Materialize Resource Management Data (MATRMD)

Instruction Syntax

Op Code (Hex) Operand 1 Operand 2
0352 Receiver Control data
Operand 1: Space pointer.

Operand 2: Character(8) scalar.

Bound Program Access
Built-in number for MATRMD is 69.
        receiver       : address
        control_data   : address


The following information is subject to change from release to release. Use it with caution and be prepared to adjust for changes with each new release.


The data items requested by operand 2 are materialized into the receiving object specified by operand 1. Note: Some templates contain input fields in the receiving object that must be filled in prior to the call to MATRMD. Refer to the template description for the option you are specifying to see if any fields are input fields. Operand 2 is an 8-byte character scalar. The first byte identifies the generic type of information being materialized, and the remaining 7 bytes further qualify the information desired. Unless otherwise stated, the data items requested for operand 2 are for the current partition.

Operand 1 contains the materialization and has the following format:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
0 0 Materialization size specification Char(8)
0 0
  • Number of bytes provided for materialization
  • Bin(4)
4 4
  • Number of bytes available for materialization
  • Bin(4)
8 8 Time of day Char(8)
16 10 Resource management data Char(*)
--- End ---

The remainder of the materialization depends on operand 2 and on the machine implementation. The following values are allowed for operand 2:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Selection option
Hex 01 =
Materialize original processor utilization data (option hex 26 is preferred) (See "Original Processor Utilization (Hex 01)")
Hex 03 =
Materialize storage management counters (See "Storage Management Counters (Hex 03)")
Hex 04 =
Materialize storage transient pool information (See "Storage Transient Pool Information (Hex 04)")
Hex 08 =
Materialize machine address threshold data (See "Machine Address Threshold Data (Hex 08)")
Hex 09 =
Materialize main storage pool information (See "Main Storage Pool Information (Hex 09):")
Hex 0A =
Materialize multiprogramming level (MPL) control information with 2-byte counts (option hex 16 is preferred) (See "MPL Control Data with 2-byte counts (Hex 0A)")
Hex 0C =
Materialize machine reserved storage pool information (See "Machine Reserved Storage Pool Information (Hex 0C)")
Hex 11 =
(Ignored) (See "User storage area 1 - OBSOLETE (Hex 11)")
Hex 12 =
Materialize auxiliary storage information for on-line ASPs. (See "Auxiliary Storage Information (Hex 12)")
Hex 13 =
Materialize original multiprocessor utilizations (option hex 28 is preferred) (See "Original Multiprocessor utilizations (Hex 13)")
Hex 14 =
Materialize storage pool tuning (See "Storage pool tuning (Hex 14)")
Hex 15 =
Materialize delay cost scheduling information (See "Delay cost scheduling information (Hex 15)")
Hex 16 =
Materialize MPL control information (4-byte counts) (See "MPL Control Data (Hex 16)")
Hex 17 =
Materialize allocation and de-allocation counts per task and thread (See "Allocation and De-allocation counts per task and thread (Hex 17)")
Hex 18 =
Materialize processor multi-tasking mode (See "Processor Multi-tasking mode (Hex 18)")
Hex 19 =
Materialize dynamic priority adjustment mode (See "Dynamic priority adjustment mode (Hex 19)")
Hex 1A =
Materialize disk collection/balancing status (See "Disk collection / balancing status (Hex 1A)")
Hex 1B =
Materialize mapping of partition processors (See "Materialize mapping of partition processors (Hex 1B)")
Hex 1C =
Materialize DASD management status (See "DASD Management Status (Hex 1C)")
Hex 1D =
Materialize disk information (See "DASD Management Disk Information (Hex 1D)")
Hex 1E =
Materialize interactive utilization data (See "Interactive Utilization Data (Hex 1E)")
Hex 1F =
Materialize auxiliary storage pool information (short format) (See "Auxiliary Storage Pool Information (Short format) (Hex 1F)")
Hex 20 =
Materialize auxiliary storage information including varied-off independent ASPs (See "Auxiliary Storage Information including offline Independent ASPs (Hex 20)")
Hex 22 =
Materialize auxiliary storage pool information including varied-off independent ASPs (See "Auxiliary Storage Pool Information including offline Independent ASPs (Hex 22)")
Hex 23 =
Materialize ASP group information (See "Auxiliary Storage Pool Group Information (Hex 23)")
Hex 24 =
Materialize dynamic thread resources affinity adjustment (See "Dynamic Thread Resources Affinity Adjustment (Hex 24)")
Hex 25 =
Materialize ASP space information (See "Auxiliary Storage Pool Space Information (Hex 25)")
Hex 26 =
Materialize processor utilization data (See "Processor Utilization Data (Hex 26)")
Hex 27 =
Materialize shared processor pool information (See "Shared Processor Pools Utilization Information (Hex 27)")
Hex 28 =
Materialize multiprocessor utilizations (See "Multiprocessor utilizations (Hex 28)")
Hex 29 =
Materialize machine resource portions (See "Materialize machine resource portions (Hex 29)")
Hex 2A =
Materialize interrupt polling control (See "Materialize interrupt polling control (Hex 2A)")
Hex 2C =
Materialize system time quantum (See "System time quantum (Hex 2C)")
Hex 2D =
Materialize main storage pool information (See "Main Storage Pool Information (Hex 2D)")
Hex 2F =
Materialize resource affinity selection override (See "Resource affinity selection override (Hex 2F)")
Hex 30 =
Materialize resource information by name (See "Resource Information by Name (Hex 30)")
Hex 35 =
Materialize processor folding status (See "Processor folding status (Hex 35)")
Hex 36 =
Materialize SMT mode switch status (See "SMT mode switch status (Hex 36)")
Hex 39 =
Materialize disk attributes (See "Materialize Disk Attributes (Hex 39)")
Hex 3A =
Materialize geographic mirroring information (See "Geographic Mirroring Information (Hex 3A)")
Hex 3B =
Materialize IOA cache battery information (See "Materialize IOA Cache Battery information (Hex 3B)")
Hex 3F =
Materialize mainstream SSD disk unit endurance attributes (See "Materialize mainstream SSD disk unit endurance attributes (Hex 3F)")
Hex 40 =
Materialize NVMe device health attributes (See "Materialize NVMe device health attributes (Hex 40)")

The remainder of operand 2 is defined as follows for all selection options except for those indicated below.

Reserved (binary 0)

The remainder of operand 2 has the following format for selection option hex 28.

Format option
Hex 00 =
Return the information in table entry format.
Hex 01 =
Return the information in extended table entry format.

2 2 Reserved (binary 0) Char(6)
--- End ---

The following defines the formats and values associated with each of the above materializations of resource management data.

Original Processor Utilization (Hex 01)

Note: Option hex 26 is the preferred method of materializing processor utilization data.
Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Processor time since IPL (initial program load) Char(8)
24 18 Secondary workload processor time since IPL Char(8)
32 20 Database processor time since IPL Char(8)
40 28 Database threshold UBin(2)
42 2A Database limit UBin(2)
44 2C Reserved (binary 0) UBin(4)
48 30 Interactive processor time since IPL Char(8)
56 38 Interactive threshold UBin(2)
58 3A Interactive limit UBin(2)
60 3C Reserved (binary 0) UBin(4)
--- End ---

Processor time since IPL is the total amount of processor time used, both by threads and internal machine functions, since IPL. The significance of bits within the field is the same as that defined for the time-of-day clock. On a machine with more than one active virtual processor, the value returned will be the average of the processor time used since IPL by all virtual processors.

Note: For the definition of virtual processor, see MATMATR option hex 01E0.

Secondary workload processor time since IPL is the total processor time, used for workloads that can not fully exploit dedicated server resources, since IPL. If a system is not a dedicated server, a value of hex 0000000000000000 is returned. The significance of bits within this field is the same as that defined for the time-of-day clock. On a machine with more than one active virtual processor, the value returned will be the average of the processor time used since IPL by all virtual processors.

Database processor time since IPL is the total processor time, used performing database processing, since IPL. If the system does not support this metric, a value of hex 0000000000000000 is returned. If the system does support this and needs to return a value of 0, a value of hex 0000000000001000 is returned. For all other cases, the significance of bits within this field is the same as that defined for the time-of-day clock. On a machine with more than one active virtual processor, the value returned will be the average of the processor time used since IPL by all virtual processors.

Database threshold is the highest level of database processor utilization which can be sustained without causing a disproportionate increase in system overhead. The value returned is the fraction of processor capacity, expressed in tenths of a percent. For example, a value of 237 means that the threshold is 23.7%. On a machine with no limit on database utilization, the value returned will be 1000 (100%).

Database limit is the maximum sustainable level of database processor utilization. The value returned is the fraction of processor capacity, expressed in tenths of a percent. For example, a value of 275 means that the limit is 27.5%. On a machine with no limit on database utilization, the value returned will be 1000 (100%).

Interactive processor time since IPL is the total processor time, used by interactive processes, since IPL. If the system does not support this metric, a value of hex 0000000000000000 is returned. If the system does support this and needs to return a value of 0, a value of hex 0000000000001000 is returned. For all other cases, the significance of bits within this field is the same as that defined for the time-of-day clock. On a machine with more than one active virtual processor, the value returned will be the average of the processor time used since IPL by all virtual processors. An interactive process is any process doing 5250 display device I/O. For additional information on interactive processes, see manual SC41-0607 iSeries Performance Capabilities Reference manual which is available in the Information Center.

Interactive threshold is the highest level of interactive processor utilization which can be sustained without causing a disproportionate increase in system overhead. The value returned is the fraction of processor capacity, expressed in tenths of a percent. For example, a value of 237 means that the threshold is 23.7%. On a machine with no limit on interactive utilization, the value returned will be 1000 (100%).

Interactive limit is the maximum sustainable level of interactive processor utilization. The machine determines the interactive limit based on the interactive feature. The value returned is the fraction of processor capacity, expressed in tenths of a percent. For example, a value of 275 means that the limit is 27.5%. On a machine with no limit on interactive utilization, the value returned will be 1000 (100%).

In a partition sharing physical processors, processor time since IPL, secondary workload processor time since IPL, database processor time since IPL, and interactive processor time since IPL are scaled appropriately so that the CPU utilization calculations can be done as if the partition was using dedicated processors.

Storage Management Counters (Hex 03)

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Access pending Bin(2)
18 12 Storage pool delays Bin(2)
20 14 Directory look-up operations Bin(4)
24 18 Directory page faults Bin(4)
28 1C Access group member page faults Bin(4)
32 20 Microcode page faults Bin(4)
36 24 Microtask read operations Bin(4)
40 28 Microtask write operations Bin(4)
44 2C Reserved Bin(4)
--- End ---

Access pending is a count of the number of times that a paging request must wait for the completion of a different request for the same page.

Storage pool delays is a count of the number of times that threads have been momentarily delayed by the unavailability of a main storage frame in the proper pool.

Directory look-up operations is a count of the number of times that auxiliary storage directories were interrogated, exclusive of storage allocation or de-allocation.

Directory page faults is a count of the number of times that a page of the auxiliary storage directory was transferred to main storage, to perform either a look-up or an allocation operation.

Access group member page faults is a count of the number of times that a page of an object contained in an access group was transferred to main storage.

Microcode page faults is a count of the number of times a page of LIC was transferred to main storage.

Microtask read operations is a count of the number of transfers of one or more pages of data from auxiliary main storage on behalf of a task rather than a thread.

Microtask write operations is a count of the number of transfers of one or more pages of data from main storage to auxiliary storage on behalf of a task, rather than a thread.

Storage Transient Pool Information (Hex 04)

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Storage pool to be used for the transient pool Bin(2)
--- End ---

The pool number materialized is the number of the main storage pool, which is being used as the transient storage pool. A value of 0 indicates that the transient pool attribute is being ignored.

Machine Address Threshold Data (Hex 08)

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Total permanent addresses possible Char(8)
24 18 Total temporary addresses possible Char(8)
32 20 Permanent addresses remaining Char(8)
40 28 Temporary addresses remaining Char(8)
48 30 Permanent addresses remaining threshold Char(8)
56 38 Temporary addresses remaining threshold Char(8)
64 40 Total permanent 4GB addresses possible Char(8)
72 48 Total permanent 256MB addresses possible Char(8)
80 50 Total temporary 4GB addresses possible Char(8)
88 58 Total temporary 256MB addresses possible Char(8)
96 60 Permanent 4GB addresses remaining Char(8)
104 68 Permanent 256MB addresses remaining Char(8)
112 70 Temporary 4GB addresses remaining Char(8)
120 78 Temporary 256MB addresses remaining Char(8)
128 80 Permanent 4GB addresses remaining threshold Char(8)
136 88 Permanent 256MB addresses remaining threshold Char(8)
144 90 Temporary 4GB addresses remaining threshold Char(8)
152 98 Temporary 256MB addresses remaining threshold Char(8)
--- End ---

Total permanent addresses possible is the maximum number of permanent addresses for the machine.

Total temporary addresses possible is the maximum number of temporary addresses for the machine.

Permanent addresses remaining is the number of permanent addresses that can still be created.

Temporary addresses remaining is the number of temporary addresses that can still be created.

Permanent addresses remaining threshold is a number that, when it exceeds the number of permanent addresses remaining, causes an event to be signaled.

Temporary addresses remaining threshold is a number that, when it exceeds the number of temporary addresses remaining, causes an event to be signaled.

Total permanent 4GB addresses possible is the maximum number of permanent 4GB addresses for the machine.

Total permanent 256MB addresses possible is the maximum number of permanent 256MB addresses for the machine.

Total temporary 4GB addresses possible is the maximum number of temporary 4GB addresses for the machine.

Total temporary 256MB addresses possible is the maximum number of temporary 256MB addresses for the machine.

Permanent 4GB addresses remaining is the number of permanent 4GB addresses that can still be created.

Permanent 256MB addresses remaining is the number of permanent 256MB addresses that can still be created.

Temporary 4GB addresses remaining is the number of temporary 4GB addresses that can still be created.

Temporary 256MB addresses remaining is the number of temporary 256MB addresses that can still be created.

Permanent 4GB addresses remaining threshold is a number that, when it exceeds the number of permanent 4GB addresses remaining, causes an event to be signaled if the suppress 4GB permanent address usage event flag is set to no.

Permanent 256MB addresses remaining threshold is a number that, when it exceeds the number of permanent 256MB addresses remaining, causes an event to be signaled if the suppress 256 MG permanent address usage event flag is set to no.

Temporary 4GB addresses remaining threshold is a number that, when it exceeds the number of temporary 4GB addresses remaining, causes an event to be signaled if the suppress 4GB temporary address usage event flag is set to no.

Temporary 256MB addresses remaining threshold is a number that, when it exceeds the number of temporary 256MB addresses remaining, causes an event to be signaled if the suppress 256MB temporary address usage event flag is set to no.

Main Storage Pool Information (Hex 09):

Note: Option "Main Storage Pool Information (Hex 2D)" is the preferred method of materializing main storage pool information because some of the fields for this option may overflow without any indication of error.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Machine minimum transfer size Bin(2)
18 12 Maximum number of pools Bin(2)
20 14 Current number of pools Bin(2)
22 16 Main storage size Bin(4)
26 1A Reserved (binary 0) Char(2)
28 1C Pool 1 minimum size Bin(4)
Individual main storage pool information
(repeated once for each pool, up to the current number of pools)
[*] Char(32)
32 20
  • Pool size
  • Bin(4)
36 24
  • Pool maintenance
  • Bin(4)
40 28
  • Thread interruptions (database)
  • Bin(4)
44 2C
  • Thread interruptions (non-database)
  • Bin(4)
48 30
  • Data transferred to pool (database)
  • Bin(4)
52 34
  • Data transferred to pool (non-database)
  • Bin(4)
56 38
  • Amount of pool not assigned to virtual addresses
  • Bin(4)
60 3C
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(4)
--- End ---

Machine minimum transfer size is the smallest number of bytes that may be transferred as a block to or from main storage.

Maximum number of pools is the maximum number of storage pools into which main storage may be partitioned. These pools will be assigned the logical identification beginning with 1 and continuing to the maximum number of pools.

Current number of pools is a user-specified value for the number of storage pools the user wishes to utilize. These are assumed to be numbered from 1 to the number specified. This number is fixed by the machine to be equal to the maximum number of pools.

Main storage size is the amount of main storage, in units equal to the machine minimum transfer size, which may be apportioned among main storage pools. Note that on overflow, the machine returns 2,147,483,647 in the main storage size field without any indication of error. You can use option "Main Storage Pool Information (Hex 2D)" to materialize the correct value.

Pool 1 minimum size is the amount of main storage, in units equal to the machine minimum transfer size, which must remain in pool 1. This amount is machine and configuration dependent.

Individual main storage pool information is data in an array that is associated with a main storage pool by virtue of its ordinal position within the array. In the descriptions below, database refers to all other data, including internal machine fields. Pool size, pool maintenance, amount of pool not assigned to virtual addresses and data transferred information is expressed in units equal to the machine minimum transfer size described above.

Pool size is the amount of main storage assigned to the pool. Note that on overflow, the machine returns 2,147,483,647 in the pool size field without any indication of error. You can use option "Main Storage Pool Information (Hex 2D)" to materialize the correct value.

Pool maintenance is the amount of data written from a pool to secondary storage by the machine to satisfy demand for resources from the pool. It does not represent total transfers from the pool to secondary storage, but rather is an indication of machine overhead required to provide primary storage within a pool to requesting threads. Note that on overflow, the machine resets the pool maintenance value from 2,147,483,647 back to 0 without any indication of error. You can use option "Main Storage Pool Information (Hex 2D)" to materialize the correct value.

Thread interruptions (database and non-database) is the total number of interruptions to threads (not necessarily assigned to this pool) which were required to transfer data into the pool to permit instruction execution. Note that on overflow, the machine resets the thread interruptions (database or non-database) value from 2,147,483,647 back to 0 without any indication of error. You can use option "Main Storage Pool Information (Hex 2D)" to materialize the correct value.

Data transferred to pool (database and non-database) is the amount of data transferred from auxiliary storage to the pool to permit instruction execution and as a consequence of set access state, implicit access group movement, and internal machine actions. Note that on overflow, the machine resets the data transferred to pool (database or non-database) value from 2,147,483,647 back to 0 without any indication of error. You can use option "Main Storage Pool Information (Hex 2D)" to materialize the correct value.

The amount of pool not assigned to virtual addresses represents the storage available to be used for new transfers into the main storage pool without displacing any virtual data already in the pool. The value returned will not include any storage that has been reserved for load/dump sessions active in the pool. Note that on overflow, the machine returns 2,147,483,647 in the amount of pool not assigned to virtual addresses field without any indication of error. You can use option "Main Storage Pool Information (Hex 2D)" to materialize the correct value.

MPL Control Data with 2-byte counts (Hex 0A)

Note: Option hex 16 is the preferred method of materializing MPL control information. If option 0A is used and the actual value of any returned template field, other than transition counts, exceeds 32,767 then a value of 32,767 is returned (the values will not wrap). The transition counts are an exception and, as documented, do wrap after reaching their maximum value.
Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Machine-wide MPL control Char(16)
16 10
  • Maximum number of MPL classes
  • Bin(2)
18 12
  • Current number of MPL classes
  • Bin(2)
20 14
  • MPL (max)
  • Bin(2)
22 16
  • Ineligible event threshold
  • Bin(2)
24 18
  • MPL (current)
  • Bin(2)
26 1A
  • Number of threads in ineligible state
  • Bin(2)
28 1C
  • Reserved
  • Char(4)
MPL class information
(repeated for each MPL class, from 1 to the current number of MPL classes)
[*] Char(16)
32 20
  • MPL (max)
  • Bin(2)
34 22
  • Ineligible event threshold
  • Bin(2)
36 24
  • Current MPL
  • Bin(2)
38 26
  • Number of threads in ineligible state
  • Bin(2)
40 28
  • Number of threads assigned to class
  • Bin(2)
42 2A
  • Number of active to ineligible transitions
  • Bin(2)
44 2C
  • Number of active to MI wait transitions
  • Bin(2)
46 2E
  • Number of MI wait to ineligible transitions
  • Bin(2)
--- End ---

Machine-Wide MPL Control:

  • Maximum number of MPL classes is the largest number of MPL classes allowed in the machine. These are assumed to be numbered from 1 to the maximum.
  • Current number of MPL classes is a user-specified value for the number of MPL classes in use. They are assumed to be numbered from 1 to the current number.
  • MPL (max) always materializes as hex 7FFF. The machine does not support a machine-wide limit for the number of threads in active state.
  • Ineligible event threshold always materializes as hex 7FFF. The machine does not monitor a machine-wide threshold for the number threads in ineligible state.
  • MPL (current) is the current number of threads in the active state.
  • Number of threads in ineligible state is the number of threads not currently active because of enforcement of class MPL rules.

MPL Class Information

  • MPL class information is data in an array that is associated with an MPL class by virtue of its ordinal position within the array.
  • MPL (max) is the number of threads assigned to the class which may be concurrently active.
  • Ineligible event threshold is a number which, if exceeded by the number of threads in ineligible state defined below, will cause an event to be signaled.
  • MPL (current) and number of threads in ineligible state are as defined above but apply only to threads assigned to the class.
  • Number of threads assigned to class is the total number of threads, in any state, assigned to the class.
  • The total number of transitions among the active, wait, and ineligible states by threads assigned to a class are:
    1. Number of active to ineligible transitions
    2. Number of active to MI wait transitions
    3. Number of MI wait to ineligible transitions
  • Note that transitions from wait state to active state can be derived as (2 - 3) and transitions from ineligible state to active state as (1 + 3). On overflow, the machine wraps these Bin(2) numbers from 32,767 to 0 without any indication of error.

Machine Reserved Storage Pool Information (Hex 0C)

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Current number of pools Bin(2)
18 12 Reserved Char(6)
Individual main storage pool information
(repeated once for each pool, up to the current number of pools)
[*] Char(16)
24 18
  • Pool size
  • Bin(4)
28 1C
  • Machine portion of the pool
  • Bin(4)
32 20
  • Main storage pool size (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
32 20
    • Main storage pool size (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
--- End ---

Pool size is the amount of main storage assigned to the pool (including the machine reserved portion). The units of measure is the machine minimum transfer size. Note that on overflow, the machine returns 2,147,483,647 in the pool size field without any indication of error. The main storage pool size field will return the correct value.

Machine portion of the pool specifies the amount of storage from the pool that is dedicated to machine functions. The units of measure is the machine minimum transfer size.

Main storage pool size is the amount of main storage assigned to the pool (including the machine reserved portion). The units of measure is the machine minimum transfer size.

User storage area 1 - OBSOLETE (Hex 11)

This option is no longer used. The number of bytes available for materialization will always indicate that no user data is available.

Auxiliary Storage Information (Hex 12)

The auxiliary storage information describes the ASPs (auxiliary storage pools) which are configured within the machine and the units of auxiliary storage currently allocated to an ASP or known to the machine but not allocated to an ASP. This option does not return information for independent ASPs which are varied off. You can use option "Auxiliary Storage Information including offline Independent ASPs (Hex 20)" to return information about independent ASPs which are varied off.

Also note that through appropriate setting of the number of bytes provided field for operand 1, the amount of information to be materialized for this option can be reduced thus avoiding the processing for unneeded information. As an example, by setting this field to only provide enough bytes for the common 16 byte header, plus the option hex 12 control information, plus the system ASP entry of the ASP information, you can get just the information up through the system ASP entry returned and avoid the overhead for the user ASPs and unit information.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Control information Char(64)
16 10
  • Number of ASPs
  • Bin(2)
  • Number of allocated auxiliary storage units
    Note: Number of configured, non-mirrored
    units + number of mirrored pairs

  • Bin(2)
20 14
  • Number of unallocated auxiliary storage units
  • Bin(2)
  • Reserved (binary 0)

  • Char(2)
24 18
  • Maximum auxiliary storage allocated to temporaries
  • Char(8)
  • Reserved (binary 0)

  • Char(12)
44 2C
  • Unit information offset
  • Bin(4)
48 30
  • Number of pairs of mirrored units
  • Bin(2)
50 32
  • Mirroring main storage
  • Bin(4)
54 36
  • Number of multipath units
  • UBin(2)
56 38
  • Current auxiliary storage allocated to temporaries
  • Char(8)
64 40
  • Number of bytes in a page
  • Bin(4)
68 44
  • Number of independent ASPs
  • UBin(2)
70 46
  • Number of disk units in all varied on independent ASPs
  • UBin(2)
72 48
  • Number of basic ASPs
  • UBin(2)
74 4A
  • Number of disk units in all basic ASPs
  • UBin(2)
76 4C
  • Number of disk units in the system ASP
  • UBin(2)
78 4E
  • Number of additional entries for multipath units
  • UBin(2)
ASP information
(Repeated once for each ASP. Located immediately after the control information above. ASP 1, always configured, is first. Configured user ASPs follow in ascending numerical order.)
[*] Char(160)
80 50
  • ASP number
  • Char(2)
82 52
  • ASP control flags
  • Char(1)
82 52
    • Suppress threshold exceeded event
    • Bit 0
82 52
    • ASP overflow
    • Bit 1
    • Reserved

    • Bits 2-3
82 52
    • ASP mirrored
    • Bit 4
82 52
    • User ASP MI state
    • Bit 5
82 52
    • ASP overflow storage available
    • Bit 6
82 52
    • Suppress available storage lower limit reached event
    • Bit 7
83 53
  • ASP overflow recovery result
  • Char(1)
83 53
    • Successful
    • Bit 0
83 53
    • Failed due to insufficient free space
    • Bit 1
83 53
    • Cancelled
    • Bit 2
83 53
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 3-7
  • Number of allocated auxiliary storage units in ASP
    Note: Number of configured, non-mirrored
    units + number of mirrored pairs

  • UBin(2)
  • Mirroring mode for geographic mirroring
    Hex 00 =
    Geographic mirroring is not configured
    Hex 01 =
    Synchronous mode
    Hex 02 =
    Asynchronous mode
    Hex 62 =
    Geographic mirroring mode is unknown

  • Char(1)
  • Remote mirror copy data state
    Hex 00 =
    Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
    Hex 01 =
    Remote copy is in sync with the production copy
    Hex 02 =
    Remote copy contains useable data
    Hex 03 =
    Remote copy data cannot be used
    Hex 62 =
    Remote copy data state is unknown

  • Char(1)
88 58
  • ASP media capacity
  • Char(8)
  • Reserved

  • Char(8)
104 68
  • ASP space available
  • Char(8)
112 70
  • ASP event threshold
  • Char(8)
120 78
  • ASP event threshold percentage
  • Bin(2)
122 7A
  • Additional ASP control flags
  • Char(2)
122 7A
    • Terminate immediately when out of storage
    • Bit 0
122 7A
    • ASP contains compressed and non-compressed units
    • Bit 1
122 7A
    • Recover overflowed basic ASP during normal mode IPL
    • Bit 2
122 7A
    • Independent ASP
    • Bit 3
122 7A
    • ASP is online
    • Bit 4
122 7A
    • Independent ASP address threshold exceeded
    • Bit 5
122 7A
    • Independent ASP is remote mirrored
    • Bit 6
122 7A
    • ASP is encrypted
    • Bit 7
122 7A
    • Suppress temporary storage threshold exceeded event flag
    • Bit 8
122 7A
    • Mirror copy IASP is partially varied on
    • Bit 9
122 7A
    • IASP vary-off is in progress
    • Bit 10
122 7A
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 11-15
124 7C
  • ASP compression recovery policy
  • Char(1)
    • Error recovery policy
      00 = Retry while space available
      01 = Overflow immediately
      10 = Retry forever

    • Bits 0-1
124 7C
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 2-7
125 7D
  • Independent ASP type
  • Char(1)
125 7D
    • Primary ASP
    • Bit 0
125 7D
    • Secondary ASP
    • Bit 1
125 7D
    • UDFS ASP
    • Bit 2
125 7D
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 3-7
  • Remote mirror role
    Hex 00 =
    Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
    Hex 01 =
    System does not own a physical independent ASP copy
    Hex 02 =
    Remote mirror role is unknown
    Hex C4 =
    System owns a detached mirror copy
    Hex D4 =
    System owns the mirror copy
    Hex D7 =
    System owns the production copy

  • Char(1)
  • Remote mirror copy state
    Hex 00 =
    Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
    Hex 01 =
    System attempts to perform independent ASP remote mirroring when independent ASP is online.
    Hex 02 =
    Remote independent ASP role is resuming.
    Hex 03 =
    System is resuming and independent ASP is online and performing synchronization
    Hex 04 =
    Remote independent ASP is detached and remote mirroring is not being performed.
    Hex 62 =
    Remote independent ASP role is unknown.

  • Char(1)
128 80
  • ASP system storage
  • Char(8)
136 88
  • ASP overflow storage
  • Char(8)
144 90
  • Space allocated to the error log
  • Bin(4)
148 94
  • Space allocated to the machine log
  • Bin(4)
152 98
  • Space allocated to the machine trace
  • Bin(4)
156 9C
  • Space allocated for main store dump
  • Bin(4)
160 A0
  • Space allocated to the microcode
  • Bin(4)
  • Remote mirror synchronization priority
    Hex 00 =
    Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
    Hex 0A =
    Synchronization is given high priority
    Hex 14 =
    Synchronization is given medium priority
    Hex 1E =
    Synchronization is given low priority
    Hex 62 =
    Remote mirror synchronization priority is unknown

  • Char(1)
  • Remote mirror encryption mode
    Hex 00 =
    Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
    Hex 01 =
    Data being sent to remote mirror site is not encrypted
    Hex 02 =
    Data being sent to remote mirror site is encrypted
    Hex 62 =
    Remote mirror encryption mode is unknown

  • Char(1)
  • Remote mirror error recovery
    Hex 00 =
    Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
    Hex 02 =
    Remote mirroring is suspended when an independent ASP error is detected.
    Hex 03 =
    Remote mirroring is ended when an independent ASP error is detected.
    Hex 62 =
    Remote mirror error recovery is unknown

  • Char(1)
167 A7
  • Remote mirror minutes until timeout
  • Char(1)
168 A8
  • Available storage lower limit
  • Char(8)
176 B0
  • Protected space capacity
  • Char(8)
184 B8
  • Unprotected space capacity
  • Char(8)
192 C0
  • Protected space available
  • Char(8)
200 C8
  • Unprotected space available
  • Char(8)
208 D0
  • Temporary storage event threshold
  • Char(8)
216 D8
  • Number of addresses remaining in independent ASP
  • Char(8)
224 E0
  • Geographic mirror seconds until timeout
  • Bin(2)
  • Transmission delivery
    Hex 00 =
    Synchronous delivery
    Hex 01 =
    Asynchronous delivery
    Hex 62 =
    Transmission delivery is unknown
    Hex 63 =
    Geographic mirroring is not configured

  • Char(1)
  • Physical copy identifier
    Hex 00 =
    Not remote mirrored
    Hex 01 - Hex FE =
    Remote mirror physical copy identifiers
    Hex FF =
    Unowned physical copy

  • Char(1)
  • Geographic mirroring transmission compression
    Hex 00 =
    Data is not compressed
    Hex 01 =
    Data is compressed during a full or partial synchronization
    Hex 62 =
    Transmission compression is unknown

  • Char(1)
229 E5
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(1)
230 E6
  • Temporary storage event threshold percent
  • Bin(2)
232 E8
  • Total data in transit
  • Char(8)
Unit information
(Consists of one entry each for the configured, non-mirrored units and one unit of the mirrored pairs, the non-configured units, and the other unit of the mirrored pairs, and an entry for each multipath connection. An allocated storage unit (ASU) is either an allocated, non-mirrored unit or a mirrored pair.  Note that the mirrored pair counts only as one ASU.  When used without qualification, the term unit refers to an ASU.
Unit information start may be located by the Unit Information Offset in the control information.)
[*] Char(208)
* *
  • Device type
  • Char(8)
* *
    • Disk type
    • Char(4)
* *
    • Disk model
    • Char(4)
* *
  • Device identification
  • Char(8)
* *
    • Unit number
    • Char(2)
* *
    • Reserved
    • Char(6)
* *
  • Reserved
  • Char(4)
* *
  • Unit ASP number
  • Char(2)
* *
  • Logical mirrored pair status
  • Char(1)
* *
    • Unit mirrored
    • Bit 0
* *
    • Mirrored unit protected
    • Bit 1
* *
    • Mirrored pair reported
    • Bit 2
* *
    • Reserved
    • Bits 3-7
* *
  • Mirrored unit status
  • Char(1)
* *
  • Unit media capacity
  • Char(8)
* *
  • Unit storage capacity
  • Char(8)
* *
  • Unit space available
  • Char(8)
* *
  • Unit space reserved for system
  • Char(8)
  • Reserved

  • Char(6)
* *
  • Unit control flags
  • Char(2)
    • Reserved (binary 0)

    • Bit 0
* *
    • Unit is device parity protected
    • Bit 1
* *
    • Subsystem is active
    • Bit 2
* *
    • Unit in subsystem has failed
    • Bit 3
* *
    • Other unit in subsystem has failed
    • Bit 4
* *
    • Subsystem runs in degraded mode
    • Bit 5
* *
    • Hardware failure
    • Bit 6
* *
    • Device parity protection is being rebuilt
    • Bit 7
* *
    • Unit is not ready
    • Bit 8
* *
    • Unit is write protected
    • Bit 9
* *
    • Unit is busy
    • Bit 10
* *
    • Unit is not operational
    • Bit 11
* *
    • Status is not recognizable
    • Bit 12
* *
    • Status is not available
    • Bit 13
* *
    • Unit is read/write protected
    • Bit 14
    • Unit is compressed
      Bits 2 to 14 are mutually exclusive.
    • Bit 15
* *
  • Additional unit control flags
  • Char(2)
* *
    • Do not allocate additional storage on this disk unit
    • Bit 0
* *
    • Unit is in availability parity set
    • Bit 1
* *
    • Unit is multipath unit
    • Bit 2
* *
    • Unit is resume pending
    • Bit 3
* *
    • Unit is encrypted
    • Bit 4
* *
    • Unit is connected to dual storage IOA
    • Bit 5
* *
    • Active path
    • Bit 6
* *
    • Passive path
    • Bit 7
* *
    • Connected via Fibre Channel
    • Bit 8
* *
    • Unit is solid state drive
    • Bit 9
* *
    • Unit is thinly provisioned
    • Bit 10
* *
    • Unit is HyperSwap
    • Bit 11
* *
    • HyperSwap standby
    • Bit 12
* *
    • HyperSwap resuming
    • Bit 13
* *
    • HyperSwap ineligible
    • Bit 14
* *
    • HyperSwap standby failed
    • Bit 15
* *
  • RAID type
  • Char(1)
* *
  • Lifetime remaining
  • UBin(1)
* *
  • Block size
  • UBin(2)
* *
  • IOP name
  • Char(10)
* *
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(42)
* *
  • Unit Identification
  • Char(22)
    • Serial number
      For some hardware, the serial number has been extended to 15 characters to support the 11S format.  For hardware that supports the 11S serial number, this field will contain 10 characters extracted from the 11S serial number.  Users wanting the full 15 character serial number should use the extended serial number field.
    • Char(10)
* *
    • Resource name
    • Char(10)
* *
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Char(2)
* *
  • Unit usage information
  • Char(64)
* *
    • Blocks transferred to main storage
    • Bin(4)
* *
    • Blocks transferred from main storage
    • Bin(4)
* *
    • Requests for data transfer to main storage
    • Bin(4)
* *
    • Requests for data transfer from main storage
    • Bin(4)
* *
    • Permanent blocks transferred from main storage
    • Bin(4)
* *
    • Requests for permanent data transfer from main storage
    • Bin(4)
* *
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Char(8)
* *
    • Sample count
    • Bin(4)
* *
    • Not busy count
    • Bin(4)
* *
    • Extended serial number
    • Char(15)
* *
    • Mirrored synchronization percent complete
    • Char(1)
* *
    • RAID rebuild percent complete
    • UBin(1)
* *
    • Mirror subunit
    • Char(1)
* *
    • Unit is NVMe
    • Bit 0
* *
    • Unit is IASP configuration device
    • Bit 1
* *
    • Unit is unmap capable
    • Bit 2
* *
    • Unit supports lifetime remaining
    • Bit 3
* *
    • Lifetime remaining retrieved from unit
    • Bit 4
* *
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 5-7
* *
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Char(5)
--- End ---

Number of ASPs is the number of ASPs configured within the machine. One, the minimum value, indicates just the system ASP exists and that there are no user ASPs configured. Up to 254 user ASPs can be configured. The system ASP always exists. The number of ASPs includes the system ASP, user ASPs which are basic ASPs (that is, user ASPs which cannot be varied on or off), and independent ASPs which are currently varied on to this system.

Number of allocated auxiliary storage units is the total number of configured units logically addressable by the system as units. This is the number of configured, non-mirrored units plus the number of mirrored pairs allocated to the ASPs. This number includes only the first path of a multipath connection unit. The count of the remaining paths connected to multipath units is materialized in number of additional entries for multipath units. The total number of disk actuator arms on the system is the sum of the allocated auxiliary storage units plus the number of unallocated auxiliary storage units plus the number of pairs of mirrored units. Information on these units is materialized as part of the unit information. Any two units of the same size may be associated to form a mirrored pair. Association of two units as a mirrored pair reduces the amount of logically available storage by the number of bytes contained on one of the mirrored units in the mirrored pair. The disk units reside in the system ASP, a basic ASP, or an independent ASP. This number specifies the number of unit information entries that can be materialized.

Number of unallocated auxiliary storage units is the number of auxiliary storage units that are currently not allocated to an ASP. Information on these units is materialized as part of the unit information.

Maximum auxiliary storage allocated to temporaries is the maximum number of bytes of temporary storage allocated at any one time since the last IPL of the machine. This includes the temporary storage allocated on the load source unit.

Unit information offset is the offset, in bytes, from the start of the operand 1 materialization template to the start of the unit information. This value can be added to a space pointer addressing the start of operand 1 to address the start of the unit information.

Number of pairs of mirrored units represents the number of mirrored pairs in the system. Each mirrored pair consists of two mirrored units; however, only one of the two mirrored units is guaranteed to be operational.

Mirroring main storage is the number of bytes of main storage in the machine storage pool used by mirroring. This increases when mirror synchronization is active. This amount of storage is directly related to the number of mirrored pairs.

Number of multipath units is the number of disk units that have multiple connections to a disk unit. This means that there are multiple resource names that all represent the same disk unit, yet each represents a unique path to the disk unit. All active connections will be used for communicating with the disk unit.

Current auxiliary storage allocated to temporaries is the number of bytes of temporary storage allocated on the system. This includes the temporary storage allocated on the load source unit.

Number of bytes in a page is the number of bytes in a single page. This can be used to convert fields that are given in pages into the correct number of bytes.

Number of independent ASPs is the number of independent ASPs varied on to this system. An independent ASP is an ASP that can be varied on or off.

Number of disk units in all varied on independent ASPs is the number of configured units logically addressable by all independent ASPs which are currently varied on to this system. Information on these units is materialized as part of the unit information.

Number of basic ASPs is the number of basic ASPs configured on this system. A basic ASP is a user ASP that cannot be varied on or off.

Number of disk units in all basic ASPs is the total number of configured units logically addressable by all basic ASPs. Information on these units is materialized as part of the unit information.

Number of disk units in the system ASP is the total number of configured units logically addressable in the system ASP. Information on these units is materialized as part of the unit information.

Number of additional entries for multipath units is the number of additional unit entries that can be materialized for the multipath connection devices. The first path of each unit is not included in this total.

ASP information is repeated once for each configured ASP within the machine that is online. The number of ASPs configured is specified by the number of ASPs field. ASP 1, the system ASP, is materialized first. Because the system ASP always exists, its materialization is always available. The user ASPs which are configured are materialized after the system ASP in ascending numerical order. There may be gaps in the numerical order. That is, if just user ASPs 3 and 5 are configured, only information for them is materialized producing information on just ASP 1, ASP 3 and ASP 5 in that order.

