Collection Services data files: QAPMJVM

This file contains data for Java™ Virtual Machines (JVM) that are active within a process at the time the data was sampled. There is one record per interval for each process that has a JVM active.

Note: The only supported JVM is IBM® Technology for Java (J9).
Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time of the sample interval for a job interval entry or the job end date and time for a job completion entry, expressed in local system time. C (12)
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. The number of seconds since the last sample interval. PD (7,0)
DTECEN Century digit. C (1)
JVNAME Job name/workstation name. C (10)
JVUSER Job user. C (10)
JVNBR Job number. C (6)
JVTDE System task identifier. The system task identifier associated with the initial thread of a job. This field can be used to join records to QAPMJOBMI field JBTDE. H (8)
JVTYPE Job type.
  • 0: IBM Technology for Java - 32 Bit
  • 1: IBM Technology for Java - 64 Bit
C (1)
JVVRSN JVM version (UTF-16 CCSID 1200). G (10)
JVPID Process identifier. B (9,0)
JVPOLICY Garbage collection policy (UTF-16 CCSID 1200). G (15)
JVHEAPC Current heap allocated. Current amount of heap storage allocated for this JVM in kilobytes. B (18,0)
JVHEAPU Heap in use. Amount of allocated heap actually being used in kilobytes. B (18,0)
JVMLCMEM Malloc memory size in kilobytes. B (18,0)
JVINTMEM Internal memory size in kilobytes. B (18,0)
JVJITMEM JIT memory size in kilobytes. B (18,0)
JVSCLMEM Shared class size in kilobytes. B (18,0)
JVGCCNBR Last garbage collection cycle number. B (9,0)
JVGCCTME Last garbage collection cycle time. Clock time spent performing garbage collection tasks during the last garbage collection cycle in milliseconds. B (18,0)
JVGCITME Interval garbage collection time. Clock time spent performing garbage collection tasks during this collection interval in milliseconds. B (18,0)
JVGCTTME Total garbage collection time. The total amount of clock time spent performing garbage collection by all tasks since the JVM started. B (18,0)
DATETIME Interval date and time: The date and time of the sample interval for a job interval entry or the job end date and time for a job completion entry, expressed in local system time. Timestamp
UTCTIME UTC interval date and time: The date and time of the sample interval for a job interval entry or the job end date and time for a job completion entry, expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Timestamp