Start of change

AUDIT_JOURNAL_CP table function

The AUDIT_JOURNAL_CP table function returns rows from the audit journal that contain information from the CP (User Profile Changes) journal entries.

Every audit journal table function shares a common authorization requirement and a common set of parameters. These are described in AUDIT JOURNAL table function common information.

The result of the function is a table containing rows with the format shown in the following table. All the columns are nullable.

Table 1. AUDIT_JOURNAL_CP table function
Column Name Data Type Description
The first columns returned by this table function are from the common audit journal entry header. See Common columns returned from the audit journal entry header for the column definitions. After the common columns are the following columns that describe the entry specific data for the CP audit journal entry.
ENTRY_TYPE CHAR(1) The type of entry.
Change to a user profile
ENTRY_TYPE_DETAIL VARCHAR(200) Descriptive text that corresponds to the entry type.
USER_PROFILE VARCHAR(10) The user profile that was changed.
COMMAND_TYPE CHAR(3) The type of command used.
Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) or Change Expiration Scd Entry (CHGEXPSCDE) commands
Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF) command
QSECOFR password reset using DST
Reset Profile Attributes (QSYRESPA) API
Restore User Profile (RSTUSRPRF) command
QSYS2/SET_SERVER_SBS_ROUTING() Db2®® for i procedure
STATUS VARCHAR(9) User profile status.
The user profile cannot be used
The user profile is valid

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

PASSWORD_CHANGED VARCHAR(3) Whether the password changed.
Password changed

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

NO_PASSWORD_INDICATOR VARCHAR(3) Whether the password is *NONE.
Password is *NONE

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

PASSWORD_EXPIRED VARCHAR(4) Whether the password is expired.
Password is not expired
Password is expired

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

LOCAL_PASSWORD_MANAGEMENT VARCHAR(4) Specifies whether the user profile password should be managed locally.
The password is not managed on the local system.
The password is managed on the local system.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

PASSWORD_CONFORMANCE VARCHAR(8) Indicates whether the new password conforms to the password composition rules.
Checked but does not conform because of an exit program response.
Not checked; password was changed.
Not checked; *NONE was specified for the new password.
Checked and conforms.
Checked but does not conform because of a system value based rule.

Contains the null value if PASSWORD_CHANGED is not YES.

BLOCK_PASSWORD_CHANGE VARCHAR(7) Specifies the value that the block password change has been changed to.
Blocked hours.
No block period.
The system value QPWDCHGBLK is used.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL VARCHAR(7) Specifies the value that the password expiration interval has been changed to.
The size of the expiration interval in days.
No expiration interval.
The system value QPWDEXPITV is used.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

USER_EXPIRATION_DATE VARCHAR(10) Specifies the date when the user profile expires. The user profile is automatically disabled or deleted on this date. Can contain the special value *NONE to indicate the user profile does not expire.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

USER_EXPIRATION_ACTION CHAR(3) The action performed on the profile when it expires. This value is always DSB when using the CRTUSRPRF and CHGUSRPRF commands. When using the CHGEXPSCDE command, this value is one of the following values.
The profile is deleted when it expires.
The profile is disabled when it expires.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

OWNED_OBJECT_OPTION VARCHAR(7) The type of operation performed on the objects owned by the expiring profile. The owned object option value is specified on the OWNOBJOPT parameter of the CHGEXPSCDE ACTION(*DELETE) command.
The owned objects for the user profile have ownership transferred to the new owner user profile. The user profile is deleted if the transfer of all owned objects is successful.
The owned objects for the user profile are deleted. The user profile is deleted if the deletion of all owned objects is successful.
The owned objects for the user profile are not changed, and the user profile is not deleted if the user owns any objects.

Contains the null value if USER_EXPIRATION_ACTION is not DLT or if the value was not changed.

OWNED_OBJECT_OPTION_NEW_OWNER VARCHAR(10) The profile that will own all of the objects owned by the expiring profile.

