Formatting a dump from the channel initiator

Use this topic to understand how to format a channel initiator dump using line mode IPCS commands.

The IPCS VERBEXIT CSQXDPRD enables you to format a channel initiator dump. You can select the data that is formatted by specifying keywords.

This section describes the keywords that you can specify.

Table 1 describes the keywords that you can specify with CSQXDPRD.

Table 1. Keywords for the IPCS VERBEXIT CSQXDPRD
Keyword What is formatted
SUBSYS= aaaa The control blocks of the channel initiator associated with the named subsystem. It is required for all new formatted dumps.
CHST=1, CNAM= channel name, DUMP=S|F|C

All channel information.

The optional CNAM subparameter allows you to specify the name of a channel, up to a maximum of 20 characters, for which to format details.

The optional DUMP subparameter allows you to control the extent of formatting, as follows:
  • Specify DUMP=S (for "short") to format the first line of the hexadecimal dump of the channel data.
  • Specify DUMP=F (for "full") to format all lines of the data.
  • Specify DUMP=C (for "compressed᾿) to suppress the formatting of all duplicate lines in the data containing only X'00'. This is the default option
CHST=2, CNAM= channel name, A summary of all channels, or of the channel specified by the CNAM keyword.

See CHST=1 for details of the CNAM subparameter.

CHST=3, CNAM= channel name, Data provided by CHST=2 and a program trace, line trace and formatted semaphore table print of all channels in the dump.

See CHST=1 for details of the CNAM subparameter.

CLUS=1 Cluster report including the cluster repository known on the queue manager.
CLUS=2 Cluster report showing cluster registrations.

DPRO= nnnnnnnn,

TCB= nnnnnnn
Select either a short (CTRACE=S) or full (CTRACE=F) CTRACE.

The optional DPRO subparameter allows you to specify a CTRACE for the DPRO specified.

The optional TCB subparameter allows you to specify a CTRACE for the job specified.
DISP=1, DUMP=S|F|C Dispatcher report

See CHST=1 for details of the DUMP subparameter.

BUF=1 Buffer report
XSMF=1 Format channel initiator SMF data that is available in a dump.