Duplicating optical volumes

An efficient method to create a backup of an optical volume is to use the Duplicate Optical (DUPOPT) command. This command copies sectors to create a volume that is identical to the source except for the volume identifier and creation date and time.

In release v7r2 with PTF SI57188 applied and in later releases, IPL capable media can be duplicated to media with different physical characteristics.

You can enter the information for the following fields on the Duplicate Optical display:

  • From volume identifier
  • To volume identifier
  • Volume identifier
  • Clear

For media that is not IPL capable

The target media must be at least as large as the source media when the media is duplicated.

If the source media is formatted with *UDF, the DUPOPT command attempts to make more space available on the target media when the target media is larger than the source. The usable size of the target media after the duplication is the smaller of:

  • The usable size of the target media.
  • Two times the size of the source media.
  • Two times the size of the original media where the source volume was first formatted.

For example, when a 1-GB media is duplicated to a 2-GB media, the usable size of the target media after the duplication is 2 GB. When a 1-GB media is duplicated to a 2-GB media, and the 2-GB media is then duplicated to a 4-GB media, the usable size of the final target media after the duplication is 2 GB.

Note: The source media and the target media must use the same block size.

For IPL capable media

A new special value of *BOOT is valid for the DUPOPT command To Volume parameter (TOVOL) in release v7r2 with PTF SI57188 applied and in later releases.

The target media must be large enough to contain the boot area and all of the files on the source media. The block size on the source volume must be greater than or equal to the block size on the target volume.

Specifying a value of *BOOT for the To Volume parameter on the DUPOPT command indicates that the boot area and all files from the source media are to be copied to the mounted target media. The copy is done even if the physical characteristics of the target optical volume do not match the physical characteristics of the source optical volume. This *BOOT value enables duplicating an existing IPL capable DVD or distributed media image to Removable disk (RDX) or flash media.

The following example of the DUPOPT command shows how to copy IPL capable media that is mounted in a DVD device that is named OPT01 to RDX media that is already initialized and mounted in device RMS01.


The command in this example duplicates the mounted optical volume in device OPT01 to the mounted optical volume in device RMS01. The optical volume in device RMS01 is initialized before the duplication process. The volume in device RMS01 will be IPL capable after the duplication process completes.

Note: The special value of *BOOT is only valid when the source volume contains IPL capable media.