Viewing IBM i NetServer status

The IBM® i NetServer Status dialog box contains important statistical information that can help you to effectively administer IBM i NetServer.

You can refresh the current statistics for the system, reset all values to 0, or set the time interval between refresh requests from the IBM i NetServer Status dialog box.

When you set the time, in minutes, between refresh requests to the host for IBM i NetServer status, the timed refresh values are saved so that you do not have to refresh each time the IBM i NetServer Status dialog box is opened. Timed refresh values are saved for each system, not for each user.

To display IBM i NetServer status, follow these steps:

  1. Open System i® Navigator and connect to the system you want to work with.
  2. Expand Network > Servers.
  3. Click TCP/IP to display a list of TCP/IP servers available.
  4. Right-click IBM i NetServer and select Status.

The System i Navigator online help provides more details about each field on the IBM i NetServer Status dialog box.