0.1, if an agent has been configured with a user or agent sandbox in order to restrict the locations that the agent can transfer files to and from, you can specify that additional checks are to be made on wildcard transfers for that agent by setting the additionalWildcardSandboxChecking property to true. For more information, see Additional checks for wildcard transfers and The agent.properties file.


Improvements to z/OSMF

From IBM MQ 9.0.1, the IBM z/OS® Management Facility (z/OSMF) workflows for provisioning IBM MQ resources have been updated to take advantage of newer Cloud Provisioning capabilities that are being made available in z/OSMF V2.2.

Additionally, the workflow to provision local queues has been enhanced to include actions to display selected attributes of a queue, and to browse or destructively get a message from a queue.

For more information on the improvements to z/OSMF, see Using IBM z/OSMF to automate IBM MQ.


Migration changes

On z/OS you can reverse queue manager migration, as long as you have not enabled new function, and your enterprise is using the Long Term Support (LTS) release model. For more information, see IBM MQ release types.

You enable new function for IBM MQ 9.0.0 LTS release, by setting the OPMODE parameter to (NEWFUNC, 900). For more information about the changes, see OPMODE.