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What's new for V7R5

Start of changeRead about new or significantly changed information for the E-mail topic collection in V7R5. End of change

The following SMTP features are supported under *SMTP and *SMTPMSF


    KEEPUNTIL parameter in CL command CHGSMTPA was split so that it can specify different keep-until duration for emails in different states (Successful final state and Unsuccessful final state).


    New parameters FORWARDING and ORIGINATOR were added to CL command ADDUSRSMTP.

    If FORWARDING parameter was specified for current local SMTP user, then mail going to the current local SMTP user will be automatically forwarded to the new address as specified.

    If ORIGINATOR parameter was specified for current local SMTP user, then "From:" field in MIME file sent by current local SMTP user will be displayed as specified. If the current user profile differs from the ORIGINATOR, then the "Sender:" field in MIME file will be displayed as the current user profile.


    New parameters FORWARDING and ORIGINATOR were added to CL command CHGUSRSMTP.

    If FORWARDING parameter was specified for current local SMTP user, then mail going to the current local SMTP user will be automatically forwarded to the new address as specified.

    If ORIGINATOR parameter was specified for current local SMTP user, then "From:" field in MIME file sent by current local SMTP user will be displayed as specified. If the current user profile differs from the ORIGINATOR, then the "Sender:" field in MIME file will be displayed as the current user profile.


Detailed change can be found in CL command CHGSMTPA, ADDUSRSMTP and CHGUSRSMTP.


    New CL command was supported through PTF SI80810.

    The Add Remote Login Entry (ADDSMTPRLE) command allows you to add new remote logon to a user profile for a single domain in the local SMTP mailbox directory.


    New CL command was supported through PTF SI80810.

    The Change Remote Login (CHGSMTPRLE) command allows you change a remote logon associated with a user profile for a single domain in the local SMTP mailbox directory.


    New CL command was supported through PTF SI80810.

    The Remove Remote Login Entry (RMVSMTPRLE) command allows you remove a remote logon associated with a user profile for a single domain in the local SMTP mailbox directory.


Detailed information can be found in CL command ADDSMTPRLE, CHGSMTPRLE and RMVSMTPRLE.

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