ASP number uniquely identifies the auxiliary storage pool. The ASP number may have a value from 1 through 255. A value of 1 indicates the system ASP. A value of 2 through 255 indicates a user ASP. Note that independent ASPs have a value of 33 through 255.

Suppress threshold exceeded event flag indicates whether or not the machine is suppressing signaling of the related event when the event threshold in effect for this ASP has been exceeded. A value of binary 1 indicates that the signaling is being suppressed; binary 0 indicates that the signaling is not being suppressed. The default after each IPL of the machine is that the signaling is not suppressed; i.e. default is binary 0. For the system ASP, this flag is implicitly set to binary 1 by the machine when the machine auxiliary storage threshold is exceeded. For a basic ASP, this flag is implicitly set to binary 1 by the machine when the user auxiliary storage threshold is exceeded.

The ASP overflow flag indicates whether or not object allocations directed into a basic ASP have overflowed into the system ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates overflow; binary 0 indicates no overflow. This flag does not apply to the system ASP and a value of binary 0 is always returned for it. This flag does not apply to independent ASPs and a value of binary 0 is always returned for independent ASPs.

ASP mirrored flag specifies whether or not the ASP is configured to be mirror protected. A value of binary 1 indicates that ASP mirror protection is configured. Refer to the mirrored unit protected flag to determine if mirror protection is active for each mirrored pair. A value of binary 0 indicates that none of the units associated with the ASP are mirrored.

User ASP MI state indicates the state of the user ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates that the user ASP is in the 'new' state. This means that a context may be allocated in this user ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates that the user ASP is in the 'old' state. This means that there are no contexts allocated in this user ASP. This flag has no meaning for the system ASP and a value of binary 0 will always be returned. A value of binary 1 will always be returned for independent ASPs.

ASP overflow storage available flag indicates whether or not the amount of auxiliary storage that has overflowed from the basic ASP into the system ASP is available. A value of binary 1 indicates that the amount is maintained by the machine and available in the ASP overflow storage field. A value of binary 0 indicates that the amount is not available. This flag does not apply to independent ASPs and a value of binary 0 is always returned for independent ASPs.

Suppress available storage lower limit reached event flag indicates whether the machine will signal the related event when the available storage lower limit has been reached. This field currently has meaning only in the system ASP (ASP 1). This value will always be returned as binary 0 for a user ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates that signaling of the event is being suppressed; binary 0 indicates that signaling of the event is not suppressed. The default after each IPL of the machine is binary 0, i.e., signaling of this event is not suppressed. This flag is set to binary 1 by the machine when the available storage lower limit reached (hex 000C,02,08) event is signaled. This is done to avoid repetitive signaling of the event when the available storage lower limit reached condition occurs.

ASP overflow recovery result flags indicate the result of the ASP overflow recovery operation which is performed during an IPL upon request by the user. When this operation is requested, the machine attempts to recover a basic ASP from an overflow condition by moving overflowed auxiliary storage from the system ASP back to the basic ASP during the Storage Management recovery step of an IPL. The successful flag is set to a value of binary 1 when all the overflowed storage was successfully moved. The failed due to insufficient free space flag is set to a value of binary 1 when there is not sufficient free space in the basic ASP to move all the overflowed storage. The cancelled flag is set to a value of binary 1 when the operation was cancelled prior to completion (e.g., system power loss, user initiated IPL). This flag does not apply to independent ASPs and a value of binary 0 is always returned for independent ASPs.

Number of allocated auxiliary storage units in ASP is the number of configured units logically addressable by the system as units for this ASP. This is the number of configured, non-mirrored units plus the number of mirrored pairs allocated in the ASPs. The total number of units (actuator arms) on the system is the sum of the allocated auxiliary storage units plus the number of unallocated auxiliary storage units plus the number of pairs of mirrored units. For example, each 9335 enclosure represents two units. Information on these units is materialized as part of the unit information. Any two units of the same size may be associated to form a mirrored pair. Association of two units as a mirrored pair reduces the amount of logically available storage by the number of bytes contained on one of the mirrored units in the mirrored pair.

Mirroring mode for geographic mirroring specifies the mode in which geographic mirroring operates. A value of hex 00 indicates geographic mirroring is not configured. A value of hex 01 indicates synchronous mode. In synchronous mode, synchronous writes are performed to save the data to disk on the mirror copy node. Synchronous mode is the only mode that is crash-consistent on the mirror copy node and is best for most environments. A value of hex 02 indicates asynchronous mode. In asynchronous mode, asynchronous writes are performed to save the data to disk on the mirror copy node. A value of hex 62 indicates that the mirroring mode for geographic mirroring is not known.

Remote mirror copy data state specifies the condition of the data on the target. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured. A value of hex 01 indicates that the remote copy is absolutely in sync with the production copy. A value of hex 02 indicates that the remote copy contains usable data. A detached mirror copy always has usable data state. A value of hex 03 indicates that there is incoherent data state in the mirror copy and the data cannot be used. A value of hex 62 indicates that the remote copy data state is unknown.

ASP media capacity specifies the total space, in number of bytes of auxiliary storage, on the storage media allocated to the ASP. This is just the sum of the unit media capacity fields for (1) the units allocated to the ASP or (2) the mirrored pairs in the ASP.

ASP space available is the number of bytes of auxiliary storage that is not currently assigned to objects or internal machine functions, and therefore, is available for allocation in the ASP. Note that a mirrored pair counts for only one unit.

ASP event threshold specifies the minimum value for the number of bytes of auxiliary storage available in the ASP prior to the exceeded condition occurs when the ASP space available value becomes equal to or less than the ASP event threshold value. Refer to the definition of the suppress threshold exceeded event flag for more information.

The ASP event threshold value is calculated from the ASP event threshold percentage value by multiplying the ASP media capacity value by the ASP event threshold percentage and subtracting the product from that same capacity value.

ASP event threshold percentage specifies the auxiliary storage space utilization threshold as a percentage of the ASP media capacity. This value is used, as described above, to calculate the ASP event threshold value. This value can be modified through use of Dedicated Service Tool DASD configuration options.

Terminate immediately when out of storage indicates whether the system will be terminated immediately when a request for space occurs in the system ASP that cannot be satisfied because the system is out of storage. A value of binary 1 indicates that when a request for space in the system ASP cannot be satisfied, then the system will be terminated immediately. This field currently has meaning only in the system ASP (ASP 1). This value will always be returned as binary 0 for a user ASP.

Note: For a physical machine with firmware level hex 00, when a request for space in the system ASP cannot be satisfied in the primary partition and the value for terminate immediately when out of storage is binary 1 in the primary partition, all partitions in the physical machine will terminate. When a request for space in the system ASP cannot be satisfied in a secondary partition and the value for terminate immediately when out of storage is binary 1 in that partition, only the partition in which the condition occurred will terminate. MATMATR option hex 01E0 can be used to materialize the firmware level.

For a physical machine with firmware level hex 10, only the partition in which the condition occurred will terminate.

A value of binary 0 indicates that when a request for space in the system ASP cannot be satisfied, then the system will not be terminated immediately, but will be allowed to continue to run however it can.

ASP contains compressed and non-compressed units flag specifies whether or not the ASP has compressed and non-compressed configured units. A value of binary 1 indicates that both compressed and non-compressed units exist in this ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates that a mix of compressed and non-compressed units does not exist in this ASP.

Recover overflowed basic ASP during normal mode IPL flag specifies whether or not the machine will attempt to recover the overflowed ASP data during normal mode IPLs. Overflowed data is data from the basic ASP which exists in the system ASP because there was insufficient auxiliary storage in the basic ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates that the machine will attempt to automatically recover any overflowed data for that basic ASP during normal mode IPLs. A value of binary 0 indicates that the machine will not attempt to recover the overflowed data. A value of binary 0 is always returned for the system ASP (ASP 1). A value of binary 0 is always returned for an independent ASP (since an independent ASP can never overflow its data into the system ASP).

Independent ASP flag specifies whether or not the ASP is an independent ASP; that is, it can be varied on and off. A value of binary 1 indicates the ASP is an independent ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates that this ASP is a basic ASP or the system ASP and cannot be varied on or off.

ASP is online flag always returns the value of binary 1.

Independent ASP address threshold exceeded flag is only valid for an Independent ASP and specifies whether or not the independent ASP address threshold, selected by the machine, has been exceeded. A value of binary 1 indicates the threshold has been exceeded and the Independent ASP is running low on addresses. A value of binary 0 indicates that the address threshold has not been exceeded.

Independent ASP is remote mirrored indicates that the independent ASP is remote mirrored. Remote independent ASP mirroring provides high availability by supporting multiple physical independent ASP copies at different sites that contain the same user data with the same virtual addresses. A value of binary 0 indicates that the independent ASP is not remote mirrored. A value of binary 1 indicates that the independent ASP is remote mirrored.

ASP is encrypted flag specifies whether or not the data contained in the ASP is encrypted. A value of binary 1 indicates that the ASP is encrypted; binary 0 indicates that it is not encrypted.

Suppress temporary storage threshold exceeded event flag indicates whether or not the machine is suppressing signaling of the related event when the event threshold in effect for this ASP has been exceeded. A value of binary 1 indicates that the signaling is being suppressed; binary 0 indicates that the signaling is not being suppressed. The default after each IPL of the machine is that the signaling is not suppressed unless the temporary storage threshold is set to binary 0. This flag is implicitly set to binary 1 when the temporary storage threshold exceeded event (hex 000C,02,0D) is signaled. Option hex 12 of the Modify Resource Management Controls (MODRMC) instruction can be used to explicitly reset the suppression of the temporary storage threshold exceeded event. This field only has meaning for the system ASP (ASP 1). This value will always be returned as binary 0 for a user ASP.

If the mirror copy IASP is partially varied on field is binary 1, the IASP is a mirror copy IASP and the IASP is varied on to a level where it can receive data from the production copy IASP. If the mirror copy IASP is partially varied on field is binary 0, the IASP either is not a mirror copy IASP, or it is a mirror copy IASP that is not varied on.

IASP vary-off is in progress specifies whether or not the independent ASP is being varied off. A value of binary 1 indicates that the ASP is being varied off; binary 0 indicates that it is not being varied off.

ASP compression recovery policy indicates how Storage Management handles a failure condition due to a compressed disk unit being temporarily full as auxiliary storage space is reserved on the unit.

A value of binary 00 indicates that if the I/O processor can make storage space available by rearranging and further compressing data on the unit, Storage Management waits for space to be made available. When the I/O processor makes sufficient space on the compressed unit to contain the Storage Management request, the request completes successfully and the system resumes normal processing. If space can not be made available on the unit, auxiliary storage overflows from the basic ASP to the system ASP.

A value of binary 01 indicates that auxiliary storage overflows from the user ASP to the system ASP. Storage Management does not wait for the I/O processor to make storage space available on the unit.

A value of binary 10 indicates that Storage Management waits indefinitely for storage space to be made available on the unit, even if the I/O processor can not make space available on the unit. No auxiliary storage overflows from the user ASP to the system ASP.

A value of binary 00 is always returned for the system ASP (ASP 1). A value of binary 10 is always returned for independent ASPs (that is, for ASPs which can be varied on or off). An independent ASP can never have a value of binary 01 (overflow immediately) because independent ASPs are not allowed to overflow into the system ASP.

Primary ASP flag indicates that the independent ASP is a primary ASP in an ASP group. A primary ASP defines a collection of directories and contexts and may have secondary ASPs associated with it. This flag only has meaning for an independent ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is a primary ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is not a primary ASP.

Secondary ASP flag indicates that the independent ASP is a secondary ASP in an ASP group. A secondary ASP is associated with a primary ASP. There can be many secondary ASPs associated with the same primary ASP. The secondary ASP defines a collection of directories and contexts. This flag only has meaning for an independent ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is a secondary ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is not a secondary ASP.

UDFS ASP flag indicates that the independent ASP is a UDFS (User-defined File System) ASP. This type of independent ASP cannot be a member of an ASP group. This flag only has meaning for an independent ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is a UDFS ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is not a UDFS ASP.

Remote mirror role identifies the current role of the physical independent ASP copy. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured. A value of hex 01 indicates that the system does not own a physical independent ASP copy. A value of hex 02 indicates that the remote mirror role is unknown. A value of hex C4 indicates that the system owns a detached mirror copy. A value of hex D4 indicates that the system owns the mirror copy. A value of hex D7 indicates that the system owns the production copy.

Remote mirror copy state identifies the mirror state of the mirror copy. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured. A value of hex 01 indicates that the system attempts to perform independent ASP remote mirroring when it is online. A value of hex 02 indicates that the remote independent ASP role is resuming, but the independent ASP is offline so it is not performing synchronization. A value of hex 03 indicates that the system is resuming and the independent ASP is online, so it is performing synchronization. A value of hex 04 indicates that the remote independent ASP role is detached and remote mirroring is not being performed. A value of hex 62 indicates that the remote mirror copy state is not known.

ASP system storage specifies the amount of system storage currently allocated in the ASP in bytes.

ASP overflow storage indicates the number of bytes of auxiliary storage that have overflowed from a basic ASP into the system ASP. This value is valid only if the ASP overflow storage available field is set to a value of binary 1.

Space allocated to the error log is the number of pages of auxiliary storage that are allocated to the error log. This field only applies to the system ASP.

Space allocated to the machine log is the number of pages of auxiliary storage that are allocated to the machine log. This field only applies to the system ASP.

Space allocated to the machine trace is the number of pages of auxiliary storage that are allocated to the machine trace. This field only applies to the system ASP.

Space allocated for main store dump is the number of pages of auxiliary storage that are allocated to the main store dump space. The contents of main store are written to this location for some system terminations. This field only applies to the system ASP.

Space allocated to the microcode is the number of pages of auxiliary storage that are allocated for microcode and space used by the microcode. The space allocated to the error log, machine log, machine trace, and main store dump space is not included in this field.

Remote mirror synchronization priority indicates the priority assigned to synchronization between the physical copy and the mirrored copy related to work on the system. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured on this independent ASP. A value of hex 0A indicates that the synchronization is given high priority, and is completed quickly at the expense of significant degradation to work on the system. A value of hex 14 indicates that the synchronization is given medium priority, and is completed at a moderate rate with some degradation to work on the system. A value of hex 1E indicates that the synchronization is given low priority, and is completed at a slow rate with minimum degradation to work on the system. A value of hex 62 indicates that the remote mirror synchronization priority is not known.

Remote mirror encryption mode indicates the encryption mode for the remote mirrored independent ASP. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured on this independent ASP. A value of hex 01 indicates that the user has chosen not to encrypt the data being sent to the remote mirror site. A value of hex 02 indicates that the user has chosen to encrypt the data being sent to the remote mirror site. A value of hex 62 indicates that the remote mirror encryption mode is not known.

Remote mirror error recovery indicates the error recovery policy selected by the user. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured on this system. A value of hex 02 indicates that remote mirroring is suspended when an IASP error is detected. After suspend, if the target node becomes accessible, the system automatically resumes remote independent ASP mirroring. A value of hex 03 indicates that remote mirroring is ended when an IASP error is detected. A value of hex 62 indicates that the remote mirror error recovery policy is not known.

Remote mirror minutes until timeout is the number of minutes the system waits for a write acknowledgement from the remote system before the error recovery policy selected by the user is implemented. A value of hex FF indicates that the number of minutes until the system waits for a write acknowledgement is not known.

Available storage lower limit is the number of bytes of available auxiliary storage in the system ASP prior to the available storage lower limit reached condition occurring. When the amount of auxiliary storage available in the system ASP becomes less than this amount, the available storage lower limit reached (hex 000C,02,08) event is signaled if it is not suppressed. Redundant signaling of this event is suppressed as indicated by the setting of the suppress available storage lower limit reached event flag.

Protected space capacity specifies the total number of bytes of auxiliary storage that is protected by mirroring or device parity in the ASP. Note that a varied-off independent ASP could have 0 in this field because the system could not determine what disk units exist in a varied-off independent ASP .

Unprotected space capacity specifies the total number of bytes of auxiliary storage that is not protected by mirroring or device parity in the ASP. Note that a varied-off independent ASP could have 0 in this field because the system could not determine what disk units exist in a varied-off independent ASP .

Protected space available specifies the number of bytes of protected auxiliary storage that is not currently assigned to objects or internal machine functions, and therefore, is available for allocation in the ASP. Note that a varied-off independent ASP could have 0 in this field because the system could not determine what disk units exist in a varied-off independent ASP .

Unprotected space available specifies the number of bytes of unprotected auxiliary storage that is not currently assigned to objects or internal machine functions, and therefore, is available for allocation in the ASP. Note that a varied-off independent ASP could have 0 in this field because the system could not determine what disk units exist in a varied-off independent ASP .

Temporary storage event threshold specifies the maximum number of bytes of auxiliary storage that can be allocated to temporary objects before the temporary storage threshold event (000C,02,0D) is signaled. The temporary storage event threshold is calculated by multiplying the ASP media capacity by the temporary storage event threshold percent. When the number of bytes of auxiliary storage allocated to temporary objects becomes larger than this value, the Temporary storage threshold event is signaled. If this field is zero it indicates that the temporary storage event threshold is not set. The event will not be signaled if the temporary storage event threshold is not set. Refer to the definition of the suppress temporary storage threshold exceeded event flag for more information

Number of addresses remaining in independent ASP contains the number of virtual addresses remaining for use by the independent ASP. This field only has meaning for an independent ASP. The information in this field is only valid if the independent ASP address threshold exceeded flag is set to binary 1.

Geographic mirror seconds until timeout is the number of seconds the system waits for a write acknowledgement from the remote system before the error recovery policy selected by the user is implemented. A value of hex FFFF indicates that the number of seconds the system waits for a write acknowledgement is not known.

Transmission delivery specifies the delivery method for geographic mirroring. A value of hex 00 indicates synchronous delivery. A value of hex 01 indicates asynchronous delivery. Asynchronous delivery allows the production copy to proceed without waiting for the mirror copy to receive the information, but more resources are consumed on the production copy node. A value of hex 63 indicates geographic mirroring is not configured. A value of hex 62 indicates that the transmission delivery is not known.

Physical copy identifier differentiates between physical independent ASP copies in the context of remote mirroring. A value of hex 00 indicates that the independent ASP is not remote mirrored. A value between hex 01 and hex FE indicates a valid remote physical copy identifier. A value of hex FF indicates an unowned physical copy.

Geographic mirroring transmission compression specifies whether data is compressed for geographic mirroring. A value of hex 00 indicates no compression is done. A value of hex 01 indicates that data is compressed during a full or partial synchronization. A value of hex 62 indicates that the transmission compression is not known.

Total data in transit indicates the amount of data that has been queued up to send to the mirror copy node, but has not yet been received by the mirror copy node. This is a value in bytes. This parameter is only valid for asynchronous transmission delivery mode.

Temporary storage event threshold percent specifies the amount of auxiliary storage that can be used for temporary objects, as a percentage of the media capacity, before the temporary storage threshold exceeded event is signaled. If this field is zero it indicates that the temporary storage event threshold percent is not set. The event will not be signaled if the temporary storage event threshold percent is not set. The temporary storage event threshold percent can be set using MODRMC option hex 12 (Auxiliary storage pool controls).

Unit information is materialized in the following order:

  • Group 1: An entry for each configured unit; if the unit is mirror protected the entry is the first subunit of the mirror pair.
  • Group 2: An entry for each non-configured unit.
  • Group 3: An entry for the mate of each mirror protected configured unit in Group 1 (above).
  • Group 4: There is an entry for the second path thru the last path for each unit in Group 1 which has multiple connections.
  • Group 5: There is an entry for the second path thru the last path for each unit in Group 2 which has multiple connections.
  • Group 6: There is an entry for the second path thru the last path for each unit in Group 3 which has multiple connections.
The unit information is located by the unit information offset field which specifies the offset from the beginning of the operand 1 template to the start of the unit information. The number of entries for each of the first three groups listed above is defined as follows:
  • Group 1: Number of non-mirrored, configured units + number of mirrored pairs
  • Group 2: Number of non-configured storage units (also called unallocated units).
  • Group 3: Number of mirrored pairs
For unallocated units the following fields contain meaningful information: device type, device identification, unit identification, unit control flags, unit relationship, and unit media capacity. The remaining fields have no meaning for unallocated units because the units are not currently in use by the system. Mirrored unit entries contain either current or last known information. The last known data consists of the mirrored unit status, disk type, disk model, unit ASP number, disk serial number, and unit address. Last known information is provided when the mirrored pair reported field is binary 0.

Disk type identifies the type of disk enclosure containing this auxiliary storage unit. This is the four byte character field from the vital product data for the disk device which identifies the type of drive. For example, the value is character string '6607' for a 6607 device.

Disk model identifies the model of the type of disk enclosure containing this auxiliary storage unit. This is the four byte character field from the vital product data for the disk device which identifies the model of the drive.

Unit number uniquely identifies each non-mirrored unit or mirrored pair among the configured units. Both mirrored units of a mirrored pair have the same unit number. The value of the unit number is assigned by the system when the unit is allocated to an ASP. For unallocated units, the unit number is set to binary 0.

Unit ASP number specifies the ASP to which this unit is currently allocated. A value of 0 indicates that this unit is currently unallocated. A value of 1 specifies the system ASP. A value from 2 through 255 specifies a user ASP and correlates to the ASP number field in the ASP information entries. Values 33 to 255 specify a independent ASP. Values 2 to 32 specify a basic ASP.

Unit mirrored flag indicates that this unit number represents a mirrored pair. This bit is materialized with both mirrored units of a mirrored pair.

Mirrored unit protected flag indicates the mirror status of a mirrored pair. A value of 1 indicates that both mirrored units of a mirrored pair are active. A 0 indicates that one mirrored unit of a mirrored pair is not active. Active means that both units are on line and fully synchronized (i.e. the data is identical on both mirrored units).

Mirrored pair reported flag indicates that a mirrored unit reported as present. The mirrored unit reported present during or following IMPL. Current attachment of a mirrored unit to the system cannot be inferred from this bit. A 0 indicates that the mirrored unit being materialized is missing. The last known information pertaining to the missing mirrored unit is materialized. A 1 indicates that the mirrored unit being materialized has reported. The information for this reported unit is current to the last time it reported status to the system.

Mirrored unit status indicates mirrored unit status.

  • A value of 1 indicates that this mirrored unit of a mirrored pair is active (i.e. on-line with current data).
  • A value of 2 indicates that this mirrored unit is being synchronized.
  • A value of 3 indicates that this mirrored unit is suspended.
Mirrored unit status is stored as binary data and is valid only when the unit mirrored flag is on. If the value is 2, refer to the unit is resume pending flag definition for more information.

Mirrored synchronization percent complete indicates the percent complete (from 0 to 100) of a resuming mirrored unit. This value must be 100 before the mirrored unit status is active. This field is only valid if mirrored unit status is set to value 2.

Unit media capacity is the space, in number of bytes of auxiliary storage, on the non-mirrored unit or mirrored pair, that is, the capacity of the unit prior to any formatting or allocation of space by the system it is attached to. For a mirrored pair, this space is the number of bytes of auxiliary storage on either one of the mirrored units. The space is identical on both of the mirrored units. Caution, do not attempt to add the capacities of the two units of a mirrored pair together. Unit media capacity is also known as "logical capacity". For compressed drives, the logical capacity is dynamic, and changes, depending on how well the data is compressed. A typical compressed logical capacity might be twice the drive's physical capacity.

Unit storage capacity has the same value as the unit media capacity for configured disk units. This value is 0 for non-configured units.

Unit space available is the number of bytes of secondary storage space that is not currently assigned to objects or internal machine functions, and therefore, is available for allocation on the unit (or the mirrored pair). For a mirrored pair, this space is the number of bytes of auxiliary storage available on either one of the mirrored units. The space is identical on both of the mirrored units. Caution, do not attempt to add the capacities of the two units of a mirrored pair together. This value is 0 for non-configured units.

Unit space reserved for system is the total number of bytes of auxiliary storage on the unit reserved for use by the machine. This storage is not available for storing objects, redundancy data, and other internal machine data. This value is 0 for non-configured units.

Unit is device parity protected - a value of 1 indicates that this unit is device parity protected.

Subsystem is active indicates whether the array subsystem is active.

If the unit in subsystem has failed field is binary 1, the unit in an array subsystem being addressed has failed. Data protection for this subsystem is no longer in effect.

If the other unit in subsystem has failed field is binary 1, the unit being addressed is operational, but another unit in the array subsystem has failed. Data protection for this subsystem is no longer in effect.

If the subsystem runs in degraded mode field is binary 1, the array subsystem is operational and data protection for this subsystem is in effect, but a failure that may affect performance has occurred. It must be fixed.

If the hardware failure field is binary 1, the array subsystem is operational and data protection for this subsystem is in effect, but hardware failure has occurred. It must be fixed.

If the device parity protection is being rebuilt field is 1, the device parity protection for this device is being rebuilt following a repair action.

If the unit is not ready field is binary 1, the unit being addressed is not ready for I/O operation.

If the unit is write protected field is binary 1, the write operation is not allowed on the unit being addressed.

If the unit is busy field is binary 1, the unit being addressed is busy.

If the unit is not operational field is binary 1, the unit being addressed is not operational. The status of the device is not known.

If the unit is not recognizable field is binary 1, the unit being addressed has an unexpected status. I.e. the unit is operational, but its status returned to Storage Management from the IOP is not one of those previously described.

If the status is not available field is binary 1, the machine is not able to communicate with I/O processor. The status of the device is not known.

If the unit is read/write protected is binary 1, a DASD array may be in the read/write protected state when there is a problem, such as a cache problem, configuration problem, or some other array problems that could create a data integrity exposure.

If the unit is compressed field is binary 1, the logical capacity of the unit may be greater than its physical capacity in bytes, depending on how well the data can be compressed.

If the do not allocate additional storage on this disk unit field is binary 1, then new allocations will be directed away from this unit.

If the unit is in availability parity set field is binary 1, the unit being addressed is in a parity set optimized for availability.

If the unit is multipath unit field is binary 1, the unit being addressed has multipath connections to the disk unit.

If the unit is resume pending field is binary 1, the unit being addressed is either in a system ASP on a system which is not IPLed past DST, or in a varied-off independent ASP. Mirror synchronization will begin when the system is IPLed past DST, or the independent ASP is varied-on. Refer to the mirrored unit status field definition for more information.

If the unit is encrypted field is binary 1, the data stored on the unit being addressed is encrypted. If the unit is encrypted field is binary 0, the data stored on the unit being addressed is not encrypted.

If the unit is connected to a dual storage IOA field is binary 1, the unit is controlled by two storage I/O adapters (IOA). If the unit is connected to a dual storage IOA field is binary 0, the unit is not controlled by two storage I/O adapters (IOA).

If the active path field is binary 1, the path is connected to the disk unit and is used when reading and writing to the associated disk unit. This field is not valid and is set to binary 0 if unit is connected to a dual storage IOA is binary 0.

If the passive path field is binary 1, the path is connected to the disk unit but is not used when reading or writing to the associated disk unit. This path is a backup in case an active path fails. This field is not valid and is set to binary 0 if unit is connected to a dual storage IOA is binary 0.

If the connected via Fibre Channel field is binary 1, the unit is connected to the system via a Fibre Channel adapter. If the value is binary 0, the unit is not connected to the system via a Fibre Channel adapter.

If the unit is solid state drive field is binary 1, the unit is a solid state drive. If the field is binary 0, the unit is not a solid state drive.

If the unit is thinly provisioned field is binary 1, the unit is part of an external storage box and has more storage assigned to it than it has physically available. If the field is binary 0, the unit is not thinly provisioned.

If the unit is HyperSwap field is binary 1, the disk unit is either the primary or secondary unit in a Metro Mirror relationship with HyperSwap failover capability. If the unit is HyperSwap field is binary 0, the disk unit is not in a Metro Mirror relationship with HyperSwap failover capability.

If the HyperSwap standby field is binary 1, the path is connected to a disk unit that is the secondary unit in a Metro Mirror relationship. This disk unit is in full synchronization with the primary disk unit and is ready in the event of a HyperSwap fail-over from the primary. If the HyperSwap standby field is binary 0, the path is not a HyperSwap standby path.

If the HyperSwap resuming field is binary 1, the path is connected to a disk unit that is the secondary unit in a Metro Mirror relationship. This disk unit is in the process of being re-synchronized with the primary disk unit. When the re-synchronization completes, the disk unit will be ready in the event of a HyperSwap fail over from the primary. If the HyperSwap resuming field is binary 0, the path is not a HyperSwap resuming path.

If the HyperSwap ineligible field is binary 1, the path is connected to a disk unit that is the secondary unit in a Metro Mirror relationship where Metro Mirror replication is suspended. The system cannot perform a HyperSwap fail over unless Metro Mirror replication is resumed. If the HyperSwap ineligible field is binary 0, the path is not a HyperSwap ineligible path.

If the HyperSwap standby failed field is binary 1, the path is connected to a disk unit that is the secondary unit in a Metro Mirror relationship. This disk unit is not ready in the event of a HyperSwap fail-over from the primary. If the HyperSwap standby failed field is binary 0, the path is not a HyperSwap standby failed path.

RAID type identifies the current type of RAID (device parity) array that a unit belongs to. A value of hex 00 indicates that the unit is not in a parity set. A value of hex 05 indicates that the unit belongs to a RAID 5 parity set. A value of hex 06 indicates that the unit belongs to a RAID 6 parity set. A value of hex 0A indicates that the unit belongs to a RAID 10 parity set.

Lifetime remaining indicates the percentage of lifetime remaining for the device, in a range of 0 to 100. This field contains a valid lifetime remaining only if unit supports lifetime remaining is binary 1 and lifetime remaining retrieved from unit is binary 1.

Block size indicates the size in bytes of a single page on the disk unit.

IOP name indicates the name of the virtual I/O processor for the disk unit.

Serial number specifies the serial number of the device containing this auxiliary storage unit. This is the ten character serial number field from the vital product data for the disk device.

Resource name is the unique ten-character name assigned by the system.

Unit usage information specifies statistics relating to usage of the unit. For unallocated units, these fields are meaningless.

Blocks transferred to/from main storage fields specify the number of 512-byte blocks transferred for the unit since the last IPL. These values wrap around to zero and continue counting in the case of an overflow of the field with no indication of the overflow having occurred.

Requests for data transfer to/from main storage fields specify the number of data transfer (I/O) requests processed for the unit since the last IPL. These values wrap around to zero and continue counting in the case of an overflow of the field with no indication of the overflow having occurred. These values are not directly related to the number of blocks transferred for the unit because the number of blocks to be transferred for a given transfer request can vary greatly.

Permanent blocks transferred from main storage specifies the number of 512-byte blocks of permanent data transferred from main storage to auxiliary storage for the unit since the last IPL. In the case of an overflow of the field, this value wraps around back to zero and continues counting, with no indication of the overflow condition having occurred.

Requests for permanent data transfer from main storage specifies the number of transfer (I/O) requests for transfers of permanent data from main storage to auxiliary storage that have been processed for the unit since the last IPL. In the case of an overflow of the field, this value wraps around back to zero and continues counting, with no indication of the overflow condition having occurred. This value is not directly related to the permanent blocks transferred from main storage value for the unit ASP because the number of blocks to be transferred for any particular transfer request can vary greatly.

Sample count specifies the number of times the disk queue was checked to determine whether or not the queue is empty.

Not busy count specifies the number of times the disk queue was empty during the same time period that the sample count was taken.

Extended serial number specifies the 15 character extended serial number of the device containing the auxiliary storage unit. This field will contain one of two serial number formats. For auxiliary storage units that support it, this field will contain the 12 character, 11S format serial number padded to the right with blanks. For auxiliary storage units that do not support the 11S serial number, this field will contain the older 10 character serial number padded to the right with blanks.

RAID rebuild percent complete indicates the percent complete (from 0 to 100) that the I/O Adapter (IOA) has constructed the data on the disk unit using RAID algorithms and parity data from the disk units in the parity set. During the time the RAID rebuild is running, the performance of some applications or processes may be negatively affected. This field is only valid if device parity protection is being rebuilt is set to binary 1.

Mirror subunit indicates whether the entry is for subunit 'A' (hex C1) or 'B' (hex C2) of a mirrored pair. If the unit is not a mirrored pair, the value will be a blank (hex 40). This field is only valid if unit mirrored is set to binary 1.

Unit is NVMe indicates whether or not this is a Non-Volatile Memory Experss device. A value of binary 1 indicates this is a Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) device.

Unit is IASP configuration device indicates whether or not this disk unit contains the configuration information for the Independent Auxiliary Storage Pool (IASP). A value of binary 1 indicates this unit is the IASP configuration device,

Unit is unmap capable indicates whether or not this unit is capable of performing the Unmap command. A value of binary 1 indicates this unit is capable of performing the Unmap command.

Unit supports lifetime remaining indicates whether or not the disk unit supports the lifetime remaining attribute. A value of binary 1 indicates the unit does support the lifetime remaining attribute.

Lifetime remaining retrieved from unit indicates whether or not the lifetime remaining value was successfully retrieved from the device. A value of binary 1 indicates the lifetime remaining was retrieved from the device.

Note that on overflow, the machine resets the following BIN(4) fields from 2,147,483,647 back to 0 without any indication of error: blocks transferred to main storage, blocks transferred from main storage, requests for data transfer to main storage, requests for data transfer from main storage, permanent blocks transferred from main storage, requests for permanent data transfer from main storage, sample count, and not busy count.

Original Multiprocessor utilizations (Hex 13)

Note: Option hex 28 is the preferred method of materializing multiprocessor utilizations. The MATRMD instruction option hex 28 returns the same information (and more, in a different format) as that provided by this option. This option returns information on a maximum of 32 processors even if there are more processors installed. If information on more than 32 processors is required, then the hex 28 option must be used.
Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Maximum number of active processors in the partition Bin(2)
18 12 Number of active processors in the partition Bin(2)
20 14 Bit map of processors currently active on the machine Char(4)
20 14
  • Processor 1 is active
  • Bit 0
20 14
  • Processor 2 is active
  • Bit 1
20 14
  • Processor 3 is active
  • Bit 2
20 14
  • Processor 4 is active
  • Bit 3
20 14
  • Processor 5 is active
  • Bit 4
20 14
  • Processor 6 is active
  • Bit 5
20 14
  • Processor 7 is active
  • Bit 6
20 14
  • Processor 8 is active
  • Bit 7
20 14
  • Processor 9 is active
  • Bit 8
20 14
  • Processor 10 is active
  • Bit 9
20 14
  • Processor 11 is active
  • Bit 10
20 14
  • Processor 12 is active
  • Bit 11
20 14
  • Processor 13 is active
  • Bit 12
20 14
  • Processor 14 is active
  • Bit 13
20 14
  • Processor 15 is active
  • Bit 14
20 14
  • Processor 16 is active
  • Bit 15
20 14
  • Processor 17 is active
  • Bit 16
20 14
  • Processor 18 is active
  • Bit 17
20 14
  • Processor 19 is active
  • Bit 18
20 14
  • Processor 20 is active
  • Bit 19
20 14
  • Processor 21 is active
  • Bit 20
20 14
  • Processor 22 is active
  • Bit 21
20 14
  • Processor 23 is active
  • Bit 22
20 14
  • Processor 24 is active
  • Bit 23
20 14
  • Processor 25 is active
  • Bit 24
20 14
  • Processor 26 is active
  • Bit 25
20 14
  • Processor 27 is active
  • Bit 26
20 14
  • Processor 28 is active
  • Bit 27
20 14
  • Processor 29 is active
  • Bit 28
20 14
  • Processor 30 is active
  • Bit 29
20 14
  • Processor 31 is active
  • Bit 30
20 14
  • Processor 32 is active
  • Bit 31
24 18 Array of Char(8) processor time used since IPL values. Repeated once for each active processor. Char(256)
24 18
  • Processor 1 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
32 20
  • Processor 2 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
40 28
  • Processor 3 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
48 30
  • Processor 4 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
56 38
  • Processor 5 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
64 40
  • Processor 6 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
72 48
  • Processor 7 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
80 50
  • Processor 8 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
88 58
  • Processor 9 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
96 60
  • Processor 10 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
104 68
  • Processor 11 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
112 70
  • Processor 12 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
120 78
  • Processor 13 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
128 80
  • Processor 14 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
136 88
  • Processor 15 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
144 90
  • Processor 16 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
152 98
  • Processor 17 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
160 A0
  • Processor 18 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
168 A8
  • Processor 19 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
176 B0
  • Processor 20 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
184 B8
  • Processor 21 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
192 C0
  • Processor 22 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
200 C8
  • Processor 23 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
208 D0
  • Processor 24 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
216 D8
  • Processor 25 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
224 E0
  • Processor 26 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
232 E8
  • Processor 27 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
240 F0
  • Processor 28 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
248 F8
  • Processor 29 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
256 100
  • Processor 30 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
264 108
  • Processor 31 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
272 110
  • Processor 32 time busy since IPL
  • Char(8)
--- End ---

This option always returns a number of bytes available for materialization equal to the length of the entire structure detailed above (it does not vary with the number of configured or active processors).

Maximum number of active processors in the partition is the maximum number of virtual processors that can be active on the current IPL of the partition.

Number of active processors in the partition is the number of virtual processors currently active in the partition. It will always be less than or equal to the maximum number of active processors in the partition.

A value of binary 1 for the processor is active field indicates the processor is active. A value of binary 0 indicates the processor is currently varied off or is not installed on the system.

The significance of bits within the processor time busy since IPL fields are the same as that defined for the time-of-day clock. For a partition sharing physical processors, processor time busy since IPL is scaled appropriately so that CPU utilization calculations can be done as if the partition was using dedicated processors.

Virtual processors that are not currently active (but were active at some previous time in the IPL) will not have their processor time busy since IPL reported.

Storage pool tuning (Hex 14)

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Control information Char(16)
16 10
  • Current number of pools
  • Bin(2)
18 12
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(14)
Pool information
(repeated once for each pool)
[*] Char(104)
  • Type of pool tuning
    Hex 00 =
    No tuning is being done for the pool
    Hex 10 =
    Static tuning
    Hex 20 =
    Dynamic tuning of transfers to main storage
    Hex 30 =
    Dynamic tuning of transfers to main storage and to auxiliary storage

  • Char(1)
  • Changed page handling
    Hex 00 =
    System page replacement algorithm handles changed pages
    Hex 10 =
    Periodically transfer changed pages to auxiliary storage

  • Char(1)
34 22
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(14)
48 30
  • Nondatabase objects
  • Char(8)
    • Blocking factor
      Hex 0008 =
      Transfer data between main storage and auxiliary in blocks of 4K.
      Hex 0010 =
      Transfer data between main storage and auxiliary in blocks of 8K.
      Hex 0020 =
      Transfer data between main storage and auxiliary in blocks of 16K.
      Hex 0040 =
      Transfer data between main storage and auxiliary in blocks of 32K.

    • Char(2)
50 32
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Char(6)
56 38
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(16)
  • Handling of database objects by class
    (repeat for each of the four classes)
  • [4] Char(8)
    • Blocking factor
      Hex 0008 =
      Transfer data between main storage and auxiliary in blocks of 4K.
      Hex 0010 =
      Transfer data between main storage and auxiliary in blocks of 8K.
      Hex 0020 =
      Transfer data between main storage and auxiliary in blocks of 16K.
      Hex 0040 =
      Transfer data between main storage and auxiliary in blocks of 32K.
      Hex 0080 =
      Transfer data between main storage and auxiliary in blocks of 64K.
      Hex 0100 =
      Transfer data between main storage and auxiliary in blocks of 128K.

    • Char(2)
    • Allow exchange operations
      Hex C5 =
      Allow exchange operations
      Hex D5 =
      Disable exchange operations
      Hex D9 =
      Indicate that objects are good candidates for replacement

    • Char(1)
    • Handling of requests to transfer object to auxiliary storage
      Hex D5 =
      Use the system page replacement algorithm
      Hex D7 =
      Purge the objects from main storage
      Hex D9 =
      Indicate the objects are good candidates for replacement
      Hex E6 =
      Write the objects to auxiliary storage

    • Char(1)
76 4C
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Char(4)
104 68
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(32)
--- End ---

Current number of pools is a user-specified value for the number of storage pools the user wishes to utilize. These are assumed to be numbered from 1 to the number specified. This number is fixed by the machine to be equal to the maximum number of pools.

