Examples: Calling ILE procedures

These code examples show the PASE for i code making a call to an ILE procedure that is part of a service program, and show the compiler commands that create the programs.

There are two procedures within the following code examples. Each procedure demonstrates different ways of working with an ILE procedure, but both procedures call the same ILE procedure. The first procedure demonstrates building your data structures for the _ILECALL() API using PASE for i system-provided methods. The second procedure then builds the argument list manually.

Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.

Example 1: PASE for i C code

Interspersed in the following example code are comments that explain the code. Make sure to read these comments as you enter or review the example.

/* Name: PASEtoILE.c  
 * You must use compiler options -qalign=natural and -qldbl128  
 * to force relative 16-byte alignment of type long double  
 * (used inside type ILEpointer)  
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "as400_types.h"
#include "as400_protos.h"
 * init_pid saves the process id (PID) of the process that
 * extracted the ILEpointer addressed by ILEtarget.
 * init_pid is initialized to a value that is not a
 * valid PID to force initialization on the first
 * reference after the exec() of this program
 * If your code uses pthread interfaces, you can
 * alternatively provide a handler registered using
 * pthread_atfork() to re-initialize ILE procedure
 * pointers in the child process and use a pointer or
 * flag in static storage to force reinitialization
 * after exec()
pid_t  init_pid = -1;
ILEpointer*ILEtarget;  /* pointer to ILE procedure */
 * ROUND_QUAD finds a 16-byte aligned memory
 * location at or beyond a specified address
#define ROUND_QUAD(x) (((size_t)(x) + 0xf) & ~0xf)
 * do_init loads an ILE service program and extracts an
 * ILEpointer to a procedure that is exported by that
 * service program.
void do_init()
   static char ILEtarget_buf[sizeof(ILEpointer) + 15];
   unsigned long long actmark;
   int rc;
   /* _ILELOADX() loads the service program */
   if (actmark == -1)
    * xlc does not guarantee 16-byte alignment for
    * static variables of any type, so we find an
    * aligned area in an oversized buffer. _ILESYMX()
    * extracts an ILE procedure pointer from the
    * service program activation
   ILEtarget = (ILEpointer*)ROUND_QUAD(ILEtarget_buf);
   rc = _ILESYMX(ILEtarget, actmark, "ileProcedure");
   if (rc == -1)
    * Save the current PID in static storage so we
    * can determine when to re-initialize (after fork)
   init_pid = getpid();
 * "aggregate" is an example of a structure or union
 * data type that is passed as a by-value argument.
typedef struct {
    char        filler[5];
} aggregate;
 * "result_type" and "signature" define the function
 * result type and the sequence and type of all
 * arguments needed for the ILE procedure identified
 * by ILEtarget
 * NOTE: The fact that this argument list contains
 * fixed-point arguments shorter than 4 bytes or
 * floating-point arguments shorter than 8 bytes
 * implies that the target ILE C procedure is compiled
 * with #pragma argument(ileProcedureName, nowiden)
 * Without this pragma, standard C linkage for ILE
 * requires 1-byte and 2-byte integer arguments to be
 * widened to 4-bytes and requires 4-byte floating-point
 * arguments to be widened to 8-bytes
static result_type_t result_type = RESULT_INT32;
static arg_type_t signature[] =
    ARG_UINT8,      /* requires #pragma nowiden in ILE code */
 * simple_wrapper accepts the same arguments and returns
 * the same result as the ILE procedure it calls. This
 * example does not require a customized or declared structure
 * for the ILE argument list. This wrapper uses malloc
 * to obtain storage. If an exception or signal occurs,
 * the storage may not be freed. If your program needs 
 * to prevent such a storage leak, a signal handler 
 * must be built to handle it, or you can use the methods
 * in best_wrapper.
int simple_wrapper(int arg1, void *arg2, double arg3,
                   char arg4, aggregate arg5, short arg6)
    int result;
     * xlc does not guarantee 16-byte alignment for
