CWBPING - Test the connection to the server

Use this command from a console prompt to determine if an IBM® i connection can be successfully established, or to help determine the cause of a connection failure.

CWBPING checks of the status of the IBM i host servers. The name of the communications provider is shown, as well as the result of connecting to each of the host socket servers. To see detailed messages, use the (/v) verbose option.


cwbping system [/v] [/pl:#] [/al:#] [/serv:name] [/port:#] [/user:userid] [/password:password] [/all]


  • system = name of the server
  • /v = verbose output
  • /pl:# = port mode (0 = Server services file, 1 = Local services file, 2 = Standard port )
    Note: If the /port:# is specified, the port mode is ignored.
  • /al:# = address mode
    • 0 = Always use gethostbyname
    • 1 = Lookup after 1 hour
    • 2 = Lookup after 1 day
    • 3 = Lookup after 1 week
    • 4 = Never use gethostbyname, use configured IP address
    • 5 = Lookup once after each PC restart
    Note: If the system name is specified as an IP Address, the address mode will be ignored.
  • /serv:name = name of the service to connect to (i.e. /serv:telnet or /serv:ftp)
    Note: Any TCP/IP service name can be used. For example, see CWBCO1003 or you local services file.
  • /port:# = port number to connect to in decimal (i.e. /port:23 or /port:21)
    Note: Any TCP/IP port number can be used. For example, see CWBCO1003 or your local services file
  • /user:userid = IBM i user ID to use only if the server requires security on startup
  • /password:password = IBM i password to use only if the server requires security on startup
  • /all = verify all possible servers, by default only common servers are verified.


To check the status of the IBM i host servers named System1 with address

cwbping System1

Alternatively, you can check the status using the IP address:

cwbping /v