Type of pool tuning determines what the system is doing to tune the performance of a storage pool.

  • When no tuning is being done for a pool (hex 00), the system tries to minimize the amount of main storage that is used by each of the jobs in the system independent of the amount of main storage that exists in a pool. The values returned for nondatabase objects and database objects by class will be all zeros to represent that the default values are being used.
  • If static tuning is being done (hex 10), the system will use the values specified for pool information to determine the amount of data to transfer to main storage and auxiliary storage.
  • When dynamic tuning of transfers to main storage is being done (hex 20), the system bases the amount of data to transfer to main storage based on the demand for storage in the storage pool, the size of the pool, the number of active users in the pool and other performance attributes. The values returned for database objects by class and nondatabase objects is the current value being used by the system to handle the objects.
  • When dynamic tuning of transfers to main storage and auxiliary storage is being done (hex 30), the system bases the amount of data to transfer to main storage and to auxiliary storage based on the demand for storage in the storage pool, the size of the pool, the number of active users in the pool and other performance attributes. The values returned for database objects by class and nondatabase objects is the current value being used by the system to handle the objects.

When tuning is requested (hex 10, 20 or 30), the system periodically categorizes database objects into four different performance classes. The classes are:

Class 1
Object access appears to be very random - a disk access is required for nearly each record that is accessed
Class 2
Some locality of reference detected, several records are being accessed per disk access
Class 3
High locality of reference detected, object is being processed in a sequential manner, references are highly clustered, large portions of the object are resident in memory.
Class 4
See following explanation.

The class of a database object is adjusted if the object's size is small in comparison to the available storage in the storage pool. This class adjustment involves adding 1 to the class number, so a class 3 database object (as defined above) would be treated as a class 4 if it is small in comparison to the available storage in the storage pool.

Reference information for determining an object's class is collected periodically and by storage pool so an object's class will vary over time and by storage pool.

Changed page handling affects when the system will write changed pages to auxiliary storage. When the system page replacement algorithm (hex 00) is specified as the changed page handling mechanism, the system will transfer changed pages to auxiliary storage when:

  • Explicitly requested to transfer the page (for example, Set Access State (SETACST) instruction)
  • There is a demand for pages in the pool
When the periodically transfer changed pages option (hex 10) is specified as the changed page handling mechanism, the system will transfer changed pages to auxiliary storage when:
  • Explicitly requested to transfer the page (for example, Set Access State (SETACST) instruction)
  • There is a demand for pages in the pool
  • Periodically look for changed pages in a pool and transfer the changed pages to auxiliary storage

Blocking factor determines how much data should be brought into main storage when the object is needed in main storage.

Allow exchange operations controls which method the system should use to find main storage to hold data. With the exchange method (hex C5), the system uses the page frames associated with a specific object to satisfy the request. If exchange operations are disabled (hex D5), the system will use the normal page replacement algorithm to find page frames for the request. If objects should be treated as good candidates for replacement (hex D9), the system makes the page frames associated with the object being exchanged a good replacement candidate but uses the normal page replacement algorithm to find page frames for the request.

Handling of requests to transfer object to auxiliary storage determines when the data is transferred to auxiliary storage and when the page frames containing the object are available to contain other data. If purging is active (hex D7) and a request is made to purge the object to auxiliary storage, the system will immediately schedule the request to transfer the data and when the transfer is completed, the page frames containing the data just written will be made available to hold other objects. If writing is active (hex E6) and a request is made to purge the object to auxiliary storage, the system will immediately schedule the request to transfer the data and the page frames are not made good candidates to be reused. If objects are good candidates for replacement (hex D9), the objects are likely to be removed from main storage by transferring the objects to auxiliary storage when the system needs to transfer other objects into main storage. If the system page replacement algorithm is used (hex D5), the system decides when the object should be transferred from main storage to auxiliary storage.

Delay cost scheduling information (Hex 15)

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Scheduling type
Hex 0000 =
Indicates that delay cost scheduling is disabled. Processes are dispatched on the basis of their assigned priority.
Hex 0001 =
Indicates that delay cost scheduling is enabled. The machine default priority mapping and cost curve definitions are being used.

--- End ---

MPL Control Data (Hex 16)

Note: Option hex 16 is the preferred method of materializing MPL control information.
Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Machine-wide MPL control Char(20)
16 10
  • Maximum number of MPL classes
  • Bin(2)
18 12
  • Current number of MPL classes
  • Bin(2)
20 14
  • MPL (max)
  • UBin(4)
24 18
  • Ineligible event threshold
  • UBin(4)
28 1C
  • MPL (current)
  • UBin(4)
32 20
  • Number of threads in ineligible state
  • UBin(4)
MPL class information
(repeated for each MPL class, from 1 to the current number of MPL classes)
[*] Char(32)
36 24
  • MPL (max)
  • UBin(4)
40 28
  • Ineligible event threshold
  • UBin(4)
44 2C
  • Current MPL
  • UBin(4)
48 30
  • Number of threads in ineligible state
  • UBin(4)
52 34
  • Number of threads assigned to class
  • UBin(4)
56 38
  • Number of active to ineligible transitions
  • UBin(4)
60 3C
  • Number of active to MI wait transitions
  • UBin(4)
64 40
  • Number of MI wait to ineligible transitions
  • UBin(4)
--- End ---

Machine-Wide MPL Control:

  • Maximum number of MPL classes is the largest number of MPL classes allowed in the machine. These are assumed to be numbered from 1 to the maximum.
  • Current number of MPL classes is a user-specified value for the number of MPL classes in use. They are assumed to be numbered from 1 to the current number.
  • MPL (max) always materializes as hex FFFFFFFF. The machine does not support a machine-wide limit for the number of threads in active state.
  • Ineligible event threshold always materializes as hex FFFFFFFF. The machine does not monitor a machine-wide threshold for the number threads in ineligible state.
  • MPL (current) is the current number of threads in the active state.
  • Number of threads in the ineligible state is the number of threads not currently active because of enforcement of class MPL rules.

MPL Class Information

  • MPL class information is data in an array that is associated with an MPL class by virtue of its ordinal position within the array.
  • MPL (max) is the number of threads assigned to the class which may be concurrently active.
  • Ineligible event threshold is a number which, if exceeded by the number of threads in ineligible state defined below, will cause an event to be signaled.
  • MPL (current) and number of threads in ineligible state are as defined above but apply only to threads assigned to the class.
  • Number of threads assigned to class is the total number of threads, in any state, assigned to the class.
  • The total number of transitions among the active, wait, and ineligible states by threads assigned to a class are:
    1. Number of active to ineligible transitions
    2. Number of active to MI wait transitions
    3. Number of MI wait to ineligible transitions
  • Note that transitions from wait state to active state can be derived as (2 - 3) and transitions from ineligible state to active state as (1 + 3). On overflow, the machine wraps these UBin(4) numbers from hex FFFFFFFF to 0 without any indication of error.

Allocation and De-allocation counts per task and thread (Hex 17)

The materialized data should not be used for accounting purposes as the intended use of this data is for diagnostic purposes, such as, to help determine which task or thread is currently consuming large amounts of space on the system. The user of this MI instruction should be aware that process initiation and termination will be slowed by over use.

Note that through appropriate setting of the number of bytes provided for materialization field for operand 1, the amount of information to be materialized for this option can be reduced thus avoiding the processing for unneeded information.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Control information Char(16)
  • Requested function
    (Requested function is an input field) User specified values:
    1 =
    Sorted by storage allocation
    2 =
    Sorted by storage de-allocation
    3 =
    Sorted by delta storage (allocated minus de-allocated)

  • UBin(2)
18 12
  • Total number of tasks and threads
  • UBin(4)
22 16
  • Total number of entries
  • UBin(4)
26 1A
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(6)
Task and thread information
(Repeated once for each task or thread.  Located immediately after the control information above.)
[*] Char(80)
32 20
  • Task and thread control information
  • Char(2)
    • Task and thread indicator
      00 =
      Secondary thread
      01 =
      Initial thread
      10 =
      11 =

    • Bits 0-1
32 20
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 2-15
34 22
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(2)
36 24
  • Task name
  • Char(32)
68 44
  • Task identifier
  • Char(4)
72 48
  • Thread identifier
  • Char(8)
80 50
  • Allocated storage
  • UBin(4)
84 54
  • De-allocated storage
  • UBin(4)
88 58
  • Delta storage
  • UBin(4)
92 5C
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(20)
--- End ---

  • Requested function is the option on how the data should be returned back to the requester. This field is input from the requester. The sorting is performed on all the data before determining which elements will be returned.
  • Total number of tasks and threads is the total number of tasks and threads on the system at the time of the sampling. This includes all machine tasks, initial threads and secondary threads.
  • Total number of entries is the number of task and thread information elements that are being returned.

Task and thread information

  • Task and thread indicator specifies whether the element is for a task, initial thread or a secondary thread.
  • Task name is the name of the task. All threads within a process will have the same process control space (PCS) name.
  • Task identifier contains a value assigned by the machine, which uniquely identifies the task within the machine for as long as the task exists.
  • Thread identifier contains a value assigned by the machine, which uniquely identifies this thread within its process. The value will not be re-assigned to another thread within the process. For a task this field will be zero.
  • Allocated storage is the amount of auxiliary storage in pages that has been allocated by this task or thread. The value of this field only increases over time.
  • De-allocated storage is the amount of auxiliary storage in pages that has been de-allocated by this task or thread. The value of this field only increases over time.
  • Delta storage is the amount of auxiliary storage in pages that is the difference between the amount allocated and de-allocated by this task or thread. If the de-allocated storage is larger than the allocated storage, then the field will be set to zero.

Processor Multi-tasking mode (Hex 18)

This option is used to materialize the pending and current values for the processor multi-tasking mode.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Current mode
0 =
Processor multi-tasking capability is currently disabled.
1 =
Processor multi-tasking capability is currently enabled.
2 =
Processor multi-tasking capability is currently system controlled.

Pending mode
0 =
Processor multi-tasking capability is to be disabled if supported by the system hardware.
1 =
Processor multi-tasking capability is to be enabled if supported by the system hardware.
2 =
Processor multi-tasking capability is to be system controlled if supported by the system hardware.

--- End ---

The current mode field returns the current value for the processor multi-tasking mode.

The pending mode field returns the pending value for the processor multi-tasking mode.

If the pending mode is set to a supported value for the hardware, the current mode will be changed to the pending mode. However, if the pending mode is set to an unsupported value for the hardware, the value specified for pending mode will be ignored and the pending mode will be reset to the current mode. At IPL, the pending mode may be set to the current mode after changes to the current mode, if any, have been applied.

For a physical machine with firmware level hex 10:

  • Current mode and pending mode are materialized for the current partition. The default value is 2 (processor multitasking is system controlled). Both the current mode and pending mode are set to the default value on the initial IPL following an install.

Dynamic priority adjustment mode (Hex 19)

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Current mode
0 =
Indicates that dynamic priority adjustment is currently disabled. Tasks will be dispatched on the basis of their assigned priority.
1 =
Indicates that dynamic priority adjustment is currently enabled. This algorithm is effective on systems that have throughput rated for both interactive and non-interactive workloads.

Pending mode
0 =
Indicates that dynamic priority adjustment is to be disabled. Tasks will be dispatched on the basis of their assigned priority.
1 =
Indicates that dynamic priority adjustment is to be enabled. This algorithm is effective on systems that have throughput rated for both interactive and non-interactive workloads.

--- End ---

Changes to the dynamic priority adjustment mode take effect on the subsequent IPL. The default value for the current mode field is "enabled" even though the capability is not available on all hardware models. Dynamic priority adjustment mode will not be effective if delay cost scheduling (see option hex 15) has been disabled.

The underlying function, Server Dynamic Tuning, allows the interactive workload on the system to be depressed to allow the non-interactive workload more throughput. As interactive tasks utilize more than a predetermined amount of CPU cycles, their priorities will be lowered to allow non-interactive tasks to obtain CPU cycles. As interactive tasks utilize less than a predetermined amount of CPU cycles, their priorities will be raised toward their assigned priority.

Disk collection / balancing status (Hex 1A)

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
ASP number
(ASP number is an input field)
Type of disk balance
0 =
No disk balancing
1 =
Capacity disk balancing
2 =
Usage disk balancing
3 =
Archiving disk balancing
4 =
Clear the collection data
5 =
Move data balancing
6 =
Media preference balancing

20 14 Reserved (binary zero) Char(16)
ASP disk collection status
Hex 0000 =
No collection in process
Hex 0001 =
Collection in process
Hex 0002 =
Canceling the collection
Hex 0003 =
Holding the collection data for balancing only
Hex 0004 =
Clearing the collection data
Hex 0005 =
Holding the collection data for collection or balancing

ASP disk balancing status
Hex 0000 =
No balancing in process
Hex 0001 =
Balancing in process
Hex 0002 =
Balancing has been cancelled
Hex 0003 =
Balancing has been suspended
Hex 0004 =
Balancing has completed

40 28 Date/time the collection last started Char(17)
40 28
  • Year collection last started
  • Char(4)
44 2C
  • Month collection last started
  • Char(2)
46 2E
  • Day collection last started
  • Char(2)
48 30
  • Hour collection last started
  • Char(2)
50 32
  • Minute collection last started
  • Char(2)
52 34
  • Reserved (binary zero)
  • Char(5)
57 39 ASP flags Char(1)
57 39
  • ASP contains compressed and non-compressed units
  • Bit 0
57 39
  • ASP is varied on
  • Bit 1
57 39
  • Remote mirrored independent ASP is partially varied on
  • Bit 2
57 39
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 3-7
Number of allocated auxiliary storage units in ASP
Note: Number of configured, non-mirrored
units + number of mirrored pairs

60 3C Cumulative minutes the collection has run UBin(4)
64 40 Date/time the collection last ended Char(17)
64 40
  • Year collection last ended
  • Char(4)
68 44
  • Month collection last ended
  • Char(2)
70 46
  • Day collection last ended
  • Char(2)
72 48
  • Hour collection last ended
  • Char(2)
74 4A
  • Minute collection last ended
  • Char(2)
76 4C
  • Reserved (binary zero)
  • Char(5)
81 51 Date/time the balancing last started Char(17)
81 51
  • Year balancing last started
  • Char(4)
85 55
  • Month balancing last started
  • Char(2)
87 57
  • Day balancing last started
  • Char(2)
89 59
  • Hour balancing last started
  • Char(2)
91 5B
  • Minute balancing last started
  • Char(2)
93 5D
  • Reserved (binary zero)
  • Char(5)
98 62 Reserved (binary zero) Char(2)
100 64 Cumulative minutes the balancing has run UBin(4)
104 68 Date/time the balancing last ended Char(17)
104 68
  • Year balancing last ended
  • Char(4)
108 6C
  • Month balancing last ended
  • Char(2)
110 6E
  • Day balancing last ended
  • Char(2)
112 70
  • Hour balancing last ended
  • Char(2)
114 72
  • Minute balancing last ended
  • Char(2)
116 74
  • Reserved (binary zero)
  • Char(5)
121 79 Reserved (binary zero) Char(7)
128 80 Amount to be moved Char(8)
136 88 Amount moved Char(8)
--- End ---

  • ASP number is an input value that uniquely identifies the auxiliary storage pool from which the current collection and balancing status is desired. The ASP number may have a value from 1 through 255. A value of 1 indicates the system ASP. A value of 2 through 255 indicates a user ASP.
  • Type of disk balance identifies the type of balance activity that is currently running or was done last for this ASP.
  • ASP disk collection status identifies the requested ASP's current collection status.
    • No collection in process (hex 0000) indicates that no collection is active for this ASP. Also no collection data is available for balancing.
    • Collection in process (hex 0001) indicates a collection is currently in process. The collection data consists of how frequently data is referenced from a disk arm in the ASP and how busy the disk is during the collection period.
    • Canceling the collection (hex 0002) indicates the collection has been cancelled. The collection can be resumed or can be used for balancing purposes.
    • Holding the collection data for balancing only (hex 0003) indicates that the collection data is being held for further movement or clearing.
    • Clearing the collection data (hex 0004) indicates the collection is currently being cleared.
    • Holding the collection data for collection or balancing (hex 0005) indicates the collection is currently being held for additional collection, balancing or clearing purposes.
  • ASP disk balancing status identifies the requested ASP's current balancing status.
    • No balancing in process (hex 0000) indicates that no balancing is active for this ASP.
    • Balancing in process (hex 0001) indicates a balancing is currently in process. A disk collection must have been run prior to this activity.
    • Balancing has been cancelled (hex 0002) indicates the balancing is being cancelled. The balancing can be resumed or the collection data can be cleared.
    • Balancing has been suspended (hex 0003) indicates the balancing was previously stopped. The balancing can be resumed or the collection data can be cleared.
    • Balancing has completed (hex 0004) indicates the balancing has completed normally.
  • Date and time the collection last started. This is an EBCDIC date and time representation indicating when the last collection period was started. If no collection has been started, then the field will be binary zeroes.
    • Year collection last started
    • Month collection last started
    • Day collection last started
    • Hour collection last started
    • Minute collection last started
  • ASP contains compressed and non-compressed units flag specifies whether or not the ASP has compressed and non-compressed configured units. A value of binary 1 indicates that both compressed and non-compressed units exist in this ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates that a mix of compressed and non-compressed units does not exist in this ASP.
  • ASP is online flag specifies if the ASP is available to the system. If this ASP is an independent ASP, a value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is varied on. If this ASP is an independent ASP, a value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is varied off. A value of binary 1 is returned if the ASP is a basic ASP or a system ASP.
  • Remote mirrored independent ASP is partially varied on flag specifies that the remote mirrored copy of an independent ASP is partially varied on. If this ASP is an independent ASP, a value of binary 1 indicates that it is the mirror copy in a remotely mirrored independent ASP and that the independent ASP is partially varied on. If this ASP is an independent ASP, a value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is varied off. A value of binary 0 is returned if the ASP is a basic ASP or a system ASP.
  • Number of allocated auxiliary storage units in ASP is the number of configured units logically addressable by the system as units for this ASP. This is the number of configured, non-mirrored units plus the number of mirrored pairs allocated in the ASPs. The total number of units (actuator arms) on the system is the sum of the allocated auxiliary storage units plus the number of unallocated auxiliary storage units plus the number of pairs of mirrored units. For example, each 9335 enclosure represents two units. Information on these units is materialized as part of the unit information. Any two units of the same size may be associated to form a mirrored pair. Association of two units as a mirrored pair reduces the amount of logically available storage by the number of bytes contained on one of the mirrored units in the mirrored pair.
  • Cumulative minutes the collection has run. Since the collection can be stopped and restarted several times this gives the user an indication of how long the collection has been run. When the collection is cleared this field is reset to binary zeroes.
  • Date and time the collection last ended. This is an EBCDIC date and time representation indicating when the last collection period was ended. If no collection has ended, then the field will be binary zeroes.
    • Year collection last ended
    • Month collection last ended
    • Day collection last ended
    • Hour collection last ended
    • Minute collection last ended
  • Date and time the balancing last started. This is an EBCDIC date and time representation indicating when the last balancing period was started. If no balancing has been started, then the field will be binary zeroes.
    • Year balancing last started
    • Month balancing last started
    • Day balancing last started
    • Hour balancing last started
    • Minute balancing last started
  • Cumulative minutes the balancing has run. Since the balancing can be stopped and restarted several times this gives the user an indication of how long the balancing has been run. When the collection is cleared this field is reset to binary zeroes.
  • Date and time the balancing last ended. This is an EBCDIC date and time representation indicating when the last balancing period was ended. If no balancing has been ended, then the field will be binary zeroes.
    • Year balancing last ended
    • Month balancing last ended
    • Day balancing last ended
    • Hour balancing last ended
    • Minute balancing last ended
  • Amount to be moved. This is the target amount in megabytes that the balancing function will attempt to re-balance.
  • Amount moved. This is the amount in megabytes that the balancing function has moved to re-balance.

Materialize mapping of partition processors (Hex 1B)

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Number of processors for which information is being materialized UBin(2)
18 12 Reserved (binary 0) Char(6)
24 18 Physical processor token [*] UBin(2)
--- End ---

Number of processors for which information is being materialized is the number of the virtual processors that are currently active in the partition. Number of processors for which information is being materialized is less than or equal to the number of processors configured on the machine returned by MATRMD option hex 13.

Physical processor token provides an index that can be used to correlate the virtual processor to its vital product data returned by MATMATR option hex 012C for a system with a maximum of 16 processors. Physical processor token is the index of the physical machine processor (starting from 1) that a partition virtual processor is currently mapped to.

For a partition sharing physical processors, this mapping only provides a snapshot. At a given instance, a partition processor may be mapped to any of the physical processors in the shared pool in which the partition is running.

DASD Management Status (Hex 1C)

This option returns status information from the DASD manager.

The format of the template for the status information from the DASD manager follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Reserved (binary 0) Char(8)
(Handle is an input field)
0 =
DASD Management not in use.
1 =
DASD Management in use by an MI user. No action in progress.
2 =
DASD Management in use by an MI user. Action in progress.
3 =
DASD Management in use by DST/service tools

Action identifier
0001 =
Change ASP event threshold percentage
0002 =
Add disk units
0003 =
Suspend mirrored protection
0004 =
Resume mirrored protection
0005 =
Include disk units in an existing parity set
0006 =
Rebuild data on a unit after a parity fault
0007 =
Replace unit with a non-configured unit
0008 =
Start device parity protection
0009 =
Enable remote load source mirroring
0010 =
Disable remote load source mirroring
0011 =
Power off unit
0012 =
Power on unit
0013 =
Format disk
0014 =
Blank disk
0015 =
Surface scan of disk
0016 =
Reset multiple connection unit
0017 =
Suspend geographic mirroring
0018 =
Resume geographic mirroring
0019 =
Write ASP changes to disk
0020 =
Detach geographic mirroring copy
0021 =
Reattach geographic mirroring copy
5000 =
DST/service tools actions
5001 =
No actions performed
5002 =
Specified handle not performing action

36 24 Percentage complete UBin(2)
38 26 Number of return codes UBin(2)
40 28 Return code array [*] Char(*)
--- End ---

The handle is an optional input field. If provided, the handle will return the status for the open connection to DASD management. If there is not an open connection to DASD management or the handle does not match the handle of the open connection, action identifier will be set to 5002 and no additional information will be returned. If handle is set to hex zeros, all available information about DASD management will be returned, including status, action identifier, percentage complete, number of return codes, and return code array. The handle has a timeout associated with it. If the handle is not used to perform an action or is not used to check the status using this MATRMD option within 5 minutes after an action completes, the connection to DASD Management is automatically closed and the handle is invalidated and cannot be used for any more DASD management actions. This timeout counter only starts when an action is completed. For example, if a long running action such as add disk units takes an hour to complete, the timer will be started after the add disk units action completes. The connection will close 5 minutes after the add disk units has completed if the handle has not been used to request another action or check the status within that 5 minutes. Once the handle is used to check the status or request a new action, the timer is reset.

The status field is an output field which specifies the status of DASD Management.

The action identifier field is an output field which specifies the most recently attempted action if no action is in progress or the action in progress. If the action specified is 5001 (no actions performed), or 5002 (DST/service tools action), the status field is the only other valid output field.

The percentage complete field is an output field which identifies the percentage complete of an action being performed for an MI user. This field is not defined if DASD Management is currently being used by DST/service tools or if no action is currently being performed. The range of percentages that may be returned is 0 through 100.

The number of return codes is an output field that identifies the number of return codes in the return code array. If the number of return codes is zero and the percentage complete is 100, the action completed successfully.

The return code array is an output field that refers to an array of return codes and data associated with the action identifier. If there is not enough space allocated for all return codes in the array, no return code information will be filled in.

The format of an entry in the return code array follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Return code
Hex 0000 =
Action successful
Hex 0004 =
Action failed
Hex 00FF =
General DASD management error
Hex 0302 =
Cannot restore mirrored data
Hex 0402 =
Disk unit has errors
Hex 0600 =
Create new ASP failed
Hex 0706 =
Cannot rebuild parity information
Hex 0708 =
Device parity set not operational
Hex 0902 =
Action was cancelled

2 2 Return code details Char(30)
--- End ---

The return code field is an output field which identifies one of the return codes of the most recently completed DASD management action.

The return code details field is an output field which identifies error data associated with the return code. If the failure involves a disk unit, the resource name of that disk unit will be placed in the first ten characters of this field. The remaining 20 characters of this field are reserved for future use. If the failure does not involve a disk unit, this field will be set to binary zeros and should be ignored.

DASD Management Disk Information (Hex 1D)

This option provides information about a list of disks.

The format of the template for disk information follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Reserved (binary 0) Char(8)
Number of elements in disk information array
(Number of elements in disk information array is an input/output field)
Length of element in disk information array
(Length of element in disk information array is an input field)
32 20 Disk information array [*] Char(*)
--- End ---
Note: This template must be 16 byte aligned.

The number of elements in disk information array field is an input/output field which specifies the number of elements in the disk information array.

The length of element in disk information array field is an input field which specifies the length, in bytes, of an entry in the disk information array field.

The disk information array is an array of disk resource names and information about those disks. The format of the disk information array is as follows:

Note: The length of the disk information array is number of elements in disk information array * length of element in disk information array. If the actual length of disk information array is smaller than this value, the number of elements in disk information array field will be updated to the number of elements provided.
Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
0 0 Disk resource name Char(10)
10 A Flags Char(1)
  • Disk unit may be included in new parity set
    0 =
    Not allowed in new parity set
    1 =
    Allowed in new parity set

  • Bit 0
  • Disk unit may be included in existing parity set
    0 =
    Not allowed in existing parity set
    1 =
    Allowed in existing parity set

  • Bit 1
  • Disk unit not found
    0 =
    Disk unit found
    1 =
    Disk unit not found

  • Bit 2
10 A
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 3-7
11 B Parity set number Char(1)
12 C Capacity available after parity started UBin(4)
16 10 Frame associated with disk unit Char(10)
26 1A Frame ID associated with disk unit Char(4)
30 1E Reserved Char(2)
--- End ---

The disk resource name field is an input field which specifies the name of the disk unit to return information about. The disk unit resource name of the first element in the array may have the special value of '*UNCONFIG' which indicates all unconfigured disk units in the system will be found and the associated parity information for those disks will be returned. The number of elements in disk information array field will be updated to the number of elements provided.

The disk unit may be included in a new parity set field is an output field which specifies if the disk resource name can be included as one of the disks in that set when creating a new parity set.

The disk unit may be included in existing parity set field is an output field which specifies if disk resource name is eligible to be on a list of disks that is to be added to that parity set.

The disk unit not found field is set to a 1 if a disk unit corresponding to the disk resource name was not found on the system.

The parity set number field is an output field that specifies the parity set a disk unit will belong to after it has been included in a parity set. The value of this field should be ignored if the disk unit is not allowed in a new or existing parity set.

The capacity available after parity started field is an output field that specifies the capacity of the disk unit in millions of bytes after this disk unit becomes part of a parity set. The value of this field should be ignored if the disk unit is not allowed in a new or existing parity set.

The frame associated with disk unit field is an output field that identifies the frame resource to which the disk unit is attached. This field may be used to determine the physical location of the disk unit.

The frame ID associated with disk unit field is an output field that identifies the frame id to which the disk unit is attached. This field may be used to determine the physical location of the disk unit.

Interactive Utilization Data (Hex 1E)

This option provides information about interactive utilization. For additional information, see manual SC41-0607 iSeries Performance Capabilities Reference manual which is available in the Information Center.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Interactive threshold UBin(2)
18 12 Interactive limit UBin(2)
20 14 Reserved Char(4)
24 18 Interactive processor usage since IPL Char(8)
32 20 Interactive processor usage above threshold since IPL Char(8)
40 28 Reserved Char(16)
--- End ---

Interactive threshold is the highest level of interactive processor utilization which can be sustained without causing a disproportionate increase in system overhead. the value returned is the fraction of processor capacity, expressed in tenths of a percent. For example, a value of 237 means that the threshold is 23.7%.

On a machine with no limit on interactive utilization, the value returned will be 1000 (100%).

Interactive limit is the maximum sustainable level of interactive processor utilization. The machine determines the interactive limit based on the interactive feature. The value returned is the fraction of processor capacity, expressed in tenths of a percent. For example, a value of 275 means that the limit is 27.5%.

On a machine with no limit on interactive utilization, the value returned will be 1000 (100%).

Interactive processor usage since IPL is the total processor time, used by interactive processes since IPL. If the system does not support this metric, a value of hex 0000000000000000 is returned. If the system does support this and needs to return a value of 0, a value of hex 0000000000001000 is returned. For all other cases, the significance of bits within this field is the same as that defined for the time-of-day clock. On a machine with more than one virtual processor, the value returned will be the sum of the interactive processor usage since IPL for all virtual processors.

Interactive processor usage above threshold since IPL is the total processor time, used by interactive processes, since IPL, during which the interactive utilization exceeded the interactive threshold. On a machine with more than one virtual processor, the value returned will be the sum of the interactive processor usage above threshold since IPL for all virtual processors. The significance of bits within this field is the same as that defined for the time-of-day clock.

For a partition using shared processors, interactive processor usage since IPL and interactive processor usage above threshold since IPL are scaled by the configured capacity of the partition. This allows CPU utilization calculations to be done as if the partition was using whole physical processors.

Auxiliary Storage Pool Information (Short format) (Hex 1F)

The auxiliary storage pool information describes the ASPs (auxiliary storage pools) which are configured within the machine. This option does not return information for independent ASPs which are varied off. You can use option "Auxiliary Storage Pool Information including offline Independent ASPs (Hex 22)" to return information about independent ASPs which are varied off.

Also note that through appropriate setting of the number of bytes provided field for operand 1, the amount of information to be materialized for this option can be reduced thus avoiding the processing for unneeded information.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Control information Char(16)
16 10
  • Number of ASPs
  • UBin(2)
18 12
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(14)
ASP information
(Repeated once for each ASP. Located immediately after the control information above. ASP 1, always configured, is first. Configured ASPs follow in ascending numerical order.)
[*] Char(32)
32 20
  • ASP number
  • Char(2)
  • Number of allocated auxiliary storage units in ASP
    Note: Number of configured, non-mirrored disk
    units + number of mirrored pairs of disk units

  • UBin(2)
36 24
  • ASP resource name
  • Char(10)
46 2E
  • ASP control flags
  • Char(2)
46 2E
    • ASP overflow
    • Bit 0
46 2E
    • Independent ASP
    • Bit 1
46 2E
    • ASP protected
    • Bit 2
46 2E
    • User ASP MI state
    • Bit 3
46 2E
    • Independent ASP address threshold exceeded
    • Bit 4
46 2E
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 5-15
48 30
  • Number of addresses remaining in independent ASP
  • Char(8)
56 38
  • ASP number of the primary ASP
  • Char(2)
58 3A
  • Independent ASP type
  • Char(1)
58 3A
    • Primary ASP
    • Bit 0
58 3A
    • Secondary ASP
    • Bit 1
58 3A
    • UDFS ASP
    • Bit 2
58 3A
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bit 3
58 3A
    • IASP vary-off is in progress
    • Bit 4
58 3A
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 5-7
59 3B
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(5)
--- End ---

Number of ASPs is the number of ASPs configured within the machine. One, the minimum value, indicates just the system ASP exists and that there are no user ASPs configured. Up to 255 user ASPs can be configured. The system ASP always exists. This number of ASPs include the system ASP, basic ASPs (that is, user ASPs which cannot be varied on), and independent ASPs which are currently varied on to this system.

ASP information is repeated once for each ASP configured within the machine. The number of ASPs configured is specified by the number of ASPs field. ASP 1, the system ASP, is materialized first. Because the system ASP always exists, its materialization is always available. The information about the user ASPs is materialized after the system ASP in ascending numerical order. There may be gaps in the numerical order. For example, if user ASPs 3 and 75 are configured, the materialize will produce information on ASP 1, ASP 3, and ASP 75 in that order.

ASP number uniquely identifies the auxiliary storage pool. The ASP number may have a value from 1 through 255. A value of 1 indicates the system ASP. A value of 2 through 255 indicates a user ASP. Note that independent ASPs have a value of 33 through 255.

Number of allocated auxiliary storage units in ASP is the number of configured units logically addressable by the system as units for this ASP. This is the number of configured, non-mirrored units plus the number of mirrored pairs allocated in the ASPs. Any two units of the same capacity may be associated to form a mirrored pair. Association of two units as a mirrored pair reduces the amount of logically available storage by the number of bytes contained on one of the mirrored units in the mirrored pair.

ASP resource name specifies the name which the user has assigned to this auxiliary storage pool. Blanks (hex value 40) are returned for ASPs which do not have names. Only independent ASPs have names. The ASP name is the resource name in the LUD.

ASP overflow flag indicates whether or not object allocations directed into the basic ASP have overflowed into the system ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates overflow; binary 0 indicates no overflow. This flag does not apply to the system ASP and a value of binary 0 is always returned for it. This flag does not apply to independent ASPs and a value of binary 0 is always returned for independent ASPs.

Independent ASP specifies whether or not the ASP is an independent ASP; that is, a user ASP that can be varied on or off. A value of binary 1 indicates the ASP is an independent ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates that this ASP is a basic ASP (a user ASP that cannot be varied on or off).

ASP protected specifies whether or not the ASP is configured to be protected from a single disk failure. A value of binary 1 indicates that the ASP is protected. All of the disk units in this ASP must be either device parity protected or mirror protected. A value of binary 0 indicates that the disk units in the ASP are not mirror protected, and there is no requirement that the disk units in the ASP be device parity protected.

User ASP MI state indicates the state of the user ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates that the user ASP is in the 'new' state. This means that a context may be allocated in this user ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates that the user ASP is in the 'old' state. This means that there are no contexts allocated in this user ASP. This flag has no meaning for the system ASP and a value of binary 0 will always be returned for the system ASP. A value of binary 1 is always returned for independent ASPs.

Independent ASP address threshold exceeded flag is only valid for an Independent ASP and specifies whether or not the independent ASP address threshold, selected by the machine, has been exceeded. A value of binary 1 indicates the threshold has been exceeded and the Independent ASP is running low on addresses. A value of binary 0 indicates that the address threshold has not been exceeded.

Number of addresses remaining in independent ASP contains the number of virtual addresses remaining for use by the independent ASP. This field only has meaning for an independent ASP. The information in this field is only valid if the independent ASP address threshold exceeded flag is set to binary 1.

ASP number of the primary ASP contains the ASP number of the primary ASP. This value only has meaning for an independent ASP. If the ASP is a secondary ASP, this field contains the ASP number of the primary ASP. If the ASP is a primary ASP, this value is the same as the ASP number. If the ASP is a UDFS ASP or is not an independent ASP, a value of hex 0000 is returned.

Primary ASP flag indicates that the independent ASP is a primary ASP in an ASP group. A primary ASP defines a collection of directories and contexts and may have secondary ASPs associated with it. This flag only has meaning for an independent ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is a primary ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is not a primary ASP.

Secondary ASP flag indicates that the independent ASP is a secondary ASP in an ASP group. A secondary ASP is associated with a primary ASP. There can be many secondary ASPs associated with the same primary ASP. The secondary ASP defines a collection of directories and contexts. This flag only has meaning for an independent ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is a secondary ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is not a secondary ASP.

UDFS ASP flag indicates that the independent ASP is a UDFS (User-defined File System) ASP. This type of independent ASP cannot be a member of an ASP group. This flag only has meaning for an independent ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is a UDFS ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is not a UDFS ASP.

IASP vary-off is in progress specifies whether or not the independent ASP is being varied off. A value of binary 1 indicates that the ASP is being varied off; binary 0 indicates that it is not being varied off.

Auxiliary Storage Information including offline Independent ASPs (Hex 20)

The auxiliary storage information describes the ASPs (auxiliary storage pools) which are configured within the machine and the units of auxiliary storage currently allocated to an ASP or known to the machine but not allocated to an ASP. This option returns information for all ASPs including independent ASPs that are varied off. Option "Auxiliary Storage Information (Hex 12)" returns the same information but does not return information for independent ASPs that are varied off.

Also note that through appropriate setting of the number of bytes provided field for operand 1, the amount of information to be materialized for this option can be reduced thus avoiding the processing for unneeded information. As an example, by setting this field to only provide enough bytes for the common 16 byte header, plus the option hex 20 control information, plus the system ASP entry of the ASP information, you can get just the information up through the system ASP entry returned and avoid the overhead for the user ASPs and unit information.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Control information Char(64)
  • Number of ASPs
    Note: 1 (the system ASP) +
    number of basic ASPs +
    number of varied-on independent ASPs +
    number of varied off independent ASPs

  • Bin(2)
  • Number of allocated auxiliary storage units
    Note: Number of configured, non-mirrored
    units + number of mirrored pairs

  • Bin(2)
20 14
  • Number of unallocated auxiliary storage units
  • Bin(2)
  • Reserved (binary 0)

  • Char(2)
24 18
  • Maximum auxiliary storage allocated to temporaries
  • Char(8)
  • Reserved (binary 0)

  • Char(12)
44 2C
  • Unit information offset
  • Bin(4)
48 30
  • Number of pairs of mirrored units
  • Bin(2)
50 32
  • Mirroring main storage
  • Bin(4)
54 36
  • Number of multipath units
  • UBin(2)
56 38
  • Current auxiliary storage allocated to temporaries
  • Char(8)
64 40
  • Number of bytes in a page
  • Bin(4)
68 44
  • Number of independent ASPs
  • UBin(2)
70 46
  • Number of disk units in all independent ASPs
  • UBin(2)
72 48
  • Number of basic ASPs
  • UBin(2)
74 4A
  • Number of disk units in all basic ASPs
  • UBin(2)
76 4C
  • Number of disk units in the system ASP
  • UBin(2)
78 4E
  • Number of additional entries for multipath units
  • UBin(2)
ASP information
(Repeated once for each ASP. Located immediately after the control information above. ASP 1, always configured, is first. Configured user ASPs follow in ascending numerical order.)
[*] Char(160)
80 50
  • ASP number
  • Char(2)
82 52
  • ASP control flags
  • Char(1)
82 52
    • Suppress threshold exceeded event
    • Bit 0
82 52
    • ASP overflow
    • Bit 1
    • Reserved

    • Bits 2-3
82 52
    • ASP mirrored
    • Bit 4
82 52
    • User ASP MI state
    • Bit 5
82 52
    • ASP overflow storage available
    • Bit 6
82 52
    • Suppress available storage lower limit reached event
    • Bit 7
83 53
  • ASP overflow recovery result
  • Char(1)
83 53
    • Successful
    • Bit 0
83 53
    • Failed due to insufficient free space
    • Bit 1
83 53
    • Cancelled
    • Bit 2
83 53
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 3-7
  • Number of allocated auxiliary storage units in ASP
    Note: Number of configured, non-mirrored
    units + number of mirrored pairs.
    It is possible that this number is 0 (zero) for an
    offline Independent ASP

  • UBin(2)
  • Mirroring mode for geographic mirroring
    Hex 00 =
    Geographic mirroring is not configured
    Hex 01 =
    Synchronous mode
    Hex 02 =
    Asynchronous mode
    Hex 62 =
    Geographic mirroring mode is unknown

  • Char(1)
  • Remote mirror copy data state
    Hex 00 =
    Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
    Hex 01 =
    Remote copy is in sync with the production copy
    Hex 02 =
    Remote copy contains useable data
    Hex 03 =
    Remote copy data cannot be used
    Hex 62 =
    Remote copy data state is unknown

  • Char(1)
88 58
  • ASP media capacity
  • Char(8)
  • Reserved

  • Char(8)
104 68
  • ASP space available
  • Char(8)
112 70
  • ASP event threshold
  • Char(8)
120 78
  • ASP event threshold percentage
  • Bin(2)
122 7A
  • Additional ASP control flags
  • Char(2)
122 7A
    • Terminate immediately when out of storage
    • Bit 0
122 7A
    • ASP contains compressed and non-compressed units
    • Bit 1
122 7A
    • Recover overflowed basic ASP during normal mode IPL
    • Bit 2
122 7A
    • Independent ASP
    • Bit 3
122 7A
    • ASP is online
    • Bit 4
122 7A
    • Independent ASP address threshold exceeded
    • Bit 5
122 7A
    • Independent ASP is remote mirrored
    • Bit 6
122 7A
    • ASP is encrypted
    • Bit 7
122 7A
    • Suppress temporary storage threshold exceeded event flag
    • Bit 8
122 7A
    • Mirror copy IASP is partially varied on
    • Bit 9
122 7A
    • IASP vary-off is in progress
    • Bit 10
122 7A
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 11-15
124 7C
  • ASP compression recovery policy
  • Char(1)
    • Error recovery policy
      00 = Retry while space available
      01 = Overflow immediately
      10 = Retry forever

    • Bits 0-1
124 7C
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 2-7
125 7D
  • Independent ASP type
  • Char(1)
125 7D
    • Primary ASP
    • Bit 0
125 7D
    • Secondary ASP
    • Bit 1
125 7D
    • UDFS ASP
    • Bit 2
125 7D
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 3-7
  • Remote mirror role
    Hex 00 =
    Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
    Hex 01 =
    System does not own a physical independent ASP copy
    Hex 02 =
    Remote mirror role is unknown
    Hex C4 =
    System owns a detached mirror copy
    Hex D4 =
    System owns the mirror copy
    Hex D7 =
    System owns the production copy

  • Char(1)
  • Remote mirror copy state
    Hex 00 =
    Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
    Hex 01 =
    System attempts to perform independent ASP remote mirroring when independent ASP is online.
    Hex 02 =
    Remote independent ASP role is resuming.
    Hex 03 =
    System is resuming and independent ASP is online and performing synchronization
    Hex 04 =
    Remote independent ASP is detached and remote mirroring is not being performed.
    Hex 62 =
    Remote independent ASP role is unknown.

