Materialize Machine Attributes (MATMATR)

Instruction Syntax

Op Code (Hex) Operand 1 Operand 2
0636 Materialization Machine attributes
Operand 1: Space pointer.

Operand 2: Character(2) scalar or space pointer.

Bound Program Access
Built-in number for MATMATR1 is 92.
          materialization      : address
          machine_attributes   : address (of just a selector value)


The following information is subject to change from release to release. Use it with caution and be prepared to adjust for changes with each new release.


The instruction makes available the unique values of machine attributes. Unless otherwise stated, all options materialize the value of machine attributes for the current partition. The values of various machine attributes are placed in the receiver.

Operand 2 specifies options for the type of information to be materialized. Operand 2 is specified as an attribute selection value (character(2) scalar) or as an attribute selection template (space pointer to a character(2) scalar). The machine attributes are divided into nine groups. Byte 0 of the attribute selection operand specifies from which group the machine attributes are to be materialized. Byte 1 of the options operand selects a specific subset of that group of machine attributes.

Operand 1 specifies a space pointer to the area where the materialization is to be placed. The format of the materialization is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
0 0 Materialization size specification Char(8)
0 0
  • Number of bytes provided by the user
  • Bin(4)
4 4
  • Number of bytes available for materialization
  • Bin(4)
Attribute specification
(as defined by the attribute selection)
--- End ---

The first 4 bytes of the materialization (operand 1) identify the total number of bytes provided by the user for use by the instruction. This value is supplied as input to the instruction and is not modified by the instruction. A value of less than 8 causes the materialization length invalid (hex 3803) exception to be signaled.

The second 4 bytes of the materialization identify the total number of bytes available for materialization. The instruction materializes as many bytes as can be contained in the area specified as the receiver. If the byte area identified by the receiver is greater than that required to contain the information requested for materialization, then the excess bytes are unchanged. No exceptions (other than the materialization length invalid (hex 3803) exception) are signaled in the event that the receiver contains insufficient area for the materialization.

Table 1. MATMATR Selection Values
Selection value Attribute Description Page
0004 Machine serial identification reference #1
0008 Partition UUID reference #2
0100 Time-of-day clock (local time) reference #3
0101 Time-of-day clock with clock-offset reference #4
0104 Primary initial process definition template reference #5
0108 Machine initialization status record reference #6
0118 Uninterruptible power supply delay time and calculated delay time reference #7
012C Vital product data reference #8
0130 Network attributes reference #9
0134 Date format reference #10
0138 Leap year adjustment reference #11
013C Timed power on reference #12
0140 Timed power on enable/disable reference #13
0144 Remote power on enable/disable reference #14
0148 Auto power restart enable/disable reference #15
014C Date separator reference #16
0151 System security indicators reference #17
0161 Perform hardware checks on IPL reference #18
0164 Uninterruptible power supply type reference #19
0168 Panel status request reference #20
016C Extended machine initialization status record reference #21
0170 Alternate initial process definition template reference #22
0178 Hardware storage protection enforcement state reference #23
0180 Time separator reference #24
0184 Software error logging reference #25
0188 Machine task or secondary thread termination event control option reference #26
01A8 Service attributes reference #27
01B0 Signal controls reference #28
01C8 Cryptography attributes reference #29
01D0 Communication network attributes reference #30
01DC Installed processor count reference #31
01E0 Partitioning information reference #32
01E1 Virtual partition status reference #33
01E2 Virtual partition attributes reference #34
01EC Additional load source reserved space reference #36
01F4 Processor on demand information reference #37
01F6 Memory on demand information reference #39
01F8 IPL identifier reference #41
01FC Electronic licensing identifier reference #42
0200 Wait state performance information reference #43
0204 Hardware Management Console (HMC) information reference #44
0206 System manager information reference #46
020C Licensed Internal Code VRM reference #49
0210 Shared processor pools information reference #50
0220 Processor attributes reference #52
0224 Suspend/resume controls for partition mobility reference #53
0228 Suspend/resume status for partition mobility reference #54
0234 Energy Management Parameters reference #56
0236 Optimizing translator information reference #57

The machine attributes selected by operand 2 are materialized according to the following selection values:

Selection Value
Attribute Description
Hex 0004
Machine serial identification

The machine serial identification that is materialized is an 8-byte character field that contains the unique physical machine identifier. This identifier is the same for all partitions of a physical machine.