     * automatic (stack) variables of any type, but
     * malloc() always returns 16-byte aligned storage.
     * size_ILEarglist() determines how much storage is
     * needed, based on entries in the signature array
    ILEarglist_base *ILEarglist;
    ILEarglist = (ILEarglist_base*)malloc( size_ILEarglist(signature) );
     * build_ILEarglist() copies argument values into the ILE
     * argument list buffer, based on entries in the signature
     * array.
    build_ILEarglist(ILEarglist, &arg1, signature);
     * Use a saved PID value to check if the ILEpointer
     * is set. ILE procedure pointers inherited by the
     * child process of a fork() are not usable because
     * they point to an ILE activation group in the parent
     * process
    if (getpid() != init_pid)
     * _ILECALL calls the ILE procedure. If an exception or signal
     * occurs, the heap allocation is orphaned (storage leak)
    _ILECALL(ILEtarget, ILEarglist, signature, result_type);
    result = ILEarglist->result.s_int32.r_int32;
    if (result == 1) {
      printf("The results of the simple wrapper is: %s\n", (char *)arg2);
    else if (result == 0) 
      printf("ILE received other than 1 or 2 for version.\n");
      printf("The db file never opened.\n");
    return result;
 * ILEarglistSt defines the structure of the ILE argument list.
 * xlc provides 16-byte (relative) alignment of ILEpointer
 * member fields because ILEpointer contains a 128-bit long
 * double member. Explicit pad fields are only needed in
 * front of structure and union types that do not naturally
 * fall on ILE-mandated boundaries
typedef struct {
    ILEarglist_base base;
    int32 arg1;
    /* implicit 12-byte pad provided by compiler */
    ILEpointer arg2;
    float64 arg3;
    uint8 arg4;
    char filler[7]; /* pad to 8-byte alignment */
    aggregate arg5; /* 5-byte aggregate (8-byte align) */
    /* implicit 1-byte pad provided by compiler */
    int16 arg6;
} ILEarglistSt;
 * best_wrapper accepts the same arguments and returns
 * the same result as the ILE procedure it calls. This
 * method uses a customized or declared structure for the
 * ILE argument list to improve execution efficiency and
 * avoid heap storage leaks if an exception or signal occurs
int best_wrapper(int arg1, void *arg2, double arg3,
                 char arg4, aggregate arg5, short arg6)
     * xlc does not guarantee 16-byte alignment for
     * automatic (stack) variables of any type, so we
     * find an aligned area in an oversized buffer
    char ILEarglist_buf[sizeof(ILEarglistSt) + 15];
    ILEarglistSt *ILEarglist = (ILEarglistSt*)ROUND_QUAD(ILEarglist_buf);
     * Assignment statements are faster than calling
     * build_ILEarglist()
    ILEarglist->arg1 = arg1;
    ILEarglist->arg2.s.addr = (address64_t)arg2;
    ILEarglist->arg3 = arg3;
    ILEarglist->arg4 = arg4;
    ILEarglist->arg5 = arg5;
    ILEarglist->arg6 = arg6;
     * Use a saved PID value to check if the ILEpointer
     * is set. ILE procedure pointers inherited by the
     * child process of a fork() are not usable because
     * they point to an ILE activation group in the parent
     * process
    if (getpid() != init_pid)
     * _ILECALL calls the ILE procedure. The stack may 
     * be unwound, but no heap storage is orphaned if
     * an exception or signal occurs
    _ILECALL(ILEtarget, &ILEarglist->base, signature, result_type);
    if (ILEarglist->base.result.s_int32.r_int32 == 1)
      printf("The results of best_wrapper function is: %s\n", arg2);
    else if ( ILEarglist->base.result.s_int32.r_int32 == 0)
      printf("ILE received other than 1 or 2 for version.\n");
      printf("The db file never opened.\n");
    return ILEarglist->base.result.s_int32.r_int32;

void main () {
      int version, result2;
      char dbText[ 25 ];
      double dblNumber = 5.999;
      char justChar = 'a';
      short shrtNumber = 3;
      aggregate agg;
      strcpy( dbText, "none" );
      for (version =1; version <=  2; version++) 
        if (version == 1) { 
          result2= simple_wrapper(version, dbText, dblNumber, justChar, agg, shrtNumber); 
        } else { 
          result2= best_wrapper(version, dbText, dblNumber, justChar, agg, shrtNumber); 