  • Char(1)
128 80
  • ASP system storage
  • Char(8)
136 88
  • ASP overflow storage
  • Char(8)
144 90
  • Space allocated to the error log
  • Bin(4)
148 94
  • Space allocated to the machine log
  • Bin(4)
152 98
  • Space allocated to the machine trace
  • Bin(4)
156 9C
  • Space allocated for main store dump
  • Bin(4)
160 A0
  • Space allocated to the microcode
  • Bin(4)
  • Remote mirror synchronization priority
    Hex 00 =
    Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
    Hex 0A =
    Synchronization is given high priority
    Hex 14 =
    Synchronization is given medium priority
    Hex 1E =
    Synchronization is given low priority
    Hex 62 =
    Remote mirror synchronization priority is unknown

  • Char(1)
  • Remote mirror encryption mode
    Hex 00 =
    Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
    Hex 01 =
    Data being sent to remote mirror site is not encrypted
    Hex 02 =
    Data being sent to remote mirror site is encrypted
    Hex 62 =
    Remote mirror encryption mode is unknown

  • Char(1)
  • Remote mirror error recovery
    Hex 00 =
    Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
    Hex 02 =
    Remote mirroring is suspended when an independent ASP error is detected.
    Hex 03 =
    Remote mirroring is ended when an independent ASP error is detected.
    Hex 62 =
    Remote mirror error recovery is unknown

  • Char(1)
167 A7
  • Remote mirror minutes until timeout
  • Char(1)
168 A8
  • Available storage lower limit
  • Char(8)
176 B0
  • Protected space capacity
  • Char(8)
184 B8
  • Unprotected space capacity
  • Char(8)
192 C0
  • Protected space available
  • Char(8)
200 C8
  • Unprotected space available
  • Char(8)
208 D0
  • Temporary storage event threshold
  • Char(8)
216 D8
  • Number of addresses remaining in independent ASP
  • Char(8)
224 E0
  • Geographic mirror seconds until timeout
  • Bin(2)
  • Transmission delivery
    Hex 00 =
    Synchronous delivery
    Hex 01 =
    Asynchronous delivery
    Hex 62 =
    Transmission delivery is unknown
    Hex 63 =
    Geographic mirroring is not configured

  • Char(1)
  • Physical copy identifier
    Hex 00 =
    Not remote mirrored
    Hex 01 - Hex FE =
    Remote mirror physical copy identifiers
    Hex FF =
    Unowned physical copy

  • Char(1)
  • Geographic mirroring transmission compression
    Hex 00 =
    Data is not compressed
    Hex 01 =
    Data is compressed during a full or partial synchronization
    Hex 62 =
    Transmission compression is unknown

  • Char(1)
229 E5
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(1)
230 E6
  • Temporary storage event threshold percent
  • Bin(2)
232 E8
  • Total data in transit
  • Char(8)
Unit information
(Consists of one entry each for the configured, non-mirrored units and one unit of the mirrored pairs, the non-configured units, and the other unit of the mirrored pairs, and an entry for each multipath connection. An allocated storage unit (ASU) is either an allocated, non-mirrored unit or a mirrored pair.  Note that the mirrored pair counts only as one ASU.  When used without qualification, the term unit refers to an ASU.
Unit information start may be located by the Unit Information Offset in the control information.)
[*] Char(208)
* *
  • Device type
  • Char(8)
* *
    • Disk type
    • Char(4)
* *
    • Disk model
    • Char(4)
* *
  • Device identification
  • Char(8)
* *
    • Unit number
    • Char(2)
* *
    • Reserved
    • Char(6)
* *
  • Reserved
  • Char(4)
* *
  • Unit ASP number
  • Char(2)
* *
  • Logical mirrored pair status
  • Char(1)
* *
    • Unit mirrored
    • Bit 0
* *
    • Mirrored unit protected
    • Bit 1
* *
    • Mirrored pair reported
    • Bit 2
* *
    • Reserved
    • Bits 3-7
* *
  • Mirrored unit status
  • Char(1)
* *
  • Unit media capacity
  • Char(8)
* *
  • Unit storage capacity
  • Char(8)
* *
  • Unit space available
  • Char(8)
* *
  • Unit space reserved for system
  • Char(8)
  • Reserved

  • Char(6)
* *
  • Unit control flags
  • Char(2)
    • Reserved (binary 0)

    • Bit 0
* *
    • Unit is device parity protected
    • Bit 1
* *
    • Subsystem is active
    • Bit 2
* *
    • Unit in subsystem has failed
    • Bit 3
* *
    • Other unit in subsystem has failed
    • Bit 4
* *
    • Subsystem runs in degraded mode
    • Bit 5
* *
    • Hardware failure
    • Bit 6
* *
    • Device parity protection is being rebuilt
    • Bit 7
* *
    • Unit is not ready
    • Bit 8
* *
    • Unit is write protected
    • Bit 9
* *
    • Unit is busy
    • Bit 10
* *
    • Unit is not operational
    • Bit 11
* *
    • Status is not recognizable
    • Bit 12
* *
    • Status is not available
    • Bit 13
* *
    • Unit is read/write protected
    • Bit 14
    • Unit is compressed
      Bits 2 to 14 are mutually exclusive.
    • Bit 15
* *
  • Additional unit control flags
  • Char(2)
* *
    • Do not allocate additional storage on this disk unit
    • Bit 0
* *
    • Unit is in availability parity set
    • Bit 1
* *
    • Unit is multipath unit
    • Bit 2
* *
    • Unit is resume pending
    • Bit 3
* *
    • Unit is encrypted
    • Bit 4
* *
    • Unit is connected to dual storage IOA
    • Bit 5
* *
    • Active path
    • Bit 6
* *
    • Passive path
    • Bit 7
* *
    • Connected via Fibre Channel
    • Bit 8
* *
    • Unit is solid state drive
    • Bit 9
* *
    • Unit is thinly provisioned
    • Bit 10
* *
    • Unit is HyperSwap
    • Bit 11
* *
    • HyperSwap standby
    • Bit 12
* *
    • HyperSwap resuming
    • Bit 13
* *
    • HyperSwap ineligible
    • Bit 14
* *
    • HyperSwap standby failed
    • Bit 15
* *
  • RAID type
  • Char(1)
* *
  • Lifetime remaining
  • UBin(1)
* *
  • Block size
  • UBin(2)
* *
  • IOP name
  • Char(10)
* *
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(42)
* *
  • Unit Identification
  • Char(22)
    • Serial number
      The serial number has been extended to 15 characters to support the 11S format.  For hardware that supports the 11S serial number, this field will contain 10 characters extracted from the 11S serial number.  Users wanting the full 15 character serial number should use the extended serial number field.
    • Char(10)
* *
    • Resource name
    • Char(10)
* *
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Char(2)
* *
  • Unit usage information
  • Char(64)
* *
    • Blocks transferred to main storage
    • Bin(4)
* *
    • Blocks transferred from main storage
    • Bin(4)
* *
    • Requests for data transfer to main storage
    • Bin(4)
* *
    • Requests for data transfer from main storage
    • Bin(4)
* *
    • Permanent blocks transferred from main storage
    • Bin(4)
* *
    • Requests for permanent data transfer from main storage
    • Bin(4)
* *
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Char(8)
* *
    • Sample count
    • Bin(4)
* *
    • Not busy count
    • Bin(4)
* *
    • Extended serial number
    • Char(15)
* *
    • Mirrored synchronization percent complete
    • Char(1)
* *
    • RAID rebuild percent complete
    • UBin(1)
* *
    • Mirror subunit
    • Char(1)
* *
    • Unit is NVMe
    • Bit 0
* *
    • Unit is IASP configuration device
    • Bit 1
* *
    • Unit is unmap capable
    • Bit 2
* *
    • Unit supports lifetime remaining
    • Bit 3
* *
    • Lifetime remaining retrieved from unit
    • Bit 4
* *
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 5-7
* *
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Char(5)
--- End ---

Number of ASPs is the number of ASPs configured within the machine. One, the minimum value, indicates just the system ASP exists and that there are no user ASPs configured. Up to 254 user ASPs can be configured. The system ASP always exists. The number of ASPs includes the system ASP, basic ASPs (that is, user ASPs which cannot be varied on or off), and independent ASPs. The independent ASPs can be varied on or off on this system, and varied-off (offline) independent ASPs are counted.

Number of allocated auxiliary storage units is the total number of configured units logically addressable by the system as units. This is the number of configured, non-mirrored units plus the number of mirrored pairs allocated to the ASPs. This number includes only the first path of a multipath connection unit. The count of the remaining paths connected to multipath units is materialized in number of additional entries for multipath units. The total number of disk actuator arms on the system is the sum of the allocated auxiliary storage units plus the number of unallocated auxiliary storage units plus the number of pairs of mirrored units. Information on these units is materialized as part of the unit information. Any two units of the same size may be associated to form a mirrored pair. Association of two units as a mirrored pair reduces the amount of logically available storage by the number of bytes contained on one of the mirrored units in the mirrored pair. The disk units reside in the system ASP, a basic ASP, or an independent ASP. This number specifies the number of entries which are materialized in the unit information section.

Number of unallocated auxiliary storage units is the number of auxiliary storage units that are currently not allocated to an ASP. Information on these units is materialized as part of the unit information.

Maximum auxiliary storage allocated to temporaries is the maximum number of bytes of temporary storage allocated at any one time since the last IPL of the machine. This includes the temporary storage allocated on the load source unit.

Unit information offset is the offset, in bytes, from the start of the operand 1 materialization template to the start of the unit information. This value can be added to a space pointer addressing the start of operand 1 to address the start of the unit information.

Number of pairs of mirrored units represents the number of mirrored pairs in the system. Each mirrored pair consists of two mirrored units; however, only one of the two mirrored units is guaranteed to be operational.

Mirroring main storage is the number of bytes of main storage in the machine storage pool used by mirroring. This increases when mirror synchronization is active. This amount of storage is directly related to the number of mirrored pairs.

Number of multipath units is the number of disk units that have multiple connections to a disk unit. This means that there are multiple resource names that all represent the same disk unit, yet each represents a unique path to the disk unit. All active connections will be used for communicating with the disk unit.

Current auxiliary storage allocated to temporaries is the number of bytes of temporary storage allocated on the system. This includes the temporary storage allocated on the load source unit.

Number of bytes in a page is the number of bytes in a single page. This can be used to convert fields that are given in pages into the correct number of bytes.

Number of independent ASPs is the number of independent ASPs known by this system. An independent ASP is an ASP that can be varied on or off. This count includes independent ASPs which are varied on and varied off.

Number of disk units in all independent ASPs is the number of configured units logically addressable by all independent ASPs. Information on these units is materialized as part of the unit information.

Number of basic ASPs is the number of basic ASPs configured on this system. A basic ASP is a user ASP that cannot be varied on or off.

Number of disk units in all basic ASPs is the total number of configured units logically addressable by all basic ASPs. Information on these units is materialized as part of the unit information.

Number of disk units in the system ASP is the total number of configured units logically addressable in the system ASP. Information on these units is materialized as part of the unit information.

Number of additional entries for multipath units is the number of additional unit entries that can be materialized for the multipath connection devices. The first path of each unit is not included in this total.

ASP information is repeated once for each ASP configured within the machine. The number of ASPs configured is specified by the number of ASPs field. ASP 1, the system ASP, is materialized first. Because the system ASP always exists, its materialization is always available. The user ASPs which are configured are materialized after the system ASP in ascending numerical order. There may be gaps in the numerical order. That is, if just user ASPs 3 and 5 are configured, only information for them is materialized producing information on just ASP 1, ASP 3 and ASP 5 in that order.

ASP number uniquely identifies the auxiliary storage pool. The ASP number may have a value from 1 through 255. A value of 1 indicates the system ASP. A value of 2 through 255 indicates a user ASP. Note that independent ASPs have a value of 33 through 255. Note that basic ASPs have a value of 2 through 32.

Suppress threshold exceeded event flag indicates whether or not the machine is suppressing signaling of the related event when the event threshold in effect for this ASP has been exceeded. A value of binary 1 indicates that the signaling is being suppressed; binary 0 indicates that the signaling is not being suppressed. The default after each IPL of the machine is that the signaling is not suppressed; i.e. default is binary 0. For the system ASP, this flag is implicitly set to binary 1 by the machine when the machine auxiliary storage threshold exceeded (hex 000C,02,01) event is signaled. For a basic ASP, this flag is implicitly set to binary 1 by the machine when the user auxiliary storage threshold exceeded (hex 000C,02,02) event is signaled. If the ASP is an independent ASP and the ASP is online flag indicates that the independent ASP is not online, a value of binary 0 is returned for the suppress threshold exceeded event flag.

The ASP overflow flag indicates whether or not object allocations directed into a basic ASP have overflowed into the system ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates overflow; binary 0 indicates no overflow. This flag does not apply to the system ASP and a value of binary 0 is always returned for it. A value of binary 0 is always returned for independent ASPs.

ASP mirrored flag specifies whether or not the ASP is configured to be mirror protected. A value of binary 1 indicates that ASP mirror protection is configured. Refer to the mirrored unit protected flag to determine if mirror protection is active for each mirrored pair. A value of binary 0 indicates that none of the units associated with the ASP are mirrored.

User ASP MI state indicates the state of the user ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates that the user ASP is in the 'new' state. This means that a context may be allocated in this user ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates that the user ASP is in the 'old' state. This means that there are no contexts allocated in this user ASP. This flag has no meaning for the system ASP and a value of binary 0 will always be returned. A value of binary 1 will always be returned for independent ASPs.

ASP overflow storage available flag indicates whether or not the amount of auxiliary storage that has overflowed from the basic ASP into the system ASP is available. A value of binary 1 indicates that the amount is maintained by the machine and available in the ASP overflow storage field. A value of binary 0 indicates that the amount is not available. A value of binary 0 is always returned for independent ASPs.

Suppress available storage lower limit reached event flag indicates whether the machine will signal the related event when the available storage lower limit has been reached. This field currently has meaning only in the system ASP (ASP 1). This value will always be returned as binary 0 for a user ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates that signaling of the event is being suppressed; binary 0 indicates that signaling of the event is not suppressed. The default after each IPL of the machine is binary 0, i.e., signaling of this event is not suppressed. This flag is set to binary 1 by the machine when the available storage lower limit reached (hex 000C,02,08) event is signaled. This is done to avoid repetitive signaling of the event when the available storage lower limit reached condition occurs.

ASP overflow recovery result flags indicate the result of the ASP overflow recovery operation which is performed during an IPL upon request by the user. When this operation is requested, the machine attempts to recover a basic ASP from an overflow condition by moving overflowed auxiliary storage from the system ASP back to the basic ASP during the Storage Management recovery step of an IPL. The successful flag is set to a value of binary 1 when all the overflowed storage was successfully moved. The failed due to insufficient free space flag is set to a value of binary 1 when there is not sufficient free space in the basic ASP to move all the overflowed storage. The cancelled flag is set to a value of binary 1 when the operation was cancelled prior to completion (e.g., system power loss, user initiated IPL). A value of binary 0 is always returned for independent ASPs.

Number of allocated auxiliary storage units in ASP is the number of configured units logically addressable by the system as units for this ASP. This is the number of configured, non-mirrored units plus the number of mirrored pairs allocated in the ASPs. The total number of units (actuator arms) on the system is the sum of the allocated auxiliary storage units plus the number of unallocated auxiliary storage units plus the number of pairs of mirrored units. For example, each 9335 enclosure represents two units. Information on these units is materialized as part of the unit information. Any two units of the same size may be associated to form a mirrored pair. Association of two units as a mirrored pair reduces the amount of logically available storage by the number of bytes contained on one of the mirrored units in the mirrored pair. This field is the number of entries which are materialized in the unit information section for this ASP. If an independent ASP is varied-off, it is possible that the system cannot retrieve information about the disk units in the independent ASP . Thus, a varied-off independent ASP could have 0 in this field.

Mirroring mode for geographic mirroring specifies the mode in which geographic mirroring operates. A value of hex 00 indicates geographic mirroring is not configured. A value of hex 01 indicates synchronous mode. In synchronous mode, synchronous writes are performed to save the data to disk on the mirror copy node. Synchronous mode is the only mode that is crash-consistent on the mirror copy node and is best for most environments. A value of hex 02 indicates asynchronous mode. In asynchronous mode, asynchronous writes are performed to save the data to disk on the mirror copy node. A value of hex 62 indicates that the mirroring mode for geographic mirroring is not known.

Remote mirror copy data state specifies the condition of the data on the target. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured. A value of hex 01 indicates that the remote copy is absolutely in sync with the production copy. A value of hex 02 indicates that the remote copy contains usable data. A detached mirror copy always has usable data state. A value of hex 03 indicates that there is incoherent data state in the mirror copy and the data cannot be used. A value of hex 62 indicates that the remote copy data state is unknown.

ASP media capacity specifies the total space, in number of bytes of auxiliary storage, on the storage media allocated to the ASP. This is just the sum of the unit media capacity fields for (1) the units allocated to the ASP or (2) the mirrored pairs in the ASP.

ASP space available is the number of bytes of auxiliary storage that is not currently assigned to objects or internal machine functions, and therefore, is available for allocation in the ASP. Note that a mirrored pair counts for only one unit. Note that a varied-off independent ASP could have 0 in this field because the system cannot determine what disk units exist in a varied-off independent ASP .

ASP event threshold specifies the minimum value for the number of bytes of auxiliary storage available in the ASP prior to the exceeded condition occurs when the ASP space available value becomes equal to or less than the ASP event threshold value. Refer to the definition of the suppress threshold exceeded event flag for more information.

The ASP event threshold value is calculated from the ASP event threshold percentage value by multiplying the ASP media capacity value by the ASP event threshold percentage and subtracting the product from that same capacity value.

ASP event threshold percentage specifies the auxiliary storage space utilization threshold as a percentage of the ASP media capacity. This value is used, as described above, to calculate the ASP event threshold value. This value can be modified through use of Dedicated Service Tool DASD configuration options.

Terminate immediately when out of storage indicates whether the system will be terminated immediately when a request for space occurs in the system ASP that cannot be satisfied because the system is out of storage. A value of binary 1 indicates that when a request for space in the system ASP cannot be satisfied, then the system will be terminated immediately. This field currently has meaning only in the system ASP (ASP 1). This value will always be returned as binary 0 for a user ASP.

Note: For a physical machine with firmware level hex 00, when a request for space in the system ASP cannot be satisfied in the primary partition and the value for terminate immediately when out of storage is binary 1 in the primary partition, all partitions in the physical machine will terminate. When a request for space in the system ASP cannot be satisfied in a secondary partition and the value for terminate immediately when out of storage is binary 1 in that partition, only the partition in which the condition occurred will terminate. MATMATR option hex 01E0 can be used to materialize the firmware level.

For a physical machine with firmware level hex 10, only the partition in which the condition occurred will terminate.

A value of binary 0 indicates that when a request for space in the system ASP cannot be satisfied, then the system will not be terminated immediately, but will be allowed to continue to run however it can.

ASP contains compressed and non-compressed units flag specifies whether or not the ASP has compressed and non-compressed configured units. A value of binary 1 indicates that both compressed and non-compressed units exist in this ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates that a mix of compressed and non-compressed units does not exist in this ASP. A value of binary 0 is returned if the independent ASP is varied-off and the characteristics of the disk units in the ASP cannot be determined.

Recover overflowed basic ASP during normal mode IPL flag specifies whether or not the machine will attempt to recover the overflowed ASP data during normal mode IPLs. Overflowed data is data from the basic ASP which exists in the system ASP because there was insufficient auxiliary storage in the basic ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates that the machine will attempt to automatically recover any overflowed data for that basic ASP during normal mode IPLs. A value of binary 0 indicates that the machine will not attempt to recover the overflowed data. A value of 0 is always returned for the system ASP (ASP 1). A value of 0 is always returned for an independent ASP (since an independent ASP can never overflow its data into the system ASP).

Independent ASP specifies whether or not the ASP is an independent ASP; that is, it can be varied on and off. A value of binary 1 indicates the ASP is an independent ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates that this ASP is a basic ASP or the system ASP and cannot be varied on or off.

ASP is online flag specifies if the ASP is available to the system. If this ASP is an independent ASP, a value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is varied on. If this ASP is an independent ASP, a value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is varied off. A value of binary 1 is returned if the ASP is a basic ASP. A value of binary 1 is returned if the ASP is the system ASP.

Independent ASP address threshold exceeded flag is only valid for an Independent ASP and specifies whether or not the independent ASP address threshold, selected by the machine, has been exceeded. A value of binary 1 indicates the threshold has been exceeded and the Independent ASP is running low on addresses. A value of binary 0 indicates that the address threshold has not been exceeded.

Independent ASP is remote mirrored indicates that the independent ASP is remote mirrored. Remote independent ASP mirroring provides high availability by supporting multiple physical independent ASP copies at different sites that contain the same user data with the same virtual addresses. A value binary 0 indicates that the independent ASP is not remote mirrored. A value of binary 1 indicates that the independent ASP is remote mirrored.

ASP is encrypted flag specifies whether or not the data contained in the ASP is encrypted. A value of binary 1 indicates that the ASP is encrypted; binary 0 indicates that it is not encrypted.

Suppress temporary storage threshold exceeded event flag indicates whether or not the machine is suppressing signaling of the related event when the event threshold in effect for this ASP has been exceeded. A value of binary 1 indicates that the signaling is being suppressed; binary 0 indicates that the signaling is not being suppressed. The default after each IPL of the machine is that the signaling is not suppressed unless the temporary storage threshold is set to binary 0. This flag is implicitly set to binary 1 when the temporary storage threshold exceeded (hex 000C,02,0D) event is signaled. Option hex 12 of the Modify Resource Management Controls (MODRMC) instruction can be used to explicitly reset the reset the suppression of the temporary storage threshold exceeded event. This field only has meaning for the system ASP (ASP 1). This value will always be returned as binary 0 for a user ASP.

If the mirror copy IASP is partially varied on field is binary 1, the IASP is a mirror copy IASP and the IASP is varied on to a level where it can receive data from the production copy IASP. If the mirror copy IASP is partially varied on field is binary 0, the IASP either is not a mirror copy IASP, or it is a mirror copy IASP that is not varied on.

IASP vary-off is in progress specifies whether or not the independent ASP is being varied off. A value of binary 1 indicates that the ASP is being varied off; binary 0 indicates that it is not being varied off.

ASP compression recovery policy indicates how Storage Management handles a failure condition due to a compressed disk unit being temporarily full as auxiliary storage space is reserved on the unit.

A value of binary 00 indicates that if the I/O processor can make storage space available by rearranging and further compressing data on the unit, Storage Management waits for space to be made available. When the I/O processor makes sufficient space on the compressed unit to contain the Storage Management request, the request completes successfully and the system resumes normal processing. If space can not be made available on the unit, auxiliary storage overflows from the basic ASP to the system ASP.

A value of binary 01 indicates that auxiliary storage overflows from the user ASP to the system ASP. Storage Management does not wait for the I/O processor to make storage space available on the unit.

A value of binary 10 indicates that Storage Management waits indefinitely for storage space to be made available on the unit, even if the I/O processor can not make space available on the unit. No auxiliary storage overflows from the user ASP to the system ASP.

A value of binary 00 is always returned for the system ASP (ASP 1). A value of binary 10 is always returned for independent ASPs (that is, for ASPs which can be varied on or off). An independent ASP can never have a value of binary 01 (overflow immediately) because independent ASPs are not allowed to overflow into the system ASP.

Primary ASP flag indicates that the independent ASP is a primary ASP in an ASP group. A primary ASP defines a collection of directories and contexts and may have secondary ASPs associated with it. This flag only has meaning for an independent ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is a primary ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is not a primary ASP.

Secondary ASP flag indicates that the independent ASP is a secondary ASP in an ASP group. A secondary ASP is associated with a primary ASP. There can be many secondary ASPs associated with the same primary ASP. The secondary ASP defines a collection of directories and contexts. This flag only has meaning for an independent ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is a secondary ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is not a secondary ASP.

UDFS ASP flag indicates that the independent ASP is a UDFS (User-defined File System) ASP. This type of independent ASP cannot be a member of an ASP group. This flag only has meaning for an independent ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is a UDFS ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is not a UDFS ASP.

Remote mirror role identifies the current role of the physical independent ASP copy. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured. A value of hex 01 indicates that the system does not own a physical independent ASP copy. A value of hex 02 indicates that the remote mirror role is unknown. A value of hex C4 indicates that the system owns a detached mirror copy. A value of hex D4 indicates that the system owns the mirror copy. A value of hex D7 indicates that the system owns the production copy.

Remote mirror copy state identifies the mirror state of the mirror copy. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured. A value of hex 01 indicates that the system attempts to perform independent ASP remote mirroring when it is online. A value of hex 02 indicates that the remote independent ASP role is resuming, but the independent ASP is offline so it is not performing synchronization. A value of hex 03 indicates that the system is resuming and the independent ASP is online, so it is performing synchronization. A value of hex 04 indicates that the remote independent ASP role is detached and remote mirroring is not being performed. A value of hex 62 indicates that the remote mirror copy state is not known.

ASP system storage specifies the amount of system storage currently allocated in the ASP in bytes.

ASP overflow storage indicates the number of bytes of auxiliary storage that have overflowed from a basic ASP into the system ASP. This value is valid only if the ASP overflow storage available field is set to a value of binary 1.

Space allocated to the error log is the number of pages of auxiliary storage that are allocated to the error log. This field only applies to the system ASP.

Space allocated to the machine log is the number of pages of auxiliary storage that are allocated to the machine log. This field only applies to the system ASP.

Space allocated to the machine trace is the number of pages of auxiliary storage that are allocated to the machine trace. This field only applies to the system ASP.

Space allocated for main store dump is the number of pages of auxiliary storage that are allocated to the main store dump space. The contents of main store are written to this location for some system terminations. This field only applies to the system ASP.

Space allocated to the microcode is the number of pages of auxiliary storage that are allocated for microcode and space used by the microcode. The space allocated to the error log, machine log, machine trace, and main store dump space is not included in this field. This field only applies to the system ASP, basic ASP, and online independent ASPs. A value of 0 is returned for offline independent ASPs.

Remote mirror synchronization priority indicates the priority assigned to synchronization between the physical copy and the mirrored copy related to the work on the system. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured on this independent ASP. A value of hex 0A indicates that the synchronization is given high priority, and is completed quickly at the expense of significant degradation to work on the system. A value of hex 14 indicates that the synchronization is given medium priority, and is completed at a moderate rate with some degradation to work on the system. A value of hex 1E indicates that the synchronization is given low priority, and is completed at a slow rate with minimum degradation to work on the system. A value of hex 62 indicates that the remote mirror synchronization priority is not known.

Remote mirror encryption mode indicates the encryption mode for the remote mirrored independent ASP. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured on this independent ASP. A value of hex 01 indicates that the user has chosen not to encrypt the data being sent to the remote mirror site. A value of hex 02 indicates that the user has chosen to encrypt the data being sent to the remote mirror site. A value of hex 62 indicates that the remote mirror encryption mode is not known.

Remote mirror error recovery indicates the error recovery policy selected by the user. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured on this system. A value of hex 02 indicates that remote mirroring is suspended when an IASP error is detected. After suspend, if the target node becomes accessible, the system automatically resumes remote independent ASP mirroring. A value of hex 03 indicates that remote mirroring is ended when an IASP error is detected. A value of hex 62 indicates that the remote mirror error recovery policy is not known.

Remote mirror minutes until timeout is the number of minutes the system waits for a write acknowledgement from the remote system before the error recovery policy selected by the user is implemented. A value of hex FF indicates that the number of minutes until the system waits for a write acknowledgement is not known.

Available storage lower limit is the number of bytes of available auxiliary storage in the system ASP prior to the available storage lower limit reached condition occurring. When the amount of auxiliary storage available in the system ASP becomes less than this amount, the available storage lower limit reached (hex 000C,02,08) event is signaled if it is not suppressed. Redundant signaling of this event is suppressed as indicated by the setting of the suppress available storage lower limit reached event flag.

Protected space capacity specifies the total number of bytes of auxiliary storage that is protected by mirroring or device parity in the ASP. Note that a varied-off independent ASP could have 0 in this field because the system could not determine what disk units exist in a varied-off independent ASP .

Unprotected space capacity specifies the total number of bytes of auxiliary storage that is not protected by mirroring or device parity in the ASP. Note that a varied-off independent ASP could have 0 in this field because the system could not determine what disk units exist in a varied-off independent ASP .

Protected space available specifies the number of bytes of protected auxiliary storage that is not currently assigned to objects or internal machine functions, and therefore, is available for allocation in the ASP. Note that a varied-off independent ASP could have 0 in this field because the system could not determine what disk units exist in a varied-off independent ASP .

Unprotected space available specifies the number of bytes of unprotected auxiliary storage that is not currently assigned to objects or internal machine functions, and therefore, is available for allocation in the ASP. Note that a varied-off independent ASP could have 0 in this field because the system could not determine what disk units exist in a varied-off independent ASP .

Temporary storage event threshold specifies the maximum number of bytes of auxiliary storage that can be allocated to temporary objects before the temporary storage threshold event (hex 000C,02,0D) is signaled. The temporary storage event threshold is calculated by multiplying the ASP media capacity by the temporary storage event threshold percent. When the number of bytes of auxiliary storage allocated to temporary objects becomes less than this value, the Temporary storage threshold event (hex 000C,02,0D) is signaled. Refer to the definition of the suppress temporary storage threshold exceeded event flag for more information

Number of addresses remaining in independent ASP contains the number of virtual addresses remaining for use by the independent ASP. This field only has meaning for an independent ASP. The information in this field is only valid if the independent ASP address threshold exceeded flag is set to binary 1.

Geographic mirror seconds until timeout is the number of seconds the system waits for a write acknowledgement from the remote system before the error recovery policy selected by the user is implemented. A value of hex FFFF indicates that the number of seconds the system waits for a write acknowledgement is not known.

Transmission delivery specifies the delivery method for geographic mirroring. A value of hex 00 indicates synchronous delivery. A value of hex 01 indicates asynchronous delivery. Asynchronous delivery allows the production copy to proceed without waiting for the mirror copy to receive the information, but more resources are consumed on the production copy node. A value of hex 63 indicates geographic mirroring is not configured. A value of hex 62 indicates that the transmission delivery is not known.

Physical copy identifier differentiates between physical independent ASP copies in the context of remote mirroring. A value of hex 00 indicates that the independent ASP is not remote mirrored. A value between hex 01 and hex FE indicates a valid remote physical copy identifier. A value of hex FF indicates an unowned physical copy.

Geographic mirroring transmission compression specifies whether data is compressed for geographic mirroring. A value of hex 00 indicates no compression is done. A value of hex 01 indicates that data is compressed during a full or partial synchronization. A value of hex 62 indicates that the transmission compression is not known.

Total data in transit indicates the amount of data that has been queued up to send to the mirror copy node, but has not yet been received by the mirror copy node. This is a value in bytes. This parameter is only valid for asynchronous transmission delivery mode.

Temporary storage event threshold percent specifies the amount of auxiliary storage that can be used for temporary objects, as a percentage of the media capacity, before the temporary storage threshold exceeded event is signaled. If this field is zero it indicates that the temporary storage event threshold percent is not set. The event will not be signalled if the temporary storage event threshold percent is not set. The temporary storage event threshold percent can be set using MODRMC option hex 12 (Auxiliary storage pool controls).

Unit information is materialized in the following order:

  • Group 1: An entry for each configured unit; if the unit is mirror protected the entry is the first subunit of the mirror pair.
  • Group 2: An entry for each non-configured unit.
  • Group 3: An entry for the mate of each mirror protected configured unit in Group 1 (above).
  • Group 4: There is an entry for the second path thru the last path for each unit in Group 1 which has multiple connections.
  • Group 5: There is an entry for the second path thru the last path for each unit in Group 2 which has multiple connections.
  • Group 6: There is an entry for the second path thru the last path for each unit in Group 3 which has multiple connections.
The unit information is located by the unit information offset field which specifies the offset from the beginning of the operand 1 template to the start of the unit information. The number of entries for each of the first three groups listed above is defined as follows:
  • Group 1: Number of non-mirrored, configured units + number of mirrored pairs
  • Group 2: Number of non-configured storage units (also called unallocated units).
  • Group 3: Number of mirrored pairs
For unallocated units the following fields contain meaningful information: device type, device identification, unit identification, unit control flags, unit relationship, and unit media capacity. The remaining fields have no meaning for unallocated units because the units are not currently in use by the system. Mirrored unit entries contain either current or last known information. The last known data consists of the mirrored unit status, disk type, disk model, unit ASP number, disk serial number, and unit address. Last known information is provided when the mirrored pair reported field is binary 0.

Disk type identifies the type of disk enclosure containing this auxiliary storage unit. This is the four byte character field from the vital product data for the disk device which identifies the type of drive. For example, the value is character string '6607' for a 6607 device.

Disk model identifies the model of the type of disk enclosure containing this auxiliary storage unit. This is the four byte character field from the vital product data for the disk device which identifies the model of the drive.

Unit number uniquely identifies each non-mirrored unit or mirrored pair among the configured units. Both mirrored units of a mirrored pair have the same unit number. The value of the unit number is assigned by the system when the unit is allocated to an ASP. For unallocated units, the unit number is set to binary 0.

Unit ASP number specifies the ASP to which this unit is currently allocated. A value of 0 indicates that this unit is currently unallocated. A value of 1 specifies the system ASP. A value from 2 through 255 specifies a user ASP and correlates to the ASP number field in the ASP information entries. Values 33 to 255 specify a independent ASP. Values 2 to 32 specify a basic ASP.

Unit mirrored flag indicates that this unit number represents a mirrored pair. This bit is materialized with both mirrored units of a mirrored pair.

Mirrored unit protected flag indicates the mirror status of a mirrored pair. A value of 1 indicates that both mirrored units of a mirrored pair are active. A 0 indicates that one mirrored unit of a mirrored pair is not active. Active means that both units are on line and fully synchronized (i.e. the data is identical on both mirrored units).

Mirrored pair reported flag indicates that a mirrored unit reported as present. The mirrored unit reported present during or following IMPL. Current attachment of a mirrored unit to the system cannot be inferred from this bit. A 0 indicates that the mirrored unit being materialized is missing. The last known information pertaining to the missing mirrored unit is materialized. A 1 indicates that the mirrored unit being materialized has reported. The information for this reported unit is current to the last time it reported status to the system.

Mirrored unit status indicates mirrored unit status.

  • A value of 1 indicates that this mirrored unit of a mirrored pair is active (i.e. on-line with current data).
  • A value of 2 indicates that this mirrored unit is being synchronized.
  • A value of 3 indicates that this mirrored unit is suspended.
Mirrored unit status is stored as binary data and is valid only when the unit mirrored flag is on. If the value is 2, refer to the unit is resume pending flag definition for more information.

Mirrored synchronization percent complete indicates the percent complete (from 0 to 100) of a resuming mirrored unit. This value must be 100 before the mirrored unit status is active. This field is only valid if mirrored unit status is set to value 2.

Unit media capacity is the space, in number of bytes of auxiliary storage, on the non-mirrored unit or mirrored pair, that is, the capacity of the unit prior to any formatting or allocation of space by the system it is attached to. For a mirrored pair, this space is the number of bytes of auxiliary storage on either one of the mirrored units. The space is identical on both of the mirrored units. Caution, do not attempt to add the capacities of the two units of a mirrored pair together. Unit media capacity is also known as "logical capacity". For compressed drives, the logical capacity is dynamic, and changes, depending on how well the data is compressed. A typical compressed logical capacity might be twice the drive's physical capacity.

Unit storage capacity has the same value as the unit media capacity for configured disk units. This value is 0 for non-configured units.

Unit space available is the number of bytes of secondary storage space that is not currently assigned to objects or internal machine functions, and therefore, is available for allocation on the unit (or the mirrored pair). For a mirrored pair, this space is the number of bytes of auxiliary storage available on either one of the mirrored units. The space is identical on both of the mirrored units. Caution, do not attempt to add the capacities of the two units of a mirrored pair together. This value is 0 for non-configured units.

Unit space reserved for system is the total number of bytes of auxiliary storage on the unit reserved for use by the machine. This storage is not available for storing objects, redundancy data, and other internal machine data. This value is 0 for non-configured units.

Unit is device parity protected - a value of 1 indicates that this unit is device parity protected.

Subsystem is active indicates whether the array subsystem is active.

If the unit in subsystem has failed field is binary 1, the unit in an array subsystem being addressed has failed. Data protection for this subsystem is no longer in effect.

If the other unit in subsystem has failed field is binary 1, the unit being addressed is operational, but another unit in the array subsystem has failed. Data protection for this subsystem is no longer in effect.

If the subsystem runs in degraded mode field is binary 1, the array subsystem is operational and data protection for this subsystem is in effect, but a failure that may affect performance has occurred. It must be fixed.

If the hardware failure field is binary 1, the array subsystem is operational and data protection for this subsystem is in effect, but hardware failure has occurred. It must be fixed.

If the device parity protection is being rebuilt field is 1, the device parity protection for this device is being rebuilt following a repair action.

If the unit is not ready field is 1, the unit being addressed is not ready for I/O operation.

If the unit is write protected field is binary 1, the write operation is not allowed on the unit being addressed.

If the unit is busy field is binary 1, the unit being addressed is busy.

If the unit is not operational field is binary 1, the unit being addressed is not operational. The status of the device is not known.

If the unit is not recognizable field is binary 1, the unit being addressed has an unexpected status. I.e. the unit is operational, but its status returned to Storage Management from the IOP is not one of those previously described.

If the status is not available field is binary 1, the machine is not able to communicate with I/O processor. The status of the device is not known.

If the unit is Read/Write protected is binary 1, a DASD array may be in the read/write protected state when there is a problem, such as a cache problem, configuration problem, or some other array problems that could create a data integrity exposure.

If the unit is compressed field is binary 1, the logical capacity of the unit may be greater than its physical capacity in bytes, depending on how well the data can be compressed.

If the do not allocate additional storage on this disk unit field is binary 1, then new allocations will be directed away from this unit.