Hex 0008
Partition UUID

The current partition's universal unique identifier (UUID) is returned. A partition UUID is a unique identifier for the partition, generated when the partition was created. The value is a 128-bit binary Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) UUID. A partition's assigned UUID will remain the same even when partition mobility and remote restart functions are used. A value of zero is returned when the current firmware release of the physical machine does not provide this information.

Hex 0100
Time-of-day clock (local time)

The time-of-day clock option is used to return the time-of-day clock as the local time for the system. The MATMDATA or MATTODAT instruction can be used to return the time-of-day clock as the Coordinated Universal TIme (UTC) for the system. See Standard Time Format for additional information on the time-of-day clock.

The maximum unsigned binary value that the time of day clock can be modified to contain is hex EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

Hex 0101
Time-of-day clock with clock-offset

In addition to returning the system time-of-day (TOD) clock (as defined for selection value hex 0100 described previously), the time-of-day clock with clock-offset option will also return a clock-offset which can be used to convert clocks from different partitions (on a partitioned system) to values referencing the common hardware clock used by all partitions on the same system. This enables users/administrators of a partitioned system to analyze and compare events taking place in different partitions. See Standard Time Format for additional information on the time-of-day clock.

The clock-offset is defined as the difference between the time-of-day clock for the current partition and the value of the hardware clock counter.

The materialize format of the time-of-day clock with clock-offset is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Time-of-day clock Char(8)
16 10 Clock-offset Char(8)
--- End ---

Hex 0104
Primary initial process definition template

The primary initial process definition template is used by the machine to perform an initial program load.

No check is made and no exception is signaled if the values in the template are invalid; however, the next initial program load will not be successful.

Hex 0108
Machine initialization status record

The MISR (machine initialization status record) is used to report the status of the machine. The status is initially collected at IPL and then updated as system status changes.

The materialize format of the MISR is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 MISR status Char(6)
  • Restart IMPL
    0 =
    IMPL was not initiated by the Terminate instruction
    1 =
    IMPL was initiated by the Terminate instruction

  • Bit 0
  • Manual power on
    0 =
    Power on not due to Manual power on
    1 =
    Manual power on occurred

  • Bit 1
  • Timed power on
    0 =
    Power on not due to Timed power on
    1 =
    Timed power on occurred

  • Bit 2
  • Remote power on
    0 =
    Power on not due to remote power on
    1 =
    Remote power on occurred

  • Bit 3
  • Auto-power restart power on
    0 =
    Power on not due to Auto-power restart power on
    1 =
    Auto-power restart power on occurred

  • Bit 4
  • Uninterrupted power supply (UPS) battery low
    0 =
    UPS battery not low
    1 =
    UPS battery low

  • Bit 5
  • Uninterrupted power supply (UPS) bypass active
    0 =
    UPS bypass not active
    1 =
    UPS bypass active

  • Bit 6
  • Utility power failed, running on UPS
    0 =
    Running on utility power
    1 =
    Running on UPS

  • Bit 7
  • Uninterrupted power supply installed
    0 =
    UPS not installed
    1 =
    UPS installed, ready for use

  • Bit 8
  • Operation panel battery failed
    0 =
    Operation panel battery good
    1 =
    Operation panel battery failed

  • Bit 9
  • Operation panel self test failed
    0 =
    Operation panel self test successful
    1 =
    Operation panel self test failed

  • Bit 10
  • Console status
    0 =
    Console is operative
    1 =
    Console is inoperative

  • Bit 11
  • Console state
    0 =
    Console is not ready
    1 =
    Console is ready

  • Bit 12
  • OS (operating system) level mismatch
    0 =
    Machine and OS version levels match
    1 =
    Machine and OS version levels mismatch

  • Bit 13
  • Reserved

  • Bit 14
  • Primary console status
    0 =
    Not using primary console
    1 =
    Using primary console

  • Bit 15
8 8
  • Reserved
  • Bit 16
  • ASCII console status
    0 =
    Not using ASCII console
    1 =
    Using ASCII console

