CL command abbreviations

This table lists all abbreviations that are used in CL command names, including command verb abbreviations.

Command abbreviation Meaning
A (suffix) attributes
ABN abnormal
ACC access code
ACCGRP access group
ACG accounting
ACN action
ACP accepted
ACNE action entry
ACT active, activity, activation
ADD add
ADM administration, administrative
ADP adopt, adopting
ADPI adapter information
ADPP adapter profile
ADPT adapter
ADR address
AFP advanced function printing
AGR agreement
AGT agent
AJE autostart job entry
ALC allocate
ALR alert
ALRD alert description
ALRTBL alert table
ALS alias
ANS answer
ANZ analyze
AP access path
APAR authorized program analysis report
APF advanced printer function
APP application
APPC advanced program-to-program communications
APPN advanced peer-to-peer networking
APY apply
ARA area
ARC archive
ASC asynchronous
ASK ask
ASN association
ASP auxiliary storage pool
AST assistance
ATM asynchronous transfer mode
ATN attention
ATR attribute
AUD audit, auditing
AUT authority
AUTE authentication entry
AUTL authorization list
BACK back
BAL balance, balancing
BAS BASIC language
BCD barcode
BCH batch
BCK backup
BCKUP backup
BGU business graphics utility
BKP breakpoint
BKU backup
BND binding, bound
BP boot protocol
BRM BRMS (backup recovery and media services)
BSC binary synchronous
BSCF bsc file
BUF buffer
C C language
CAD cluster administrative domain
CAL calendar
CALL call
CAP capture
CBL COBOL language
CCF credentials cache file
CCS change control server
CDE code, coded
CDS coded data store
CFG configuration, configure
CFGL configuration list
CFGLE configuration list entry
CGY category
CHG change
CHK check
CHT chart
CICS® customer information control system
CKM cryptographic key management
CL control language
CLD C locale description
CLG catalog
CLNUP cleanup
CLO close
CLR clear
CLS class
CLT client
CLU cluster
CMD command
CMN communications
CMNE communications entry
CMNF communications file
CMP compare
CMT commitment
CNL cancel
CNN connection
CNNL connection list
CNNLE connection list entry
CNR container
CNT contact
CNV conversation
CODE cooperative development environment
COL collection
COM community
COSD class-of-service description
CP check pending
CPH cipher
CPIC common programming interface for communications
CPP C++ language
CPR compress
CPT component
CPY copy
CPYSCN copy screen
CRG cluster resource group
CRL crawler
CRP cryptographic
CRQ change request
CRSDMN cross-domain
CRT create
CSI communications side information
CSL console
CST constraint, customization
CTG cartridge
CTL control
CTLD controller description
CUR current
CVG coverage
CVN conversion
CVT convert
D (suffix) description
DAT date
DB database
DBF database file
DBG debug
DCL declare
DCP decompress
DCT dictionary
DDI distributed data interface
DDM distributed data management
DDMF distributed data management file
DEP dependent
DEV device
DEVD device description
DFN definition
DFR defer, deferred
DFT default
DFU data file utility
DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol
DIG domain information groper
DIR directory
DIRE directory entry
DIRSHD directory shadow
DKT diskette
DKTF diskette file
DL DataLink, data library
DLC deallocate
DLF DataLink file
DLFM DataLink file manager
DLO document library object
DLT delete
DLY delay
DMN domain
DMP dump
DNS domain name service, Domain Name System
DO do
DOC document
DOM Domino®
DPR DataPropagator Relational
DSC disconnect
DSK disk
DSP display
DSPF display file
DST distribution
DSTL distribution list
DSTLE distribution list entry
DSTQ distribution queue
DSTSRV distribution services
DTA data
DTAARA data area
DTAQ data queue
DUP duplicate
DW Disk Watcher
DWN down
E (suffix) entry
EDT edit
EDTD edit description
EDU education
EJT eject
EML emulate, emulation
ENC encipher
END end
ENR enrollment
ENV environment
ENVVAR environment variable
EPM extended program model
ERR error
ETH ethernet
EWC extended wireless controller