If the unit is in availability parity set field is binary 1, the unit being addressed is in a parity set optimized for availability.

If the unit is multipath unit field is binary 1, the unit being addressed has multipath connections to the disk unit.

If the unit is resume pending field is binary 1, the unit being addressed is either in a system ASP on a system which is not IPLed past DST, or in a varied-off independent ASP. Mirror synchronization will begin when the system is IPLed past DST, or the independent ASP is varied-on. Refer to the mirrored unit status field definition for more information.

If the unit is encrypted field is binary 1, the data stored on the unit being addressed is encrypted. If the unit is encrypted field is binary 0, the data stored on the unit being addressed is not encrypted.

If the unit is connected to a dual storage IOA field is binary 1, the unit is controlled by two storage I/O adapters (IOA). If the unit is connected to a dual storage IOA field is binary 0, the unit is not controlled by two storage I/O adapters (IOA).

If the active path field is binary 1, the path to the unit is for the primary storage IOA in a dual storage IOA configuration. If the active path field is binary 0, the path to the unit is not for the primary storage IOA. The primary storage IOA performs read and write operations to the unit directly. This field is not valid and is set to binary 0 if unit is connected to a dual storage IOA is binary 0.

If the passive path field is binary 1, the path to the unit is for the secondary storage IOA in a dual storage IOA configuration. If the passive path field is binary 0, the path is not for the secondary storage IOA. The secondary storage IOA detects when the primary storage IOA is no longer functioning and will begin performing read/write operations at that time. This field is not valid and is set to binary 0 if unit is connected to a dual storage IOA is binary 0.

If the connected via Fibre Channel field is binary 1, the unit is connected to the system via a Fibre Channel adapter. If the value is binary 0, the unit is not connected to the system via a Fibre Channel adapter.

If the unit is solid state drive field is binary 1, the unit is a solid state drive. If the field is binary 0, the unit is not a solid state drive.

If the unit is thinly provisioned field is binary 1, the unit is part of an external storage box and has more storage assigned to it than it has physically available. If the field is binary 0, the unit is not thinly provisioned.

If the unit is HyperSwap field is binary 1, the disk unit is either the primary or secondary unit in a Metro Mirror relationship with HyperSwap failover capability. If the unit is HyperSwap field is binary 0, the disk unit is not in a Metro Mirror relationship with HyperSwap failover capability.

If the HyperSwap standby field is binary 1, the path is connected to a disk unit that is the secondary unit in a Metro Mirror relationship. This disk unit is in full synchronization with the primary disk unit and is ready in the event of a HyperSwap fail-over from the primary. If the HyperSwap standby field is binary 0, the path is not a HyperSwap standby path.

If the HyperSwap resuming field is binary 1, the path is connected to a disk unit that is the secondary unit in a Metro Mirror relationship. This disk unit is in the process of being re-synchronized with the primary disk unit. When the re-synchronization completes, the disk unit will be ready in the event of a HyperSwap fail over from the primary. If the HyperSwap resuming field is binary 0, the path is not a HyperSwap resuming path.

If the HyperSwap ineligible field is binary 1, the path is connected to a disk unit that is the secondary unit in a Metro Mirror relationship where Metro Mirror replication is suspended. The system cannot perform a HyperSwap fail over unless Metro Mirror replication is resumed. If the HyperSwap ineligible field is binary 0, the path is not a HyperSwap ineligible path.

If the HyperSwap standby failed field is binary 1, the path is connected to a disk unit that is the secondary unit in a Metro Mirror relationship. This disk unit is not ready in the event of a HyperSwap fail-over from the primary. If the HyperSwap standby failed field is binary 0, the path is not a HyperSwap standby failed path.

RAID type identifies the current type of RAID (device parity) array that a unit belongs to. A value of hex 00 indicates that the unit is not in a parity set. A value of hex 05 indicates that the unit belongs to a RAID 5 parity set. A value of hex 06 indicates that the unit belongs to a RAID 6 parity set. A value of hex 0A indicates that the unit belongs to a RAID 10 parity set.

Lifetime remaining indicates the percentage of lifetime remaining for the device, in a range of 0 to 100. This field contains a valid lifetime remaining only if unit supports lifetime remaining is binary 1 and lifetime remaining retrieved from unit is binary 1.

Block size indicates the size in bytes of a single page on the disk unit.

IOP name indicates the name of the virtual I/O processor for the disk unit.

Serial number specifies the serial number of the device containing this auxiliary storage unit. This is the ten character serial number field from the vital product data for the disk device.

Resource name is the unique ten-character name assigned by the system

Unit usage information specifies statistics relating to usage of the unit. For unallocated units, these fields are meaningless.

Blocks transferred to/from main storage fields specify the number of 512-byte blocks transferred for the unit since the last IPL. These values wrap around to zero and continue counting in the case of an overflow of the field with no indication of the overflow having occurred.

Requests for data transfer to/from main storage fields specify the number of data transfer (I/O) requests processed for the unit since the last IPL. These values wrap around to zero and continue counting in the case of an overflow of the field with no indication of the overflow having occurred. These values are not directly related to the number of blocks transferred for the unit because the number of blocks to be transferred for a given transfer request can vary greatly.

Permanent blocks transferred from main storage specifies the number of 512-byte blocks of permanent data transferred from main storage to auxiliary storage for the unit since the last IPL. In the case of an overflow of the field, this value wraps around back to zero and continues counting, with no indication of the overflow condition having occurred.

Requests for permanent data transfer from main storage specifies the number of transfer (I/O) requests for transfers of permanent data from main storage to auxiliary storage that have been processed for the unit since the last IPL. In the case of an overflow of the field, this value wraps around back to zero and continues counting, with no indication of the overflow condition having occurred. This value is not directly related to the permanent blocks transferred from main storage value for the unit ASP because the number of blocks to be transferred for any particular transfer request can vary greatly.

Sample count specifies the number of times the disk queue was checked to determine whether or not the queue is empty.

Not busy count specifies the number of times the disk queue was empty during the same time period that the sample count was taken.

Extended serial number specifies the 15 character extended serial number of the device containing the auxiliary storage unit. This field will contain one of two serial number formats. For auxiliary storage units that support it, this field will contain the 12 character, 11S format serial number padded to the right with blanks. For auxiliary storage units that do not support the 11S serial number, this field will contain the older 10 character serial number padded to the right with blanks.

RAID rebuild percent complete indicates the percent complete (from 0 to 100) that the I/O Adapter (IOA) has constructed the data on the disk unit using RAID algorithms and parity data from the disk units in the parity set. During the time the RAID rebuild is running, the performance of some applications or processes may be negatively affected. This field is only valid if device parity protection is being rebuilt is set to binary 1.

Mirror subunit indicates whether the entry is for subunit 'A' (hex C1) or 'B' (hex C2) of a mirrored pair. If the unit is not a mirrored pair, the value will be a blank (hex 40). This field is only valid if unit mirrored is set to binary 1.

Unit is NVMe indicates whether or not this is a Non-Volatile Memory Experss device. A value of binary 1 indicates this is a Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) device.

Unit is IASP configuration device indicates whether or not this disk unit contains the configuration information for the Independent Auxiliary Storage Pool (IASP). A value of binary 1 indicates this unit is the IASP configuration device,

Unit is unmap capable indicates whether or not this unit is capable of performing the Unmap command. A value of binary 1 indicates this unit is capable of performing the Unmap command.

Unit supports lifetime remaining indicates whether or not the disk unit supports the lifetime remaining attribute. A value of binary 1 indicates the unit does support the lifetime remaining attribute.

Lifetime remaining retrieved from unit indicates whether or not the lifetime remaining value was successfully retrieved from the device. A value of binary 1 indicates the lifetime remaining value was retrieved from the device.

Note that on overflow, the machine resets the following BIN(4) fields from 2,147,483,647 back to 0 without any indication of error: blocks transferred to main storage, blocks transferred from main storage, requests for data transfer to main storage, requests for data transfer from main storage, permanent blocks transferred from main storage, requests for permanent data transfer from main storage, sample count, and not busy count.

Auxiliary Storage Pool Information including offline Independent ASPs (Hex 22)

The auxiliary storage pool information describes the ASPs (auxiliary storage pools) which are configured within the machine. This option returns information for all ASPs including independent ASPs that are varied off. Option "Auxiliary Storage Pool Information (Short format) (Hex 1F)" returns the same information but does not return information for independent ASPs that are varied off.

Also note that through appropriate setting of the number of bytes provided field for operand 1, the amount of information to be materialized for this option can be reduced thus avoiding the processing for unneeded information. For example, by setting this field to the value 48, you can get just the information for the system ASP returned.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Control information Char(16)
16 10
  • Number of ASPs
  • UBin(2)
18 12
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(14)
ASP information
(Repeated once for each ASP. Located immediately after the control information above. ASP 1, always configured, is first. Configured ASPs follow in ascending numerical order.)
[*] Char(32)
32 20
  • ASP number
  • Char(2)
  • Number of allocated auxiliary storage units in ASP
    Note: Number of configured, non-mirrored disk
    units + number of mirrored pairs of disk units

  • UBin(2)
36 24
  • ASP resource name
  • Char(10)
46 2E
  • ASP control flags
  • Char(2)
46 2E
    • ASP overflow
    • Bit 0
46 2E
    • Independent ASP
    • Bit 1
46 2E
    • ASP protected
    • Bit 2
46 2E
    • User ASP MI state
    • Bit 3
46 2E
    • Independent ASP address threshold exceeded
    • Bit 4
46 2E
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 5-15
48 30
  • Number of addresses remaining in independent ASP
  • Char(8)
56 38
  • ASP number of the primary ASP
  • Char(2)
58 3A
  • Independent ASP type
  • Char(1)
58 3A
    • Primary ASP
    • Bit 0
58 3A
    • Secondary ASP
    • Bit 1
58 3A
    • UDFS ASP
    • Bit 2
58 3A
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bit 3
58 3A
    • IASP vary-off is in progress
    • Bit 4
58 3A
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 5-7
59 3B
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(5)
--- End ---

Number of ASPs is the number of ASPs configured within the machine. One, the minimum value, indicates just the system ASP exists and that there are no user ASPs configured. Up to 255 user ASPs can be configured. The system ASP always exists. This number of ASPs include the system ASP, basic ASPs and independent ASPs.

ASP information is repeated once for each ASP configured within the machine. The number of ASPs configured is specified by the number of ASPs field. ASP 1, the system ASP, is materialized first. Because the system ASP always exists, its materialization is always available. The information about the user ASPs is materialized after the system ASP in ascending numerical order. There may be gaps in the numerical order. For example, if user ASPs 3 and 75 are configured, the materialize will produce information on ASP 1, ASP 3, and ASP 75 in that order.

ASP number uniquely identifies the auxiliary storage pool. The ASP number may have a value from 1 through 255. A value of 1 indicates the system ASP. A value of 2 through 255 indicates a user ASP. Note that independent ASPs have a value of 33 through 255.

Number of allocated auxiliary storage units in ASP is the number of configured units logically addressable by the system as units for this ASP. This is the number of configured, non-mirrored units plus the number of mirrored pairs allocated in the ASPs. Any two units of the same capacity may be associated to form a mirrored pair. Association of two units as a mirrored pair reduces the amount of logically available storage by the number of bytes contained on one of the mirrored units in the mirrored pair.

ASP resource name specifies the name which the user has assigned to this auxiliary storage pool. Blanks (hex value 40) are returned for ASPs which do not have names. Only independent ASPs have names. The ASP name is the resource name in the LUD.

ASP overflow flag indicates whether or not object allocations directed into the basic ASP have overflowed into the system ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates overflow; binary 0 indicates no overflow. This flag does not apply to the system ASP and a value of binary 0 is always returned for it. This flag does not apply to independent ASPs and a value of binary 0 is always returned for independent ASPs.

Independent ASP specifies whether or not the ASP is an independent ASP; that is, a user ASP that can be varied on or off. A value of binary 1 indicates the ASP is an independent ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates that this ASP is a basic ASP (a user ASP that cannot be varied on or off).

ASP protected specifies whether or not the ASP is configured to be protected from a single disk failure. A value of binary 1 indicates that the ASP is protected. All of the disk units in this ASP must be either device parity protected or mirror protected. A value of binary 0 indicates that the disk units in the ASP are not mirror protected, and there is no requirement that the disk units in the ASP be device parity protected.

User ASP MI state indicates the state of the user ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates that the user ASP is in the 'new' state. This means that a context may be allocated in this user ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates that the user ASP is in the 'old' state. This means that there are no contexts allocated in this user ASP. This flag has no meaning for the system ASP and a value of binary 0 will always be returned for the system ASP. A value of binary 1 is always returned for independent ASPs.

Independent ASP address threshold exceeded flag is only valid for an Independent ASP and specifies whether or not the independent ASP address threshold, selected by the machine, has been exceeded. A value of binary 1 indicates the threshold has been exceeded and the Independent ASP is running low on addresses. A value of binary 0 indicates that the address threshold has not been exceeded.

Number of addresses remaining in independent ASP contains the number of virtual addresses remaining for use by the independent ASP. This field only has meaning for an independent ASP. The information in this field is only valid if the independent ASP address threshold exceeded flag is set to binary 1.

ASP number of the primary ASP contains the ASP number of the primary ASP. This value only has meaning for an independent ASP. If the ASP is a secondary ASP, this field contains the ASP number of the primary ASP. If the ASP is a primary ASP, this value is the same as the ASP number. If the ASP is a UDFS ASP or is not an independent ASP, a value of hex 0000 is returned.

Primary ASP flag indicates that the independent ASP is a primary ASP in an ASP group. A primary ASP defines a collection of directories and contexts and may have secondary ASPs associated with it. This flag only has meaning for an independent ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is a primary ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is not a primary ASP.

Secondary ASP flag indicates that the independent ASP is a secondary ASP in an ASP group. A secondary ASP is associated with a primary ASP. There can be many secondary ASPs associated with the same primary ASP. The secondary ASP defines a collection of directories and contexts. This flag only has meaning for an independent ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is a secondary ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is not a secondary ASP.

UDFS ASP flag indicates that the independent ASP is a UDFS (User-defined File System) ASP. This type of independent ASP cannot be a member of an ASP group. This flag only has meaning for an independent ASP. A value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is a UDFS ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is not a UDFS ASP.

IASP vary-off is in progress specifies whether or not the independent ASP is being varied off. A value of binary 1 indicates that the ASP is being varied off; binary 0 indicates that it is not being varied off.

Auxiliary Storage Pool Group Information (Hex 23)

The Auxiliary Storage Pool Group information returns information about independent ASPs on the system. If the independent ASP can be in an Auxiliary Storage Pool Group, this option also returns primary and secondary ASP information for the ASP group which is configured within the machine.

Note that through appropriate setting of the number of bytes provided field for operand 1, the amount of information to be materialized for this option can be reduced. For example, by setting this field to provide enough bytes for the common 16 byte header plus all the fields from ASP name through number of secondary ASPs, you can get just that information and avoid the overhead of gathering the information from all of the 222 secondary ASPs which could possibly exist. You must specify at least 50 bytes in the number of bytes provided field for operand 1.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
ASP name
(ASP name is an input field)
0000 =
0001 =
The independent ASP information for the input ASP name could not be located
0002 =
The input independent ASP is not owned by this system
0003 =
The primary and secondary ASP group information is not consistent.

28 1C Independent ASP type flags Char(1)
28 1C
  • Input ASP is a primary ASP
  • Bit 0
28 1C
  • Input ASP is a secondary ASP
  • Bit 1
28 1C
  • Input ASP is a UDFS ASP
  • Bit 2
28 1C
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 3-7
29 1D Reserved Char(3)
32 20 ASP number of primary ASP Char(2)
34 22 ASP name of primary ASP Char(10)
44 2C Reserved Char(4)
48 30 Number of secondary ASPs UBin(2)
50 32 Reserved Char(14)
Secondary ASP information
(Repeated once for each secondary ASP.)
[*] Char(32)
64 40
  • ASP number of secondary ASP
  • Char(2)
66 42
  • ASP name of secondary ASP
  • Char(10)
76 4C
  • Reserved
  • Char(20)
--- End ---

ASP name is an input value that uniquely identifies the auxiliary storage pool from which the ASP group information is desired. The ASP name is the resource name in the LUD.


  • Hex 0000 indicates the information was successfully retrieved. Examine the independent ASP type flags to determine what fields in the template contain information.
  • Hex 0001 indicates that the input ASP name could not be matched with a valid independent ASP. No other information is returned.
  • Hex 0002 indicates that the input independent ASP is not owned by the system. The system cannot locate the independent ASP. The independent ASP may be switched to another node in the cluster, or the tower which contains the disk units of the independent ASP may be powered off. No other information is returned.
  • Hex 0003 indicates that the input independent ASP is part of a group, but the primary and secondary ASP information is not consistent. This condition could be caused when a failure occurs during the deletion of a secondary ASP, or when a failure occurs during the creation of a secondary ASP. No other information is returned.

Input ASP is a primary ASP flag indicates whether or not the independent ASP is a primary ASP in an ASP group. A primary ASP defines a collection of directories and contexts and may have secondary ASPs associated with it. A value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is a primary ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is not a primary ASP. If the input ASP is a primary ASP, the following fields are also returned: ASP number of primary ASP, ASP name of primary ASP, number of secondary ASPs, and secondary ASP information.

Input ASP is a secondary ASP flag indicates whether or not the independent ASP is a secondary ASP in an ASP group. A secondary ASP is associated with a primary ASP. There can be many secondary ASPs associated with the same primary ASP. The secondary ASP defines a collection of directories and contexts. A value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is a secondary ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is not a secondary ASP. If the input ASP is a secondary ASP, the following fields are also returned: ASP number of primary ASP, ASP name of primary ASP, number of secondary ASPs, and secondary ASP information.

Input ASP is a UDFS ASP flag indicates whether or not the independent ASP is a UDFS (User-defined File System) ASP. This type of independent ASP cannot be a member of an ASP group. A value of binary 1 indicates the independent ASP is a UDFS ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates the independent ASP is not a UDFS ASP. If the input ASP is a UDFS ASP, no other data is returned.

ASP name of primary ASP specifies the name which the user has assigned to the primary auxiliary storage pool. The ASP name is the resource name in the LUD.

ASP number of primary ASP contains the ASP number of the primary ASP. This field has a value from 33 through 255.

Number of secondary ASPs is the number of secondary ASPs associated with the primary ASP. There are this many secondary ASP information entries (below).

Secondary ASP information is repeated once for each secondary ASP associated with the primary ASP. The number of entries is specified by the number of secondary ASPs field. The secondary ASP information entries are not sorted in any particular order.

ASP number of secondary ASP uniquely identifies the auxiliary storage pool. The ASP number has a value from 33 through 255.

ASP name of secondary ASP specifies the name which the user has assigned to the secondary auxiliary storage pool. The ASP name is the resource name in the LUD.

Dynamic Thread Resources Affinity Adjustment (Hex 24)

All threads in the machine have affinity with a machine-determined portion of its resources, including processors and main memory. The portion is determined when the thread is initiated. Dynamic thread resources affinity adjustment controls whether the machine may make adjustments to these portions at a later time. Hex 00 is the default value.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Dynamic thread resources affinity adjustment
Hex 00 = Enable. The machine may make adjustments to the portion of its resources with which individual threads have affinity.
Hex 01 = Disable.The machine will not make adjustments to the portion of its resources with which any thread has affinity.

17 11 Reserved (binary 0) Char(3)
--- End ---

Auxiliary Storage Pool Space Information (Hex 25)

The auxiliary storage space information describes the ASPs (auxiliary storage pools) which are configured within the machine. This option does not return information for independent ASPs which are varied off.

This materialize provides an alternative to Hex 12 for those users who want only the capacity and available space returned.

Modification of most of the auxiliary storage configuration is performed using functions available in the Dedicated Service Tool (DST).

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Control information Char(64)
16 10
  • Number of ASPs
  • UBin(2)
18 12
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(62)
ASP information
(Repeated once for each ASP. Located immediately after the control information above. ASP 1, always configured, is first. Configured user ASPs follow in ascending numerical order.)
[*] Char(64)
80 50
  • ASP number
  • Char(2)
82 52
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(6)
88 58
  • ASP space capacity (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
88 58
    • ASP space capacity (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
96 60
  • ASP space available (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
96 60
    • ASP space available (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
104 68
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(40)
--- End ---

Number of ASPs is the number of ASPs configured within the machine. One, the minimum value, indicates just the system ASP exists and that there are no user ASPs configured. Up to 254 user ASPs can be configured. The system ASP always exists. The number of ASPs includes the system ASP, user ASPs which are basic ASPs (that is, user ASPs which cannot be varied on or off), and independent ASPs which are currently varied on to this system.

ASP information is repeated once for each configured ASP within the machine that is online. The number of ASPs configured is specified by the number of ASPs field. ASP 1, the system ASP, is materialized first. Because the system ASP always exists, its materialization is always available. The user ASPs which are configured are materialized after the system ASP in ascending numerical order. There may be gaps in the numerical order. That is, if just user ASPs 3 and 5 are configured, only information for them is materialized producing information on just ASP 1, ASP 3 and ASP 5 in that order.

ASP number uniquely identifies the auxiliary storage pool. The ASP number may have a value from 1 through 255. A value of 1 indicates the system ASP. A value of 2 through 255 indicates a user ASP. Note that independent ASPs have a value of 33 through 255.

ASP space capacity specifies the total space, in number of bytes of auxiliary storage, on the storage media allocated to the ASP. This is just the sum of the unit media capacity fields for (1) the units allocated to the ASP or (2) the mirrored pairs in the ASP. Note that a mirrored pair counts for only one unit.

ASP space available is the number of bytes of auxiliary storage that is not currently assigned to objects or internal machine functions, and therefore, is available for allocation in the ASP. Note that a mirrored pair counts for only one unit.

Processor Utilization Data (Hex 26)

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Processor utilized time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
16 10
  • Processor utilized time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
24 18 Processor configured available processing time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
24 18
  • Processor configured available processing time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
32 20 Processor uncapped available time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
32 20
  • Processor uncapped available time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
40 28 Secondary workload utilized time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
40 28
  • Secondary workload utilized time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
48 30 Database utilized time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
48 30
  • Database utilized time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
56 38 Database threshold UBin(2)
58 3A Database limit UBin(2)
60 3C Partition and processor attributes Char(1)
  • Partition physical processor sharing attribute
    0 =
    Partition does not share physical processors
    1 =
    Partition shares physical processors
  • Bit 0
  • Partition effective capacity attribute
    0 =
    Partition capacity is capped or soft-capped
    1 =
    Partition capacity is uncapped
  • Bit 1
  • Partition processor donation attribute
    0 =
    Partition cannot donate processor time to the shared processor pool
    1 =
    Partition can donate processor time to the shared processor pool
  • Bit 2
  • Scaled processor time attribute
    0 =
    Processor time may not be scaled during the current IPL.
    1 =
    Processor time may be scaled during the current IPL.
  • Bit 3
  • Partition processor firmware time attribute
    0 =
    Partition does not accumulate processor firmware time.
    1 =
    Partition accumulates processor firmware time.
  • Bit 4
  • Hardware instruction count and processor virtual time attribute
    0 =
    Hardware instruction count and processor virtual time not supported.
    1 =
    Hardware instruction count and processor virtual time supported.
  • Bit 5
60 3C
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 6-7
61 3D Reserved (binary 0) Char(3)
64 40 Interactive utilized time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
64 40
  • Interactive utilized time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
72 48 Interactive available time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
72 48
  • Interactive available time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
80 50 Interactive threshold UBin(2)
82 52 Interactive limit UBin(2)
84 54 Current processing capacity UBin(4)
88 58 Current number of processors UBin(2)
90 5A Reserved (binary 0) Char(6)
96 60 Processor active time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
96 60
  • Processor active time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
104 68 Processor scaled utilized time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
104 68
  • Processor scaled utilized time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
112 70 Processor stolen time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
112 70
  • Processor stolen time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
120 78 Processor scaled stolen time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
120 78
  • Processor scaled stolen time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
128 80 Processor idle time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
128 80
  • Processor idle time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
136 88 Processor scaled idle time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
136 88
  • Processor scaled idle time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
144 90 Processor donated time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
144 90
  • Processor donated time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
152 98 Processor scaled donated time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
152 98
  • Processor scaled donated time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
160 A0 Processor interrupt time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
160 A0
  • Processor interrupt time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
168 A8 Processor scaled interrupt time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
168 A8
  • Processor scaled interrupt time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
176 B0 Processor firmware time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
176 B0
  • Processor firmware time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
184 B8 Processor scaled firmware time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
184 B8
  • Processor scaled firmware time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
192 C0 Virtual processor thread event wait time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
192 C0
  • Virtual processor thread event wait time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
200 C8 Virtual processor thread ready wait time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
200 C8
  • Virtual processor thread ready wait time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
208 D0 Virtual processor thread dispatch latency since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
208 D0
  • Virtual processor thread dispatch latency since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
216 D8 Processor thread active time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
216 D8
  • Processor thread active time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
224 E0 Processor thread idle time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
224 E0
  • Processor thread idle time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
232 E8 Processor thread interrupt time since IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
232 E8
  • Processor thread interrupt time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
240 F0 Non-idle hardware instructions (in units of 1048576 instructions) UBin(8)
248 F8 Non-idle virtual time (milliseconds) UBin(8)
256 100 Interrupt hardware instructions (in units of 1048576 instructions) UBin(8)
264 108 Processor firmware hardware instructions (in units of 1048576 instructions) UBin(8)
--- End ---

Processor utilized time since IPL is the sum of all time, in milliseconds, utilized by all processors since IPL.

Processor configured available processing time since IPL is the total amount of configured processor time, in milliseconds, available since IPL. In a dedicated partition, the configured available processing time is the elapsed time times the number of processors, tracked over time as the configuration changes. In a shared partition, the configured available processing time is the elapsed time times the number of shared processor units, tracked over time as the configuration changes.

Processor uncapped available time since IPL is the total amount of processing time, in milliseconds, available since IPL, tracked over time as the configuration changes. The total available time includes configured available time and an additional amount of shared processor pool available time that is available to the partition because it is effectively uncapped. The uncapped available time represents the upper limit on the partition's potential utilized time based on the configuration of the partition and the shared pool. In dedicated and effectively capped shared processor partitions, the processor uncapped available time since IPL equals the processor configured available processing time since IPL. In an effectively uncapped shared processor partition, the uncapped available time is the elapsed time multiplied by the minimum of the number of processors in the partition and the number of processors in the shared pool, tracked over time as the configuration changes.

Secondary workload utilized time since IPL is the total processor time, in milliseconds, used for workloads that can not fully exploit dedicated server resources, since IPL. If a system is not a dedicated server, a value of hex 0000000000000000 is returned.

Database utilized time since IPL is the total processor time, in milliseconds, used performing database processing, since IPL. If the system does not support this metric, a value of hex 0000000000000000 is returned. If the system does support this and needs to return a value of 0, a value of hex 0000000000000001 is returned.

Database threshold is the highest level of database processor utilization which can be sustained without causing a disproportionate increase in system overhead. The value returned is the fraction of processor capacity, expressed in tenths of a percent. For example, a value of 237 means that the threshold is 23.7%. On a machine with no limit on database utilization, the value returned will be 1000 (100%).

Database limit is the maximum sustainable level of database processor utilization. The value returned is the fraction of processor capacity, expressed in tenths of a percent. For example, a value of 275 means that the limit is 27.5%. On a machine with no limit on database utilization, the value returned will be 1000 (100%).

Partition physical processor sharing attribute indicates whether this partition is sharing processors on the current IPL of this partition. If the value of partition physical processor sharing attribute is partition does not share physical processors, then this partition uses only dedicated processors. If the value of partition physical processor sharing attribute is partition shares physical processors, then this partition uses physical processors from a shared pool of physical processors. One or more partitions may be executing on the physical processors in the shared pool at any given point in time.

For a partition sharing physical processors, the number of virtual processors represents the maximum number of concurrent units of execution that can be active in the partition at any given point of time. A virtual processor in a partition using shared processors has the processing capacity of a fraction of a physical processor in the physical machine. For a partition using dedicated physical processors, a virtual processor has the processing capacity of a physical processor in the physical machine.

Partition effective capacity attribute indicates whether the partition's capacity is effectively uncapped or capped. Partitions that do not share physical processors cannot be effectively uncapped; the attribute is binary 0 for partitions that do not share physical processors. For partitions that share physical processors, the attribute is a combination of the partition capacity attribute and the variable processing capacity weight, both of which are dynamic and may change during the current IPL. A partition is effectively uncapped if and only if its partition capacity attribute is equal to binary 1 and its variable processing capacity weight is greater than binary 0. A partition that is not effectively uncapped cannot exceed its current processing capacity, and is effectively capped. Note that a partition with partition capacity attribute equal to binary 1 and variable processing capacity weight equal to binary 0 is 'soft-capped', which is effectively capped. Refer to MATMATR option hex 01E0 for additional information about partition capacity attribute and the variable processing capacity weight.

Partition processor donation attribute indicates whether or not a dedicated processor partition can donate unused processor time to the physical shared processor pool. Partitions that share physical processors cannot donate processor time to the shared processor pool; the attribute will be binary 0 for partitions that share physical processors. The attribute is dynamic and may change during the current IPL.

The partition processor donation attribute indicates whether or not the partition can donate unused processor time to the system's physical shared processor pool. If the attribute is set to binary 1, the partition's current virtual processors are counted in the physical shared processor pool; the processors are included in the number of physical shared pool processors, physical shared pool available time since platform IPL, and physical shared pool utilized time since platform IPL. See. "Shared Processor Pools Utilization Information (Hex 27)". If the donation attribute is set to binary 0, the partition's virtual processors are not counted in the physical shared processor pool. Note that various implementation, configuration, and runtime factors will affect the extent of donation achieved. For example, the partition's processor multi-tasking mode may preclude donation; some implementations require that processor multi-tasking be disabled or system controlled for donation to occur. See. "Processor Multi-tasking mode (Hex 18)". Due to these factors, the extent to which processing capacity is being donated, if any, may be determined by "Processor Utilization Data (Hex 26)" and "Multiprocessor utilizations (Hex 28)" These options materialize the processor donated time since IPL on a system-wide and per-processor basis respecitvely.

The scaled processor time attribute indicates whether processor time may or may not be scaled during the current IPL. If the scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, then materialized values of scaled and unscaled processor times are equivalent during the current IPL. If the scaled processor time attribute is binary 1, then materialized values of scaled and unscaled processor times are not equivalent during the current IPL.

Over any interval, the average relative processor speed (i.e. processor speed relative to nominal) is indicated by the ratio of scaled processor time to unscaled processor time elapsed during the interval. When the scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, scaled and unscaled processor times are equivalent, and their ratio over any interval is binary 1, indicating that the processor's relative speed is 1X nominal. When the scaled processor time attribute is binary 1, scaled and unscaled processor times are not equivalent, and the ratio of their elapsed values over any interval indicates the processor's average relative speed over the interval.

For example, consider MATRMD option hex 26 data is available at the start and end of an interval. The ratio of the elapsed scaled processor utilized time to elapsed processor utilized time indicates the average relative processor speed while the processor was being utilized during the interval. The same analysis is applicable to all categories of processor time accumulated during an interval (i.e. processor interrupted time, processor stolen time, processor donated time, processor idle time, and process/thread time) -- the ratio of the scaled to unscaled time indicates the relative processor speed for the accumulated time category. Note that when the scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, the ratio of scaled to unscaled processor times is always 1.

The partition processor firmware time attribute indicates whether or not the partition accumulates processor firmware time for processing capacity expropriated by firmware while it is rendering service to the partition. Firmware provided services are typically associated with the partition's virtual I/O. If the partition processor firmware time attribute is 1, then the partition accumulates processor firmware time since IPL and processor scaled firmware time since IPL for services rendered by firmware. Otherwise, if the partition processor firmware time attribute is 0, then the partition does not accumulate processor firmware time since IPL and processor scaled firmware time since IPL.

Hardware instruction count and processor virtual time attribute indicates whether the partition provides support for hardware instruction count and processor virtual time.

Interactive utilized time since IPL is the total processor time, in milliseconds, used by interactive processes, since IPL. If the system does not support this metric, a value of hex 0000000000000000 is returned. If the system does support this and needs to return a value of 0, a value of hex 0000000000000001 is returned.

Interactive available time since IPL is the total processor time available, in milliseconds, to interactive processes, since IPL. If the system does not support this metric, a value of hex 0000000000000000 is returned. If the system does support this and needs to return a value of 0, a value of hex 0000000000000001 is returned.

Interactive threshold is the highest level of interactive processor utilization which can be sustained without causing a disproportionate increase in system overhead. The value returned is the fraction of processor capacity, expressed in hundredths of a percent. For example, a value of 2379 means that the threshold is 23.79%. On a machine with no limit on interactive utilization, the value returned will be 10000 (100%).

Interactive limit is the maximum sustainable level of interactive processor utilization. The machine determines the interactive limit based on the interactive feature. The value returned is the fraction of processor capacity, expressed in hundredths of a percent. For example, a value of 4572 means that the limit is 45.72%. On a machine with no limit on interactive utilization, the value returned will be 10000 (100%).

Current processing capacity is the current effective processing capacity of the partition. The value returned for this attribute is accurate to a hundredth of a physical processor. For example, a value of 233 means that the partition's current processing capacity is equivalent to 2.33 physical processors.

Current number of processors is the number of virtual processors that are currently active in the partition. A processor that is active is one that is varied on; a processor that is not active is either varied off or not installed.

Processor active time since IPL is the sum of processor active time for all processors in the partition, in milliseconds, since IPL. A processor that is active is one that is varied on; a processor that is not active is either varied off or not installed. Processor active time is the cumulative elapsed time during which a processor is varied on since IPL.

Processor scaled utilized time since IPL is the sum of the scaled time, in milliseconds, utilized by all processors since IPL.

If scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, the processor scaled utilized time since IPL will equal the processor utilized time since IPL. If scaled processor time attribute is binary 1, the partition's processors may operate at different speeds during the current IPL, and the processor scaled utilized time since IPL and processor utilized time since IPL unscaled may differ. The ratio between scaled and unscaled utilized times over any interval is indicative of the processor's speed, relative to nominal, while being used productively during the interval.

Processor stolen time since IPL is the sum of all time, in milliseconds, stolen from a partition's virtual processors since IPL. On a physical machine with firmware level hex 10, the primary partition (ie. partition 0) is hidden and does not have configured capacity. Instead, it uses processor time stolen from the shared processor pool or from dedicated processor partitions. On a physical machine with firmware level hex 00, the primary partition is not hidden and has its own configured capacity; the processor stolen time since IPL will be 0 on a physical machine with firmware level hex 00. For additional information about firmware level,see MATMATR option hex 01E0, Materialize Machine Attributes - Partitioning Information. Processor time is not stolen from partitions that share physical processors; the processor stolen time since IPL will be 0 for partitions that share physical processors. The processor utilized time since IPL includes the processor stolen time since IPL.

Processor scaled stolen time since IPL is the sum of all scaled time, in milliseconds, stolen from a partition's virtual processors since IPL. On a physical machine with firmware level hex 10, the primary partition (ie. partition 0) is hidden and does not have configured capacity. Instead, it uses processor time stolen from the shared processor pool or from dedicated processor partitions. On a physical machine with firmware level hex 00, the primary partition is not hidden and has its own configured capacity; the processor scaled stolen time since IPL will be 0 on a physical machine with firmware level hex 00. For additional information about firmware level,see MATMATR option Hex 01E0, Materialize Machine Attributes - Partitioning Information. Processor time is not stolen from partitions that share physical processors; the processor scaled stolen time since IPL will be 0 for partitions that share physical processors. The processor scaled utilized time since IPL includes the processor scaled stolen time since IPL.

If scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, the processor scaled stolen time since IPL will equal the processor stolen time since IPL. If scaled processor time attribute is binary 1, the partition's processors may operate at different speeds during the current IPL, and the processor scaled stolen time since IPL and processor stolen time since IPL may differ. The ratio between scaled and unscaled stolen times over any interval is indicative of the processor's speed, relative to nominal, while stolen during the interval.

Processor idle time since IPL is the sum of all time, in milliseconds, consumed by the partition's processor idle loops since IPL. In a partition that does not share physical processors, the processor idle loops typically consume the balance of configured processor time that is not utilized, donated, or stolen. For partitions that share physical processors, the processor idle loops typically do not consume the balance of configured time that is not utilized; partitions that share physical processors typically return idle processors to the shared processor pool as soon as they cannot use them productively. A partition's total processor time since IPL is equal to processor utilized time since IPL plus processor idle time since IPL minus processor stolen time since IPL. The total processor time since IPL is the total amount of processor time consumed by the partition since IPL, productively or otherwise.

Processor scaled idle time since IPL is the sum of all scaled time, in milliseconds, consumed by the partition's processor idle loops since IPL. In a partition that does not share physical processors, the processor idle loops typically consume the balance of configured processor time that is not utilized, donated, or stolen. For partitions that share physical processors, the processor idle loops typically do not consume the balance of configured time that is not utilized; partitions that share physical processors typically return idle processors to the shared processor pool as soon as they cannot use them productively. A partition's total scaled processor time since IPL is equal to processor scaled utilized time since IPL plus processor scaled idle time since IPL minus processor scaled stolen time since IPL. The total scaled processor time since IPL is the total amount of processor time consumed by the partition since IPL, productively or otherwise.

If scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, the processor scaled idle time since IPL will equal the processor idle time since IPL. If scaled processor time attribute is binary 1, the partition's processors may operate at different speeds during the current IPL, and the processor scaled idle time since IPL and processor idle time since IPL may differ. The ratio between scaled and unscaled idle times over any interval is indicative of the processor's speed, relative to nominal, while executing the idle loop during the interval.

Processor donated time since IPL is the sum of all time, in milliseconds, donated by the partition to the physical shared processor pool since IPL. Processor time is not donated by partitions that share physical processors; the processor donated time since IPL will be 0 for partitions that share physical processors. Processor time can be donated only by partitions with the partition processor donation attribute set to binary 1. Note that processor donated time since IPL is not counted in processor utilized time since IPL; donation does not affect the donating partition's processor utilization.

Processor scaled donated time since IPL is the sum of all scaled time, in milliseconds, donated by the partition to the physical shared processor pool since IPL. Processor scaled time is not donated by partitions that share physical processors; the processor scaled donated time since IPL will be 0 for partitions that share physical processors. Processor time can be donated only by partitions with the partition processor donation attribute set to binary 1. Note that processor scaled donated time since IPL is not counted in processor scaled utilized time since IPL; donation does not affect the donating partition's scaled processor utilization.

If scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, the processor scaled donated time since IPL will equal the processor donated time since IPL. If scaled processor time attribute is binary 1, the partition's processors may operate at different speeds during the current IPL, and the processor scaled donated time since IPL and processor donated time since IPL may differ. The ratio between scaled and unscaled donated times over any interval is indicative of the processor's speed, relative to nominal, while donating during the interval.

Processor interrupt time since IPL is the sum of all time, in milliseconds, used by the partition's system interrupt handlers since IPL. The processor utilized time since IPL includes the processor interrupt time since IPL.

Processor scaled interrupt time since IPL is the sum of all scaled time, in milliseconds, used by the partition's system interrupt handlers since IPL. The processor scaled utilized time since IPL includes the processor scaled interrupt time since IPL.

If scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, the processor scaled interrupt time since IPL will equal the processor interrupt time since IPL. If scaled processor time attribute is binary 1, the partition's processors may operate at different speeds during the current IPL, and the processor scaled interrupt time since IPL and processor interrupt time since IPL may differ. The ratio between scaled and unscaled interrupted times over any interval is indicative of the processor's speed, relative to nominal, while interrupted during the interval.

Processor firmware time since IPL is the sum of all time, in milliseconds, expropriated by firmware while rendering service to the partition on all processors since IPL. Firmware provided services are typically associated with the partition's virtual I/O. Processor firmware time since IPL is the component of processor utilized time since IPL that is attributable to firmware provided services since IPL.