  • Bit 17
  • Termination status
    0 =
    Normal (TERMMPR)
    1 =

  • Bit 18
  • Duplicate user profile (AIPL only)
    0 =
    Not duplicate, new user profile created
    1 =
    Duplicate found and used by AIPL

  • Bit 19
  • Damaged user profile (AIPL only)
    0 =
    Not damaged, user profile used
    1 =
    Damaged user profile, profile deleted and re-created

  • Bit 20
  • Damaged machine context
    0 =
    Not damaged
    1 =
    Machine context damaged

  • Bit 21
  • Object recovery list status
    0 =
    1 =

  • Bit 22
  • Recovery phase completion
    0 =
    1 =

  • Bit 23
  • Most recent machine termination
    0 =
    Objects ensured
    1 =
    Object(s) not ensured at most recent machine termination

  • Bit 24
  • Last MISR reset
    0 =
    Object(s) ensured on every machine termination
    1 =
    Object(s) not ensured on every machine termination since last MISR reset

  • Bit 25
8 8
  • Reserved
  • Bits 26-27
  • IPL mode

    00 =
    DST and BOSS in unattended mode
    10 =
    DST and BOSS is attended mode

  • Bits 28-29
  • Service processor power on
    0 =
    Not first service processor power on
    1 =
    First service processor power on

  • Bit 30
  • MISR damage
    0 =
    MISR not damaged
    1 =
    MISR damaged, information reset to default values

  • Bit 31
  • Auto key mode        
    0 =
    Key mode is not auto
    1 =
    Key mode is auto

  • Bit 32
  • Normal key mode        
    0 =
    Key mode is not normal
    1 =
    Key mode is normal

  • Bit 33
  • Manual key mode        
    0 =
    Key mode is not manual
    1 =
    Key mode is manual

  • Bit 34
  • Secure key mode        
    0 =
    Key mode is not secure
    1 =
    Key mode is secure

  • Bit 35
  • Tower two presence on 9404 system unit
    0 =
    Tower two not present
    1 =
    Tower two present

  • Bit 36
  • Battery status for tower one on 9404 system unit
    0 =
    Battery good for tower one
    1 =
    Battery low for tower one

  • Bit 37
  • Battery status for tower two on 9404
    0 =
    Battery good for tower two
    1 =
    Battery low for tower two

  • Bit 38
  • Termination due to utility power failure and user specified delay time exceeded
    0 =
    Delay time not exceeded
    1 =
    Utility failure and delay time exceeded

  • Bit 39
  • Termination due to utility power failure and battery low
    0 =
    Battery not low
    1 =
    Utility failure and battery low

  • Bit 40
  • Termination due to forced microcode completion
    0 =
    Not forced microcode completion
    1 =
    Termination due to forced microcode completion

  • Bit 41
  • Auto power restart disabled due to utility failure
    0 =
    Auto power restart not disabled
    1 =
    Auto power restart disabled

  • Bit 42
8 8
  • Reserved
  • Bit 43
  • Spread the operating system
    0 =
    Do not spread the operating system
    1 =
    Spread the operating system

  • Bit 44
  • Install from disk/tape
    0 =
    Install from tape
    1 =
    Install from disk

  • Bit 45
  • Use primary/alternate PDT
    0 =
    Use primary process definition template
    1 =
    Use alternate process definition template

  • Bit 46
  • Time/Date source
    0 =
    Time/Date is accurate
    1 =
    Time/Date default value used

  • Bit 47
Install type
0 =
Normal IPL
1 =
Manual install
2 =
Automatic install

16 10 Number of damaged main storage units Bin(2)
National language feature

20 14 Number of entries in object recovery list Bin(4)
24 18 Tape sequence number for an AIPL Bin(4)
28 1C Tape volume number for an AIPL Bin(4)
32 20 Address of object recovery list Space pointer
48 30 Process control space created as the result of IPL or AIPL System pointer
64 40 Queue space object created as the result of an IPL or AIPL System pointer
80 50 Additional MISR status information Char(4)
  • Automatic main storage dump IPL occurred
    0 =
    1 =

  • Bit 0
  • Power failure (CPM continuous powered mainstore) recovery
    00 =
    Not set
    01 =
    Recovery failed after CPM shutdown
    10 =
    Recovery successful after CPM shutdown
    11 =

  • Bits 1-2
  • Automatic main storage dump IPL requested
    0 =
    1 =

  • Bit 3
  • Power failure (On internal battery).                    
    00 =
    Not set
    01 =
    Shutdown did not complete, not all changed pages written
    10 =
    Shutdown did complete, all changed pages written
    11 =

  • Bits 4-5
  • Require full main storage dump copy
    (can be materialized and modified)
    0 =
    No. When copying a current main storage dump, the system is allowed to copy only the subset of the dump data deemed necessary for service to solve the problem.
    1 =
    Yes. When copying a current main storage dump, the system must copy all dump data.

