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The ADD_TRACKED_JOB_QUEUE procedure registers a job queue to be tracked by adding it to the tracked job queue list.

For a subsystem to track jobs, there must be at least one tracked job queue registered to the Submitted Job Tracker when that subsystem starts.

For more information about the Submitted Job Tracker, see Submitted Job Tracker.

Authorization: The caller must have *JOBCTL special authority.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram ADD_TRACKED_JOB_QUEUE ( IASP_NAME =>  iasp-name ,JOB_QUEUE_LIBRARY =>  job-queue-library ,JOB_QUEUE =>  job-queue ,JOB_RETENTION_PERIOD => job-retention-period,TRACKING_FILE_IASP => tracking-file-iasp )

The schema is QSYS2.

A character string that contains the name of the ASP where job-queue-library is located. The ASP does not need to exist. Can contain the following special value:
The job queue library is located in the system ASP (ASP 1) or any basic user ASPs (ASPs 2-32).
A character string that contains the name of the library containing job-queue. The library does not need to exist.
A character string that contains the name of the job queue to be tracked. A job queue can be registered even if it does not exist.
Job queues in libraries QSYS and QGPL that begin with Q are considered IBM-supplied objects and are not eligible to be added.
An integer value that specifies the number of minutes job tracking information will be retained in the tracking file after the job has ended. The default is 0, which indicates that the job tracking information is immediately eligible for removal when the job ends.
Once this time period has elapsed, the job tracking information becomes eligible to be removed from the job tracking file.
A character string that contains the name of the IASP where the job tracking file for job-queue is to be created. If a value is provided for this parameter, iasp-name must have a value of *SYSBAS.
If this parameter is omitted, the job tracking file will be created on the ASP where job-queue-library is located.


  • Add job queue APPLIB/APPJOBQ to the list of tracked job queues.
                                     JOB_QUEUE_LIBRARY => 'APPLIB',
                                     JOB_QUEUE         => 'APPJOBQ'); 
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