Processor scaled firmware time since IPL is the sum of all scaled time, in milliseconds, expropriated by firmware while rendering service to the partition on all processors since IPL. Firmware provided services are typically associated with the partition's virtual I/O. Processor scaled firmware time since IPL is the component of processor scaled utilized time since IPL that is attributable to firmware provided services since IPL.

If scaled processor time attribute is 0, the processor firmware time since IPL will equal the processor scaled firmware time since IPL. If scaled processor time attribute is 1, the partition's processors may operate at different speeds during the current IPL, and the processor firmware time since IPL and processor scaled firmware time since IPL may differ. The ratio betweeen scaled and unscaled utilized times over any interval is indicative of the processor's speed, relative to nominal, while firmware is rendering service to the partition.

Virtual processor thread event wait time since IPL is the total elapsed time in microseconds since IPL that blocked threads of the partition's active virtual processors were waiting for an event that caused them to become ready to run. A virtual processor that is active is one that is varied on; a virtual processor that is not active is either varied off or not installed. The partition's processor multi-tasking mode can affect the number of active virtual processor threads per active processor. Refer to MATRMD option hex 18 for additional information about processor multi-tasking mode. The partition's processor maximum multi-tasking level can affect the number of active virtual processor threads per active processor.

Virtual processor thread ready time since IPL is the total elapsed time in microseconds since IPL that ready-to-run threads of the partition's active virtual processors waited to be dispatched while the partition's entitled capacity was exhausted. A virtual processor that is active is one that is varied on; a virtual processor that is not active is either varied off or not installed. The partition's processor multi-tasking mode can affect the number of active virtual processor threads per active processor. Refer to MATRMD option hex 18 for additional information about processor multi-tasking mode. The partition's processor maximum multi-tasking level can affect the number of active virtual processor threads per active processor.

Virtual processor thread dispatch latency since IPL is the total elapsed time in microseconds since IPL that ready-to-run threads of the partition's active virtual processors waited to be dispatched while the partition's entitled capacity was not exhausted and a physical processor was not available. A virtual processor that is active is one that is varied on; a virtual processor that is not active is either varied off or not installed. The partition's processor multi-tasking mode can affect the number of active virtual processor threads per active processor. Refer to MATRMD option hex 18 for additional information about processor multi-tasking mode. The partition's processor maximum multi-tasking level can affect the number of active virtual processor threads per active processor.

Processor thread active time since IPL is the sum of processor thread active time for all processors in the partition, in milliseconds, since IPL. A processor that is active is one that is varied on; a processor that is not active is either varied off or not installed. Processor thread active time is the cumulative elapsed time during which a processor thread is varied on since IPL. Note that processor thread active time for a processor is the sum of the cumulative elapsed times of the processor's active threads, and processor thread active time for a partition is the sum of the processor thread active time for all the partition's processors. The partition's processor multi-tasking mode can affect the number of active processor threads per active processor. Refer to MATRMD option hex 18 for additional information about processor multi-tasking mode. The partition's processor maximum multi-tasking level can affect the number of active virtual processor threads per active processor.

Processor thread idle time since IPL is the sum of processor thread idle time for all processors in the partition, in milliseconds, since IPL. A processor thread that is idle is one that is active and running the partition's idle loop. Processor thread idle time is the cumulative elapsed time during which a processor thread is idle since IPL. Note that processor thread idle time for a processor is the sum of the cumulative elapsed times of the processor's idle threads, and processor thread idle time for a partition is the sum of the processor thread idle time for all the partition's processors. The partition's processor multi-tasking mode can affect the number of active processor threads per active processor. Refer to MATRMD option hex 18 for additional information about processor multi-tasking mode. The partition's processor maximum multi-tasking level can affect the number of active virtual processor threads per active processor.

Processor thread interrupt time since IPL is the sum of processor thread interrupt time for all processors in the partition, in milliseconds, since IPL. A processor thread that is interrupted is one that is active and running the partition's system interrupt handlers. Processor thread interrupt time is the cumulative elapsed time during which a processor thread is interrupted since IPL. Note that processor thread interrupt time for a processor is the sum of the cumulative elapsed times of the processor's interrupted threads, and processor thread interrupt time for a partition is the sum of the processor thread interrupt time for all the partition's processors. The partition's processor multi-tasking mode can affect the number of active processor threads per active processor. Refer to MATRMD option hex 18 for additional information about processor multi-tasking mode. The partition's processor maximum multi-tasking level can affect the number of active virtual processor threads per active processor.

Non-idle hardware instructions, interrupt hardware instructions, and processor firmware hardware instructions are the total hardware instructions (in units of 1048576 instructions) run by the processor in non-idle state, interrupt state, and running processor firmware.

Non-idle virtual time is the total virtual time (in milliseconds) running the processor in non-idle state.

Shared Processor Pools Utilization Information (Hex 27)

This option returns information about the physical machine's physical shared processor pool and the partition's virtual shared processor pool. Shared processor pool utilization information is not available for all hardware models.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Virtual shared processor pool maximum available time since partition IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
16 10
  • Virtual shared processor pool maximum available time since partition IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
24 18 Virtual shared processor pool utilized time since partition IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
24 18
  • Virtual shared processor pool utilized time since partition IPL (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
32 20 Number of processors in shared processor pool UBin(2)
34 22 Virtual shared processor pool ID UBin(2)
Materialization status
Hex 00 =
Data returned successfully.
Hex 01 =
Data not returned; the partition is using shared processors but shared pool utilization information is not available for the hardware model.
Hex 02 =
Data not returned; the partition is not using shared processors.
Hex 03 =
Data not returned; the partition is using shared processors and shared pool utilization information is available for the hardware model, but the partition does not have authority to materialize shared pool utilization information.

37 25 Reserved (binary 0) Char(3)
40 28 Virtual shared processor pool entitled available time since partition IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
40 28
  • Virtual shared processor pool entitled available time since partition IPL (Unbound program)
  • Char(8)
48 30 Virtual shared processor pool maximum processing capacity percentage UBin(2)
50 32 Virtual shared processor pool entitled processing capacity percentage UBin(2)
52 34 Reserved (binary 0) UBin(4)
56 38 Physical shared processor pool available time since platform IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
56 38
  • Physical shared processor pool available time since platform IPL (Unbound program)
  • Char(8)
64 40 Physical shared processor pool utilized time since platform IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
64 40
  • Physical shared processor pool utilized time since platform IPL (Unbound program)
  • Char(8)
72 48 Physical shared processor pool scaled utilized time since platform IPL (Bound program) UBin(8)
72 48
  • Physical shared processor pool scaled utilized time since platform IPL (Unbound program)
  • Char(8)
80 50 Number of physical shared processor pool processors UBin(2)
82 52 Reserved (binary 0) Char(6)
--- End ---

Virtual shared processor pool maximum available time since partition IPL is the maximum amount of processor time, in milliseconds, available in the partition's virtual shared processor pool since IPL. The virtual shared processor pool maximum available time accumulates since partition IPL; time accumulates continuously across changes in the partition's pool membership as well as changes in pool configuration, and may be used to compute available time over an interval, including one in which configuration changes have occurred. The virtual shared processor pool maximum available time accumulates at the rate of the virtual shared processor pool maximum processing capacity percentage.

Virtual shared processor pool utilized time since partition IPL is the amount of processor time, in milliseconds, utilized in the partition's virtual shared processor pool since IPL. The shared processor pool utilized time accumulates since partition IPL; time accumulates continuously across changes in the partition's pool membership as well as changes in pool configuration, and may be used to compute utilized time over an interval, including one in which configuration changes have occurred.

Number of virtual shared processor pool processors is the number of processors that are allocated to the virtual shared processor pool in which the partition is executing. The number of processors in the shared pool is always less than or equal to the number of physical shared processor pool processors.

Virtual shared processor pool id is the identifier of the partition's current virtual shared processor pool.

Materialization status indicates whether or not the shared processor pool information was returned.

Virtual shared processor pool entitled available time since partition IPL is the entitled amount of processor time, in milliseconds, available in the partition's virtual shared processor pool since IPL. The virtual shared processor pool entitled available time accumulates since partition IPL; time accumulates continuously across changes in the partition's pool membership as well as changes in pool configuration, and may be used to compute entitled available time over an interval, including one in which configuration changes have occurred. The virtual shared processor pool entitled available time accumulates at the rate of the virtual shared processor pool entitled processing capacity percentage.

Virtual shared processor pool maximum processing capacity percentage is the maximum capacity (in units of 1/100 of a physical processor) of the virtual shared processor pool in which this partition is executing. The virtual shared processor pool maximum available time accumulates at the rate of the virtual shared processor pool maximum processing capacity percentage.

Virtual shared processor pool entitled processing capacity percentage is the entitled capacity (in units of 1/100 of a physical processor) of the virtual shared processor pool in which this partition is executing. The virtual shared processor pool entitled available time accumulates at the rate of the virtual shared processor pool entitled processing capacity percentage.

Physical shared processor pool available time since platform IPL is the amount of processor time, in milliseconds, available in the physical shared processor pool since physical machine IPL.

Physical shared processor pool utilized time since platform IPL is the amount of processor time, in milliseconds, utilized in the physical shared processor pool since physical machine IPL.

Physical shared processor pool scaled utilized time since platform IPL is the amount of scaled processor time, in milliseconds, utilized in the physical shared processor pool since physical machine IPL.

Number of physical shared processor pool processors is the number of processors assigned to the physical shared processor pool, including processors from donation capable dedicated partitions. The number of physical shared processor pool processors is always less than or equal to the number of the physical processors of the physical machine.

Note: If the physical machine is managed by HMC (Hardware Management Console), a partition may or may not have access to the shared processor pools utilization information. For the default access value, and information on how to give access to or take access from a partition to this information, see Logical Partitions topic in the Information Center. Non-utilization shared processor pools information requires no specific authority and is available via MATMATR option hex 0210, Materialize Machine Attributes - Shared processor pools information.

Multiprocessor utilizations (Hex 28)

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Maximum number of active processors in the partition UBin(2)
18 12 Number of active processors in the partition UBin(2)
20 14 Number of table entries UBin(2)
22 16 Entry format Char(1)
23 17 Reserved (binary 0) Char(1)
24 18 Entry length UBin(2)
26 1A Partition and processor attributes Char(1)
  • Partition physical processor sharing attribute
    0 =
    Partition does not share physical processors
    1 =
    Partition shares physical processors
  • Bit 0
  • Partition effective capacity attribute
    0 =
    Partition capacity is capped or soft-capped
    1 =
    Partition capacity is uncapped
  • Bit 1
  • Partition processor donation attribute
    0 =
    Partition cannot donate processor time to the shared processor pool
    1 =
    Partition can donate processor time to the shared processor pool
  • Bit 2
  • Scaled processor time attribute
    0 =
    Processor time may not be scaled during the current IPL.
    1 =
    Processor time may be scaled during the current IPL.
  • Bit 3
  • Hardware instruction count and processor virtual time attribute
    0 =
    Hardware instruction count and processor virtual time not supported.
    1 =
    Hardware instruction count and processor virtual time supported.
  • Bit 4
26 1A
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 5-7
Reserved (binary 0)
48 30 Processor information Char(*)
--- End ---

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Table entry
(repeated number of table entries times)
[*] Char(48)
48 30
  • Processor utilized time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
48 30
    • Processor utilized time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
56 38
  • Processor configured available time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
56 38
    • Processor configured available time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
64 40
  • Processor uncapped available time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
64 40
    • Processor uncapped available time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
72 48
  • Processor id
  • UBin(2)
74 4A
  • Processor status flags
  • Char(1)
    • Processor installed
      0 =
      Processor is not installed
      1 =
      Processor is installed

    • Bit 0
    • Processor active
      0 =
      Processor is inactive
      1 =
      Processor is active

    • Bit 1
74 4A
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 2-7
75 4B
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(5)
80 50
  • Processor active time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
80 50
    • Processor active time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
88 58
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(8)
--- End ---

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Extended table entry
(repeated number of table entries times)
[*] Char(*)
48 30
  • Processor utilized time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
48 30
    • Processor utilized time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
56 38
  • Processor configured available time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
56 38
    • Processor configured available time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
64 40
  • Processor uncapped available time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
64 40
    • Processor uncapped available time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
72 48
  • Processor id
  • UBin(2)
74 4A
  • Processor status flags
  • Char(1)
    • Processor installed
      0 =
      Processor is not installed
      1 =
      Processor is installed

    • Bit 0
    • Processor active
      0 =
      Processor is inactive
      1 =
      Processor is active

    • Bit 1
74 4A
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 2-7
75 4B
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(5)
80 50
  • Processor active time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
80 50
    • Processor active time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
88 58
  • Processor scaled utilized time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
88 58
    • Processor scaled utilized time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
96 60
  • Processor stolen time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
96 60
    • Processor stolen time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
104 68
  • Processor scaled stolen time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
104 68
    • Processor scaled stolen time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
112 70
  • Processor idle time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
112 70
    • Processor idle time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
120 78
  • Processor scaled idle time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
120 78
    • Processor scaled idle time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
128 80
  • Processor donated time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
128 80
    • Processor donated time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
136 88
  • Processor scaled donated time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
136 88
    • Processor scaled donated time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
144 90
  • Processor interrupt time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
144 90
    • Processor interrupt time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
152 98
  • Processor scaled interrupt time since IPL (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
152 98
    • Processor scaled interrupt time since IPL (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
160 A0
  • Non-idle hardware instructions
  • UBin(8)
168 A8
  • Non-idle virtual time (milliseconds)
  • UBin(8)
176 B0
  • Interrupt hardware instructions
  • UBin(8)
184 B8
  • Reserved (binary 0, filled to entry length bytes)
  • Char(*)
--- End ---

Maximum number of active processors in the partition is the maximum number of virtual processors that can be active on the current IPL of the partition.

Number of active processors in the partition is the number of virtual processors currently active in the partition. It will always be less than or equal to the maximum number of active processors in the partition.

Number of table entries is the count of the number of table entries returned. No partial table entries will be returned.

Entry format identifies the format of the entries that are returned. It contains the same value as specified for the format option in operand 2.

Entry length is the length, in bytes, of table entries in processor information. Entry length is 48 for format option 0, and a machine-determined value for format option 1. Entry length must be used to access entries in processor information for format 1 results.

Table entry contains the amount of time, in milliseconds, the individual processor has been available for and utilized for work. It also contains processor status flags indicating the current status of the processor.

Utilized processor time since IPL is the sum of all time, in milliseconds, utilized by this processor since IPL.

Processor configured available processing time since IPL is the total amount of configured processor time, in milliseconds, available to this processor since IPL. In a dedicated partition, the configured available processing time is the elapsed time. In a shared partition, configured available processing time is the elapsed time times the ratio of shared processor units to processors, tracked over time as the configuration changes.

Processor uncapped available time since IPL is the total amount of processing time, in milliseconds, available since IPL, tracked over time as the configuration changes. The total available time includes configured available time and an additional amount of shared processor pool available time that is available to the partition because it is effectively uncapped. The uncapped available time represents the upper limit on the partition's potential utilized time based on the configuration of the partition and the shared pool. In dedicated and effectively capped shared processor partitions, the processor uncapped available time since IPL equals the processor configured available processing time since IPL. In an effectively uncapped shared processor partition, the uncapped available time is the elapsed time multiplied by the minimum of the number of processors in the partition and the number of processors in the shared pool, tracked over time as the configuration changes.

Processor id identifies the virtual processor.

Processor status flags indicates the current status of the virtual processor.

The processor installed field indicates whether or not the processor is installed on the system. A value of binary 0 indicates that the virtual processor is unavailable for the duration of the IPL. A value of binary 1 indicates the processor is installed and may be varied on/off for the duration of the IPL.

The processor active field indicates whether or not the processor is active on the system. A value of binary 0 indicates the processor is currently varied off or is not installed on the system. A value of binary 1 indicates the processor is currently varied on (active).

Partition physical processor sharing attribute indicates whether this partition is sharing processors on the current IPL of this partition. If the value of partition physical processor sharing attribute is partition does not share physical processors, then this partition uses only dedicated processors. If the value of partition physical processor sharing attribute is partition shares physical processors, then this partition uses physical processors from a shared pool of physical processors. One or more partitions may be executing on the physical processors in the shared pool at any given point in time. For a partition sharing physical processors, the number of virtual processors represents the maximum number of concurrent units of execution that can be active in the partition at any given point of time. A virtual processor in a partition using shared processors has the processing capacity of a fraction of a physical processor in the physical machine. For a partition using dedicated physical processors, a virtual processor has the processing capacity of a physical processor in the physical machine.

Partition effective capacity attribute indicates whether the partition's capacity is effectively uncapped or capped. Partitions that do not share physical processors cannot be effectively uncapped; the attribute is binary 0 for partitions that do not share physical processors. For partitions that share physical processors, the attribute is a combination of the partition capacity attribute and the variable processing capacity weight, both of which are dynamic and may change during the current IPL. A partition is effectively uncapped if and only if its partition capacity attribute is equal to binary 1 and its variable processing capacity weight is greater than 0. A partition that is not effectively uncapped cannot exceed its current processing capacity, and is effectively capped. Note that a partition with partition capacity attribute equal to binary 1 and variable processing capacity weight equal to binary 0 is 'soft-capped', which is effectively capped. Refer to MATMATR option hex 01E0 for additional information about partition capacity attribute and the variable processing capacity weight.

Partition processor donation attribute indicates whether or not a dedicated processor partition can donate unused processor time to the physical shared processor pool. Partitions that share physical processors cannot donate processor time to the shared processor pool; the attribute will be binary 0 for partitions that share physical processors. The attribute is dynamic and may change during the current IPL.

The partition processor donation attribute indicates whether or not the partition can donate unused processor time to the system's physical shared processor pool. If the attribute is set to binary 1, the partition's current virtual processors are counted in the physical shared processor pool; the processors are included in the number of physical shared pool processors, physical shared pool available time since platform IPL, and physical shared pool utilized time since platform IPL. See "Shared Processor Pools Utilization Information (Hex 27)". If the donation attribute is set to binary 0, the partition's virtual processors are not counted in the physical shared processor pool. Note that various implementation, configuration, and runtime factors will affect the extent of donation achieved. For example, the partition's processor multi-tasking mode may preclude donation; some implementations require that processor multi-tasking be disabled or system controlled for donation to occur. See "Processor Multi-tasking mode (Hex 18)". Due to these factors, the extent to which processing capacity is being donated, if any, may be determined by "Processor Utilization Data (Hex 26)" and "Multiprocessor utilizations (Hex 28)". These options materialize the processor donated time since IPL on a system-wide and per-processor basis respectively.

The scaled processor time attribute indicates whether processor time may or may not be scaled during the current IPL. If the scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, then materialized values of scaled and unscaled processor times are equivalent during the current IPL. If the scaled processor time attribute is binary 1, then materialized values of scaled and unscaled processor times are not equivalent during the current IPL.

Over any interval, the average relative processor speed (i.e. processor speed relative to nominal) is indicated by the ratio of scaled processor time to unscaled processor time elapsed during the interval. When the scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, scaled and unscaled processor times are equivalent, and their ratio over any interval is 1, indicating that the processor's relative speed is 1X nominal. When the scaled processor time attribute is binary 1, scaled and unscaled processor times are not equivalent, and the ratio of their elapsed values over any interval indicates the processor's average relative speed over the interval.

For example, consider MATRMD hex 28 data is available at the start and end of an interval. The ratio of the elapsed scaled processor utilized time to elapsed processor utilized time indicates the average relative processor speed while the processor was being utilized during the interval. The same analysis is applicable to all categories of processor time accumulated during an interval (i.e. processor interrupted time, processor stolen time, processor donated time, processor idle time, and process/thread time) -- the ratio of the scaled to unscaled time indicates the relative processor speed for the accumulated time category. Note that when the scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, the ratio of scaled to unscaled processor times is always 1.

Hardware instruction count and processor virtual time attribute indicates whether the partition provides support for hardware instruction count and processor virtual time.

The processor active time since IPL is the cummulative active time for the processor, in milliseconds, since IPL, tracked over time as the configuration changes. A processor that is active is one that is varied on; a processor that is not active is either varied off or not installed.

Processor scaled utilized time since IPL is the sum of the scaled time, in milliseconds, utilized by each processor since IPL.

If scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, the processor scaled utilized time since IPL will equal the processor utilized time since IPL. If scaled processor time attribute is binary 1, the partition's processors may operate at different speeds during the current IPL, and the processor scaled utilized time since IPL and processor utilized time since IPL unscaled may differ. The ratio between scaled and unscaled utilized times over any interval is indicative of the processor's speed, relative to nominal, while being used productively during the interval.

Processor stolen time since IPL is the sum of all time, in milliseconds, stolen from this process since IPL. On a physical machine with firmware level hex 10, the primary partition (ie. partition 0) is hidden and does not have configured capacity. Instead, it uses processor time stolen from the shared processor pool or from dedicated processor partitions. On a physical machine with firmware level hex 00, the primary partition is not hidden and has its own configured capacity; the processor stolen time since IPL will be '0' on a physical machine with firmware level hex 00. For additional information about firmware level, see MATMATR option hex 01E0, Materialize Machine Attributes - Partitioning Information. Processor time is not stolen from partitions that share physical processors; the processor stolen time since IPL will be 0 for partitions that share physical processors. The processor utilized time since IPL includes the processor stolen time since IPL.

Processor scaled stolen time since IPL is the sum of all scaled time, in milliseconds, stolen from this processor since IPL. On a physical machine with firmware level hex 10, the primary partition (ie. partition 0) is hidden and does not have configured capacity. Instead, it uses processor time stolen from the shared processor pool or from dedicated processor partitions. On a physical machine with firmware level hex 00, the primary partition is not hidden and has its own configured capacity; the processor scaled stolen time since IPL will be 0 on a physical machine with firmware level hex 00. For additional information about firmware level,see MATMATR option hex 01E0, Materialize Machine Attributes - Partitioning Information. Processor time is not stolen from partitions that share physical processors; the processor scaled stolen time since IPL will be 0 for partitions that share physical processors. The processor scaled utilized time since IPL includes the processor scaled stolen time since IPL.

If scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, the processor scaled stolen time since IPL will equal the processor stolen time since IPL. If scaled processor time attribute is binary 1, the partition's processors may operate at different speeds during the current IPL, and the processor scaled stolen time since IPL and processor stolen time since IPL may differ. The ratio between scaled and unscaled stolen times over any interval is indicative of the processor's speed, relative to nominal, while stolen during the interval.

Processor idle time since IPL is the sum of all time, in milliseconds, consumed by this partition's processor idle loops since IPL. In a partition that does not share physical processors, the processor idle loops typically consume the balance of configured processor time that is not utilized, donated, or stolen. For partitions that share physical processors, the processor idle loops typically do not consume the balance of configured time that is not utilized; partitions that share physical processors typically return idle processors to the shared processor pool as soon as they cannot use them productively. The total processor time since IPL is equal to processor utilized time since IPL plus processor idle time since IPL minus processor stolen time since IPL. The total processor time since IPL is the total amount of processor time consumed by a processor since IPL, productively or otherwise.

Processor scaled idle time since IPL is the sum of all scaled time, in milliseconds, consumed by this partition's processor idle loops since IPL. In a partition that does not share physical processors, the processor idle loops typically consume the balance of configured processor time that is not utilized, donated, or stolen. For partitions that share physical processors, the processor idle loops typically do not consume the balance of configured time that is not utilized; partitions that share physical processors typically return idle processors to the shared processor pool as soon as they cannot use them productively. The total scaled processor time since IPL is equal to processor scaled utilized time since IPL plus processor scaled idle time since IPL minus processor scaled stolen time since IPL. The total scaled processor time since IPL is the total amount of processor time consumed by a processor since IPL, productively or otherwise.

If scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, the processor scaled idle time since IPL will equal the processor idle time since IPL. If scaled processor time attribute is binary 1, the partition's processors may operate at different speeds during the current IPL, and the processor scaled idle time since IPL and processor idle time since IPL may differ. The ratio between scaled and unscaled idle times over any interval is indicative of the processor's speed, relative to nominal, while executing the idle loop during the interval.

Processor donated time since IPL is the sum of all time, in milliseconds, donated by this processor to the physical shared processor pool since IPL. Processor time is not donated by partitions that share physical processors; the processor donated time since IPL will be 0 for partitions that share physical processors. Processor time can be donated only by partitions with the partition processor donation attribute set to binary 1. Note that processor donated time since IPL is not counted in processor utilized time since IPL; donation does not affect the donating partition's processor utilization.

Processor scaled donated time since IPL is the sum of all scaled time, in milliseconds, donated by this processor to the physical shared processor pool since IPL. Processor scaled time is not donated by partitions that share physical processors; the processor scaled donated time since IPL will be 0 for partitions that share physical processors. Processor time can be donated only by partitions with the partition processor donation attribute set to binary 1. Note that processor scaled donated time since IPL is not counted in processor scaled utilized time since IPL; donation does not affect the donating partition's scaled processor utilization.

If scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, the processor scaled donated time since IPL will equal the processor donated time since IPL. If scaled processor time attribute is binary 1, the partition's processors may operate at different speeds during the current IPL, and the processor scaled donated time since IPL and processor donated time since IPL may differ. The ratio between scaled and unscaled donated times over any interval is indicative of the processor's speed, relative to nominal, while donating during the interval.

Processor interrupt time since IPL is the sum of all time, in milliseconds, used by this processor interrupt handlers since IPL. The processor utilized time since IPL includes the processor interrupt time since IPL.

Processor scaled interrupt time since IPL is the sum of all scaled time, in milliseconds, used by this processor interrupt handlers since IPL. The processor scaled utilized time since IPL includes the processor scaled interrupt time since IPL.

If scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, the processor scaled interrupt time since IPL will equal the processor interrupt time since IPL. If scaled processor time attribute is binary 1, the partition's processors may operate at different speeds during the current IPL, and the processor scaled interrupt time since IPL and processor interrupt time since IPL may differ. The ratio between scaled and unscaled interrupted times over any interval is indicative of the processor's speed, relative to nominal, while interrupted during the interval.

Non-idle hardware instructions and interrupt hardware instructions are the total hardware instructions run by the processor in non-idle state and interrupt state.

Non-idle virtual time is the total virtual time (in milliseconds) running the processor in non-idle state.

Materialize machine resource portions (Hex 29)

Materialize machine resource portions describes the machine-determined portions of the internal machine processing resources.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Reserved (binary 0) Char(12)
28 1C Number of entries UBin(4)
(repeated number of entries times)
[*] Char(32)
32 20
  • Machine resource portion identifier
  • UBin(4)
36 24
  • Weight
  • UBin(2)
  • Reserved (binary 0)

  • Char(26)
--- End ---

Number of entries is the count of the number of entries returned. No partial entries will be returned. The machine always has at least one portion which may be materialized.

Machine resource portion identifier identifies a machine-determined portion of the internal machine processing resources.

Weight is an indication of the relative importance of one portion of the internal machine processing resources over another. The relative importance of two portions of the internal machine processing resources is determined by the proportions of their weights. For example if the weight of one portion is twice that of another portion, then the first portion is twice as important as the second.

Materialize interrupt polling control (Hex 2A)

Note: IOPless device drivers do not use interrupt polling.
Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Interrupt polling control Char(8)
  • Pending interrupt polling control
    Hex 00 = The system is interrupted when an I/O operation completes. Any work being done on the processor handling the interrupt is suspended until the interrupt service routine completes.
    Hex 01 = The system periodically reads the hardware interrupt registers to determine if any I/O has completed. This allows work that is currently being done by the system to proceed without being interrupted. It may allow the system to complete work more efficiently, but may also increase response time.

  • Char(1)
  • Current interrupt polling control
    Hex 00 = The system is interrupted when an I/O operation completes. Any work being done on the processor handling the interrupt is suspended until the interrupt service routine completes.
    Hex 01 = The system periodically reads the hardware interrupt registers to determine if any I/O has completed. This allows work that is currently being done by the system to proceed without being interrupted. It may allow the system to complete work more efficiently, but may also increase response time.
    Hex 02 = The system is interrupted when an I/O operation completes. Any work being done on the processor handling the interrupt is suspended until the interrupt service routine completes. A pending request to poll interrupts was not fulfilled on the current IPL because the partition uses shared processors. In this case, the value of the pending interupt polling control is hex 01.

  • Char(1)
18 12
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(6)
--- End ---

Pending interrupt polling control reflects the value of interrupt polling control requested. If the value of pending interrupt polling control is not the same as the value of current interrupt polling control, the pending interrupt polling control value will take effect on the next IPL.

Current interrupt polling control reflects the value of interrupt polling control that is currently in effect.

System time quantum (Hex 2C)

This option returns information about time quantum values for the machine.

Time quantum values are materialized in units of nanoseconds of execution time.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 System controlled quantum (Bound program) UBin(8)
16 10
  • System controlled quantum (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
24 18 Configured system quantum (Bound program) UBin(8)
24 18
  • Configured system quantum (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
32 20 System quantum delta (Bound program) UBin(8)
32 20
  • System quantum delta (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
40 28 Maximum system quantum (Bound program) UBin(8)
40 28
  • Maximum system quantum (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
48 30 Minimum system quantum (Bound program) UBin(8)
48 30
  • Minimum system quantum (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
56 38 Reserved (binary 0) Char(8)
--- End ---

System controlled quantum is the value used for the effective time quantum of the machine unless configured system quantum contains a non-zero value which will override the system controlled quantum.

Configured system quantum can be used to override the quantum value used by the machine. If configured system quantum has a value of 0, the effective quantum is the system controlled quantum. If configured system quantum has a non-zero value, the effective quantum is the configured system quantum. The default configured system quantum is 0.

System quantum delta is the granularity of quantum value.

Maximum system quantum is the maximum quantum value that configured quantum value may be set to.

Minimum system quantum is the minimum quantum value that configured quantum value may be set to if configured quantum value has a non-zero value.

Main Storage Pool Information (Hex 2D)

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Machine minimum transfer size UBin(4)
20 14 Maximum number of pools UBin(4)
24 18 Current number of pools UBin(4)
28 1C Reserved (binary 0) Char(4)
32 20 Main storage size (Bound program) UBin(8)
32 20
  • Main storage size (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
40 28 Pool 1 minimum size (Bound program) UBin(8)
40 28
  • Pool 1 minimum size (Non-Bound program)
  • Char(8)
Individual main storage pool information
(repeated once for each pool, up to the current number of pools)
[*] Char(64)
48 30
  • Pool size (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
48 30
    • Pool size (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
56 38
  • Pool maintenance (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
56 38
    • Pool mainenance (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
64 40
  • Thread interruptions (database) (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
64 40
    • Thread interruptions (database) (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
72 48
  • Thread interruptions (non-database) (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
72 48
    • Thread interruptions (non-database) (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
80 50
  • Data transferred to pool (database) (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
80 50
    • Data transferred to pool (database) (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
88 58
  • Data transferred to pool (non-database) (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
88 58
    • Data transferred to pool (non-database) (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
96 60
  • Amount of pool not assigned to virtual addresses (Bound program)
  • UBin(8)
96 60
    • Amount of pool not assigned to virtual addresses (Non-Bound program)
    • Char(8)
104 68
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(8)
--- End ---

Machine minimum transfer size is the smallest number of bytes that may be transferred as a block to or from main storage.

Maximum number of pools is the maximum number of storage pools into which main storage may be partitioned. These pools will be assigned the logical identification beginning with 1 and continuing to the maximum number of pools.

Current number of pools is a user-specified value for the number of storage pools the user wishes to utilize. These are assumed to be numbered from 1 to the number specified. This number is fixed by the machine to be equal to the maximum number of pools.

Main storage size is the amount of main storage, in units equal to the machine minimum transfer size, which may be apportioned among main storage pools.

Pool 1 minimum size is the amount of main storage, in units equal to the machine minimum transfer size, which must remain in pool 1. This amount is machine and configuration dependent.

Individual main storage pool information is data in an array that is associated with a main storage pool by virtue of its ordinal position within the array. In the descriptions below, database refers to all other data, including internal machine fields. Pool size, pool maintenance, amount of pool not assigned to virtual addresses and data transferred information is expressed in units equal to the machine minimum transfer size described above.

Pool size is the amount of main storage assigned to the pool. The units of measure is the machine minimum transfer size.

Pool maintenance is the amount of data written from a pool to secondary storage by the machine to satisfy demand for resources from the pool. It does not represent total transfers from the pool to secondary storage, but rather is an indication of machine overhead required to provide primary storage within a pool to requesting threads.

Thread interruptions (database and non-database) is the total number of interruptions to threads (not necessarily assigned to this pool) which were required to transfer data into the pool to permit instruction execution.

Data transferred to pool (database and non-database) is the amount of data transferred from auxiliary storage to the pool to permit instruction execution and as a consequence of set access state, implicit access group movement, and internal machine actions.

The amount of pool not assigned to virtual addresses represents the storage available to be used for new transfers into the main storage pool without displacing any virtual data already in the pool. The value returned will not include any storage that has been reserved for load/dump sessions active in the pool.

Resource affinity selection override (Hex 2F)

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Reserved (binary 0) Char(12)
28 1C Resource affinity selection override UBin(4)
--- End ---

Resource affinity selection override is the value that overrides the initial system algorithms used to select the portion of its resources with which a newly-initiated process or thread has affinity. Valid values are from 0 to 255. A value of zero favors a static selection based on the existence of the resources themselves. A value of 255 favors a dynamic selection based on the utilization of those resources. Values between 0 and 255 correspond to different points along the continuum between static and dynamic selections.

Resource Information by Name (Hex 30)

The materialize resource information by name option returns information about hardware resources on the system. The specific information returned differs depending on the type of hardware described by the resource name.

A control header begins the materialized data. The format of the materialized data is described by the following template:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Control header Char(20)
  • Resource name
    (Resource name is an input field)
  • Char(10)
26 1A
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(6)
  • Resource type
    Hex 00 =
    Unknown resource
    Hex 01 =
    Disk unit
    Hex 02 =
    Auxiliary Storage Pool
    Hex 03 =
    Storage I/O adapter

  • UBin(1)
33 21
  • Template version
  • UBin(1)
34 22
  • Length of resource information
  • UBin(2)
Resource information
(as defined by the resource type section)
--- End ---

Resource name is an input value that represents the symbolic name of the logical hardware resource that was either created by the system when the hardware was first sensed, or was updated to a new value by the user. Possible types of resource names are:

  • logical hardware resource names as described by the system
  • Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP) name returned from the disk unit information (see resource type Hex 01 - Disk Unit).

Resource type indicates the type of input resource and indicates which template to use to interpret the materialized data. Supported resource types are Disk Units, Storage I/O adapters, and Auxiliary Storage Pools. A resource type of hex 00 indicates that the resource name is either not found on the system or is not one of the other supported resource types.

Template version indicates what version of the template is being used for the materialized data. The current version is hex 00.

Length of resource information is the size of the resource information in bytes. Length of resource information does not include the length of the control header.

The resource information materialized varies according to the value returned in resource type. The templates for each resource type are as follows:

Hex 00 Unknown Resource

A resource type of hex 00 indicates that the resource name is either not found on the system or is not a Disk Unit, Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP), or Storage I/O adapter. No information is materialized for unknown resources and the length of resource information is set to 0.

Hex 01 Disk Unit

A resource type of hex 01 indicates that the materialized information applies to a disk unit on the system. The template for the materialized information is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
36 24 Disk unit information Char(524)
36 24
  • Disk unit control flags
  • Char(2)
    • Load identifier found
      0 =
      Load identifier information not found
      1 =
      Load identifier information found

    • Bit 0
    • In external storage system
      0 =
      Not in external storage system
      1 =
      In external storage system

    • Bit 1
    • Connected via Fibre Channel
      0 =
      Not connected via Fibre Channel
      1 =
      Connected via Fibre Channel

    • Bit 2
    • Hot spare protected
      0 =
      Not hot spare protected
      1 =
      Hot spare protected

    • Bit 3
    • Hot spare
      0 =
      Is not a hot spare
      1 =
      Is a hot spare

    • Bit 4
    • Unit is encrypted
      0 =
      Unit is not encrypted
      1 =
      Unit is encrypted

    • Bit 5
    • Unit is connected to dual storage IOA
      0 =
      Unit is not connected to dual storage IOA
      1 =
      Unit is connected to dual storage IOA

    • Bit 6
    • Active path
      0 =
      Path is not the active path
      1 =
      Path is the active path

    • Bit 7
    • Passive path
      0 =
      Path is not the passive path
      1 =
      Path is the passive path

    • Bit 8
    • Logical unit number valid
      0 =
      Logical unit number is not valid
      1 =
      Logical unit number is valid

    • Bit 9
    • Unit is HyperSwap
      0 =
      Unit is not a HyperSwap unit
      1 =
      Unit is a HyperSwap unit

    • Bit 10
    • HyperSwap standby
      0 =
      Path is not a HyperSwap standby path
      1 =
      Path is a HyperSwap standby path

    • Bit 11
    • HyperSwap resuming
      0 =
      Path is not a HyperSwap resuming path
      1 =
      Path is a HyperSwap resuming path

    • Bit 12
    • HyperSwap ineligible
      0 =
      Path is not a HyperSwap ineligible path
      1 =
      Path is a HyperSwap ineligible path

    • Bit 13
    • HyperSwap standby failed
      0 =
      Path is not a HyperSwap standby failed path
      1 =
      Path is a HyperSwap standby failed path

    • Bit 14
36 24
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bit 15
38 26
  • Unit number
  • UBin(2)
  • Unit level of mirrored protection
    Hex 0000 =
    No level of protection
    Hex 0010 =
    Device level of protection
    Hex 0020 =
    Controller level of protection
    Hex 0027 =
    I/O Bus level limited
    Hex 0028 =
    I/O Bus level of protection
    Hex 002A =
    I/O adapter level limited
    Hex 002B =
    I/O adapter level of protection
    Hex 002F =
    IOP level limited
    Hex 0030 =
    IOP level of protection
    Hex 003F =
    Bus level limited
    Hex 0040 =
    Bus level of protection
    Hex 0043 =
    Tower level limited
    Hex 0044 =
    Tower level of protection
    Hex 0046 =
    Ring level limited
    Hex 0047 =
    Ring level of protection
    Hex 004A =
    CEC node level limited
    Hex 004B =
    CEC node level of protection
    Hex 0050 =
    Remote IOP level of protection
    Hex 0060 =
    Remote bus level of protection

  • UBin(2)
42 2A
  • Unit sector size
  • UBin(2)
44 2C
  • Number of active paths
  • UBin(4)
48 30
  • Unit storage capacity
  • Char(8)
56 38
  • Unit space available
  • Char(8)
  • Reserved (binary 0)

  • Char(8)
  • Reserved (binary 0)

  • Char(8)
  • Unit protection
    Hex 00 =
    Unprotected unit
    Hex 01 =
    Mirror protected unit
    Hex 02 =
    Device parity protected unit

  • UBin(1)
  • Unit hardware status
    Hex 00 =
    Unknown status
    Hex 01 =
    Device is not operational
    Hex 02 =
    Device is not ready
    Hex 03 =
    Device is busy
    Hex 04 =
    Device is read/write protected
    Hex 05 =
    Device is write protected
    Hex 06 =
    Device parity has failed
    Hex 07 =
    Device parity is unprotected
    Hex 08 =
    Device parity is rebuilding
    Hex 09 =
    Device has degraded performance
    Hex 0A =
    Device has redundant hardware failure
    Hex 0B =
    Device is Ok

  • UBin(1)
  • Unit attachment
    Hex 00 =
    The attachment of this unit is unknown.
    Hex 01 =
    The unit is attached via an IOP.
    Hex 02 =
    The unit is attached IOPless.
    Hex 03 =
    The unit is attached via a virtual adapter.

