Upgrading to version 4.3.4 of i2 Analyze

To upgrade a deployment of i2 Analyze, you must first install the latest version of the deployment toolkit. After you install the latest version, you can upgrade your deployment.

Before you begin

Before you upgrade your production deployment, use a pre-production or test environment to verify that you can complete the upgrade process successfully and that you are familiar with the procedure. After you test the upgrade process for your deployment, complete the upgrade in your production environment. If you do not have a pre-production or test environment, you can create one. For more information, see Creating a production deployment.
  • If you are upgrading a deployment of i2 Analyze 4.3.0 or earlier that uses SQL Server for the Information Store database, you must install a later version of the ODBC Driver for SQL Server and sqlcmd utility. For more information, see Software prerequisites .
  • Ensure that you back up your deployment before you complete an upgrade. For more information about backing up your deployment, see Backing up a deployment.

About this task

Depending on the scale and complexity of your data, changes of this nature can take time. You might want to plan your upgrade to take place in a period where there is usually no activity, and back up your system before proceeding.


To upgrade the deployment toolkit to version 4.3.4:

  1. Stop i2 Analyze:
  2. On each server where the deployment toolkit is installed, make a backup of the i2 Analyze directory. For example, IBM\i2analyze.
  3. Install the i2 Analyze deployment toolkit over your existing deployment toolkit on each server where it is installed.
    1. Remove the toolkit, license, and swidtag directories from your existing installations.
    2. Install i2 Analyze version 4.3.4. For more information, see Installing i2 Analyze.
      For deployments that use IBM Db2 as the database for the Information Store, or Chart Store, you must apply IBM i2 Analyze 4.3.4 Fix Pack 1 before upgrading your deployment. Fix packs are available for IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook Premium 9.2.4, IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook Premium 9.3.0, IBM i2 Connect 1.1.0, and IBM i2 Enterprise Insight Analysis 2.4.0.
  4. For each deployment toolkit in your deployment, copy the configuration directory that you backed up in step 2 to the i2analyze\toolkit directory of the upgraded deployment toolkit that you installed in step 3.
  5. If it is not already present, create and populate the credentials.properties file. This file must be stored in the following location: toolkit\configuration\environment in each deployment toolkit.
    For more information about the file, see The credentials.properties file.
  6. If you are upgrading a deployment of i2 Analyze 4.3.3 or earlier that uses SQL Server for the Information Store database, update the JDBC driver in your deployment configuration to the Java 11 version.
    1. Update the JDBC driver
      For more information about which driver to install, see Specifying the JDBC driver.

After you upgrade the deployment toolkit, you can use it to upgrade the deployment to version 4.3.4:

  1. Upgrade and start i2 Analyze:
  2. If you are using the IBM HTTP Server, restart it.

What to do next

If your deployment includes the ETL toolkit, you must upgrade the ETL toolkit to version 4.3.4 after you upgrade the rest of the deployment. For more information, see Upgrading the ETL toolkit.

After you upgrade, you might need to update the configuration of your deployment for any new or modified configuration settings. For more information about new and modified configuration settings, see Configuration and database changes.

When you start the server after you upgrade, extra processing of the data in the Information Store is completed after the upgrade. During this processing, you might not be able to ingest, update, and delete data in the Information Store. For more information, see Information Store processing after you upgrade i2 Analyze.