Contains the null value if OWNED_OBJECT_OPTION is not *CHGOWN or if the value was not changed.

PRIMARY_GROUP_OPTION VARCHAR(7) The type of operation performed on the objects that have the expiring user profile as their primary group. The primary group option value is specified on the PGPOPT parameter of the CHGEXPSCDE ACTION(*DELETE) command.
The objects the user profile is the primary group for are transferred to the new primary group user profile. The user profile is deleted if the transfer of all objects is successful.
The objects the user profile is the primary group for do not change, and the user profile is not deleted if the user is the primary group for any objects.

Contains the null value if USER_EXPIRATION_ACTION is not DLT or if the value was not changed.

NEW_PRIMARY_GROUP VARCHAR(10) The profile that will become the new primary group of the objects for which the expiring profile is the primary group. Can contain the following special value:
All of the objects for which the expiring user is the primary group will no longer have a primary group.

Contains the null value when PRIMARY_GROUP_OPTION is not *CHGPGP or if the value was not changed.

NEW_PRIMARY_GROUP_AUTHORITY VARCHAR(8) The authority the new primary group has to the object.
The new primary group has *ALL authority to the object.
The new primary group has *CHANGE authority to the object.
The new primary group has *EXCLUDE authority to the object.
The new primary group has the same authority to the object as the old primary group.
The new primary group has the same authority to the object as its private authority to the object was.
The new primary group has *USE authority to the object.

Contains the null value when PRIMARY_GROUP_OPTION is not *CHGPGP or NEW_PRIMARY_GROUP is *NONE or if the value was not changed.

USER_CLASS_NAME VARCHAR(7) The user class of the user.
Security administrator
Security officer
System operator

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

SPECIAL_AUTHORITIES VARCHAR(72) Current® list of special authorities. This is a single string containing the list of special authorities separated by one blank.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

ALLOBJ VARCHAR(3) Current *ALLOBJ special authority
Profile has *ALLOBJ special authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

JOBCTL VARCHAR(3) Current *JOBCTL special authority
Profile has *JOBCTL special authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

SAVSYS VARCHAR(3) Current *SAVSYS special authority
Profile has *SAVSYS special authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

SECADM VARCHAR(3) Current *SECADM special authority
Profile has *SECADM special authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

SPLCTL VARCHAR(3) Current *SPLCTL special authority
Profile has *SPLCTL special authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

SERVICE VARCHAR(3) Current *SERVICE special authority
Profile has *SERVICE special authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

AUDIT VARCHAR(3) Current *AUDIT special authority
Profile has *AUDIT special authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

IOSYSCFG VARCHAR(3) Current *IOSYSCFG special authority
Profile has *IOSYSCFG special authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

PREVIOUS_SPECIAL_AUTHORITIES VARCHAR(72) Previous list of special authorities. This is a single string containing the list of special authorities separated by one blank.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

PREVIOUS_ALLOBJ VARCHAR(3) Previous *ALLOBJ special authority
Profile had *ALLOBJ special authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

PREVIOUS_JOBCTL VARCHAR(3) Previous *JOBCTL special authority
Profile had *JOBCTL special authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

PREVIOUS_SAVSYS VARCHAR(3) Previous *SAVSYS special authority
Profile had *SAVSYS special authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

PREVIOUS_SECADM VARCHAR(3) Previous *SECADM special authority
Profile had *SECADM special authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

PREVIOUS_SPLCTL VARCHAR(3) Previous *SPLCTL special authority
Profile had *SPLCTL special authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

PREVIOUS_SERVICE VARCHAR(3) Previous *SERVICE special authority
Profile had *SERVICE special authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

PREVIOUS_AUDIT VARCHAR(3) Previous *AUDIT special authority
Profile had *AUDIT special authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

PREVIOUS_IOSYSCFG VARCHAR(3) Previous *IOSYSCFG special authority
Profile had *IOSYSCFG special authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

