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The NVME_INFO view contains information about Non-Volatile Memory Express® (NVMe) devices.

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The following table describes the columns in the view. The system name is NVME_INFO. The schema is QSYS2.

Table 1. NVME_INFO view
Column Name System Column Name Data Type Description
DEVICE_TYPE DEV_TYPE VARCHAR(4) The type of the NVMe device.
RESOURCE_NAME RESOURCE VARCHAR(10) The resource name of the NVMe device.
DEVICE_MODEL DEV_MODEL VARCHAR(4) The model of the NVMe device assigned by IBM®.
SERIAL_NUMBER SERIAL VARCHAR(15) The serial number of the NVMe device assigned by IBM.
HARDWARE_MODEL_NUMBER HDW_MODEL VARCHAR(40) The model number assigned by the device manufacturer.
HARDWARE_SERIAL_NUMBER HDW_SERIAL VARCHAR(20) The serial number assigned by the device manufacturer.
The level of code running in the NVMe device.

Contains the null value if the information is not available.

Start of changeIOP_NAMEEnd of change Start of changeIOP_NAMEEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(10)End of change Start of changeThe name of the I/O processor.End of change
Start of changeBUS_NUMBEREnd of change Start of changeBUS_NUMBEREnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe bus number that the NVMe device is attached to.End of change
Start of changeLOCATION_CODEEnd of change Start of changeLOC_CODEEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(33)End of change Start of changeThe location code.End of change
Start of changePAGES_AVAILABLEEnd of change Start of changePG_AVAILEnd of change Start of changeBIGINTEnd of change Start of changeThe quantity of pages on the NVMe device which remain available to be allocated to namespaces.End of change
Start of changePAGES_USEDEnd of change Start of changePG_USEDEnd of change Start of changeBIGINTEnd of change Start of changeThe quantity of pages on the NVMe device which have been allocated to namespaces.End of change
Start of changePAGES_MAXIMUMEnd of change Start of changePG_MAXEnd of change Start of changeBIGINTEnd of change Start of changeThe total quantity of pages which exist on the NVMe device.End of change
Start of changeNAMESPACES_AVAILABLEEnd of change Start of changeNS_AVAILEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe quantity of namespaces available.End of change
Start of changeNAMESPACES_USEDEnd of change Start of changeNS_USEDEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe quantity of namespaces used.End of change
Start of changeNAMESPACES_MAXIMUMEnd of change Start of changeNS_MAXEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe maximum quantity of namespaces allowed on the NVMe device.End of change
Start of changeNAMESPACES_CONFIGUREDEnd of change Start of changeNS_CONFIGEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe quantity of namespaces on the NVMe Device which represent disk units that are configured into an Auxiliary Storage Pool (ASP).End of change
Start of changeFORMAT_CRYPTOEnd of change Start of changeFMT_CRYPTOEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(3)End of change Start of changeNVMe device supports Format Crypto.
Does not support Format Crypto
Supports Format Crypto
End of change
Start of changeOVERWRITEEnd of change Start of changeOVERWRITEEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(3)End of change Start of changeNVMe device supports the Overwrite sanitize operation.
Does not support overwrite
Supports overwrite
End of change
Start of changeSECURE_ERASEEnd of change Start of changeSECURE_EEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(3)End of change Start of changeNVMe device supports the User Data Secure Erase sanitize operation.
Does not support User Data Secure Erase
Supports User Data Secure Erase
End of change
Start of changeBLOCK_ERASEEnd of change Start of changeBLOCK_EEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(3)End of change Start of changeNVMe device supports the Block Erase sanitize operation.
Does not support Block Erase
Supports Block Erase
End of change
Start of changeCRYPTO_ERASEEnd of change Start of changeCRYPTO_EEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(3)End of change Start of changeNVMe device supports the Crypto Erase sanitize operation.
Does not support Crypto Erase
Supports Crypto Erase
End of change
SPARE_CAPACITY CAP_AVAIL INTEGER The percentage (0 to 100) of the remaining spare capacity available for this NVMe device.
SPARE_CAPACITY_THRESHOLD CAP_THRESH INTEGER The threshold percentage (0 to 100) for the spare capacity for this NVMe device.
SPARE_CAPACITY_THRESHOLD_MET CAP_MET VARCHAR(3) Whether the available spare capacity (SPARE_CAPACITY) for the NVMe device has fallen below the threshold value (SPARE_THRESHOLD).
Available spare space threshold has not been met
Available spare space threshold has been met
LIFE_REMAINING LIFE INTEGER The manufacturer's estimate of the percentage of the NVMe device life remaining, based on actual usage and the manufacturer's prediction of NVMe life.
MEMORY_BACKUP_DEVICE_FAILED BACKUPFAIL VARCHAR(3) Whether the volatile memory backup device has failed.
Volatile memory backup device has not failed
Volatile memory backup device has failed
PMR_READ_ONLY PMR_RO VARCHAR(3) Whether the persistent memory region has become read-only.
Persistent memory region did not become read-only
Persistent memory region became read-only
READ_ONLY DEV_RO VARCHAR(3) Whether the NVMe device is in a mode that only allows read operations.
Device is not in read-only mode
Device is in read-only mode
DEGRADED DEGRADED VARCHAR(3) Whether the NVMe reliability has been degraded.
Reliability has not been degraded
Reliability has been degraded
TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD HOT VARCHAR(3) Whether the temperature of the NVMe device has exceeded the threshold.
Temperature threshold has not been exceeded
Temperature threshold has been exceeded
DATA_READ DATA_READ BIGINT The number of 512-byte data units that have been read from the NVMe device. This value is reported in thousands (a value of 1 corresponds to 1000 units of 512 bytes read).

This value is never reset. It is for the life of the device.

DATA_WRITTEN DATA_WRITE BIGINT The number of 512-byte data units that have been written to the NVMe device. This value is reported in thousands (a value of 1 corresponds to 1000 units of 512 byes written).

This value is never reset. It is for the life of the device.

HOST_READ_COMMANDS READ_CMDS BIGINT The number of read commands sent to the NVMe device by the host system.

This value is never reset. It is for the life of the device.

HOST_WRITE_COMMANDS WRITE_CMDS BIGINT The number of write commands sent to the NVMe device by the host system.

This value is never reset. It is for the life of the device.

CONTROLLER_BUSY_TIME BUSY_TIME BIGINT The time, in minutes, that the controller was busy servicing I/O commands.

This value is never reset. It is for the life of the device.

POWER_CYCLES POWER_CYC BIGINT The number of times the NVMe device has been powered on and off.

This value is never reset. It is for the life of the device.

POWER_ON_HOURS POWER_HOUR BIGINT The number of hours the NVMe device has been powered on.

This value is never reset. It is for the life of the device.

UNSAFE_SHUTDOWNS POWER_LOSS BIGINT The number of times a power loss happened without a shutdown notification being sent.

This value is never reset. It is for the life of the device.

MEDIA_ERRORS MEDIAERROR BIGINT The number of occurrences where the controller detected an unrecovered data integrity error.

This value is never reset. It is for the life of the device.

ERROR_LOGS ERROR_LOGS BIGINT The number of error information log entries over the life of the NVMe device.

This value is never reset. It is for the life of the device.

TEMPERATURE_WARNING_TIME TEMP_WARN INTEGER The amount of time, in minutes, that the NVMe controller is operational and the composite temperature is greater than or equal to the warning composite temperature threshold and less than the critical composite temperature.

This value is never reset. It is for the life of the device.

TEMPERATURE_CRITICAL_TIME TEMP_CRIT INTEGER The amount of time, in minutes, that the NVMe controller is operational and the composite temperature is greater than the critical composite temperature threshold.

This value is never reset. It is for the life of the device.

SOFT_THERMAL_TRANSITIONS SOFT_TRANS INTEGER The number of times the controller transitioned to lower power active power states or performed manufacturer specific thermal management actions while minimizing the impact on performance in an attempt to reduce the composite temperature.
HARD_THERMAL_TRANSITIONS HARD_TRANS INTEGER The number of times the controller transitioned to lower power active power states or performed manufacturer specific thermal management actions regardless of the impact on performance in an attempt to reduce the composite temperature.
SOFT_THERMAL_TIME SOFT_TIME INTEGER The number of seconds that the controller has transitioned to lower power active power states or performed manufacturer specific thermal management actions while minimizing the impact on performance in order to attempt to reduce the composite temperature.
HARD_THERMAL_TIME HARD_TIME INTEGER The number of seconds that the controller has transitioned to lower power active power states or performed manufacturer specific thermal management actions regardless of the impact on performance in order to attempt to reduce the composite temperature.
COMPOSITE_TEMPERATURE TEMP_COMP INTEGER The composite temperature (in degrees Celsius) calculated for the device.
TEMPERATURE1 TEMP1 INTEGER The temperature (in degrees Celsius) reported by temperature sensor 1.
TEMPERATURE2 TEMP2 INTEGER The temperature (in degrees Celsius) reported by temperature sensor 2.
TEMPERATURE3 TEMP3 INTEGER The temperature (in degrees Celsius) reported by temperature sensor 3.
TEMPERATURE4 TEMP4 INTEGER The temperature (in degrees Celsius) reported by temperature sensor 4.
TEMPERATURE5 TEMP5 INTEGER The temperature (in degrees Celsius) reported by temperature sensor 5.
TEMPERATURE6 TEMP6 INTEGER The temperature (in degrees Celsius) reported by temperature sensor 6.
TEMPERATURE7 TEMP7 INTEGER The temperature (in degrees Celsius) reported by temperature sensor 7
TEMPERATURE8 TEMP8 INTEGER The temperature (in degrees Celsius) reported by temperature sensor 8.


  • Return information for NVMe devices.
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