  • Bit 6
  • Prefer full main storage dump copy
    (can be materialized and modified)
    0 =
    No. When copying a current main storage dump, the system should try to copy only the subset of the dump data deemed necessary for service to solve the problem.
    1 =
    Yes. When copying a current main storage dump, the system should copy all the dump data if there is enough room for it. Otherwise, the system should try to copy only the subset of the dump deemed necessary for service to solve the problem.

  • Bit 7
80 50
  • Reserved
  • Bits 8-31
Main storage dump data -- timestamp and SRC

84 54
  • Year (thousands digit)
  • Bits 0-3
84 54
  • Year (hundreds digit)
  • Bits 4-7
84 54
  • Year (tens digit)
  • Bits 8-11
84 54
  • Year (ones digit)
  • Bits 12-15
84 54
  • Seconds (tens digit)
  • Bits 16-19
84 54
  • Seconds (ones digit)
  • Bits 20-23
84 54
  • Minutes (tens digit)
  • Bits 24-27
84 54
  • Minutes (ones digit)
  • Bits 28-31
84 54
  • Hours (tens digit)
  • Bits 32-35
84 54
  • Hours (ones digit)
  • Bits 36-39
  • Reserved (contains arbitrary value)

  • Bits 40-47
84 54
  • Day of month (ie 1-31) (tens digit)
  • Bits 48-51
84 54
  • Day of month (ie 1-31) (ones digit)
  • Bits 52-55
84 54
  • Month (tens digit)
  • Bits 56-59
84 54
  • Month (ones digit)
  • Bits 60-63
92 5C
  • SRC word 1
  • Char(4)
96 60
  • SRC word 2
  • Char(4)
100 64
  • SRC word 3
  • Char(4)
104 68
  • SRC word 4
  • Char(4)
108 6C
  • SRC word 5
  • Char(4)
112 70
  • SRC word 6
  • Char(4)
116 74
  • SRC word 7
  • Char(4)
120 78
  • SRC word 8
  • Char(4)
124 7C
  • SRC word 9
  • Char(4)
128 80
  • Extended SRC word 1
  • Char(32)
Service tool national language feature

162 A2 Reserved Char(278)
Start of IPL timestamp (local time)

448 1C0 Optical media volume information Char(34)
448 1C0
  • Optical volume ID
  • Char(32)
480 1E0
  • Optical volume sequence
  • Bin(2)
482 1E2 Reserved Char(13)
495 1EF Licensed Internal Code install status Char(1)
  • MRI level
    0 =
    Release level MRI
    1 =
    Post-release level MRI

  • Bit 0
  • Licensed Internal Code PTF install
    0 =
    Licensed Internal Code normal install
    1 =
    Licensed Internal Code PTF install

  • Bit 1
495 1EF
  • Reserved
  • Bits 2-7
Load/Dump tape device information list

  • Load/Dump tape device entry
    (1st=LUD information, 2nd=CD information)
  • [2] Char(48)
496 1F0
    • Resource name
    • Char(10)
506 1FA
    • Reserved
    • Char(38)
Recovery object list
(located by recovery object list pointer)
  • Recovery entry
    (repeated for number of entries)
  • [*] Char(32)
592 250
    • Object pointer
    • System pointer
608 260
    • Object type
    • Char(1)
609 261
    • Object status
    • Char(15)
--- End ---

Restart IMPL indicates that the machine performed an IMPL without powering down the machine.

Manual power on indicates the power switch on the operation panel was pressed to power the system on.

Timed power on indicates the system was powered on using the system value specified by the customer. This option will only be honored when the timed power on function is enabled.

