The IBM WebSphere MQ resource adapter

The resource adapter allows applications running in an application server to access IBM® WebSphere® MQ resources. It supports inbound and outbound communication.

The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition ( Java EE) Connector Architecture (JCA) provides a standard way of connecting applications running in a Java EE environment to an Enterprise Information System (EIS) such as IBM WebSphere MQ or DB2®. The IBM WebSphere MQ resource adapter implements the JCA 1.5 interfaces and contains the IBM WebSphere MQ classes for JMS. It allows JMS applications and message driven beans (MDBs), running in an application server, to access the resources of a IBM WebSphere MQ queue manager. The resource adapter supports both the point-to-point domain and the publish/subscribe domain.

The IBM WebSphere MQ resource adapter supports two types of communication between an application and a queue manager:
Outbound communication
An application starts a connection to a queue manager, and then sends JMS messages to JMS destinations and receives JMS messages from JMS destinations in a synchronous manner.
Inbound communication
A JMS message arriving at a JMS destination is delivered to an MDB, which processes the message asynchronously.

For more information on the IBM WebSphere MQ classes for JMS, see Using WebSphere MQ classes for JMS.

The resource adapter also contains the IBM WebSphere MQ classes for Java. The classes are automatically available to applications running in an application server that the resource adapter has been deployed into, and allow applications running in that application server to use the IBM WebSphere MQ classes for Java API when accessing resources of a IBM WebSphere MQ queue manager. For more information about the IBM WebSphere MQ classes for Java, see Using WebSphere MQ classes for Java.

The use of the IBM WebSphere MQ classes for Java within a Java EE environment is supported with restrictions. For information about these restrictions, see Running IBM WebSphere MQ classes for Java applications within Java platform Enterprise Edition.