Collection Services data files: QAPMSQLPC

This database file contains the performance data about the SQL Plan Cache collected by the *SQL collection category.

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DATETIME Interval date and time: The date and time of the sample interval, expressed in local system time. Timestamp
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since the last sample interval. PD (7,0)
SQCURQRY Active queries. A snapshot, taken at sample time, of the total number of queries currently active. B (18,0)
SQCURPLN Plans in SQL plan cache. A snapshot, taken at sample time, of the total number of plans currently in the SQL plan cache. B (18,0)
SQPCSIZE Plan cache size. The current size (in megabytes) of the SQL plan cache. B (18,0)
SQPCLIMIT Plan cache size limit. The maximum size (in megabytes) that the SQL plan cache is allowed to be. B (18,0)
SQPCTHRESH Plan cache size threshold. The maximum size (shown as a percentage of the plan cache size limit) that the SQL plan cache is allowed to be before Db2® automatically manages the SQL plan cache and replaces older plans with new plans. B (18,0)
SQCURSUBC Sub caches. A snapshot, taken at sample time, of the total number of sub caches. B (18,0)
SQCURSMP Reserved. B (18,0)
SQCURMTI MTIs. A snapshot, taken at sample time, of the total number of Maintained Temporary Indexes (MTIs). B (18,0)
SQCURPRUNL Pruning event listeners. A snapshot, taken at sample time, of the total number of pruning event listeners. B (18,0)
SQCURROQ Cached runtime objects. A snapshot, taken at sample time, of the total number of cached runtime objects (for queries) in the SQL plan cache. B (18,0)
SQCURTROQ Cached runtime objects with temporary results. A snapshot, taken at sample time, of the total number of cached runtime objects (for queries) in the SQL plan cache which may have retained part or all of the query answer set in a temporary copy. B (18,0)
SQCURRROQ Reusable runtime objects. A snapshot, taken at sample time, of the total number of reusable runtime objects (for queries) in the SQL plan cache. B (18,0)
SQCURTEMP Temporary storage. A snapshot, taken at sample time, of the total amount of temporary storage (in megabytes) associated with the SQL plan cache. B (18,0)
SQPLNBLT Plans built. The number of plans built during the interval. B (18,0)
SQQRYRROQ Queries run with reusable runtime objects. The number of queries executed during the interval using runtime objects (for queries) where the runtime objects were candidates for being cached in the SQL plan cache for reuse by the same or other jobs. B (18,0)
SQQRYNRROQ Queries run with non-reusable runtime objects. The number of queries executed during the interval using runtime objects (for queries) where the runtime objects cannot be cached in the SQL plan cache. B (18,0)
SQQRYNOROQ Queries run without runtime objects. The number of queries executed during the interval where a plan in the SQL plan cache was used but there were no cached runtime objects (for queries) available for use. B (18,0)
SQPROBES Plan cache probes. The number of times the plan cache was probed during the interval. B (18,0)
SQMATCH Plan cache probe matches. The number of times a plan cache probe found a match during the interval. B (18,0)
SQNOMATCH Plan cache probe misses. The number of times a plan cache probe was unable to find a match during the interval. B (18,0)
SQPCWAKE Plan cache awakenings. The number of times the plan cache woke up during the interval. B (18,0)
SQPCNAP Plan cache naps. The number of times the plan cache fell asleep during the interval. B (18,0)
SQPLNPRUN Plans pruned. The number of plans pruned from the SQL plan cache during the interval due to plan cache size. B (18,0)
SQPLNRMV Plans removed. The number of obsolete plans removed from the SQL plan cache during the interval. B (18,0)
SQOPEN Query opens. The number of full and pseudo opens that occurred during the interval. B (18,0)
SQFOPEN Query full opens. The number of full opens that occurred during the interval. B (18,0)
SQFOPENROQ Query full opens using cached runtime objects. The number of full opens that occurred during the interval which used both a plan and a cached runtime object from the SQL plan cache. B (18,0)
SQPOPNHCLS Queries hard closed. The number of queries that were hard closed during the interval. B (18,0)
SQMTICRT MTIs created. The number of Maintained Temporary Indexes (MTIs) created during the interval. B (18,0)
SQMTIDLT MTIs deleted. The number of Maintained Temporary Indexes (MTIs) deleted during the interval. B (18,0)
SQAQPWAKE AQP interrogations. The number of executing queries checked by Adaptive Query Processing (AQP) during the interval. B (18,0)
SQAQPRPL Runtime object replacements by AQP. The number of runtime objects replaced because of Adaptive Query Processing (AQP). B (18,0)
SQFULLOPT Full optimizations. The number of full optimizations that occurred during the interval. B (18,0)
SQREOPT Reoptimizations with valid plans. The number of reoptimizations that occurred during the interval when valid plans existed. B (18,0)
SQPCFLD01 Start of changeTotal MTI Size. The current total size (in megabytes) of all currently existing MTIs.End of change B (18,0)
SQPCFLD02 Start of changeCurrent plan cache hit ratio.End of change B (18,0)
SQPCFLD03 Start of changeMapping Errors. The number of mapping errors detected by SQE during the interval.End of change B (18,0)
SQPCFLD04 Reserved. B (18,0)
SQPCFLD05 Reserved. B (18,0)
SQPCFLD06 Reserved. B (18,0)
UTCTIME UTC interval date and time: The date and time of the sample interval, expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Timestamp
Start of changeSQOPTIA101End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and deleted during the interval due to a file or member that is not the same object as the one referred to in the access plan detected.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVA101End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to the file wait time that changed since the access plan was created.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTOA401End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and deleted during the interval due to a significant file size change since the access plan was created. End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVA401End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to the selectivity of rows selected being significantly different from the examined plan.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVA402End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to the disk read response time being significantly different from the examined plan.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTOA501End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and deleted during the interval due to a new access path (index) created since the plan was created.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTIA601End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and deleted during the interval due to an access path (index) used by the access plan being deleted since the access plan was created.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTIA701End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and deleted during the interval due to system programming changes since the access plan was created.