Remote power on indicates the system was powered on by a phone call placed by the customer. This option will only be honored when the Remote power on function is enabled.

Auto-power restart indicates the system was automatically powered on after a utility failure occurred and power was restored. This option will only be honored when the Auto-power restart function is enabled.

UPS battery low indicates that a UPS battery is installed on the system and the battery is low.

UPS bypass active indicates that the UPS has been bypassed. If a utility power failure occurs, the UPS will not supply power.

UPS power failed indicates that a utility failure has occurred and the system is currently running on battery power.

UPS installed indicates that an Uninterrupted Power Supply is installed on the system and is available for use should the power fail.

Operation panel battery failure indicates the battery in the operation panel has failed and the system will not be able to determine the correct time and date upon the next IMPL. An approximate time and date will be given to the customer for verification.

Operation panel self test failed indicates the operation panel is possibly bad and some function concerning the operation panel may not work correctly.

Console status indicates whether the selected console is functioning normally or is inoperative.

Console state indicates whether the selected console is ready to be used.

Primary console status is set when the customer selected primary console is being used as the system console.

ASCII console status is set when a ASCII console is being used as the system console.

Termination status indicates how the previous IMPL was terminated.

The duplicate user profile is valid only for AIPL and indicates if a user profile that is the same as the AIPL user profile to be created already exists in the machine context. The machine in this instance does not create the user profile for AIPL but rather uses the one located with the same name.

Damaged AIPL user profile indicates if the currently existing user profile was detected as damaged and a new user profile was created as specified in the AIPL user profile creation template.

Damaged machine context indicates if damage was detected in the machine context when an attempt was made to locate the duplicate user profile or to insert addressability to a newly created user profile. In either case, all current addressability is removed from the machine context, the new AIPL user profile is created, its addressability is inserted into the machine context, and the AIPL continues.

The object recovery list status field indicates that the status is complete unless one of the following conditions is true:

  • The recovery list was lost.
  • More objects were to be placed in the list but there was insufficient space.

The recovery phase completion field indicates that the status is complete unless one of the following conditions occurs:

  • An object to be recovered and/or inserted into the object recovery list no longer exists.
  • The objects to be recovered could not be determined due to loss of internal machine indicators that specified which objects were in use at machine termination.

The most recent machine termination field is set to binary 0 unless all objects were not ensured at the most recent machine termination.

The last MISR reset field is set to binary 0 if all objects were ensured at every machine termination since the MISR was last reset (to binary 0).

IPL mode indicates which mode DST and the operating system will be IPLed. Either both will be attended or both will be unattended.

Service processor power on indicates if this is the first time the service processor card has been powered on.

MISR damage indicates if the machine detected that the MISR was damaged and its contents have to be reset to the default system values.

Auto key mode indicates if the key mode was set to auto on the operation panel on the most recent IMPL.

Normal key mode indicates if the key mode was set to normal on the operation panel on the most recent IMPL.

Manual key mode indicates if the key mode was set to manual on the operation panel on the most recent IMPL.

Secure key mode indicates if the key mode was set to secure on the operation panel on the most recent IMPL.

Tower two present on 9404 system unit indicates if the system has a second tower when the system is a 9404 system unit.

Battery status for tower one on 9404 system unit indicates if a UPS battery is installed on the first tower of a 9404 system unit, the battery is low.

Battery status for tower two on 9404 system unit indicates if a UPS battery is installed on the second tower of a 9404 system unit, the battery is low.

Termination due to utility power failure and user specified delay time exceeded indicates the last termination of the system was due to a utility power failure and the system value specified by the delay time had elapsed so the system was terminated.

Termination due to utility power failure and battery low indicates the last termination of the system was due to a utility power failure and while running on battery power the voltage dropped below a level to continue to power the system so the system was terminated.

Termination due to forced microcode completion indicates that the system went down by the user selecting power down from DST or the delayed power off switch was pressed on the operation panel.

Auto power restart disabled due to a utility failure indicates the microcode disabled the auto power restart option when a condition was detected that would prevent the auto power restart from functioning properly.

Reset utility power bits indicates that the power bits should be reset. This bit is only looked at when modifying the MISR.

Spread the operating system indicates to spread the operating system on the next install instead of overlaying the existing objects. This bit is set to spread after a new DASD has been added.