EWL extended wireless line
EXIT exit
EXP expiration, expired, export
EXT extract
F (suffix) file
FAX facsimile
FCN function
FCT forms control table
FCTE forms control table entry
FD file description
FFD file field description
FIL file
FILL fill
FLR folder
FLT filter
FMT format
FMW firmware
FNC finance
FND find
FNT font
FNTRSC font resource
FNTTBL font table
FORM form
FORMD form description
FORMDF form definition
FR frame relay
FRM from
FRW firewall
FTP file transfer protocol
FTR filter
GDF graphics data format
GEN generate
GO go to
GPH graphics
GPHPKG graph package
GRP group
GRT grant
GSS graphic symbol set
HDB host database
HDW hardware
HDWRSC hardware resources
HLD hold, held
HLL high level language
HLP help
HLR holder
HOST host
HST history, historical
HT host table
HTE host table entry
HTTP hypertext transfer protocol
I (suffix) information, item, ILE
ICF intersystem communications function
ICFF icf file
IDD interactive data definition utility
IDLC ISDN data link control
IDX index
IDXE index entry
IFC interface
IGN ignored
IMG image
IMP import
INF information
INP input
INS install
INST instance
INT internal, integrated
INTR intrasystem
INZ initialize
IPL initial program load
IPS internet protocol over SNA
ISDB interactive source debugger
ISDN integrated services digital network
ITF interactive terminal facility
ITG integrity
ITM item
IWS intelligent workstation
JOB job
JOBD job description
JOBE job entry
JOBQ job queue
JOBQE job queue entry
JRN journal
JRNRCV journal receiver
JS job scheduler
JVA Java™
JVM Java virtual machine
JW Job Watcher
KBD keyboard
KEY key
KRB Kerberos
KSF keystore file
KTE key tab entry
KVV key verification value
L (suffix) list
LAN local area network
LANG language
LBL label
LCK lock
LCL local
LCLA local attributes
LDIF LDAP data interchange format
LF logical file
LFM logical file member
LIB library
LIBL library list
LIBM library member
LIC license, licensed
LIN line
LIND line description
LNK link
LNX Linux®
LOC location
LOCALE locale
LOD load
LOF logical optical file
LOG log
LOGE log entries
LPD line printer daemon
LPDA link problem determination aid
LPR line printer requester
LWS local workstation
M (suffix) member
MAC message authentication code
MAIL mail
MAP map
MAX maximum
MBR member
MDL model
MED media
MEDDFN media definition
MEDI media information
MEM memory
MFS mounted file system
MGD managed
MGR migrate, migration, manager
MGTCOL management collection
MLB media library
MLM media library media
MNT minutes, maintenance
MNU menu
MOD mode, module
MODD mode description
MON monitor
MOV move
MRE monitored resource entry
MRG merge
MSF mail server framework
MSG message
MSGD message description
MSGF message file
MSGQ message queue
MST master
M36 AS/400 Advanced 36 machine
M36CFG AS/400 Advanced 36 machine configuration
NAM name
NCK nickname
NET network
NETF network file
NFS network file system
NODGRP node group
NODL node list
NTB netbios
NTS Notes®
NWI network interface
NWS network server
NWSAPP network server application
NWSCFG network server configuration
NWSD network server description
NWSH network server host adapter
OBJ object
OCL operation control language
OF optical file
OFC office
OFF off
OMC object management cycle
OND OnDemand
OPC OptiConnect
OPN open
OPT optical, options
ORD order
OSPF open shortest path first
OUT out, outgoing, output
OUTQ output queue
OUTQD output queue description
OVL overlay
OVLU overlay utility
OVR override
OWN owner
PAG page, paginate
PAGDFN page definition
PAGS page segment
PAGSEG page segment
PARM parameter
PART part
PASTHR pass through
PC personal computer
PCD personal computer document
PCL protocol
PCO personal computer organizer
PCY policy
PDF portable document format
PDG print descriptor group
PDM programming development manager
PEX performance explorer
PF physical file
PFD printout format definition
PFM physical file member
PFR performance
PFRG performance graphics
PFRT performance tools
PFU print format utility
PFX prefix
PGM program
