Class MqttConnectOptions

  extended by

public class MqttConnectOptions
extends java.lang.Object

Stores options used when connecting to a server.

Field Summary
static boolean cleanSessionDefault
static int keepAliveIntervalDefault
static int keepConnectionTimeoutDefault
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new MqttConnectOptions object using the default values.
Method Summary
 int getConnectionTimeout()
          Returns the connection timeout value.
 int getKeepAliveInterval()
          Returns the "keep alive" interval.
 char[] getPassword()
          Returns the password to use for the connection. getSocketFactory()
          Returns the socket factory that will be used when connecting, or null if one has not been set.
 java.util.Properties getSSLProperties()
          Returns the SSL properties for the connection.
 java.lang.String getUserName()
          Returns the user name to use for the connection.
 MqttTopic getWillDestination()
          Returns the topic to be used for last will and testament (LWT).
 MqttMessage getWillMessage()
          Returns the message to be sent as last will and testament (LWT).
 boolean isCleanSession()
          Returns whether the server should remember state for the client across reconnects.
 void setCleanSession(boolean cleanSession)
          Sets whether the server should remember state for the client across reconnects.
 void setConnectionTimeout(int connectionTimeout)
          Sets the connection timeout value.
 void setKeepAliveInterval(int keepAliveInterval)
          Sets the "keep alive" interval.
 void setPassword(char[] password)
          Sets the password to use for the connection.
 void setSocketFactory( socketFactory)
          Sets the SocketFactory to use.
 void setSSLProperties(java.util.Properties props)
          Sets the SSL properties for the connection.
 void setUserName(java.lang.String userName)
          Sets the user name to use for the connection.
 void setWill(MqttTopic topic, byte[] payload, int qos, boolean retained)
          Sets the "Last Will and Testament" (LWT) for the connection.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int keepAliveIntervalDefault
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int keepConnectionTimeoutDefault
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final boolean cleanSessionDefault
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public MqttConnectOptions()
Constructs a new MqttConnectOptions object using the default values. The defaults are: More information about these values can be found in the setter methods.

Method Detail


public char[] getPassword()
Returns the password to use for the connection.

the password to use for the connection.


public void setPassword(char[] password)
Sets the password to use for the connection.


public java.lang.String getUserName()
Returns the user name to use for the connection.

the user name to use for the connection.


public void setUserName(java.lang.String userName)
Sets the user name to use for the connection.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the user name is blank or only contains whitespace characters.


public void setWill(MqttTopic topic,
                    byte[] payload,
                    int qos,
                    boolean retained)
Sets the "Last Will and Testament" (LWT) for the connection. In the event that this client unexpectedly loses its connection to the server, the server will publish a message to itself using the supplied details.

topic - the topic to publish to.
payload - the byte payload for the message.
qos - the quality of service to publish the message at (0, 1 or 2).
retained - whether or not the message should be retained.


public int getKeepAliveInterval()
Returns the "keep alive" interval.

the keep alive interval.
See Also:


public void setKeepAliveInterval(int keepAliveInterval)
Sets the "keep alive" interval. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time interval between messages sent or received. It enables the client to detect that if the server is no longer available, without having to wait for the long TCP/IP timeout. The client will ensure that at least one message travels across the network within each keep alive period. In the absence of a data-related message during the time period, the client sends a very small "ping" message, which the server will acknowledge.

The default value is 60 seconds

keepAliveInterval - the interval, measured in seconds.


public int getConnectionTimeout()
Returns the connection timeout value.

the connection timeout value.
See Also:


public void setConnectionTimeout(int connectionTimeout)
Sets the connection timeout value. This value, measured in seconds, defines the maximum time interval the client will wait for calls to connect, subscribe and unsubscribe to complete. The default timeout is 30 seconds.

connectionTimeout - the timeout value, measured in seconds.


public getSocketFactory()
Returns the socket factory that will be used when connecting, or null if one has not been set.


public void setSocketFactory( socketFactory)
Sets the SocketFactory to use. This allows an application to apply its own policies around the creation of network sockets. If using an SSL connection, an SSLSocketFactory can be used to supply application-specific security settings.

socketFactory - the factory to use.


public MqttTopic getWillDestination()
Returns the topic to be used for last will and testament (LWT).

the MqttTopic to use, or null if LWT is not set.
See Also:
setWill(MqttTopic, byte[], int, boolean)


public MqttMessage getWillMessage()
Returns the message to be sent as last will and testament (LWT). The returned object is "read only". Calling any "setter" methods on the returned object will result in an IllegalStateException being thrown.

the message to use, or null if LWT is not set.


public java.util.Properties getSSLProperties()
Returns the SSL properties for the connection.

the properties for the SSL connection


public void setSSLProperties(java.util.Properties props)
Sets the SSL properties for the connection. Note that these properties are only valid if an implementation of the Java Secure Socket Extensions (JSSE) is available. These properties are not used if a SocketFactory has been set using setSocketFactory(SocketFactory). The following properties can be used:
One of: SSL, SSLv3, TLS, TLSv1, SSL_TLS.
Underlying JSSE provider. For example "IBMJSSE2" or "SunJSSE"
The name of the file that contains the KeyStore object that you want the KeyManager to use. For example /mydir/etc/key.p12
The password for the KeyStore object that you want the KeyManager to use. The password can either be in plain-text, or may be obfuscated using the static method:[] password). This obfuscates the password using a simple and insecure XOR and Base64 encoding mechanism. Note that this is only a simple scrambler to obfuscate clear-text passwords.
Type of key store, for example "PKCS12", "JKS", or "JCEKS".
Key store provider, for example "IBMJCE" or "IBMJCEFIPS".
The name of the file that contains the KeyStore object that you want the TrustManager to use.
The password for the TrustStore object that you want the TrustManager to use. The password can either be in plain-text, or may be obfuscated using the static method:[] password). This obfuscates the password using a simple and insecure XOR and Base64 encoding mechanism. Note that this is only a simple scrambler to obfuscate clear-text passwords.
The type of KeyStore object that you want the default TrustManager to use. Same possible values as "keyStoreType".
Trust store provider, for example "IBMJCE" or "IBMJCEFIPS".
A list of which ciphers are enabled. Values are dependent on the provider, for example: SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA;SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA.
Sets the algorithm that will be used to instantiate a KeyManagerFactory object instead of using the default algorithm available in the platform. Example values: "IbmX509" or "IBMJ9X509".
Sets the algorithm that will be used to instantiate a TrustManagerFactory object instead of using the default algorithm available in the platform. Example values: "PKIX" or "IBMJ9X509".


public boolean isCleanSession()
Returns whether the server should remember state for the client across reconnects.

the clean session flag


public void setCleanSession(boolean cleanSession)
Sets whether the server should remember state for the client across reconnects. This includes subscriptions and the state of any in-flight messages.