Install from disk/tape indicates when performing an install to use the initial install program off of disk or to load the initial install program off of tape.

Primary/alternate process definition template indicates on IPL to initiate the initial process using the primary or the alternate process definition template.

Time/Date source informs the operating system if the machine was able to determine the correct time/date or if it was forced to use the default time/date.

Install type is set to indicate whether an IPL or install was performed and if an install was performed, what type of install occurred.

The number of damaged main storage transfer blocks field indicates the number of main storage transfer blocks that were detected as damaged by the machine during IMPL.

The national language feature is the language feature used on the system.

The number of entries in the object recovery list field indicates how many objects are listed in the space located by the address of object recovery list field.

The tape sequence number is set by the machine to allow the operating system to perform their install.

The tape volume number is set by the machine to allow the operating system to perform their install.

The address of object recovery list field contains a space pointer to the list of the potentially damaged objects that were identified during machine initialization. The number of such objects is indicated by the number of entries in the object recovery list field.

The process control space created as a result of IPL or AIPL is identified by a system pointer returned in this field.

The queue space object pointer addresses the queue space object that was implicitly created by the machine for use by the initial process. This is created for both an IPL or an AIPL. During IPL or AIPL processing, before the queue space is created by the machine, the machine will attempt to destroy the queue space addressed by the MISR (this will be the queue space used on the previous IPL or AIPL). If the destroy fails (the MI user may have destroyed it sometime in the previous IPL), no error is reported and the IPL or AIPL processing continues with the creation of the new queue space. The queue space is a permanent object, owned by the user profile used to initiate the initial process and is not addressed by a context.

The automatic main storage dump IPL occurred field indicates if an automatic IPL was started after a main storage dump occurred. If this field is set to binary 1, the dump was automatically copied to auxiliary storage before the IPL.

The power failure (CPM continuous powered mainstore) recovery field indicates if a CPM recovery was attempted and if it was successfully completed. This field is reset on the next IPL.

Require full main storage dump copy indicates whether or not the system is permitted to copy a subset of the main storage dump. Prefer full main storage dump copy indicates the type of main store dump copy that is preferred. If require full main storage dump copy is set to binary 1, the system is not permitted to copy a subset of the main storage dump and the value of prefer full main storage dump is ignored. If require full main storage dump copy and prefer full main storage dump copy have not been previously set, a default value of binary 0 is used.

Table 2. Main storage dump copy flags
Require full main storage dump copy field value Prefer full main storage dump copy field value Type of main storage dump copy performed
0 0 The system will try to copy only the subset of the dump data deemed necessary for service to solve the problem.
0 1 The system will copy all of the dump data if there is room for it. Otherwise, the system will try to copy only the subset of the dump deemed necessary for service to solve the problem.
1 Ignored The system will copy all of the dump data if there is room for it. Otherwise, the system will not copy any dump data.

The automatic main storage dump IPL requested field indicates if an automatic IPL is requested after a main storage dump occurs. If this field is set to binary 1, the dump is automatically copied to auxiliary storage before the IPL.

The main storage dump data -- timestamp and SRC field contains the data associated with the most recent main storage dump.

SRC words 1 through 9 are hexadecimal data. Extended SRC word 1 is EBCDIC character data, which supercedes SRC word 1 on hardware that supports extended SRC data for word 1. If the hardware does not support extended SRC data for word 1, this field is set to the value of the SRC word 1 field followed by blanks.

The service tools national language feature is the language feature used on all the service tools screens.

The start of IPL timestamp field indicates approximately the start of the storage management recovery IPL step. See Standard Time Format for additional information on the format of the timestamp.

The optical volume ID and optical volume sequence fields identify the optical media in use when control was transferred to the operating system.

The Licensed Internal Code MRI level field is used to indicate if the MRI level is at the current release level or at a post-release level.

The Licensed Internal Code PTF install field is used to indicate if the current install was initiated by the PTF install process or by the normal install methods.

The load/dump tape device information is information needed to build a Logical Unit Description and Controller Description object for the device used to install the operating system.

The recovery object list identifies objects that required some activity performed on the object(s) during IPL. The list is located by the recovery object list pointer.

Each entry in the list has the following general format:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
0 0 Object System pointer
16 10 Object type Char(1)
17 11 Object status Char(15)
17 11
  • General status
  • Char(2)
    • Damaged
      0 =
      Object not damaged
      1 =
      Object damaged

    • Bit 0
17 11
    • Reserved
    • Bit 1
    • Suspended
      0 =
      Object not suspended
      1 =
      Object suspended

    • Bit 2
    • Partially damaged
      0 =
      Object not partially damaged
      1 =
      Object partially damaged

    • Bit 3
    • Journal synchronization
      0 =
      Synchronization complete or not necessary
      1 =
      Synchronization failure

    • Bit 4
17 11
    • Reserved
    • Bits 5-6
    • IPL detected damage
      0 =
      Any indicated damage was not detected by directory recovery
      1 =
      Indicated damage was detected by directory recovery

    • Bit 7
    • Object implicitly journaled
      0 =
      Not implicitly journaled
      1 =
      Implicitly journaled

    • Bit 8
17 11
    • Reserved
    • Bits 9-15
  • Object specific status
    (The format for the IPL recovery status for this portion of the object recovery list entries is different for each object type.  A description of each follows by object type.)
  • Char(13)
--- End ---
Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
19 13 Commit block status Char(13)
19 13
  • Commit block status flags
  • Char(2)
    • Decommit
      0 =
      The journal has successfully been read backwards until either a start commit or a decommit entry was found. An attempt has been made to decommit all the data base changes but the attempt may not have been successful if the data space is damaged or if the function check flag is on. (Commit blocks which are in a prepared state will always return a zero for this field).
      1 =
      The journal has not successfully been read backwards to a start commit or decommit entry and all the changes have not been decommitted.

    • Bit 0
    • Journal read errors
      0 =
      No journal read errors
      1 =
      Journal read errors occurred during decommit

    • Bit 1
    • Journal write errors
      0 =
      No journal write errors
      1 =
      Journal write errors occurred during decommit

    • Bit 2
    • Partial damage to data space
      0 =
      No partial damage encountered
      1 =
      Partial damage encountered on 1 or more data spaces

    • Bit 3
    • Damage to data space
      0 =
      No damage encountered
      1 =
      Damage encountered on 1 or more data spaces

    • Bit 4
    • Function check
      0 =
      No function check encountered
      1 =
      Function check encountered

    • Bit 5
    • Rollback cancelled by user
      0 =
      Rollback was not cancelled by user
      1 =
      Rollback terminated by user. Objects have been left in a partial transaction state.

    • Bit 6
    • Data space during IMPL
      0 =
      Data space is synchronized with the journal
      1 =
      Data space is not synchronized with the journal. All changes may not be decommitted.

    • Bit 7
    • Decommit reason code
      000 =
      Decommit not performed
      001 =
      Decommit at IPL
      010 =
      Process termination
      100 =
      Decommit instruction (all other values reserved)

    • Bits 8-10
    • System initiated MI DECOMMIT
      0 =
      Operating system did not initiate the decommit
      1 =
      Operating system did initiate the decommit

    • Bit 11
    • Committed at Process Termination
      0 =
      Commit block in prepared state was not committed at process termination
      1 =
      Commit block in prepared state was committed at process termination

    • Bit 12
    • Prepared state at IPL
      0 =
      Commit block not in prepared state at IPL
      1 =
      Commit block found in prepared state at IPL

    • Bit 13
19 13
    • Reserved
    • Bits 14-15
21 15
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(1)
22 16
  • Journal entry subtype on journal write error
  • Char(2)
24 18
  • Start commit journal sequence number
  • Char(8)
--- End ---
Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
19 13 Data space Char(13)
19 13
  • Status
  • Char(2)
    • Indexes detached from data space
      0 =
      Indexes remain attached
      1 =
      All indexes detached from this data space

    • Bit 0
    • Erroneously deleted data space entry detected
      0 =
      No data space entry erroneously deleted
      1 =
      Erroneously deleted data space entry detected (associated VLOG contains this entry)

    • Bit 1
    • Constraints placed in check pending
      0 =
      No constraints placed in check pending
      1 =
      Constraints placed in check pending due to invalid data space state

    • Bit 2
    • Constraint structure damage
      0 =
      Constraint structure is not damaged
      1 =
      Data space constraint structure damaged