Example 2: ILE C code

You now write the ILE C code for this example on your IBM i system. You need a source physical file in your library in which to write the code. Again, in the ILE example, comments are interspersed. These comments are critical to understanding the code. You should review them as you enter or review the source.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <recio.h>
#include <iconv.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
typedef struct {
    char        filler[5];
} aggregate;
#pragma mapinc("datafile","SHUPE/PASEDATA(*all)","both",,,"")
#include "datafile"
#pragma argument(ileProcedure, nowiden) /* not necessary */
 * The arguments and function result for this ILE procedure
 * must be equivalent to the values presented to _ILECALL
 * function in the i5/OS program
int ileProcedure(int         arg1,
                 char        *arg2,
                 double      arg3,
                 char        arg4[2],
                 aggregate   arg5,
                 short       arg6)
    char         fromcode[33];
    char         tocode[33];
    iconv_t      cd;     /* conversion descriptor */
    char         *src;
    char         *tgt;
    size_t       srcLen;
    size_t       tgtLen;
    int          result;
     * Open a conversion descriptor to convert CCSID 37
     * (EBCDIC) to CCSID 819 (ASCII), that is used for
     * any character data returned to the caller
    memset(fromcode, 0, sizeof(fromcode));
    strcpy(fromcode, "IBMCCSID000370000000");
    memset(tocode, 0, sizeof(tocode));
    strcpy(tocode, "IBMCCSID00819");
    cd = iconv_open(tocode, fromcode);
    if (cd.return_value == -1)
        printf("iconv_open failed\n");
        return -1;
      * If arg1 equals one, return constant text (converted
      * to ASCII) in the buffer addressed by arg2. For any
      * other arg1 value, open a file and read some text,
      * then return that text (converted to ASCII) in the
      * buffer addressed by arg2
    if (arg1 == 1)
        src = "Sample 1 output text";
        srcLen = strlen(src) + 1;
        tgt = arg2; /* iconv output to arg2 buffer */
        tgtLen = srcLen;
        iconv(cd, &src, &srcLen, &tgt, &tgtLen);
        result = 1;
        FILE *fp;
        fp = fopen("SHUPE/PASEDATA", "r");
        if (!fp) /* if file open error */
             printf("fopen(\"SHUPE/PASEDATA\", \"r\") failed, "
                    "errno = %i\n", errno);
             result = 2;
             char buf[25];
             char *string;
             errno = 0;
             string = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp);
             if (!string)
                  printf("fgets() EOF or error, errno = %i\n", errno);
                  buf[0] = 0; /* null-terminate empty buffer */
             src = buf;
             srcLen = strlen(buf) + 1;
             tgt = arg2; /* iconv output to arg2 buffer */
             tgtLen = srcLen;
             iconv(cd, &src, &srcLen, &tgt, &tgtLen);
        result = 1;
       * Close the conversion descriptor, and return the
       * result value determined above
      return result;

Example 3: Compiler commands to create the programs

When you compile your PASE for i program, you must use compiler options -qalign=natural and -qldbl128 to force relative 16-byte alignment of type long double, which is used inside type ILEpointer. This alignment is required by ILE in IBM i. For option -bI:, you should enter the path name in which you saved as400_libc.exp:

xlc -o PASEtoILE -qldbl128 -qalign=natural

When you compile your ILE C module and service program, compile them with the teraspace option. Otherwise, PASE for i cannot interact with them:



Finally, you must compile your DDS and propagate at least one record of data: