
A topic identifies what a publication is about. Topic names are characters strings. Subscriptions can include wildcard characters to retrieve the information required by the application. WebSphere® MQ Publish/Subscribe recognizes the asterisk (*) and the question mark (?) as wildcard characters.

Note: This information is for WebSphere MQ V6 queue managers only.

Topic names

Topic names are strings of characters. You could have high-level topics named 'Sport', 'Stock', 'Films', and 'TV', and you could divide the 'Sport' topic into separate, more specific topics covering different sports; for example:
Sport/Soccer Sport/Golf Sport/Tennis
These topics could then be divided further, to separate different types of information about each sport:
Sport/Soccer/Fixtures Sport/Soccer/Results Sport/Soccer/Reports

WebSphere MQ Publish/Subscribe does not recognize that the forward slash (/) character is being used in a special way but if you use the forward slash (/) character as a separator, you can ensure compatibility with other WebSphere business integration applications.

You can use any character in the single-byte character set for which the machine is configured in a character string. Consider, however, whether the topic string might need to be translated to a different character representation, in which case you must use only those characters that are available in the configured character set of all relevant machines.

Topic strings are case sensitive, and a blank character has no special meaning. As a subscriber, you can specify a topic or range of topics using wildcards to receive the information in which you are interested.

Wildcards in topic strings

WebSphere MQ Publish/Subscribe recognizes the following wildcard characters:
Wildcard character Meaning
Asterisk (*) Zero or more characters
Question mark (?) One character
For example, you could use the following topic strings in subscriptions to retrieve particular sets of information:
All information on Sport, Stock, Films, and TV.
All information on Soccer, Golf, and Tennis.
All information on Soccer (Fixtures, Results, and Reports).
All Results for Soccer, Golf, and Tennis.

If you want to include the asterisk (*) or question mark (?) in the topic string of a subscription, you must use the percent sign (%) as an escape character. For example, if you want to subscribe to a topic that is named ABC*D, you must enter the string ABC%*D.

If you want to use a % character in the topic string of a subscription, you must specify two percent signs (%%). A percent sign (%) in a topic string must always be followed by an asterisk (*), a question mark (?), or another percent sign (%).

Wildcards do not span streams.