Troubleshooting problems

About this task

This section of the Help deals with problems that you might have when using IBM® WebSphere® MQ Explorer.

You can prevent many problems with your object definitions and messaging configurations by testing your object definitions for potential problems. For more information, see Testing your object definitions for problems.

If an error message is displayed while you are working in IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer, click More Details on the error message to display more information about the problem.

When you start the IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer using the runwithtrace command, additional parameters are incorporated that enable tracing of IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer. Note that the runwithtrace command takes no parameters itself.

The output location of the trace file is printed to the command line when the command runs, because the actual location:
  • Is dependent upon the status of the IBM WebSphere MQ installation
  • User permissions

The IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer trace file has a name of the format AMQYYYYMMDDHHmmssmmm.TRC.n. Each time IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer trace is run, the trace facility renames all previous trace files by incrementing the file suffix .n by one. The trace facility then creates a new file with the suffix .0 that is always the latest.

To trace IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer, complete the following steps.


  1. Close IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer.
  2. On Windows systems, use runwithtrace.cmd to run IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer with tracing activated.
    The runwithtrace command is in one of the following locations:
    • If you are running the IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer that was installed as part of a full IBM WebSphere MQ server installation, the runwithtrace command is in MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH\MQExplorer\Eclipse, where MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH is the IBM WebSphere MQ installation path.
    • If you installed the IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer from the MS0T SupportPac, the runwithtrace command is in the same directory as the MQExplorer command.
  3. On Linux® systems, use runwithtrace to run IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer with tracing activated.
    The runwithtrace command is in one of the following locations:
    • If you are running the IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer that was installed as part of a full IBM WebSphere MQ server installation, the runwithtrace command is in /opt/mqm/mqexplorer/eclipse, where opt/mqm is the IBM WebSphere MQ installation directory.
    • If you installed the IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer from the MS0T SupportPac, the runwithtrace command is in the same directory as the MQExplorer command.