PGP primary group
PGR pager
PHS phase
PIN personal identification number
PJ prestart job
PJE prestart job entry
PKG package
PLI PL/I (programming language one)
PMN permission
PMT prompt
PNLGRP panel group
POF physical optical file
POL pool
POP post office protocol
PORT port
POS position
PPP point-to-point protocol
PRB problem
PRC procedure, processing
PRD product
PRF profile
PRFL profile list
PRI primary
PRJ project
PRM promote
PRP preparation
PRS personal
PRT print
PRTF printer file
PRTQ print queue
PRX proxy
PSFCFG print services facility configuration
PTC portable transaction computer
PTF program temporary fix
PTP point-to-point
PTR pointer
PVD provider
PVT private
PWD password
PWR power
PYM payment
QM query management
QRY query
QRYF query file
QSH Qshell interpreter
QST question
RBD rebuild
RCD record
RCL reclaim
RCV receive
RCY recovery
RDAR report/data archive and retrieval
RDB relational database
RDR reader
REF reference
REG registration
REX REXX (restructured extended executor language)
RGP ranking group
RGPE ranking group entry
RGZ reorganize
RIP routing information protocol
RJE remote job entry
RLS release
RLU report layout utility
RMC report management cycle
RMT remote
RMV remove
RNDC remote name daemon control
RNG range
RNM rename
ROLL roll
RPC remote procedure call
RPDS VM/MVS bridge (formerly Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS)/PROFS distribution services)
RPG report program generator
RPL replace
RPT report
RPY reply
RPYL reply list
RQS request
RRT reroute
RSC resource
RSE Remote Systems Explorer
RSI remote system information
RSM resume
RST restore
RTE route entry
RTGE routing entry
RTL retail
RTLF retail file
RTN return
RTV retrieve
RUN run
RVK revoke
RWS remote workstation
RXC REXEC (remote execution)
SAV save
SAVF save file
SAVRST save and restore
SBM submit, submitted
SBS subsystem
SBSD subsystem description
SCD schedule
SCDE schedule entry
SCHIDX search index
SCHIDXE search index entry
SCN screen
SDA screen design aid
SDLC synchronous data link control
SEC security
SET set
SEU source entry utility
SFW software
SHD shadow, shadowing
SHRPOOL shared pool
SIGN sign
SIT situation
SLT select, selection
SLTE selection entry
SMG system manager
SMW system manager workstation
SMTP simple mail transfer protocol
SNA systems network architecture
SND send
SNMP simple network management protocol
SNPT SNA pass through
SNUF SNA upline facility
SOC sphere of control
SPADCT spelling aid dictionary
SPL spooling
SPLF spooled file
SPT support
SPTN support network
SQL structured query language
SRC source
SRCF source file
SRV service
SRVPGM service program
SSN session
SSND session description
SST system service tools
STC statistics
STG storage
STGL storage link
STM stream, statement
STR start
STS status
SUBR subroutine
SVR server
SWA save while active
SWL stop word list
SYNC synchronization
SYS system
SYSCTL system control
SYSDIR system directory
SYSVAL system value
S34 System/34
S36 System/36
S38 System/38
TAP tape
TAPF tape file
TBL table
TBLE table entry
TCP TCP/IP (transmission control protocol/internet protocol)
TDLC twinaxial data link control
TELN telnet
TFR transfer
TFTP trivial file transfer protocol
THD thread
THLD threshold
TIE technical information exchange
TIEF technical information exchange file
TIMZON time zone
TKT ticket
TNS transaction
TO to
TOS type of service
TPL template
TRC trace
TRG trigger
TRN token-ring network
TRP trap
TXT text
TYPE type
T1 transport class 1
UDFS user-defined file system
UPD update
UPG upgrade
USG usage
USR user
USRIDX user index
USRPRF user profile
USRPRTI user print information
USRQ user queue
USRSPC user space
VAL value
VAR variable
VFY verify
VLDL validation list
VOL volume
VRY vary
VT VT100 or VT220
VWS virtual workstation
WAIT wait
WCH watch
WLS wireless
WNT Windows NT
WP word processing
WRK work with
WSE workstation entry
WSG workstation gateway
WSO workstation object
WTR writer
XREF cross-reference
X25 X.25
ZNE zone