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVA701End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to a difference in attributes such as Allow Copy Data (ALWCPYDTA) or *ALLIO/FIRSTIO in the examined plan.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVA702End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to a difference in native access options in the examined plan.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTIA702End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and deleted during the interval due to changes in the updateability.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVA901End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to a difference in date, time, or timestamp format options in the examined plan.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVAA01End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to a difference in the specified sort sequence table in the examined plan.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVAB01End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to a significant difference in the amount of memory fair share for the query.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVAB02End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to a significant difference in the number of processor units available.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVAB03End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to a difference in the number of threads allowed for a job.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVAB04End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to a difference in the workload group for a job.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVAD01End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to a difference in the SMP option.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVB001End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to a difference in the QAQQINI option.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVB101End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to a difference in the commit level or the rollback hold option.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVB201End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to a difference in the FETCH N ROWS specification.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTIB401End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and deleted during the interval due changes in referential or check constraints.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVB501End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to a difference in the QAQQINI MATERIALIZED_QUERY_TABLE_USAGE option.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTIB501End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and deleted during the interval due to other changes in MQT specifications.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTVB601End of change Start of changeThe number of plans examined and not used during the interval due to a difference in host variable values that made this plan not valid for this set of host variables.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTRSV01End of change Start of changeReservedEnd of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTRSV02End of change Start of changeReservedEnd of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTRSV03End of change Start of changeReservedEnd of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTRSV04End of change Start of changeReservedEnd of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQOPTRSV05End of change Start of changeReservedEnd of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS01End of change Start of changeThe number of queries hard-closed by the SQE optimizer during the interval due to an internal problem with query optionsEnd of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS02End of change Start of changeThe number of queries hard-closed by the SQE optimizer during the interval due to internal system changes or a bad MTI.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS03End of change Start of changeThe number of queries hard-closed by the SQE optimizer during the interval due to a new access path (index) over one of the tables in the query.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS04End of change Start of changeThe number of queries hard-closed by the SQE optimizer during the interval SQOPTVB001 to a significant change in table size since the query was full-opened.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS05End of change Start of changeThe number of queries hard-closed by the SQE optimizer during the interval due to a MQT used in the access plan that has exceeded its refresh age.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS06End of change Start of changeThe number of queries hard-closed by the SQE optimizer during the interval due to host variable values that are no longer compatible with current plan.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS07End of change Start of changeThe number of queries hard-closed by the SQE optimizer during the interval due to new statistics being seen.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS08End of change Start of changeThe number of queries hard-closed by the SQE optimizer during the interval due to the commit level changing.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS09End of change Start of changeThe number of queries hard-closed by the SQE optimizer during the interval due to the optimizer detecting a significant change in the amount of IO versus estimated IO.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS10End of change Start of changeThe number of queries hard-closed by the SQE optimizer during the interval due to the optimizer detecting an incompatibility between the stated optimization goal of *FIRSTIO and the actual number of rows fetched.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS11End of change Start of changeThe number of queries hard-closed by the SQE optimizer during the interval due to a deferred index estimate completing or a problem detected during PSEUDO_HOST_VAR INI plan replacement.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS12End of change Start of changeThe number of queries hard-closed by the SQE optimizer during the interval due to AQP requesting an optimization.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS13End of change Start of changeThe number of queries hard-closed by the SQE optimizer during the interval due to the optimizer deciding to hard-close the AQP replacement plan.End of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS14End of change Start of changeReservedEnd of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS15End of change Start of changeReservedEnd of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS16End of change Start of changeReservedEnd of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS17End of change Start of changeReservedEnd of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS18End of change Start of changeReservedEnd of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change
Start of changeSQHCLS19End of change Start of changeReservedEnd of change Start of changeB(18,0)End of change