GROUP_PROFILE_NAME VARCHAR(10) The user's group profile. Can contain the special value *NONE to indicate the user is not a member of any group profiles.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

GROUP_OWNER VARCHAR(7) Owner of objects created as a member of a group profile.
The user's group profile becomes the owner
The user's user profile becomes the owner

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

GROUP_AUTHORITY VARCHAR(8) The authority the user's group profile has to objects the user creates.
ALL authority
CHANGE authority
The group is denied access
No authority is granted to the group profile
USE authority

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

GROUP_AUTHORITY_TYPE VARCHAR(8) The value of the group authority type parameter.
The group becomes the object's primary group and is given the authority specified in GROUP_AUTHORITY.
The authority defined in the GROUP_AUTHORITY is assigned as private authority to the group profile.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

SUPPLEMENTAL_GROUP_LIST VARCHAR(150) The names of up to 15 supplemental group profiles for the user. Can contain the special value *NONE to indicate the user has no supplemental groups. Each entry except for the last one is padded with blanks to fill 10 characters.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

INITIAL_PROGRAM_LIBRARY VARCHAR(10) The library where the initial program is found. Can contain the special value *LIBL.

Contains the null value if INITIAL_PROGRAM is *NONE or if the value was not changed.

INITIAL_PROGRAM VARCHAR(10) The user's initial program. Can contain the special value *NONE to indicate the user has no initial program.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

INITIAL_MENU_LIBRARY VARCHAR(10) The library where the initial menu is found. Can contain the special value *LIBL.

Contains the null value if INITIAL_MENU is *SIGNOFF or if the value was not changed.

INITIAL_MENU VARCHAR(10) The user's initial menu. Can contain the special value *SIGNOFF to indicate the user is limited to running the initial program specified for this profile.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

CURRENT_LIBRARY_NAME VARCHAR(10) The user's current library. Can contain the special value *CRTDFT to indicate the user has no current library.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

HOME_DIRECTORY VARGRAPHIC(5000) CCSID 1200 Path name of the home directory or the following special value:
The home directory assigned to the user will be /home/USRPRF, where USRPRF is the name of the user profile.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

LOCALE_PATH_NAME VARGRAPHIC(5000) CCSID 1200 Path name of the locale or one of the following special values:
The C locale path name is assigned to this user.
No locale path name is assigned to this user.
The POSIX locale path name is assigned to this user.
The system value, QLOCALE, is used to determine the locale path name to be assigned to this user.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

LIMIT_CAPABILITIES VARCHAR(8) The value of limited capabilities parameter.
No limitations.
The user can change the initial menu, but cannot change the initial program, current library, or attention key handling program. The user can run commands from command lines.
The user cannot change the initial program, initial menu, current library, and attention key handling programs. The user cannot run commands from command lines.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

ASSISTANCE_LEVEL VARCHAR(9) The user interface that will be used.
The expert system interface is used.
The Operational Assistant user interface is used.
The system interface is used.
The system value, QASTLVL, is used to determine the user interface that will be used.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

USER_OPTIONS VARCHAR(70) The level of help information detail to be shown and the default function of the Page Up and Page Down keys. This column can contain up to seven values, each ten characters long.
Parameter keywords are shown instead of the possible parameter values when a control language (CL) command is prompted.
More detailed information is shown when the user is performing display and edit options to define or change the system.
Help text is shown on a full display rather than in a window.
Detailed information is not shown.
Status messages are not displayed when sent to the user.
A message is sent to this user's message queue when a spooled file for this user is printed or held by the printer writer.
The actions of the Page Up and Page Down keys are reversed.
Status messages are displayed when sent to the user.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

SPECIAL_ENVIRONMENT VARCHAR(7) The special environment in which the user operates after signing on.
The user operates in the IBM® i system environment after signing on the system.
The user operates in the System/36 environment after signing on the system.
The system value, QSPCENV, is used to determine the system environment in which the user operates after signing on the system.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