  • UBin(1)
  • Unit protection state
    Hex 00 =
    Unit is unprotected
    Hex 14 =
    Mirroring is active
    Hex 15 =
    Mirroring is suspended
    Hex 16 =
    Mirroring is resuming
    Hex 1D =
    Mirroring state is unknown
    Hex 28 =
    Device parity is active
    Hex 29 =
    Device parity has failed
    Hex 2A =
    Device parity is exposed
    Hex 2B =
    Device parity is rebuilding
    Hex 2C =
    Device parity is resynchronizing
    Hex 32 =
    Device parity state is unknown

  • UBin(1)
84 54
  • Load identifier
  • UBin(4)
  • Reserved (binary 0)

  • UBin(4)
92 5C
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • UBin(2)
94 5E
  • RAID type
  • Char(1)
95 5F
  • ASP name
  • Char(10)
105 69
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(6)
111 6F
  • Logical address
  • Char(33)
144 90
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(17)
161 A1
  • Load identifier install date
  • Char(10)
171 AB
  • Load identifier install time
  • Char(5)
176 B0
  • World wide unique logical unit identifier
  • Char(256)
432 1B0
  • Parent I/O adapter resource name
  • Char(10)
442 1BA
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(6)
448 1C0
  • Connected World Wide Port Name
  • Char(8)
456 1C8
  • Mirrored synchronization percent complete
  • Char(1)
457 1C9
  • Logical location code
  • Char(79)
536 218
  • Logical unit number
  • Char(8)
544 220
  • RAID rebuild percent complete
  • UBin(1)
545 221
  • Mirror subunit
  • Char(1)
546 222
  • Unit is NVMe
  • Bit 0
546 222
  • Unit is IASP configuration device
  • Bit 1
546 222
  • Unit is unmap capable
  • Bit 2
546 222
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 3-7
546 222
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(13)
--- End ---

The load identifier found field indicates whether or not the load identifier information was found. A value of binary 0 indicates that the load identifier information could not be found and therefore the load identifier install time and load identifier install date will contain blanks. A value of binary 1 indicates the load identifier information was found and the information in load identifier install time and load identifier install date is correct.

The in external storage system field indicates whether or not this disk unit is located in an external storage system. A value of binary 0 indicates that this disk unit is an internal disk (i.e. not externally connected). A value of binary 1 indicates that this disk unit is located in an external storage system.

The connected via Fibre Channel field indicates whether or not this disk unit is connected to the system via a fibre channel adapter. A value of binary 0 indicates that this disk unit is not connected via a Fibre Channel adapter. A value of binary 1 indicates that this disk unit is connected via a Fibre Channel adapter.

The hot spare protected field indicates whether or not this disk unit is protected by a hot spare disk unit. A value of binary 0 indicates that the disk unit is not hot spare protected. A value of binary 1 indicates that the disk unit is hot spare protected. A hot spare is an extra disk unit that is ready and waiting to be put into action when another disk unit fails.

The is a hot spare field indicates whether or not this disk unit is acting as a hot spare. A value of binary 0 indicates that the disk unit is not a hot spare. A value of binary 1 indicates that the disk unit is a hot spare. A hot spare is an extra disk unit that is ready and waiting to be put into action when another disk unit fails.

The unit is encrypted field indicates whether or not the data stored on the disk unit is encrypted. A value of binary 0 indicates that the unit is not encrypted; binary 1 indicates the unit is encrypted.

If the unit is connected to a dual storage IOA field is binary 1, the unit is controlled by two storage I/O adapters (IOA). If the unit is connected to a dual storage IOA field is binary 0, the unit is not controlled by two storage I/O adapters (IOA).

If the active path field is binary 1, the path to the unit is for the primary storage IOA in a dual storage IOA configuration. If the active path field is binary 0, the path to the unit is not for the primary storage IOA. The primary storage IOA performs read and write operations to the unit directly. This field is not valid and is set to binary 0 if unit is connected to a dual storage IOA is binary 0.

If the passive path field is binary 1, the path to the unit is for the secondary storage IOA in a dual storage IOA configuration. If the passive path field is binary 0, the path is not for the secondary storage IOA. The secondary storage IOA detects when the primary storage IOA is no longer functioning and will begin performing read/write operations at that time. This field is not valid and is set to binary 0 if unit is connected to a dual storage IOA is binary 0.

If the logical unit number valid field is binary 1, then the value of the logical unit number field contains the valid number for the logical unit. A value of binary 0 indicates that the logical unit number field is not valid and will have a value of binary 0.

If the unit is HyperSwap field is binary 1, the disk unit is either the primary or secondary unit in a Metro Mirror relationship with HyperSwap failover capability. If the unit is HyperSwap field is binary 0, the disk unit is not in a Metro Mirror relationship with HyperSwap failover capability.

If the HyperSwap standby field is binary 1, the path is connected to a disk unit that is the secondary unit in a Metro Mirror relationship. This disk unit is in full synchronization with the primary disk unit and is ready in the event of a HyperSwap fail-over from the primary. If the HyperSwap standby field is binary 0, the path is not a HyperSwap standby path.

If the HyperSwap resuming field is binary 1, the path is connected to a disk unit that is the secondary unit in a Metro Mirror relationship. This disk unit is in the process of being re-synchronized with the primary disk unit. When the re-synchronization completes, the disk unit will be ready in the event of a HyperSwap fail over from the primary. If the HyperSwap resuming field is binary 0, the path is not a HyperSwap resuming path.

If the HyperSwap ineligible field is binary 1, the path is connected to a disk unit that is the secondary unit in a Metro Mirror relationship where Metro Mirror replication is suspended. The system cannot perform a HyperSwap fail over unless Metro Mirror replication is resumed. If the HyperSwap ineligible field is binary 0, the path is not a HyperSwap ineligible path.

If the HyperSwap standby failed field is binary 1, the path is connected to a disk unit that is the secondary unit in a Metro Mirror relationship. This disk unit is not ready in the event of a HyperSwap fail-over from the primary. If the HyperSwap standby failed field is binary 0, the path is not a HyperSwap standby failed path.

Unit number uniquely identifies each non-mirrored unit or mirrored pair among the configured units. Both mirrored units of a mirrored pair have the same unit number. The value of the unit number is assigned by the system when the unit is allocated to an ASP (Auxiliary Storage Pool). For unallocated units, the unit number is set to binary 0.

Unit level of mirrored protection indicates the level of protection that is currently in effect on the disk unit. The following values are supported:

  • Hex 0000 indicates that there is no mirror protection in effect for the disk unit. If the unit fails, data could be lost.
  • Hex 0010 indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the device level. The disk unit will continue to operate if a failure occurs on one device used by the mirrored pair.
  • Hex 0020 indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the disk device controller level. The disk unit will continue to operate if a disk unit controller fails on one unit of the mirrored pair.
  • Hex 0027 indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the I/O adapter bus level. The disk unit will continue to operate if an I/O adapter bus fails on one unit of the mirrored pair. Both subunits of the mirror pair are located in the same external enclosure and may fail to operate for certain failures of the external enclosure.
  • Hex 0028 indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the I/O adapter bus level. The disk unit will continue to operate if an I/O adapter bus fails on one unit of the mirrored pair.
  • Hex 002A indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the I/O adapter level. The disk unit will continue to operate if an I/O adapter fails on one unit of the mirrored pair. Both subunits of the mirror pair are located in the same external enclosure and may fail to operate for certain failures of the external enclosure.
  • Hex 002B indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the I/O adapter level. The disk unit will continue to operate if an I/O adapter fails on one unit of the mirrored pair.
  • Hex 002F indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the I/O processor level. The disk unit will continue to operate if an I/O processor fails on one unit of the mirrored pair. Both subunits of the mirror pair are located in the same external enclosure and may fail to operate for certain failures of the external enclosure.
  • Hex 0030 indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the I/O processor level. The disk unit will continue to operate if an I/O processor fails on one unit of the mirrored pair.
  • Hex 003F indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the system bus level. The disk unit will continue to operate if a system bus failure occurs on one unit of the mirrored pair. Both subunits of the mirror pair are located in the same external enclosure and may fail to operate for certain failures of the external enclosure.
  • Hex 0040 indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the system bus level. The disk unit will continue to operate if a system bus failure occurs on one unit of the mirrored pair.
  • Hex 0043 indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the tower level. The disk unit will continue to operate if a tower fails. Both subunits of the mirror pair are located in the same external enclosure and may fail to operate for certain failures of the external enclosure.
  • Hex 0044 indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the tower level. The disk unit will continue to operate if a tower fails.
  • Hex 0046 indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the ring level. The disk unit will continue to operate if an High Speed Loop (HSL) fails on one unit of the mirrored pair. Both subunits of the mirror pair are located in the same external enclosure and may fail to operate for certain failures of the external enclosure.
  • Hex 0047 indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the ring level. The disk unit will continue to operate if an High Speed Loop (HSL) fails on one unit of the mirrored pair.
  • Hex 004A indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the CEC node level. The disk unit will continue to operate if a CEC node fails. Both subunits of the mirror pair are located in the same external enclosure and may fail to operate for certain failures of the external enclosure.
  • Hex 004B indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the CEC node level. The disk unit will continue to operate if a CEC node fails.
  • Hex 0050 indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected with a unit on a different I/O processor in a remote location. The disk unit will continue to operate if the I/O processor fails on one of the units of the mirrored pair either in the local or remote location.
  • Hex 0060 indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected with a unit on a different system bus in a remote location. The disk unit will continue to operate if a system bus failure occurs on one unit of the mirrored pair either in the local or remote location.

Unit sector size indicates the size in bytes of a single sector on the disk unit.

Number of active paths indicates the number of active connections to this disk unit. A value greater than one means that there are multiple resource names that all represent the same disk unit, yet each represents a unique path to the disk unit. All active connections will be used for communicating with the disk unit.

Unit storage capacity is the space, in number of bytes of auxiliary storage, on the non-mirrored unit or mirrored pair, that is, the capacity of the unit prior to any formatting or allocation of space by the system it is attached to. For a mirrored pair, this space is the number of bytes of auxiliary storage on either one of the mirrored units. The space is identical on both of the mirrored units. Caution, do not attempt to add the capacities of the two units of a mirrored pair together.

Unit space available is the number of bytes of secondary storage space that is not currently assigned to objects or internal machine functions, and therefore, is available for allocation on the unit (or the mirrored pair). For a mirrored pair, this space is the number of bytes of auxiliary storage available on either one of the mirrored units. The space is identical on both of the mirrored units. Caution, do not attempt to add the capacities of the two units of a mirrored pair together. This value is 0 for non-configured units.

Unit protection indicates what kind of protection is currently active on the disk unit. A value of hex 00 indicates that there is not protection in effect for the disk unit. If the unit fails, data could be lost. A value of hex 01 indicates that the disk unit is protected by a mirrored pair. The value of unit level of mirrored protection can be used to determine the mirroring protection level. A value of hex 02 indicates that the unit is protected by device parity. The value of RAID type can be used to determine the type of device parity protection in effect.

Unit hardware status indicates the hardware status of the disk unit. The following values are supported:

  • Hex 00 indicates that the operational hardware status of this disk unit is not known to the system.
  • Hex 01 indicates that this device cannot communicate with the I/O adapter that it is attached to.
  • Hex 02 indicates that this unit is not ready to perform read or write operations.
  • Hex 03 indicates that this unit is being overwhelmed by a large number of read and write operations.
  • Hex 04 indicates that this unit is unable to perform read or write operations.
  • Hex 05 indicates that this unit is unable to perform write operations.
  • Hex 06 indicates that this unit is part of a disk unit subsystem that has device parity protection. This unit has failed. If another unit in the disk unit subsystem fails, data could be lost.
  • Hex 07 indicates that this unit is part of a disk unit subsystem that has device parity protection. This unit is operational. However, another unit in the disk unit subsystem has failed. If another unit in the disk unit subsystem fails, data could be lost.
  • Hex 08 indicates that this unit is part of a disk unit subsystem that has device parity protection. The data on this unit is being rebuilt from other units in the disk unit subsystem. If two more disk units in the disk unit subsystem fail, data could be lost.
  • Hex 09 indicates that this unit is part of a disk unit subsystem that has RAID-5 device parity protection. A decrease in performance has occurred because a component that is not critical has failed.
  • Hex 0A indicates that a hardware-related failure has occurred in a redundant component. The failure does not affect data or performance. However, the system may become unusable if another failure of a redundant component occurs.
  • Hex 0B indicates that the disk unit is operational and ready to accept input or output operations.

Unit attachment indicates how the unit is logically attached to the system. A value of hex 00 indicates that the unit's attachment is unknown. A value of hex 01 indicates that the unit is attached via an I/O processor. A value of hex 02 indicates that the unit is attached without an I/O processor. A value of hex 03 indicates that the unit is attached via a virtual I/O adapter.

Unit protection state indicates the current state of the disk unit protection. The following values are supported:

  • Hex 00 indicates that the data on the disk unit does not have any system protection.
  • Hex 14 indicates that the system is writing data to this sub-unit and can also read from it. If both sub-units of a logical unit have this status the data is protected. If one of the sub-units has a status of suspended or resuming, the data is not protected.
  • Hex 15 indicates that the system is not reading or writing data on this sub-unit.
  • Hex 16 indicates that this unit was suspended and the system is copying the data from the active sub-unit to this sub-unit. The status will change to active when the copying is completed. The data will then be protected again.
  • Hex 1D indicates that the protection status of the disk unit is not known by the system.
  • Hex 28 indicates that this unit is part of a disk unit subsystem that has device parity protection. This unit is fully operational.
  • Hex 29 indicates that this unit is part of a disk unit subsystem that has device parity protection. This unit has failed. If another unit in the disk unit subsystem fails, data could be lost.
  • Hex 2A indicates that this unit is part of a disk unit subsystem that has device parity protection. This unit is operational. However, another unit in the disk unit subsystem has failed. If another unit in the disk unit subsystem fails, data could be lost.
  • Hex 2B indicates that this unit is part of a disk unit subsystem that has device parity protection. The data on this unit is being rebuilt from other units in the disk unit subsystem. If another unit in the disk unit subsystem fails, data could be lost.
  • Hex 2C indicates that this unit is part of a disk unit subsystem that has device parity protection. The subsystem is in the process of recreating the redundancy data for the parity set. All units in the set being synchronized will have this status.
  • Hex 32 indicates that this unit is part of a disk unit subsystem that has device parity protection. The status of this unit is not known to the system.

Load identifier uniquely identifies the microcode for an entity (e.g. Disk Unit or Storage I/O adapter). This field is filled in with binary 0 when load identifier found is set to binary 0.

RAID type identifies the current type of RAID (device parity) array that a unit belongs to. A value of hex 00 indicates that the unit is not in a parity set. A value of hex 05 indicates that the unit belongs to a RAID 5 parity set. A value of hex 06 indicates that the unit belongs to a RAID 6 parity set. A value of hex 0A indicates that the unit belongs to a RAID 10 parity set.

ASP name specifies the name which the user has assigned to this auxiliary storage pool. For the system and basic ASPs, the value returned is "ASP " followed by the ASP number (i.e. ASP 1 is returned for the system ASP).

Logical address indicates a character string of the logical address for the logical hardware resource. The format for the logical address is 'A/BBBB/C/DDD-E/FF/GGG/HH/II/JJ/KK' where:

  • 'A' indicates the transport type. A value of '1' indicates SPD Bus; '2' indicates PCI Bus.
  • 'BBBB' indicates the system bus number
  • 'C' indicates the system board number
  • 'DDD' indicates the system card number
  • 'E' indicates the unit address type
  • 'FF' through 'KK' are different depending on the value of 'E'.

    The values of 'BBBB', 'DDD', and 'FF' through 'KK' are right justified and padded on the left with blank spaces. Reserved values for 'FF' through 'KK' are filled in with blank spaces. The following lists the possible values for unit address type and the resulting values for 'FF' through 'KK'.

    '0' = Reserved
    'FF' through 'KK' are reserved.
    '1' = Communications
    FF/GGG/HH/II/JJ/KK = Reserved/I/O Bus/Adapter/Port/Channel/Reserved
    '2' = Storage
    FF/GGG/HH/II/JJ/KK = I/O adapter/I/O Bus/Controller/Device/Reserved/Reserved
    '3' = Work station
    FF/GGG/HH/II/JJ/KK = Reserved/I/O Bus/Adapter/Port/Device/Session
    '4' = Auxiliary processor
    FF/GGG/HH/II/JJ/KK = Reserved/I/O Bus/AuxProcessor/Adapter/Port/Reserved
    '5' = Library
    FF/GGG/HH/II/JJ/KK = I/O adapter/I/O Bus/Library/Controller/Device/Reserved
    '6' = Cryptography
    FF/GGG/HH/II/JJ/KK = Reserved/I/O Bus/Adapter/Device/Reserved/Reserved

Load identifier install date indicates the date in which the microcode was installed. The format for the date is MM/DD/YYYY, where MM is the 2 digit month, DD is the 2 digit day of the month, and YYYY is the 4 digit year. This field is filled in with binary 0 when load identifier found is set to binary 0.

Load identifier install time indicates the time of day in which the microcode was installed. The format for the time is HH:MM, where HH is the two digit hour (in 24 hour clock format), and MM is the 2 digit minute. This field is filled in with binary 0 when load identifier found is set to binary 0.

World wide unique logical unit identifier uniquely identifies a Logical Unit (LUN) from all other logical units in the world. This field contains the unique LUN identifier padded to the right with hex 00 characters. This field is only valid if connected via Fibre Channel is set to binary 1.

Parent I/O adapter resource name identifies the hardware resource name of the controlling I/O Adapter for this disk unit.

Connected World Wide Port Name indicates the 8 byte unique identifier for the host Fibre Channel port that this disk unit is connected to. This field is only valid if connected via Fibre Channel is set to binary 1.

Mirrored synchronization percent complete indicates the percent complete (from 0 to 100) of a resuming mirrored unit. This value must be 100 before the unit protection state is set to mirroring is active. This field is only valid if unit protection state is set to hex 16.

Logical unit number indicates the identifying number of the logical unit as defined by the ANSI SCSI standard. This field is only valid if logical unit number valid is set to binary 1.

Logical location code indicates the logical location for the resource on the partition.

RAID rebuild percent complete indicates the percent complete (from 0 to 100) that the I/O Adapter (IOA) has constructed the data on the disk unit using RAID algorithms and parity data from the disk units in the parity set. During the time the RAID rebuild is running, the performance of some applications or processes may be negatively affected. This field is only valid if unit hardware status is set to hex 08.

Mirror subunit indicates whether the entry is for subunit 'A' (hex C1) or 'B' (hex C2) of a mirrored pair. If the unit is not a mirrored pair, the value will be a blank (hex 40). This field is only valid if unit protection is set to hex 01.

Unit is NVMe indicates whether or not this is a Non-Volatile Memory Experss device. A value of binary 1 indicates this is a Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) device.

Unit is IASP configuration device indicates whether or not this disk unit contains the configuration information for the Independent Auxiliary Storage Pool (IASP). A value of binary 1 indicates this unit is the IASP configuration device,

Unit is unmap capable indicates whether or not this unit is capable of performing the Unmap command. A value of binary 1 indicates this unit is capable of performing the Unmap command.

Hex 02 Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP)

A resource type of hex 02 indicates that the materialized information applies to an Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP) on the system. The template for the materialized information is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
36 24 ASP information Char(492)
36 24
  • ASP control flags
  • Char(2)
    • Independent ASP
      0 =
      Is not an independent ASP
      1 =
      Is an independent ASP

    • Bit 0
    • Mirror protected
      0 =
      Not mirror protected
      1 =
      Mirror protected

    • Bit 1
    • Geographically mirrored
      0 =
      Not geographically mirrored
      1 =
      Geographically mirrored

    • Bit 2
    • ASP usable
      0 =
      ASP is not usable
      1 =
      ASP is usable

    • Bit 3
    • ASP is encrypted
      0 =
      ASP is not encrypted
      1 =
      ASP is encrypted

    • Bit 4
    • ASP detached
      0 =
      Geographic mirroring is not detached
      1 =
      Geographic mirroring is detached

    • Bit 5
36 24
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 6-15
38 26
  • Number of allocated disk units in ASP
  • UBin(2)
40 28
  • ASP storage capacity
  • Char(8)
48 30
  • ASP space available
  • Char(8)
56 38
  • Tracking space allocated
  • Char(8)
  • Minimum level of mirrored protection
    Hex 0000 =
    Hex 0010 =
    Device level
    Hex 0020 =
    Controller level
    Hex 0027 =
    I/O bus level limited
    Hex 0028 =
    I/O bus level
    Hex 002A =
    I/O adapter level limited
    Hex 002B =
    I/O adapter level
    Hex 002F =
    IOP level limited
    Hex 0030 =
    IOP level
    Hex 003F =
    Bus level limited
    Hex 0040 =
    Bus level
    Hex 0043 =
    Tower level limited
    Hex 0044 =
    Tower level
    Hex 0046 =
    Ring level limited
    Hex 0047 =
    Ring level
    Hex 004A =
    CEC node level limited
    Hex 004B =
    CEC node level
    Hex 0050 =
    Remote IOP level
    Hex 0060 =
    Remote bus level

  • UBin(2)
66 42
  • ASP number
  • UBin(1)
67 43
  • Threshold percent
  • UBin(1)
68 44
  • ASP name
  • Char(10)
78 4E
  • Synchronization progress
  • Char(1)
79 4F
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(1)
80 50
  • Page size
  • UBin(4)
84 54
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(4)
88 58
  • Tracking space used
  • Char(8)
96 60
  • Data out of synchronization
  • Char(8)
104 68
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(424)
--- End ---

Independent ASP specifies whether or not the ASP is an independent ASP; that is, it can be varied on and off. A value of binary 1 indicates the ASP is an independent ASP. A value of binary 0 indicates that this ASP is a basic ASP or the system ASP and cannot be varied on or off.

The mirror protected field specifies whether or not the ASP is configured to be mirror protected. A value of binary 1 indicates that ASP mirror protection is configured. A value of binary 0 indicates that none of the units associated with the ASP are mirrored.

The geographically mirrored field specifies whether or not that ASP is configured to be geographically mirrored. A value of binary 1 indicates that the ASP is configured for geographic mirroring; binary 0 indicates that it is not. This field only applies to independent ASPs and is always binary 0 for system and basic ASPs. Geographic mirroring enables data to be mirrored on disks at sites that can be separated by a significant geographic distance.

The ASP usable field indicates whether or not this ASP is online and usable. A value of binary 1 indicates that the ASP is usable; binary 0 indicates that it is not usable. For independent ASPs this corresponds to the vary status. For system and basic ASPs this value is always 1.

The ASP detached field indicates whether or not a geographically mirrored mirror copy has a current role of detached. A value of binary 1 indicates that the ASP is detached; binary 0 indicates that it is not detached. This field is only valid if geographically mirrored is set to binary 1.

The ASP is encrypted field indicates whether or not the data contained in the ASP is encrypted. A value of binary 1 indicates that the ASP is encrypted; binary 0 indicates that it is not encrypted.

Number of disk units in ASP is the number of configured units logically addressable by the system as units for this ASP. This is the number of configured, non-mirrored units plus the number of mirrored pairs allocated in the ASPs. The total number of units (actuator arms) on the system is the sum of the allocated disk units plus the number of unallocated disk units plus the number of pairs of mirrored units.

ASP storage capacity specifies the total space, in number of bytes of auxiliary storage, on the storage media allocated to the ASP. This is just the sum of the unit storage capacity fields for (1) the units allocated to the ASP or (2) the mirrored pairs in the ASP.

ASP space available is the number of bytes of auxiliary storage that is not currently assigned to objects or internal machine functions, and therefore, is available for allocation in the ASP. Note that a mirrored pair counts for only one unit.

Tracking space allocated is the number of bytes of auxiliary storage that are reserved for tracking changes in a cross site mirroring environment. Cross site mirroring enables data to be mirrored on disks at sites that can be separated by a significant geographic distance. This field is only valid if geographically mirrored is set to binary 1.

Minimum level of mirrored protection indicates the lowest level of mirroring protection of all the mirrored pairs in the ASP. This field will contain a non zero value if the ASP is configured to be mirror protected. The following values are supported:

  • Hex 0000 indicates that there is no mirror protection in effect for the ASP. If a unit in the ASP fails, data could be lost.
  • Hex 0010 indicates that the lowest level of mirrored protection for the ASP is at the device level. The disk units in the ASP will continue to operate if a failure occurs on one device used by the mirrored pairs.
  • Hex 0020 indicates that the lowest level of mirrored protection for the ASP is at the disk controller level. The disk units in the ASP will continue to operate if a disk unit controller fails on one unit of the mirrored pairs.
  • Hex 0027 indicates that the lowest level of mirrored protection for the ASP is at the I/O adapter bus level. The disk units in the ASP will continue to operate if an I/O adapter bus fails on one unit of the mirrored pairs. Both subunits of the mirror pair are located in the same external enclosure and may fail to operate for certain failures of the external enclosure.
  • Hex 0028 indicates that the lowest level of mirrored protection for the ASP is at the I/O adapter bus level. The disk units in the ASP will continue to operate if an I/O adapter bus fails on one unit of the mirrored pairs.
  • Hex 002A indicates that the lowest level of mirrored protection for the ASP is at the I/O adapter level. The disk units in the ASP will continue to operate if an I/O adapter fails on one unit of the mirrored pairs. Both subunits of the mirror pair are located in the same external enclosure and may fail to operate for certain failures of the external enclosure.
  • Hex 002B indicates that the lowest level of mirrored protection for the ASP is at the I/O adapter level. The disk units in the ASP will continue to operate if an I/O adapter fails on one unit of the mirrored pairs.
  • Hex 002F indicates that the lowest level of mirrored protection is at the I/O processor level. The disk units in the ASP will continue to operate if an I/O processor fails on one disk unit of the mirrored pairs. Both subunits of the mirror pair are located in the same external enclosure and may fail to operate for certain failures of the external enclosure.
  • Hex 0030 indicates that the lowest level of mirrored protection is at the I/O processor level. The disk units in the ASP will continue to operate if an I/O processor fails on one disk unit of the mirrored pairs.
  • Hex 003F indicates that the lowest level of mirrored protection is at the system bus level. The disk units in the ASP will continue to operate if a system bus failure occurs on one disk unit of the mirrored pairs. Both subunits of the mirror pair are located in the same external enclosure and may fail to operate for certain failures of the external enclosure.
  • Hex 0040 indicates that the lowest level of mirrored protection is at the system bus level. The disk units in the ASP will continue to operate if a system bus failure occurs on one disk unit of the mirrored pairs.
  • Hex 0043 indicates that the lowest level of mirrored protection is at the tower level. The disk units in the ASP will continue to operate if a tower fails. Both subunits of the mirror pair are located in the same external enclosure and may fail to operate for certain failures of the external enclosure.
  • Hex 0044 indicates that the lowest level of mirrored protection is at the tower level. The disk units in the ASP will continue to operate if a tower fails.
  • Hex 0046 indicates that the lowest level of mirrored protection is at the HSL level. The disk units in the ASP will continue to operate if a High Speed Loop (HSL) fails on one unit of the mirrored pairs. Both subunits of the mirror pair are located in the same external enclosure and may fail to operate for certain failures of the external enclosure.
  • Hex 0047 indicates that the lowest level of mirrored protection is at the HSL level. The disk units in the ASP will continue to operate if a High Speed Loop (HSL) fails on one unit of the mirrored pairs.
  • Hex 004A indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the CEC node level. The disk unit will continue to operate if a CEC node fails. Both subunits of the mirror pair are located in the same external enclosure and may fail to operate for certain failures of the external enclosure.
  • Hex 004B indicates that the disk unit is mirror protected at the CEC node level. The disk unit will continue to operate if a CEC node fails.
  • Hex 0050 indicates that the lowest level of mirrored protection is with units on a different I/O processor in a remote location. The disk units in the ASP will continue to operate if the I/O processor fails on one of the units of the mirrored pairs either in the local or remote location.
  • Hex 0060 indicates that the lowest level of mirrored protection is with units on a different system bus in a remote location. The disk units in the ASP will continue to operate if a system bus failure occurs on one unit of the mirrored pairs either in the local or remote location.

ASP number uniquely identifies the auxiliary storage pool. The ASP number may have a value from 1 through 255. A value of 1 indicates the system ASP. A value of 2 through 255 indicates a user ASP. Note that independent ASPs have a value of 33 through 255.

Threshold percent specifies the auxiliary storage space utilization threshold as a percentage of the ASP storage capacity.

ASP name specifies the name which the user has assigned to this auxiliary storage pool. For the system and basic ASPs, the value returned is "ASP " followed by the ASP number (i.e. ASP 1 is returned for the system ASP).

Synchronization progress specifies the percent of the ASP that is synchronized under geographic mirroring. This field is only valid if geographically mirrored is set to binary 1. A value of hex FF indicates that the synchronization progress is not known.

Page size specifies the size of a data page in the ASP in bytes of auxiliary storage. A data page is the smallest unit of storage that can be allocated in the ASP.

Tracking space used specifies the number of bytes of auxiliary storage that is currently being used to track changes in a geographically mirrored enviroment. This field is only valid if geographically mirrored is set to binary 1.

Data out of synchronization specifies the number of bytes of auxiliary storage that are not synchronized in a geographically mirrored environment. This field is only valid if geographically mirrored is set to binary 1. A value of hex FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF indicates that the number of bytes of auxiliary storage that are not synchronized is not known.

Hex 03 Storage I/O adapter (SIOA)

A resource type of hex 03 indicates that the materialized information applies to a Storage I/O adapter on the system. The template for the materialized information is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
36 24 Storage I/O adapter information Char(236)
36 24
  • SIOA control flags
  • Char(2)
    • Load identifier found
      0 =
      Load identifier information not found
      1 =
      Load identifier information found

    • Bit 0
    • Fibre Channel adapter
      0 =
      Fibre Channel not supported
      1 =
      Fibre Channel supported

    • Bit 1
    • Virtual adapter
      0 =
      Adapter is not virtual
      1 =
      Adapter is virtual

    • Bit 2
36 24
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 3-15
38 26
  • Number of Fibre Channel ports
  • UBin(2)
  • Reserved (binary 0)

  • Char(8)
48 30
  • Load identifier
  • UBin(4)
52 34
  • Manufacturer name
  • Char(16)
68 44
  • Logical address
  • Char(33)
101 65
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(16)
117 75
  • Load identifier install date
  • Char(10)
127 7F
  • Load identifier install time
  • Char(5)
132 84
  • Logical location code
  • Char(79)
211 D3
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(61)
Fibre Channel Port information
(Consists of zero or more entries; one for each Fibre Channel port. The number of entries is specified in number of Fibre Channel ports.)
[*] Char(256)
272 110
  • World wide port name
  • Char(8)
  • Reserved (binary 0)

  • Char(8)
288 120
  • Fibre Channel maximum transmission speed
  • Char(8)
296 128
  • Fibre Channel current transmission speed
  • Char(8)
304 130
  • Fibre Channel bytes received
  • Char(8)
312 138
  • Fibre Channel bytes transmitted
  • Char(8)
320 140
  • Fibre Channel Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) errors
  • Char(8)
  • Reserved (binary 0)

  • Char(8)
  • Reserved (binary 0)

  • Char(8)
344 158
  • Fibre Channel invalid transmission words
  • Char(8)
352 160
  • Fibre Channel link failures
  • Char(8)
  • Reserved (binary 0)

  • Char(8)
368 170
  • Fibre Channel loss of signal counter
  • Char(8)
376 178
  • Fibre Channel loss of synchronization counter
  • Char(8)
  • Reserved (binary 0)

  • Char(8)
392 188
  • Fibre Channel packets received
  • Char(8)
400 190
  • Fibre Channel packets transmitted
  • Char(8)
408 198
  • Fibre Channel primitive sequence protocol error count
  • Char(8)
  • Reserved (binary 0)

  • UBin(4)
420 1A4
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(108)
--- End ---

The load identifier found field indicates whether or not the load identifier information was found. A value of binary 0 indicates that the load identifier information could not be found and therefore the load identifier install time and load identifier install date will contain binary 0; Binary 1 indicates the load identifier information was found and the information in load identifier install time and load identifier install date are correct.

The Fibre Channel adapter field indicates whether or not this Storage I/O Adapter supports the Fibre Channel protocol. A value of binary 1 indicates that this Storage I/O adapter supports the protocol; binary 0 indicates that it does not.

The virtual adapter field indicates whether or not this Storage I/O Adapter is virtual or not. A virtual I/O Adapter is not a physical device but is emulated in the operating system. Virtual I/O adapters have no load identifier. As a result, all fields associated with the load identifier will be filled in with binary 0 for virtual adapters. A value of binary 1 indicates that this Storage I/O adapter is virtual; binary 0 indicates that it is a physical device on the system.

Number of Fibre Channel ports indicates the number of Fibre Channel ports on the Storage I/O adapter. This value is always 0 if the value of Fibre Channel adapter is set to binary 0.

Load identifier uniquely identifies the microcode for an entity (e.g. Disk Unit or Storage I/O adapter). This field is filled in with binary 0 when load identifier found is set to binary 0.

Manufacturer name indicates the name of the manufacturer of this Storage I/O adapter padded on the right with blanks.

Logical address indicates a character string of the logical address for the logical hardware resource. The format for the logical address is 'A/BBBB/C/DDD-E/FF/GGG/HH/II/JJ/KK' where:

  • 'A' indicates the transport type. A value of '1' indicates SPD Bus; '2' indicates PCI Bus.
  • 'BBBB' indicates the system bus number
  • 'C' indicates the system board number
  • 'DDD' indicates the system card number
  • 'E' indicates the unit address type
  • 'FF' through 'KK' are different depending on the value of 'E'.

    The values of 'BBBB', 'DDD', and 'FF' through 'KK' are right justified and padded on the left with blank spaces. Reserved values for 'FF' through 'KK' are filled in with blank spaces. The following lists the possible values for unit address type and the resulting values for 'FF' through 'KK'.

    '0' = Reserved
    'FF' through 'KK' are reserved.
    '1' = Communications
    FF/GGG/HH/II/JJ/KK = Reserved/I/O Bus/Adapter/Port/Channel/Reserved
    '2' = Storage
    FF/GGG/HH/II/JJ/KK = I/O adapter/I/O Bus/Controller/Device/Reserved/Reserved
    '3' = Work station
    FF/GGG/HH/II/JJ/KK = Reserved/I/O Bus/Adapter/Port/Device/Session
    '4' = Auxiliary processor
    FF/GGG/HH/II/JJ/KK = Reserved/I/O Bus/AuxProcessor/Adapter/Port/Reserved
    '5' = Library
    FF/GGG/HH/II/JJ/KK = I/O adapter/I/O Bus/Library/Controller/Device/Reserved
    '6' = Cryptography
    FF/GGG/HH/II/JJ/KK = Reserved/I/O Bus/Adapter/Device/Reserved/Reserved

Load identifier install date indicates the date in which the microcode was installed. The format for the date is MM/DD/YYYY, where MM is the 2 digit month, DD is the 2 digit day of the month, and YYYY is the 4 digit year. This field is filled in with binary 0 when load identifier found is set to binary 0.

Load identifier install time indicates the time of day in which the microcode was installed. The format for the time is HH:MM, where HH is the two digit hour (in 24 hour clock format), and MM is the 2 digit minute. This field is filled in with binary 0 when load identifier found is set to binary 0.

Logical location code indicates the logical location for the resource on the partition.

World wide port name indicates the 8 byte unique identifier for a Fibre Channel port on the Storage I/O adapter. No two fibre channel ports have the same World Wide Port Name. This field is only valid if Fibre Channel adapter is set to binary 1.

Fibre Channel maximum transmission speed indicates the maximum bandwidth of the Fibre Channel port in bits per second. This field is only valid if Fibre Channel adapter is set to binary 1.

Fibre Channel current transmission speed indicates the current bandwidth of the Fibre Channel port in bits per Second. This field is only valid if Fibre Channel adapter is set to binary 1.

Fibre Channel bytes received indicates the total number of bytes that are received by the Fibre Channel port, including framing characters. This field is only valid if Fibre Channel adapter is set to binary 1.

Fibre Channel bytes transmitted indicates the total number of bytes that are transmitted by the fibre channel port, including framing characters. This field is only valid if Fibre Channel adapter is set to binary 1.

Fibre Channel Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) errors indicates the number of times that the CRC in a Fibre Channel frame does not match the CRC that is computed by the receiver. This field is only valid if Fibre Channel adapter is set to binary 1.

Fibre Channel invalid transmission words indicates the number of fibre channel transmission words that had an invalid character. This field is only valid if Fibre Channel adapter is set to binary 1.

Fibre Channel link failures indicates the number of times that a Fibre Channel link error has occurred. This field is only valid if Fibre Channel adapter is set to binary 1.

Fibre Channel loss of signal counter indicates the number of times the signal is lost on the Fibre Channel port since the last reset of the device. This field is only valid if Fibre Channel adapter is set to binary 1.

Fibre Channel loss of synchronization counter indicates the number of times that synchronization is lost on the Fibre Channel port since the last reset of the device. This field is only valid if Fibre Channel adapter is set to binary 1.

Fibre Channel packets received indicates the total number of packets that are received by the Fibre Channel port. This field is only valid if Fibre Channel adapter is set to binary 1.

Fibre Channel packets transmitted indicates the total number of packets that are transmitted by the Fibre Channel port. This field is only valid if Fibre Channel adapter is set to binary 1.

Fibre Channel primitive sequence protocol error count indicates the count of primitive sequence protocol errors that are detected at this Fibre Channel port. This field is only valid if Fibre Channel adapter is set to binary 1.

Processor folding status (Hex 35)

This option makes available processor folding status for the current IPL of the current partition. Processor folding dynamically adjusts the number of running processors based on the demands of the workload. Running processors are varied-on processors that have not been suspended in the partition's idle loop via processor folding. Without processor folding, the operating system tends to spread the workload across all varied-on processors. When the workload can be serviced by fewer processors than are varied-on, energy consumption can be reduced because unused processors can achieve deeper energy savings states and remain in those states for longer durations than they otherwise would. In shared processor partitions, processor folding can also improve processor virtualization efficiency by reducing the average number of processors the partition demands from the shared processor pool.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Processor folding switch state
Hex 00 =
Processor folding switch is off.
Hex 01 =
Processor folding switch is on.
Hex 02 =
Processor folding switch is System Controlled.

17 11 Processor folding status Char(1)
  • Supported
    0 =
    Processor folding is not supported on the IPL.
    1 =
    Processor folding is supported on the IPL.

  • Bit 0
  • Enabled
    0 =
    Processor folding is currently disabled.
    1 =
    Processor folding is currently enabled.

  • Bit 1
17 11
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 2-7
18 12 Maximum varied-on processor count UBin(2)
20 14 Current varied-on processor count UBin(2)
22 16 Current running processor count UBin(2)
--- End ---

The processor folding switch state field returns the value of the processor folding switch, set by either the last MODRMC option hex 35 or by the partition IPL if MODRMC option hex 35 has not been issued since the IPL. A partition IPL will always set the processor folding switch to the system-controlled state. When the switch is in the system-controlled state, the operating system determines whether to enable or disable processor folding based primarily on the platform capabilities, energy management parameters and partition configuration.

The processor folding status contains fields reflecting a combination of the processor folding switch state, the partition's capabilities, and other conditions which ultimately determine whether or not processor folding is enabled. The supported bit value of 0 indicates processor folding is not supported for this partition for this IPL. A value of 1 indicates processor folding is supported. The enabled bit value of 0 indicates processor folding is currently disabled, while a value of 1 indicates processor folding is currently enabled. Various configurations and operating conditions determine whether processor folding is enabled or disabled, even in cases where processor folding is supported and the processor folding switch state is 1 (on). For example, processor folding is not enabled if the varied-on processor count is 1, regardless of the state of the processor folding switch.

The maximum varied-on processor count field returns the maximum number of varied-on processors for the partition IPL.

The current varied-on processor count field returns the number of processors currently varied on in the partition.

The current running processor count field returns the number of processors currently varied on and running in the partition. Varied-on processors that are not running have been suspended in the partition's idle loop via processor folding.

The returned processor counts will be valid values regardless of the processor folding status and processor folding switch state.

