Restriction of Repeated Characters for Passwords (QPWDLMTREP)

The Restriction of Repeated Characters for Passwords (QPWDLMTREP) system value limits the use of repeating characters in a password.

This value provides additional security by preventing users from specifying passwords that are easy to guess, such as the same character repeated several times.

When the password level (QPWDLVL) system value has a value of 2 or 3, the test for repeated characters is case sensitive. This means that a lowercase 'a' is not the same as an uppercase 'A'.

  1. This system value is a restricted value. See Security system values for details on how to restrict changes to security system values and a complete list of the restricted system values.
  2. If the QPWDRULES system value specifies any value other than *PWDSYSVAL, this system value cannot be changed and its value will be ignored when new passwords are checked to see if they are formed correctly.
Table 1. Possible values for the QPWDLMTREP system value:
Value Description
0 The same characters can be used more than once in a password.
1 The same character cannot be used more than once in a password.
2 The same character cannot be used consecutively in a password.

Table 2 shows examples of what passwords are allowed based on the QPWDLMTREP system value.

Table 2. Passwords with repeating characters with QPWDLVL 0 or 1
Password example QPWDLMTREP value of 0 QPWDLMTREP value of 1 QPWDLMTREP value of 2
A11111 Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
BOBBY Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
AIRPLANE Allowed Not allowed Allowed
N707UK Allowed Not allowed Allowed
Table 3. Passwords with repeating characters with QPWDLVL 2 or 3
Password example QPWDLMTREP value of 0 QPWDLMTREP value of 1 QPWDLMTREP value of 2
j222222 Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
ReallyFast Allowed Not allowed Not allowed
Mom'sApPlePie Allowed Not allowed Allowed
AaBbCcDdEe Allowed Allowed Allowed