DISPLAY_SIGNON_INFORMATION VARCHAR(7) Indicates if the sign-on information display is shown.
The sign-on information display is not shown.
The system value, QDSPSGNINF, is used to determine whether the sign-on information display is shown.
The sign-on information display is shown.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

LIMIT_DEVICE_SESSIONS VARCHAR(7) The number of device sessions allowed for a user is limited.
The user is not limited to a specific number of device sessions. This value has the same meaning as *NO.
The user is limited to a single device session. This value has the same meaning as *YES.
The user is limited to the specified number of device sessions.
The user is not limited to a specific number of device sessions.
The system value, QLMTDEVSSN, is used to determine whether the user is limited to a specific number of device sessions.
The user is limited to a single device session.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

KEYBOARD_BUFFERING VARCHAR(10) The keyboard buffering value to be used when a job is initialized for this user profile.
The type-ahead feature and attention key buffering option are not active.
The system value, QKBDBUF, is used to determine the keyboard buffering value.
The type-ahead feature is active, but the attention key buffering option is not.
The type-ahead feature and attention key buffering option are active.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_STORAGE BIGINT The amount of auxiliary storage (in kilobytes) assigned to store permanent objects owned by this user profile in the system auxiliary storage pool (ASP) and on all the basic ASPs combined. In addition, this value also controls the maximum amount of auxiliary storage that can be used to store permanent objects owned by this user profile on each Independent ASP (IASP). A value of -1 indicates *NOMAX.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

PRIORITY_LIMIT INTEGER The value of the priority limit parameter. Values are 0 to 9.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

JOB_DESCRIPTION_LIBRARY VARCHAR(10) The library where the job description is found. Can contain the special value *LIBL.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

JOB_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(10) The job description used for jobs that start through subsystem work station entries whose job description parameter values indicate the user JOBD(*USRPRF).

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

ALTERNATE_SUBSYSTEM_NAME VARCHAR(10) The alternative subsystem that will be used for this user, instead of the default subsystem, whenever a connection is initiated to the server job specified in ALTERNATE_SERVER_JOB_NAME.

Contains the null value when COMMAND_TYPE is not SQL or if the value was not changed.

ALTERNATE_SERVER_JOB_NAME VARCHAR(10) When a connection to this server is initiated for this user it will be routed to the subsystem specified in the ALTERNATIVE_SUBSYSTEM_NAME column. Can contain the special value *ALL.

To understand the Server Job Name mapping to server names and the default subsystem use, see Server table.

Contains the null value when COMMAND_TYPE is not SQL or if the value was not changed.

ACCOUNTING_CODE VARCHAR(15) The accounting code that is associated with this user profile or the following special value:
An accounting code of 15 blanks is assigned to this user profile.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

MESSAGE_QUEUE_LIBRARY VARCHAR(10) The library where the message queue is found. Can contain the special value *LIBL.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

MESSAGE_QUEUE VARCHAR(10) The message queue to which messages are sent or the following special value:
A message queue with the same name as the user profile is used as the message queue for this user. The message queue is located in the QUSRSYS library.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

MESSAGE_QUEUE_DELIVERY_METHOD VARCHAR(7) How messages sent to the message queue for this user are to be delivered.
The job to which the message queue is assigned is interrupted when a message arrives at the message queue.
The default reply to the inquiry message is sent.
The messages are held in the message queue until they are requested by the user or program.
The job to which the message queue is assigned is notified when a message arrives at the message queue.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

MESSAGE_QUEUE_SEVERITY INTEGER The lowest severity code that a message can have and still be delivered to a user in break or notify mode. This is a value from 0 to 99.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

PRINT_DEVICE VARCHAR(10) The default printer device for this user or one of the following special values:
The system value, QPRTDEV, is used to determine the printer device.
The printer assigned to the user's work station is used.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

OUTPUT_QUEUE_LIBRARY VARCHAR(10) The library where the output queue is found. Can contain the special value *LIBL.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

