The CHECK_SYSROUTINE procedure compares entries in the QSYS2.SYSROUTINES table between two systems.

Authorization: See Note below.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram CHECK_SYSROUTINE ( remote-rdb-name,schema-name,avoid-result-set )

The schema is SYSTOOLS.

A character string containing the name of the remote database.
A character string containing the name of the schema to compare.
An integer value that indicates whether a result set should be returned. The default is 0.
No result set is returned.
Result set is returned.
This procedure will return a result set to the caller. If no result set is requested, the differences are logged to the SESSION.SYSRTNDIFF table.

The result set that is returned or the table that is created contains the following columns:

Table 1. SYSRTNDIFF result set
Column Name System Column Name Data Type Description
SERVER_NAME SRVRNAME VARCHAR(18) Name of server where the request was run.
ROUTINE_CREATED RTNCREATE TIMESTAMP The timestamp when the routine was created.
ROUTINE_DEFINER DEFINER VARCHAR(128) Name of the user that defined the routine.
LAST_ALTERED ALTEREDTS TIMESTAMP Timestamp when routine was last altered.
SPECIFIC_SCHEMA SPECSCHEMA VARCHAR(128) Schema name of the routine instance.
SPECIFIC_NAME SPECNAME VARCHAR(128) Specific name of the routine instance.
ROUTINE_SCHEMA RTNSCHEMA VARCHAR(128) Name of the schema that contains the routine.
ROUTINE_NAME RTNNAME VARCHAR(128) Name of the routine.
ROUTINE_TYPE RTNTYPE VARCHAR(9) Type of the routine.
ROUTINE_BODY BODY VARCHAR(8) Type of the routine body.
EXTERNAL_NAME EXTNAME VARCHAR(279) External program name for routine.
IN_PARMS IN_PARMS SMALLINT Identifies the number of input parameters.
OUT_PARMS OUT_PARMS SMALLINT Identifies the number of output parameters.
INOUT_PARMS INOUT_PARM SMALLINT Identifies the number of input/output parameters.
SQL_DATA_ACCESS DATAACCESS VARCHAR(8) Identifies whether a routine contains SQL and whether it reads or modifies data.
PARM_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE VARCHAR(2048) The signature of the routine.


This procedure is provided in the SYSTOOLS schema as an example of how to compare catalog tables between systems using an SQL procedure. Similar to other Db2® for i provided tools within SYSTOOLS, the SQL source can be extracted and used as a model for building similar procedures, or to create a customized version within a user-specified schema.

Services provided in SYSTOOLS have authorization requirements that are determined by the interfaces used to implement the service. To understand the authority requirements, extract the SQL for the service and examine the implementation.


Compare the current system to a remote system to find which routines differ, when they were created, and who created them.