File.encoding values and IBM i CCSID

This table shows the relation between possible file.encoding values and the closest matching IBM® i coded character set identifier (CCSID).

For more information regarding file.encoding support, see Supported encodings by Oracle.Link outside Information Center

file.encoding CCSID Description
ASCII 367 American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Big5 950 8-bit ASCII T-Chinese BIG-5
Big5_HKSCS 950 Big5_HKSCS
Big5_Solaris 950 Big5 with seven additional Hanzi ideograph character mappings for the Solaris zh_TW.BIG5 locale
CNS11643 964 Chinese National Character Set for traditional Chinese
Cp037 037 IBM EBCDIC US, Canada, Netherlands
Cp273 273 IBM EBCDIC Germany, Austria
Cp277 277 IBM EBCDIC Denmark, Norway
Cp278 278 IBM EBCDIC Finland, Sweden
Cp280 280 IBM EBCDIC Italy
Cp284 284 IBM EBCDIC Spanish, Latin America
Cp297 297 IBM EBCDIC France
Cp420 420 IBM EBCDIC Arabic
Cp424 424 IBM EBCDIC Hebrew
Cp437 437 8-bit ASCII US PC
Cp500 500 IBM EBCDIC International
Cp737 737 8-bit ASCII Greek MS-DOS
Cp775 775 8-bit ASCII Baltic MS-DOS
Cp838 838 IBM EBCDIC Thailand
Cp850 850 8-bit ASCII Latin-1 Multinational
Cp852 852 8-bit ASCII Latin-2
Cp855 855 8-bit ASCII Cyrillic
Cp856 0 8-bit ASCII Hebrew
Cp857 857 8-bit ASCII Latin-5
Cp860 860 8-bit ASCII Portugal
Cp861 861 8-bit ASCII Iceland
Cp862 862 8-bit ASCII Hebrew
Cp863 863 8-bit ASCII Canada
Cp864 864 8-bit ASCII Arabic
Cp865 865 8-bit ASCII Denmark, Norway
Cp866 866 8-bit ASCII Cyrillic
Cp868 868 8-bit ASCII Urdu
Cp869 869 8-bit ASCII Greek
Cp870 870 IBM EBCDIC Latin-2
Cp871 871 IBM EBCDIC Iceland
Cp874 874 8-bit ASCII Thailand
Cp875 875 IBM EBCDIC Greek
Cp918 918 IBM EBCDIC Urdu
Cp921 921 8-bit ASCII Baltic
Cp922 922 8-bit ASCII Estonia
Cp930 930 IBM EBCDIC Japanese Extended Katakana
Cp933 933 IBM EBCDIC Korean
Cp935 935 IBM EBCDIC Simplified Chinese
Cp937 937 IBM EBCDIC Traditional Chinese
Cp939 939 IBM EBCDIC Japanese Extended Latin
Cp942 942 8-bit ASCII Japanese
Cp942C 942 Variant of Cp942
Cp943 943 Japanese PC data mixed for open env
Cp943C 943 Japanese PC data mixed for open env
Cp948 948 8-bit ASCII IBM Traditional Chinese
Cp949 944 8-bit ASCII Korean KSC5601
Cp949C 949 Variant of Cp949
Cp950 950 8-bit ASCII T-Chinese BIG-5
Cp964 964 EUC Traditional Chinese
Cp970 970 EUC Korean
Cp1006 1006 ISO 8-bit Urdu
Cp1025 1025 IBM EBCDIC Cyrillic
Cp1026 1026 IBM EBCDIC Turkey
Cp1046 1046 8-bit ASCII Arabic
Cp1097 1097 IBM EBCDIC Farsi
Cp1098 1098 8-bit ASCII Farsi
Cp1112 1112 IBM EBCDIC Baltic
Cp1122 1122 IBM EBCDIC Estonia
Cp1123 1123 IBM EBCDIC Ukraine
Cp1124 0 ISO 8-bit Ukraine
Cp1140 1140 Variant of Cp037 with Euro character
Cp1141 1141 Variant of Cp273 with Euro character
Cp1142 1142 Variant of Cp277 with Euro character
Cp1143 1143 Variant of Cp278 with Euro character
Cp1144 1144 Variant of Cp280 with Euro character
Cp1145 1145 Variant of Cp284 with Euro character
Cp1146 1146 Variant of Cp285 with Euro character
Cp1147 1147 Variant of Cp297 with Euro character
Cp1148 1148 Variant of Cp500 with Euro character
Cp1149 1149 Variant of Cp871 with Euro character
Cp1250 1250 MS-Win Latin-2
Cp1251 1251 MS-Win Cyrillic
Cp1252 1252 MS-Win Latin-1
Cp1253 1253 MS-Win Greek
Cp1254 1254 MS-Win Turkish
Cp1255 1255 MS-Win Hebrew
Cp1256 1256 MS-Win Arabic
Cp1257 1257 MS-Win Baltic
Cp1258 1251 MS-Win Russian
Cp1381 1381 8-bit ASCII S-Chinese GB
Cp1383 1383 EUC Simplified Chinese
Cp33722 33722 EUC Japanese
EUC_CN 1383 EUC for Simplified Chinese
EUC_JP 5050 EUC for Japanese
EUC_JP_LINUX 0 JISX 0201, 0208 , EUC encoding Japanese
EUC_KR 970 EUC for Korean
EUC_TW 964 EUC for Traditional Chinese
GB2312 1381 8-bit ASCII S-Chinese GB
GB18030 1392 Simplified Chinese, PRC standard
GBK 1386 New simplified Chinese 8-bit ASCII 9
ISCII91 806 ISCII91 encoding of Indic scripts
ISO2022CN 965 ISO 2022 CN, Chinese (conversion to Unicode only)
ISO2022_CN_CNS 965 CNS11643 in ISO 2022 CN form, Traditional Chinese (conversion from Unicode only)
ISO2022_CN_GB 1383 GB2312 in ISO 2022 CN form, Simplified Chinese (conversion from Unicode only)
ISO2022CN_CNS 965 7-bit ASCII for Traditional Chinese
ISO2022CN_GB 1383 7-bit ASCII for Simplified Chinese
ISO2022JP 5054 7-bit ASCII for Japanese
ISO2022KR 25546 7-bit ASCII for Korean
ISO8859_1 819 ISO 8859-1 Latin Alphabet No. 1
ISO8859_2 912 ISO 8859-2 ISO Latin-2
ISO8859_3 0 ISO 8859-3 ISO Latin-3
ISO8859_4 914 ISO 8859-4 ISO Latin-4
ISO8859_5 915 ISO 8859-5 ISO Latin-5
ISO8859_6 1089 ISO 8859-6 ISO Latin-6 (Arabic)
ISO8859_7 813 ISO 8859-7 ISO Latin-7 (Greek/Latin)
ISO8859_8 916 ISO 8859-8 ISO Latin-8 (Hebrew)
ISO8859_9 920 ISO 8859-9 ISO Latin-9 (ECMA-128, Turkey)
ISO8859_13 0 Latin Alphabet No. 7
ISO8859_15 923 ISO8859_15
ISO8859_15_FDIS 923 ISO 8859-15, Latin alphabet No. 9
ISO-8859-15 923 ISO 8859-15, Latin Alphabet No. 9
JIS0201 897 Japanese industry standard X0201
JIS0208 5052 Japanese industry standard X0208
JIS0212 0 Japanese industry standard X0212
JISAutoDetect 0 Detects and converts from Shift-JIS, EUC-JP, ISO 2022 JP (conversion to Unicode only)
Johab 0 Korean composition Hangul encoding (full)
K018_R 878 Cyrillic
KSC5601 949 8-bit ASCII Korean
MacArabic 1256 Macintosh Arabic
MacCentralEurope 1282 Macintosh Latin-2
MacCroatian 1284 Macintosh Croatian
MacCyrillic 1283 Macintosh Cyrillic
MacDingbat 0 Macintosh Dingbat
MacGreek 1280 Macintosh Greek
MacHebrew 1255 Macintosh Hebrew
MacIceland 1286 Macintosh Iceland
MacRoman 0 Macintosh Roman
MacRomania 1285 Macintosh Romania
MacSymbol 0 Macintosh Symbol
MacThai 0 Macintosh Thai
MacTurkish 1281 Macintosh Turkish
MacUkraine 1283 Macintosh Ukraine
MS874 874 MS-Win Thailand
MS932 943 Windows Japanese
MS936 936 Windows Simplified Chinese
MS949 949 Windows Korean
MS950 950 Windows Traditional Chinese
MS950_HKSCS NA Windows Traditional Chinese with Hong Kong S.A.R. of China extensions
SJIS 932 8-bit ASCII Japanese
TIS620 874 Thai industry standard 620
US-ASCII 367 American Standard Code for Information Interchange
UTF8 1208 UTF-8
UTF-16 1200 Sixteen-bit UCS Transformation Format, byte order identified by an optional byte-order mark
UTF-16BE 1200 Sixteen-bit Unicode Transformation Format, big-endian byte order
UTF-16LE 1200 Sixteen-bit Unicode Transformation Format, little-endian byte order
UTF-8 1208 Eight-bit UCS Transformation Format
Unicode 13488 UNICODE, UCS-2
UnicodeBig 13488 Same as Unicode
UnicodeBigUnmarked   Unicode with no byte-order mark
UnicodeLittle   Unicode with little-endian byte order
UnicodeLittleUnmarked   UnicodeLittle with no byte-order mark

For default values, see Default file.encoding values.