OUTPUT_QUEUE VARCHAR(10) The output queue to be used by this user profile or one of the following special values:
The output queue associated with the printer specified for the Printer Device is used.
The output queue assigned to the user's work station is used.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

VARCHAR(10) The library where the ATTN program is found. Can contain the special value *LIBL.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

ATTENTION_KEY_HANDLING_PROGRAM VARCHAR(10) The program to be used as the Attention (ATTN) key handling program for this user or one of the following special values:
The Operational Assistant ATTN key handling program, QEZMAIN, is used.
No ATTN key handling program is used by this user.
The system value, QATNPGM, is used to determine the ATTN key handling program.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE_LIBRARY VARCHAR(10) The the library where the sort sequence table is found. Can contain the special value *LIBL.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

SORT_SEQUENCE_TABLE VARCHAR(10) The sort sequence table to be used for string comparisons for this user profile or one of the following special values:
A sort sequence table is not used. The hexadecimal values of the characters are used to determine the sort sequence.
A shared-weight sort table is used.
A unique-weight sort table is used.
The system value, QSRTSEQ, is used to determine the sort sequence table.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

LANGUAGE_ID VARCHAR(7) The language identifier to be used for this user profile or the following special value:
The system value, QLANGID, is used to determine the language identifier.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

COUNTRY_OR_REGION_ID VARCHAR(7) The country or region identifier to be used for this user profile or the following special value:
The system value, QCNTRYID, is used to determine the country or region ID.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

CCSID VARCHAR(7) The coded character set identifier (CCSID) to be used for this user profile.
The system value, QCCSID, is used to determine the CCSID.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

CHARACTER_IDENTIFIER_CONTROL VARCHAR(9) The character identifier control (CHRIDCTL) for the job.
Performs the same function as it does on the CHRID parameter for display files, printer files, and panel groups.
Performs the same function as it does on the CHRID parameter for display files, printer files, and panel groups.
The system value, QCHRIDCTL, is used to determine the CHRIDCTL for the job.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

LOCALE_JOB_ATTRIBUTES VARCHAR(60) The job attributes that are to be taken from the locale when the job is initiated. This column can contain up to six values, each ten characters long.
The coded character set identifier from the locale is used.
The date format from the locale is used.
The date separator from the locale is used.
The decimal format from the locale is used.
No job attributes are taken from the locale.
The sort sequence from the locale is used.
The system value, QSETJOBATR, is used to determine which job attributes are taken from the locale.
The time separator from the locale is used.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

DOCUMENT_PASSWORD_CHANGED VARCHAR(3) Indicates if the document password has been changed.
Document password changed.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

DOCUMENT_PASSWORD_NONE VARCHAR(3) Indicates if the document password is *NONE.
Document password is *NONE.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

EIM_ID VARCHAR(128) Enterprise Identity Mapping (EIM) identifier name or the following special value:
The EIM identifier is the same name as the user profile.

Contains the null value if no EIM values were changed.

Administrative association.
All association types.
Source association.
Target association.
Target and source associations.

Contains the null value if no EIM values were changed.

Add an association.
Remove an association.
Associations of the specified type will be removed from all EIM identifiers that have an association for this user profile and local EIM registry. A new association will be added to the specified EIM identifier.

Contains the null value if no EIM values were changed.

CREATE_EIM_ID VARCHAR(11) Indicates whether the EIM identifier should be created if it does not exist.
EIM identifier gets created if it does not exist.
EIM identifier does not get created.

Contains the null value if no EIM values were changed.

USER_ID_NUMBER VARCHAR(10) The UID for the user. Can contain the special value *GEN to indicate the uid number is generated for the user.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.

GROUP_ID_NUMBER VARCHAR(10) The GID for the user. Can contain the special values *GEN to indicate the gid number is generated for the user or *NONE to indicate the user profile does not have a group profile.

Contains the null value if the value was not changed.


  • List any user profiles that were created in the last 6 months.
End of change