%CHECK (Check Characters)

%CHECK(comparator : base {: start { : *NATURAL | *STDCHARSIZE}})

%CHECK returns the first position of the string base that contains a character that does not appear in string comparator. If all of the characters in base also appear in comparator, the function returns 0.

The check begins at the starting position and continues to the right until a character that is not contained in the comparator string is found. The starting position defaults to 1.

The first parameter must be of type character, graphic, or UCS-2, fixed or varying length. The second parameter must be the same type as the first parameter. The third parameter, if specified, must be a non-float numeric with zero decimal positions.

The third or fourth parameter can be *NATURAL or *STDCHARSIZE to override the current CHARCOUNT mode for the statement. If this parameter is specified, it must be the last parameter.
  • Specify *NATURAL to indicate that %CHECK operates in CHARCOUNT NATURAL mode. The start position and return value are measured in characters rather than bytes or double bytes. For example, if the base string is a UTF-8 string with the value 'ábç12', and the comparator string is 'çbá', the '1' character is the first character in the base string that does not appear in the comparator string. With CHARCOUNT NATURAL mode, %CHECK returns 4, because the character '1' is the fourth character in the base string.
  • Specify *STDCHARSIZE to indicate that %CHECK operates in CHARCOUNT STDCHARSIZE mode. In the previous example, with CHARCOUNT STDCHARSIZE mode, %CHECK returns 6 because '1' is the 6th byte in the string. Characters 'á' and 'ç' are 2-byte characters.
See Processing string data by the natural size of each character.
Note: %CHECK can also operate in CHARCOUNT NATURAL mode due to the /CHARCOUNT compiler directive or the CHARCOUNT Control keyword.

For more information, see String Operations or Built-in Functions.

Figure 1. %CHECK Example
 * A string contains a series of numbers separated
 * by blanks and/or commas.
 * Use %CHECK to extract the numbers
D string          s             50a   varying
D                                     inz('12, 233 17, 1, 234')
D delimiters      C                   ' ,'
D digits          C                   '0123456789'
D num             S             50a   varying
D pos             S             10i 0
D len             S             10i 0
D token           s             50a   varying


     // make sure the string ends with a delimiter
     string = string + delimiters;

     dou string = '';

       // Find the beginning of the group of digits
       pos = %check (delimiters : string);
       if (pos = 0);

       // skip past the delimiters
       string = %subst(string : pos);

       // Find the length of the group of digits
       len = %check (digits : string) - 1;

       // Extract the group of digits
       token = %subst(string : 1 : len);
       dsply ' ' ' ' token;

       // Skip past the digits
       if (len < %len(string));
         string = %subst (string : len + 1);



See also Figure 2.