SMT mode switch status (Hex 36)

This option is used to materialize the pending and current values for the processor maximum number of secondary hardware threads. Simultaneous multi-threading (SMT) allows a processor to execute parallel tasks in secondary hardware threads. The current maximum number of secondary hardware threads may limit the number of secondary hardware threads per processor when running in processor multi-tasking mode. Refer to MATRMD option hex 18 for additional information about processor multi-tasking mode.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Current maximum number of secondary hardware threads
Hex 00 =
No maximum.
Hex 01 =
Maximum of 1 secondary hardware thread.
Hex 02 =
Maximum of 2 secondary hardware threads.
Hex 03 =
Maximum of 3 secondary hardware threads.
Hex FF =
Maximum of 255 secondary hardware threads.

Pending maximum number of secondary hardware threads
Hex 00 =
No maximum.
Hex 01 =
Maximum of 1 secondary hardware thread.
Hex 02 =
Maximum of 2 secondary hardware threads.
Hex 03 =
Maximum of 3 secondary hardware threads.
Hex FF =
Maximum of 255 secondary hardware threads.

--- End ---

The current maximum number of secondary hardware threads field returns the current value for the processor maximum number of secondary hardware threads.

The pending maximum number of secondary hardware threads field returns the pending value for the processor maximum number of secondary hardware threads.

Current maximum number of secondary hardware threads and pending maximum number of secondary hardware threads are materialized for the partition. The current maximum number of secondary hardware threads is set to the pending maximum number of secondary hardware threads. The pending maximum number of secondary hardware threads and the current maximum number of secondary hardware threads may be greater than the number of secondary hardware threads supported by the processor.

Materialize Disk Attributes (Hex 39)

Disk units have attributes that are important to consider when configuring an ASP. Some of these attributes are even more important when the ASP is an independent ASP. This materialization option identifies these attributes.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Control header Char(32)
16 10
  • ASP resource name
  • Char(10)
26 1A
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(6)
32 20
  • Control header size
  • Bin(4)
36 24
  • Number of disks
  • Bin(4)
40 28
  • Disk entry size
  • Bin(4)
44 2C
  • Reserved
  • Char(4)
Disk unit information
Repeated once for each disk unit.  Located immediately after the header information above.
[*] Char(80)
48 30
  • Unit storage capacity
  • UBin(8)
56 38
  • Disk type
  • Char(4)
60 3C
  • Disk model
  • Char(4)
64 40
  • Serial number
  • Char(15)
79 4F
  • RAID type
  • Char(1)
80 50
  • Parity set number
  • Char(4)
84 54
  • Disk unit resource name
  • Char(10)
94 5E
  • Unit identifier
  • Char(17)
111 6F
  • Frame containing the disk
  • Char(10)
121 79
  • Rank
  • Char(3)
124 7C
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(4)
--- End ---

The ASP resource name field is an input field. This field contains the resource name of the ASP for which disk unit information is being materialized.

The control header size field specifies the size of the control header.

The number of disks field contains the number of disk unit information entries.

The disk entry size field identifies the size of each disk unit entry.

The first reserved field in the control header is an input field and must be set to hexadecimal zeroes. The second reserved field in the control header is an output field and is set by the materialize to hexadecimal zeroes.

The unit storage capacity field is the number of bytes of storage on the disk unit.

The disk type field identifies the type of the disk unit.

The disk model field identifies the model of the disk unit.

The serial number field contains the serial number of the disk unit. It is the complete displayable serial number, left justified and padded on the right with blanks.

The RAID type field identifies the current type of RAID (device parity) array to which the unit belongs. A hexadecimal 00 indicates the unit is not in a parity set. A hexadecimal 05 indicates the unit is in a RAID 5 parity set. A hexadecimal 06 indicates the unit is in a RAID 6 parity set. A hexadecimal 0A indicates the unit is in a RAID 10 parity set.

The parity set number field specifies the parity set the disk unit will belong to after it has been included in a parity set.

The disk unit resource name field is the resource name of the disk unit.

The unit identifier field provides a world-wide unique identifier for the disk unit or 'W0000000000000000' if no identifier exists.

The frame containing the disk unit field identifies the frame resource to which the disk unit is attached. For external LUNs, it is the frame of the IOA. This field may be used to identify the physical location of the disk unit.

The rank field is a relative rating assigned to the disk unit based on an evaluation of the physical topology of the hardware to which the disk unit is attached. This, together with an evaluation of the cluster configuration, results in a number that specifies how good a candidate the disk unit is for inclusion within an IASP. Disks with ranks 000 to 099 are the best choices for inclusion. Disks with ranks 100 to 199 are valid disks, but not the best. Disks with ranks 200 to 299 are unlikely disks and should not be used unless absolutely necessary. Disks with ranks 300 to 399 are invalid disks and may not be used in the ASP. Possible individual ranks are:

  • 002 = ASP and disk are non-switchable.
  • 053 = ASP and disk are switchable.
  • 101 = ASP and disk are non-switchable. The disk's non-switchable entity already has a disk in a non-switchable ASP.
  • 102 = ASP and disk are non-switchable but the disk can be made switchable.
  • 103 = Valid disk unit for a non-switchable ASP because this disk unit's switchable entity already has a disk unit configured in the specified ASP.
  • 104 = ASP is non-switchable. Disk is switchable but its switchable entity already has disks in a non-switchable ASP.
  • 106 = ASP is non-switchable. Disk is switchable but there are no configured disks in its switchable entity.
  • 121 = ASP may be switchable. Disk is switchable.
  • 151 = ASP and disk are switchable. The disk's switchable entity is in the same Cluster Resource Group (CRG).
  • 153 = ASP is switchable. Disk is switchable but its switchable entity has no disks in any ASP in the ASP's CRG.
  • 157 = Valid disk unit for switchable ASP but this disk unit's tower could be blocked by another tower.
  • 202 = ASP is non-switchable. Disk is switchable and its switchable entity already has disks in a switchable ASP.
  • 204 = Allowable disk unit for non-switchable ASP but the switchable entity has an unknown ASP.
  • 221 = ASP is switchable. Disk is switchable and its switchable entity already has disks in a switchable ASP.
  • 223 = Allowable disk unit for a switchable ASP but the disk unit may cross power domains.
  • 225 = Allowable disk unit for a switchable ASP but cannot determine if all nodes in the cluster resource group can access the disk unit.
  • 231 = ASP's switchability is unknown.
  • 302 = Invalid disk unit for non-switchable ASP because switchable entity already contains switchable devices.
  • 304 = Invalid disk unit for non-switchable ASP because switchable entity blocks access to switchable devices.
  • 351 = ASP is switchable. Disk is switchable but its switchable entity already has disks in a non-switchable ASP.
  • 353 = ASP is switchable. Disk is switchable but cannot be accessed.
  • 355 = Invalid disk unit for switchable ASP because switchable entity has switchable devices in a different cluster resource group.
  • 356 = Invalid disk unit for switchable ASP because switchable entity is in different power domain than disk units already configured in the specified ASP.
  • 357 = ASP is switchable. Disk is non-switchable.
  • 358 = Invalid disk unit for switchable ASP because switchable entity is in an unknown power domain.
  • 360 = Invalid disk unit for switchable ASP because Virtual OptiConnect is not configured.
  • 366 = Invalid disk unit for switchable ASP because disk unit is non-switchable, but could be made switchable.
  • 367 = Invalid disk unit for switchable ASP because disk unit is non-switchable.

Geographic Mirroring Information (Hex 3A)

The materialize geographic mirroring information option returns information for a specific geographic mirroring relationship between two sites of a cluster resource group. Information returned is based on the values of two input fields: ASP number and cluster resource group site. The ASP number indicates for which auxiliary storage pool geographic mirroring information is to be returned. The cluster resource group site identifies the location of the other copy of the auxiliary storage pool in the geographic mirroring relationship.

This option requires that number of bytes provided for materialization be at least 36 (decimal). The materialization length invalid (hex 3803) exception will be signalled if it is not.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 ASP number UBin(2)
18 12 Cluster resource group name Char(10)
28 1C Cluster resource group site Char(8)
36 24 Geographic mirroring flags Char(1)
  • Geographically mirrored
    0 =
    Not geographically mirrored
    1 =
    Geographically mirrored

  • Bit 0
  • ASP detached
    0 =
    Geographic mirroring is not detached
    1 =
    Geographic mirroring is detached

  • Bit 1
36 24
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 2-7
37 25 Reserved (binary 0) Char(3)
Mirroring mode for geographic mirroring
Hex 00 =
Geographic mirroring is not configured
Hex 01 =
Synchronous mode
Hex 02 =
Asynchronous mode
Hex FF =
Geographic mirroring mode is unknown

Remote mirror copy data state
Hex 00 =
Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
Hex 01 =
Remote copy is in sync with the production copy
Hex 02 =
Remote copy contains useable data
Hex 03 =
Remote copy data cannot be used
Hex 62 =
Remote copy data state is unknown

Remote mirror role
Hex 00 =
Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
Hex 01 =
System does not own a physical independent ASP copy
Hex 02 =
Remote mirror role is unknown
Hex C4 =
System owns a detached mirror copy
Hex D4 =
System owns the mirror copy
Hex D7 =
System owns the production copy

Remote mirror copy state
Hex 00 =
Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
Hex 01 =
System attempts to perform independent ASP remote mirroring when independent ASP is online
Hex 02 =
Remote independent ASP role is resuming
Hex 03 =
System is resuming and independent ASP is online and performing synchronization
Hex 04 =
Remote independent ASP is detached and remote mirroring is not being performed
Hex 62 =
Remote independent ASP role is unknown

Remote mirror synchronization priority
Hex 00 =
Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
Hex 10 =
Synchronization is given high priority
Hex 20 =
Synchronization is given medium priority
Hex 30 =
Synchronization is given low priority
Hex FF =
Remote mirror synchronization priority is unknown

Remote mirror encryption mode
Hex 00 =
Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
Hex 01 =
Data being sent to remote mirror site is not encrypted
Hex 02 =
Data being sent to remote mirror site is encrypted
Hex FF =
Remote mirror encryption mode is unknown

Remote mirror error recovery
Hex 00 =
Remote IASP mirroring is not configured
Hex 02 =
Remote mirroring is suspended when an independent ASP error is detected
Hex 03 =
Remote mirroring is ended when an independent ASP error is detected
Hex FF =
Remote mirror error recovery is unknown

47 2F Remote mirror minutes until timeout Char(1)
48 30 Total data in transit Char(8)
56 38 Data out of synchronization Char(8)
64 40 System reserved tracking space Char(8)
72 48 User reserved tracking space Char(8)
80 50 Tracking period Char(8)
88 58 Geographic mirror seconds until timeout Bin(2)
Transmission delivery
Hex 00 =
Synchronous delivery
Hex 01 =
Asynchronous delivery
Hex 99 =
Geographic mirroring is not configured
Hex FF =
Transmission delivery is unknown

91 5B Synchronization progress Char(1)
--- End ---

ASP number is an input value that represents the auxiliary storage pool for which geographic mirroring information is to be returned. Only auxiliary storage pools which are independent auxiliary storage pools can be geographically mirrored. The ASP number may have a value from 33 through 255. If the ASP does not exist on the system, all fields returned by this materialize resource management data option will be filled in with binary 0.

Cluster resource group name is an input value that represents the name of the cluster resource group that controls the replication of the ASP. If the cluster resource group does not exist on the system, all fields returned by this materialize resource management data option will be filled in with binary 0.

Cluster resource group site is an input value that represents the name of the cluster resource group site that contains the cluster node that owns the other copy of the ASP in the relationship. If the cluster resource group site does not exist on the system, all fields returned by this materialize resource management data option will be filled in with binary 0.

The geographically mirrored field specifies whether or not that ASP is configured to be geographically mirrored. A value of binary 1 indicates that the ASP is configured for geographic mirroring; binary 0 indicates that it is not. Geographic mirroring enables data to be mirrored on disks at sites that can be separated by a significant geographic distance. All other fields returned for this materialize resource management data option are not valid if this field is set to binary 0.

The ASP detached field indicates whether or not a geographically mirrored mirror copy has a current role of detached. A value of binary 1 indicates that the ASP is detached; binary 0 indicates that it is not detached.

Mirroring mode for geographic mirroring specifies the mode in which geographic mirroring operates. A value of hex 00 indicates geographic mirroring is not configured. A value of hex 01 indicates synchronous mode. In synchronous mode, synchronous writes are performed to save the data to disk on the mirror copy node. Synchronous mode is the only mode that is crash-consistent on the mirror copy node and is best for most environments. A value of hex 02 indicates asynchronous mode. In asynchronous mode, asynchronous writes are performed to save the data to disk on the mirror copy node. A value of hex FF indicates that the mirroring mode for geographic mirroring is not known.

Remote mirror copy data state specifies the condition of the data on the target. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured. A value of hex 01 indicates that the remote copy is absolutely in sync with the production copy. A value of hex 02 indicates that the remote copy contains usable data. A detached mirror copy always has usable data state. A value of hex 03 indicates that there is incoherent data state in the mirror copy and the data cannot be used. A value of hex 62 indicates that the remote copy data state is unknown.

Remote mirror role identifies the current role of the physical independent ASP copy. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured. A value of hex 01 indicates that the system does not own a physical independent ASP copy. A value of hex 02 indicates that the remote mirror role is unknown. A value of hex C4 indicates that the system owns a detached mirror copy. A value of hex D4 indicates that the system owns the mirror copy. A value of hex D7 indicates that the system owns the production copy.

Remote mirror copy state identifies the mirror state of the mirror copy. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured. A value of hex 01 indicates that the system attempts to perform independent ASP remote mirroring when it is online. A value of hex 02 indicates that the remote independent ASP role is resuming, but the independent ASP is offline so it is not performing synchronization. A value of hex 03 indicates that the system is resuming and the independent ASP is online, so it is performing synchronization. A value of hex 04 indicates that the remote independent ASP role is detached and remote mirroring is not being performed. A value of hex 62 indicates that the remote mirror copy state is not known.

Remote mirror synchronization priority indicates the priority assigned to synchronization between the physical copy and the mirrored copy related to the work on the system. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured on this independent ASP. A value of hex 10 indicates that the synchronization is given high priority, and is completed quickly at the expense of significant degradation to work on the system. A value of hex 20 indicates that the synchronization is given medium priority, and is completed at a moderate rate with some degradation to work on the system. A value of hex 30 indicates that the synchronization is given low priority, and is completed at a slow rate with minimum degradation to work on the system. A value of hex FF indicates that the remote mirror synchronization priority is not known.

Remote mirror encryption mode indicates the encryption mode for the remote mirrored independent ASP. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured on this independent ASP. A value of hex 01 indicates that the user has chosen not to encrypt the data being sent to the remote mirror site. A value of hex 02 indicates that the user has chosen to encrypt the data being sent to the remote mirror site. A value of hex FF indicates that the remote mirror encryption mode is not known.

Remote mirror error recovery indicates the error recovery policy selected by the user. A value of hex 00 indicates that remote independent ASP mirroring is not configured on this system. A value of hex 02 indicates that remote mirroring is suspended when an IASP error is detected. After suspend, if the target node becomes accessible, the system automatically resumes remote independent ASP mirroring. A value of hex 03 indicates that remote mirroring is ended when an IASP error is detected. A value of hex FF indicates that the remote mirror error recovery policy is not known.

Remote mirror minutes until timeout is the number of minutes the system waits for a write acknowledgement from the remote system before the error recovery policy selected by the user is implemented. A value of hex FF indicates that the number of minutes until the system waits for a write acknowledgement is not known.

Total data in transit indicates the amount of data that has been queued up to send to the mirror copy node, but has not yet been received by the mirror copy node. This is a value in bytes. This parameter is only valid for asynchronous transmission delivery mode.

Data out of synchronization specifies the number of bytes of auxiliary storage that are not synchronized in a geographically mirrored environment. A value of hex FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF indicates that the number of bytes of auxiliary storage that are not synchronized is not known.

System reserved tracking space is the number of bytes of auxiliary storage that the system has reserved for tracking changes in a geographically mirrored environment. This tracking space is only relevant to the current or immediate target.

User reserved tracking space is the number of bytes of auxiliary storage that a user has reserved for tracking changes in a geographically mirrored environment. This tracking space is only relevant to the current or immediate target.

Tracking period is the number of seconds that the system has been able to track changes to the independent ASP.

Geographic mirror seconds until timeout is the number of seconds the system waits for a write acknowledgement from the remote system before the error recovery policy selected by the user is implemented. A value of hex FFFF indicates that the number of seconds the system waits for a write acknowledgement is not known.

Transmission delivery specifies the delivery method for geographic mirroring. A value of hex 00 indicates synchronous delivery. A value of hex 01 indicates asynchronous delivery. Asynchronous delivery allows the production copy to proceed without waiting for the mirror copy to receive the information, but more resources are consumed on the production copy node. A value of hex 99 indicates geographic mirroring is not configured. A value of hex FF indicates that the transmission delivery is not known.

Synchronization progress specifies the percent of the ASP that is synchronized under geographic mirroring. A value of hex FF indicates that the synchronization progress is not known.

Materialize IOA Cache Battery information (Hex 3B)

An I/O Adapter (IOA) has a battery which provides power to the cache. This materialize function identifies the attributes of the battery.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Control header Char(128)
16 10
  • Number of entries
  • UBin(8)
24 18
  • Offset to first entry
  • UBin(8)
32 20
  • Coordinated universal time
  • UBin(8)
40 28
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(2)
42 2A
  • System name
  • Char(8)
50 32
  • System type
  • Char(4)
54 36
  • System model
  • Char(3)
57 39
  • System serial number
  • Char(15)
72 48
  • Partition number
  • UBin(2)
74 4A
  • Partition name
  • Char(48)
122 7A
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(22)
Array of IOA Cache Battery information
Repeated once for each IOA cache battery. Located immediately after the header information above.
[*] Char(160)
144 90
  • Length of this entry
  • UBin(2)
146 92
  • Number of this entry
  • UBin(2)
148 94
  • IOA type
  • Char(4)
152 98
  • IOA model
  • Char(4)
156 9C
  • IOA serial number
  • Char(15)
171 AB
  • IOA resource name
  • Char(10)
181 B5
  • IOA physical location
  • Char(79)
260 104
  • Frame ID
  • Char(4)
264 108
  • Card position
  • Char(3)
267 10B
  • Version
  • Char(1)
  • Error state
    Hex 00 =
    The IOA has not issued an error or a warning
    Hex 01 =
    the IOA has issued a warning regarding the IOA cache battery.
    Hex 02 =
    the IOA has issued an error condition regarding the IOA cache battery.
    Hex 03-FF =

  • Char(1)
  • Battery type
    Hex 00 =
    the IOA does not have a cache battery
    Hex 01 =
    the IOA battery is Nickel Cadmium
    Hex 02 =
    the IOA battery is Nickel Metal Hydride
    Hex 03 =
    the IOA battery is Lithium Ion
    Hex 04-FF =

  • Char(1)
  • Replaceable
    Hex 00 =
    the IOA cache battery can only be replaced when the IOA has been removed from the system.
    Hex 01 =
    the IOA cache battery can be replaced without removing the IOA from the system.

  • Char(1)
  • Cache data status
    Hex 00 =
    the data in the IOA cache has not yet been written to the disk media. If the battery is replaced, data in the IOA cache will be lost.
    Hex 01 =
    the data in the IOA cache has been written to the disk media. It is safe to replace the battery.

  • Char(1)
272 110
  • Days to warning
  • UBin(2)
274 112
  • Days to error
  • UBin(2)
276 114
  • Power on days
  • UBin(2)
278 116
  • Adjusted power on days
  • UBin(2)
280 118
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(24)
--- End ---

The Number of entries field is the number of IOAs which contain cache batteries. The materialization data for each IOA is provided in the Array of IOA Cache Battery information.

The Offset to first entry field is the length in bytes from the start of the template to the first array entry.

The Coordinated universal time field is the value of the UTC when the materialize data was obtained.

The System name field is the name of the system, left justified and padded with blanks.

The System type field is the type of the system left justified and padded with blanks.

The System model field is the model number of the system.

The System serial number field is the serial number of the system, left justified and padded with blanks.

The Partition number field is the number of the partition.

The Partition name field is the name of the partition, left justified and padded with blanks.

The Array of IOA Cache Battery information is the beginning of an array of entries containing information materialized for the I/O Adapters. No partial entries will be returned. The location of the first entry should be calculated using the Offset to first entry field, rather than assuming the offset according to the template definition above.

The Length of this entry field is the length in bytes of each entry in the Array of IOA Cache Battery information. This length should be used for indexing the array entries, rather than assuming the length as defined in the template.

The Number of this entry field is the identifier for the entry in the array. The first entry will have the value 1 in the Number of this entry.

The IOA type field is the type of the I/O Adapter.

The IOA model field is the model of the I/O Adapter.

The IOA serial number field is the serial number of the I/O Adapter and is left justified and padded with blanks.

The IOA resource name field is the resource name of the I/O Adapter, left justified and padded with blanks.

The IOA physical location field is the physical location of the I/O Adapter.

The Frame ID field is the frame identifier of the position of the I/O Adapter.

The Card position field is the card position of the I/O Adapter, left justified and padded with blanks.

The Version field is the value indicating how the location information is to be presented.

The Error state field is an indicator showing if the error has occurred on the IOA battery which powers the IOA cache.

The Battery type field is the type of battery which charges the IOA cache.

The Replaceable field is an indicator showing whether the IOA cache battery can be concurrently replaced on the IOA.

The Cache data status field is an indicator showing if the data in the IOA cache has been successfully written onto the disk media.

The Days to warning field is the number of days until the IOA sends a warning about the IOA cache battery condition.

The Days to error field contains the number of days until the IOA cache battery goes into an error state, thus stopping the IOA caching function.

The Power on days field is the number of days that the IOA cache battery has been powered on.

The Adjusted power on days field is the number of days that the IOA cache battery has been powered on, which the IOA has adjusted based upon an internal IOA algorithm.

Materialize mainstream SSD disk unit endurance attributes (Hex 3F)

This materialize function identifies the endurance attributes of the mainstream SSD disk units.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Control header Char(128)
16 10
  • Number of entries
  • UBin(8)
24 18
  • Offset to first entry
  • UBin(8)
32 20
  • Coordinated universal time
  • UBin(8)
40 28
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(2)
42 2A
  • System name
  • Char(8)
50 32
  • System type
  • Char(4)
54 36
  • System model
  • Char(3)
57 39
  • System serial number
  • Char(15)
72 48
  • Partition number
  • UBin(2)
74 4A
  • Partition name
  • Char(48)
122 7A
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(22)
Array of mainstream SSD disk unit information
Repeated once for each mainstream SSD disk unit. Located immediately after the header information above.
[*] Char(128)
144 90
  • Length of this entry
  • UBin(2)
146 92
  • Number of this entry
  • UBin(2)
148 94
  • Device type
  • Char(4)
152 98
  • Device model
  • Char(4)
156 9C
  • Device resource name
  • Char(10)
166 A6
  • Device serial number
  • Char(15)
181 B5
  • Part number of SSD device
  • Char(12)
193 C1
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(1)
194 C2
  • Firmware level
  • Char(5)
199 C7
  • Mirror subunit
  • Char(1)
200 C8
  • Serial number from SSD device
  • Char(8)
208 D0
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(1)
209 D1
  • Flags
  • Char(1)
    • Mirror protection attribute
      0 =
      Unit is not mirrored
      1 =
      Unit is mirrored

    • Bit 0
    • Device is read/write protected
      0 =
      The SSD device is not read/write protected
      1 =
      The SSD device is read/write protected

    • Bit 1
    • SSD information retrieved
      0 =
      SSD information was not successfully retrieved
      1 =
      SSD information was successfully retrieved

    • Bit 2
209 D1
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 3-7
210 D2
  • Unit number
  • UBin(2)
212 D4
  • ASP number
  • UBin(1)
213 D5
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(3)
216 D8
  • Bytes written
  • UBin(8)
224 E0
  • Number of written bytes supported
  • UBin(8)
232 E8
  • Power on days
  • UBin(8)
240 F0
  • Lifetime remaining
  • UBin(1)
241 F1
  • PFA warning has been logged
  • UBin(1)
242 F2
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(30)
--- End ---

Number of entries is the number of mainstream SSD disk units. The materialization data for each mainstream SSD is provided in the array of mainstream SSD disk unit information.

Offset to first entry is the length in bytes from the start of the template to the first array entry.

Coordinated universal time is the value of the UTC when the materialize data was obtained.

System name is the name of the system, left justified and padded with blanks.

System type is the type of the system left justified and padded with blanks.

System model is the model number of the system.

System serial number is the serial number of the system, left justified and padded with blanks.

Partition number is the number of the partition.

Partition name is the name of the partition, left justified and padded with blanks.

Array of mainstream SSD disk unit information is the beginning of an array of entries containing information materialized for the mainstream SSD disk units. No partial entries will be returned. The location of the first entry should be calculated using the offset to first entry field, rather than assuming the offset according to the template definition above.

Length of this entry is the length in bytes of each entry in the array of mainstream SSD disk unit information. This length should be used for indexing the array entries, rather than assuming the length as defined in the template.

Number of this entry is the identifier for the entry in the array. The first entry will have the value 1.

Device type is the type of the SSD device.

Device model is the model of the SSD device.

Device resource name is the resource name of the SSD device, left justified and padded with blanks.

Device serial number is the serial number of the SSD device, left justified and padded with blanks.

Part number of SSD Device is the part number as reported by the SSD device.

Firmware level is level of code running in the SSD device.

Mirror subunit indicates whether the entry is for subunit 'A' (hex C1) or 'B' (hex C2) of a mirrored pair. If the unit is not a mirrored pair, the value will be a blank (hex 40).

Serial number from SSD device is the serial number reported by the SSD device.

Mirror protection attribute indicates whether or not the disk unit is mirror protected.

Device is read/write protected indicates whether or not the device is read/write protected.

SSD information retrieved indicates whether or not the information from the SSD was successfully retrieved.

Unit number uniquely identifies each non-mirrored unit or mirrored pair among the configured units. Both mirrored units of a mirrored pair have the same unit number. The value of the unit number is assigned by the system when the unit is allocated to an ASP. For unallocated units, the unit number is set to binary 0.

ASP number specifies the ASP to which this unit is currently allocated. A value of 0 indicates that this unit is currently unallocated. A value of 1 specifies the system ASP. A value from 2 through 255 specifies a user ASP. Values 33 to 255 specify an independent ASP. Values 2 to 32 specify an basic ASP.

Bytes written is the quantity of bytes written to the SSD disk unit.

Number of written bytes supported is the quantity of billions of bytes written which the SSD disk device supports.

Power on days is the quantity of days that the SSD device has been powered on.

Lifetime remaining contains the percentage value of the lifetime remaining for the SSD device.

PFA warning has been logged indicates whether the Predictive Failure Analysis warning has been logged.

Materialize NVMe device health attributes (Hex 40)

This materialize function identifies the health attributes of the NVMe device.

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
16 10 Control header Char(128)
16 10
  • Number of entries
  • UBin(8)
24 18
  • Offset to first entry
  • UBin(8)
32 20
  • Coordinated universal time
  • UBin(8)
40 28
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(2)
42 2A
  • System name
  • Char(8)
50 32
  • System type
  • Char(4)
54 36
  • System model
  • Char(3)
57 39
  • System serial number
  • Char(15)
72 48
  • Partition number
  • UBin(2)
74 4A
  • Partition name
  • Char(48)
122 7A
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(22)
Array of NVMe device endurance information
Repeated once for each NVMe device. Located immediately after the header information above.
[*] Char(384)
144 90
  • Length of this entry
  • UBin(2)
146 92
  • Number of this entry
  • UBin(2)
148 94
  • Device type
  • Char(4)
152 98
  • Device model
  • Char(4)
156 9C
  • Device resource name
  • Char(10)
166 A6
  • Device serial number
  • Char(15)
181 B5
  • Model number reported by NVMe device
  • Char(40)
221 DD
  • Serial number reported by NVMe device
  • Char(20)
241 F1
  • Firmware level
  • Char(8)
249 F9
  • Flags
  • Char(1)
    • Persistent memory region became read-only
      0 =
      Persistent memory region did not become read-only
      1 =
      Persistent memory region became read-only

    • Bit 0
    • Volatile memory backup device has failed
      0 =
      Volatile memory backup device has not failed
      1 =
      Volatile memory backup device has failed

    • Bit 1
    • Media is in read-only mode
      0 =
      Media is not in read-only mode
      1 =
      Media is in read-only mode

    • Bit 2
    • Reliability has been degraded
      0 =
      Reliability has not been degraded
      1 =
      Reliability has been degraded

    • Bit 3
    • Temperature threshold has been exceeded
      0 =
      Temperature threshold has not been exceeded
      1 =
      Temperature threshold has been exceeded

    • Bit 4
    • Available spare space threshold has been met
      0 =
      Available spare space threshold has not been met
      1 =
      Available spare space threshold has been met

    • Bit 5
249 F9
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 6-7
250 FA
  • SupportFlags
  • Char(1)
    • Device supports the User Data Secure Erase command
      0 =
      Device does not support the User Data Secure Erase command
      1 =
      Device does support the User Data Secure Erase command

    • Bit 0
    • Device supports the Format Crypto command
      0 =
      Device does not support the Format Crypto command
      1 =
      Device does support the Format Crypto command

    • Bit 1
    • Device supports the Overwrite command
      0 =
      Device does not support the Overwrite command
      1 =
      Device does support the Overwrite command

    • Bit 2
    • Device supports the Block Erase command
      0 =
      Device does not support the Block Erase command
      1 =
      Device does support the Block Erase command

    • Bit 3
    • Device supports the Crypto Erase command
      0 =
      Device does not support the Crypto Erase command
      1 =
      Device does support the Crypto Erase command

    • Bit 4
250 FA
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 5-7
251 FB
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(5)
256 100
  • Reserved
  • UBin(8)
264 108
  • Data units read
  • UBin(8)
272 110
  • Reserved
  • UBin(8)
280 118
  • Data units written
  • UBin(8)
288 120
  • Reserved
  • UBin(8)
296 128
  • Host reads
  • UBin(8)
304 130
  • Reserved
  • UBin(8)
312 138
  • Host writes
  • UBin(8)
320 140
  • Reserved
  • UBin(8)
328 148
  • Controller busy
  • UBin(8)
336 150
  • Reserved
  • UBin(8)
344 158
  • Power cycles
  • UBin(8)
352 160
  • Reserved
  • UBin(8)
360 168
  • Power on hours
  • UBin(8)
368 170
  • Reserved
  • UBin(8)
376 178
  • Unexpected shutdowns
  • UBin(8)
384 180
  • Reserved
  • UBin(8)
392 188
  • Media errors
  • UBin(8)
400 190
  • Reserved
  • UBin(8)
408 198
  • Number of error information logs
  • UBin(8)
416 1A0
  • Temperature warning time
  • UBin(4)
420 1A4
  • Critical temperature time
  • UBin(4)
424 1A8
  • Thermal transition 1
  • UBin(4)
428 1AC
  • Thermal transition 2
  • UBin(4)
432 1B0
  • Total thermal time 1
  • UBin(4)
436 1B4
  • Total thermal time 2
  • UBin(4)
440 1B8
  • Temperature sensor 1
  • UBin(2)
442 1BA
  • Temperature sensor 2
  • UBin(2)
444 1BC
  • Temperature sensor 3
  • UBin(2)
446 1BE
  • Temperature sensor 4
  • UBin(2)
448 1C0
  • Temperature sensor 5
  • UBin(2)
450 1C2
  • Temperature sensor 6
  • UBin(2)
452 1C4
  • Temperature sensor 7
  • UBin(2)
454 1C6
  • Temperature sensor 8
  • UBin(2)
456 1C8
  • Composite temperature
  • UBin(2)
458 1CA
  • Available spare
  • UBin(1)
459 1CB
  • Available spare threshold
  • UBin(1)
460 1CC
  • Lifetime remaining
  • UBin(1)
461 1CD
  • Unused
  • UBin(1)
462 1CE
  • Available namespaces
  • UBin(2)
464 1D0
  • Available pages
  • UBin(8)
472 1D8
  • Used pages
  • UBin(8)
480 1E0
  • Total pages
  • UBin(8)
488 1E8
  • Used namespaces
  • UBin(2)
490 1EA
  • Total namespaces
  • UBin(2)
492 1EC
  • Bus number
  • UBin(2)
494 1EE
  • Location code
  • Char(33)
527 20F
  • IOP Name
  • Char(10)
537 219
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(23)
--- End ---

Number of entries is the number of NVMe devices. The materialization data for each NVMe device is provided in the array of NVMe device information.

Offset to first entry is the length in bytes from the start of the template to the first array entry.

Coordinated universal time is the value of the UTC when the materialize data was obtained.

System name is the name of the system, left justified and padded with blanks.

System type is the type of the system left justified and padded with blanks.

System model is the model number of the system.

System serial number is the serial number of the system, left justified and padded with blanks.

Partition number is the number of the partition.

Partition name is the name of the partition, left justified and padded with blanks.

Array of NVMe device information is the beginning of an array of entries containing information materialized for the NVMe devices. No partial entries will be returned. The location of the first entry should be calculated using the offset to first entry field, rather than assuming the offset according to the template definition above.

Length of this entry is the length in bytes of each entry in the array of NVMe device information. This length should be used for indexing the array entries, rather than assuming the length as defined in the template.

Number of this entry is the identifier for the entry in the array. The first entry will have the value 1.

Device type is the type of the NVMe device.

Device model is the model of the NVMe device.

Device resource name is the resource name of the NVMe device, left justified and padded with blanks.

Device serial number is the serial number of the NVMe device, left justified and padded with blanks.

Model number reported by NVMe device is the model number reported by the NVMe device.

Serial number reported by NVMe device is the serial number reported by the NVMe device.

Firmware level is level of code running in the NVMe device.

Persistent memory region became read-only indicates whether or not the persistent memory region has become read-only.

Volatile memory backup device has failed indcates whether or not the memory backup device has failed.

Media is in read-only mode indicates whether or not the NVMe device is in a mode that only allows read operations.

Reliability has been degraded indicates whether or not the NVMe reliability has been compromised.

Temperature threshold has been exceeded indicates whether or not the temperature of the NVMe device has exceeded the threshold.

Available spare space threshold has been met indicates whether or not the available spare space in the NVMe device has exceeded the threshold.

Supports User Data Secure Erase indicates whether or not the NVMe device supports the User Data Secure Erase command. The User Data Secure Erase erases all user content in the NVMe device.

Supports Format Crypto indicates whether or not the NVMe device supports the Format Crypto command. The Format Crypto makes all user data in the NVMe device inaccessable.

Supports Overwrite indicates whether or not the NVMe device supports the Overwrite command. The Overwrite command erases all user content in the NVMe device.

Supports Block Erase indicates whether or not the NVMe device supports the Block Erase command. The Block Erase command erases all user content in the NVMe device.

Supports Crypto Erase indicates whether or not the NVMe device supports the Crypto Erase command. The Crypto Erase command makes all user data in the NVMe device inaccessable by modifying the cryptographic key which was previously used to encrypt the data on the device.

Data units read is the quantity of 512-byte data units that have been read from the NVMe device. This value is reported in thousands (a value of 1 corresponds to 1000 units of 512 bytes read).

Data units written is the quantity of 512-byte data units that have been written to the the NVMe device. This value is reported in thousands (a value of 1 corresponds to 1000 units of 512 byes written).

Host reads is the quantity of read commands sent to the NVMe device by the host system.

Host writes is the quantity of write commands sent to the NVMe device by the host system.

Controller busy is the time (in minutes) that the device was busy servicing IO commands.

Power cycles is the number of times the NVMe device has been powered on and off.

Power on hours is the number of hours the NVMe device has been powered on.

Unexpected shutdowns is the number of times a power loss happened without a shutdown notification being sent.

Media Errors is the number of occurrences where the controller detected an unrecovered data error.

Number of error information logs is the number of error information log entries over the life of the NVMe device.

Temperature warning time is the amount of time (in minutes) that the NVMe device is operational and the composite temperature is greater than or equal to the warning composite temperature threshold and less than the critical composite temperature threshold.

Critical temperature time is the amount of time (in minutes) that the NVMe device is operational and the composite temperature is greater than the critical composite temperature threshold

Thermal transition 1 is the number of times the device transitioned to a lower power state or performed manufacturer specific thermal management actions while minimizing the impact on performance in order to reduce the composite temperature.

Thermal transition 2 is the number of times the device transitioned to a lower power state or performed manufacturer specific thermal management actions regardless of the impact on performance in order to reduce the composite temperature.

Total thermal time 1 is the number of seconds that the device has transitioned to a lower power state or performed manufacturer specific thermal management actions while minimizing the impact on performance in order to reduce the composite temperature.

Total thermal time 2 is the number of seconds that the device has transitioned to a lower power state or performed manufacturer specific thermal management actions regardless of the impact on performance in order to reduce the composite temperature.

Temperature sensor 1 is the temperature (in degrees Celsius) at a location on the NVMe device.

Temperature sensor 2 is the temperature (in degrees Celsius) at a location on the NVMe device.

Temperature sensor 3 is the temperature (in degrees Celsius) at a location on the NVMe device.

Temperature sensor 4 is the temperature (in degrees Celsius) at a location on the NVMe device.

Temperature sensor 5 is the temperature (in degrees Celsius) at a location on the NVMe device.

Temperature sensor 6 is the temperature (in degrees Celsius) at a location on the NVMe device.

Temperature sensor 7 is the temperature (in degrees Celsius) at a location on the NVMe device.

Temperature sensor 8 is the temperature (in degrees Celsius) at a location on the NVMe device.

Composite temperature is the temperature in the NVMe device.

Available spare is a normalized percentage (0 to 100) of the remaining spare capacity that is available for the NVMe device.

Available spare threshold is the number that causes the device to issue an event when the Avaliable spare falls below this value.

Lifetime remaining is the manufacturers estimate of the percentage of the NVMe device life remaining, based on actual usage and the manufacturers prediction of NVMe life.

Available namespaces indicates the quantity of namespaces on the NVMe device that are available to be created.

Available pages indicates the quantity of pages that the NVMe device can use when additional namespaces are created.

Used pages indicates the quantity of pages that have been used by the existing namespaces on the NVMe device.

Total pages indicates the quantity of pages which exist on the NVMe device.

Used namespaces indicates the quantity of namespaces that currently exist on the NVMe device. Each namespace represents a disk unit on the partition.

Total namespaces indicates the maximum quantity of namespaces which remain to be created on the NVMe device.

Bus number indicates the system bus number that the NVMe device is attached to.

Location code indicates the logical location of the NVMe device on the partition.

IOP Name indicates the name of the virtual I/O processor for the NVMe device on the partition.

Authorization Required

  • None

Lock Enforcement

  • None


  • 06 Addressing
    • 0601 Space Addressing Violation
    • 0602 Boundary Alignment
    • 0603 Range
  • 08 Argument/Parameter
    • 0801 Parameter Reference Violation
  • 10 Damage Encountered
    • 1004 System Object Damage State
    • 1044 Partial System Object Damage
  • 1C Machine-Dependent
    • 1C03 Machine Storage Limit Exceeded
  • 20 Machine Support
    • 2002 Machine Check
    • 2003 Function Check
  • 22 Object Access
    • 2201 Object Not Found
    • 2202 Object Destroyed
    • 2203 Object Suspended
    • 2208 Object Compressed
    • 220B Object Not Available
  • 24 Pointer Specification
    • 2401 Pointer Does Not Exist
    • 2402 Pointer Type Invalid
  • 2E Resource Control Limit
    • 2E01 User Profile Storage Limit Exceeded
  • 32 Scalar Specification
    • 3202 Scalar Attributes Invalid
    • 3203 Scalar Value Invalid
  • 36 Space Management
    • 3601 Space Extension/Truncation
  • 38 Template Specification
    • 3801 Template Value Invalid
    • 3803 Materialization Length Invalid
  • 44 Protection Violation
    • 4401 Object Domain or Hardware Storage Protection Violation
    • 4402 Literal Values Cannot Be Changed