What is new in this release

Learn about the new IBM® HTTP Server features that are available in the most recent release.

[ or later][Windows]

Dependencies for IBM HTTP server on the Windows operating system

Beginning in fix pack, the appropriate Visual C++ Redistributable Packages are installed automatically. For more information, see Dependencies required by IBM HTTP Server on Windows.

[ or later][Windows]

64-bit runtime on the Windows operating system

Beginning in fix pack, a first-time installation of IBM HTTP Server on the Windows operating system is a 64-bit runtime. For more information, see Installing IBM HTTP Server on distributed systems with Installation Manager.

The 64-bit runtime depends on the Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Packages. For more information, see Dependencies required by IBM HTTP Server on Windows.

[ or later]

Support for the TLSv1.3 protocol

As of the release, IBM HTTP Server supports the TSLv1.3 protocol. For more information, see SSL Directives.

Install IBM HTTP Server from an archive install

For fix pack and later, you can install IBM HTTP Server from an archive install without the IBM Installation Manager. See Installing and configuring IBM HTTP Server from an archive for more information.


Learn to migrate an IBM® HTTP Server, Version 7 or 8 server, to IBM HTTP Server 9.0. For more information, see Migrating IBM HTTP Server configuration files from a previous release.

Apache HTTP Server modules

  • mod_proxy_fcgi
  • mod_substitute
  • mod_lua
  • mod_authn_certificate
  • mod_remoteip
  • mod_macro

Enhancements to existing modules

  • mod_ibm_ssl added support for certificate selection, based on TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) extensions.
  • A new configuration option, <if>, allows complex conditions to enclose Apache directives.
  • A number of directives now support a robust expression language.
  • You can now group authorization directives Require in <RequireAny>, or <RequireAll>.
  • The event MPM is available on Linux®.
  • The ProxyRemote directive now works with SSLProxyEngine.
  • The bundled PCRE is updated.

Logging changes

  • You can specify the LogLevel directive per-directory, per-module, and per-request.
  • Log levels TRACE1 through TRACE8 were added.
  • Many Apache HTTP Server messages now include an AHnnnnn identifier.
  • The error log format is user configurable. For more information, see the ErrorLogFormat directives.
  • Higher precision time stamps are available in the error log.

Default changes

  • RC4 is disabled by default.
  • The default configuration reduced the mod_mpmstats ReportInterval directive from 600 to 300.
  • [z/OS]mod_mpmstats now displays the number of keepalive requests, even though they do not occupy a thread. In prior releases, mpmstats would always show a value of zero.
  • [z/OS]TLS1.1, TLS1.2, and ECC ciphers are enabled by default if ICSF is configured at startup.
  • [z/OS]mod_deflate.so uses offload by default and mod_deflate_z.so is no longer provided.

Modules that were removed

  • The mod_mem_cache module is provided for transition purposes only and were removed.
  • mod_ibm_ldap
  • WebSphereCE modules, mod_proxy_balancer and mod_proxy_ajp
  • 32-bit builds were removed for AIX®, Linux on ia32, Linux on PPC, Linux on S390, Solaris on SPARC.