    • Bit 3
    • Orphan referential constraint removal
      0 =
      Orphan referential constraint was not removed
      1 =
      Orphan referential constraint was removed

    • Bit 4
19 13
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 5-15
21 15
  • User specified subtype
  • Char(1)
22 16
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(6)
28 1C
  • Ordinal entry number of last entry
  • UBin(4)
--- End ---
Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
19 13 Data space index Char(13)
19 13
  • Status
  • Char(2)
    • Invalidated
      0 =
      Not invalidated
      1 =

    • Bit 0
    • Recovered by journal
      0 =
      Not recovered
      1 =

    • Bit 1
19 13
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 2-15
21 15
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(1)
22 16
  • ASP number
  • Char(2)
24 18
  • User specified subtype
  • Char(1)
25 19
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(7)
--- End ---
Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
19 13 Journal port Char(13)
19 13
  • Status
  • Char(1)
    • Synchronization status
      0 =
      All objects synchronized
      1 =
      Not all objects synchronized

    • Bit 0
    • Default journal port
      0 =
      Not a default journal port for implicitly journaled objects
      1 =
      Default journal port for implicitly journaled objects

    • Bit 1
    • Change journal space required
      0 =
      Currently attached journal space is compatible with current release
      1 =
      Attached journal space is incompatible, must be replaced

    • Bit 2
19 13
    • Reserved
    • Bits 3-7
20 14
  • Reserved
  • Char(4)
24 18
  • Number of explicitly journaled objects
  • UBin(4)
28 1C
  • Reserved
  • Char(2)
30 1E
  • Number of journal spaces attached
  • Bin(2)
--- End ---
Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
19 13 Journal space Char(13)
19 13
  • Status
  • Char(1)
    • Journal space usable
      0 =
      Journal space is usable
      1 =
      Journal space is not usable

    • Bit 0
    • Size threshold reached
      0 =
      Size threshold has not been reached
      1 =
      Size threshold has been reached

    • Bit 1
    • Default journal space
      0 =
      Not a default journal space
      1 =
      Default journal space

    • Bit 2
    • Sequence number threshold reached
      0 =
      Sequence number threshold has not been reached
      1 =
      Sequence number threshold has been reached

    • Bit 3
    • Cloaking state
      0 =
      Cloaking is not in effect for this journal space
      1 =
      Cloaking was in effect when the machine terminated and remains in effect

    • Bit 4
    • Sequence number formats
      0 =
      The last journal sequence number field consists of a pair of Bin(4) fields with the first Bin(4) containing the first sequence number of this journal space and the second Bin(4) containing the last sequence number found within this journal space.
      1 =
      The last journal sequence number field contains only the last sequence number found within this journal space (the first journal sequence number is not returned)

    • Bit 5
19 13
    • Reserved
    • Bits 6-7
20 14
  • Reserved
  • Char(4)
  • Last journal sequence number

  • Char(8)
--- End ---

All objects–Any damage detected during IPL is reported in the general status information. If this damage is detected as a result of special processing performed during directory rebuild, it is indicated in the IPL detected damage field. A journal synchronization failure indicates the designated object was not made current with respect to the journal. Subsequent attempts to apply journal changes from the journal to this object will not be allowed.

No journal synchronization operations on behalf of journaled objects will be attempted during IPL if the journal port is in standby mode. The implicitly journaled object field indicates whether or not the object has been selected to be automatically journaled by the system.

Commit block–All commit blocks that were attached to an active process during the previous IPL are interrogated at the following IPL. The system attempts to decommit any uncommitted changes referenced through these commit blocks. The results of this attempted decommit is reported in the status field. The system also returns the journal entry sequence number of the start commit journal entry (hex 0500) last created for this commit block if there were any uncommitted changes. If the number is not returned, a value of binary 0 is returned.

Data space–If object damage was detected during IPL, the object is marked as damaged, damage is indicated in the object status field, and an event is signaled. In this case, the highest ordinal entry number is 0. In certain situations, the data space indexes over the data space become detached and therefore must be re-created. If the object is not damaged, the data space is usable and the highest ordinal entry number is set. The ordinal entry number of last entry indicates the last entry in the data space. Updates are not guaranteed. Updates may be out of sequence or partially applied and must be verified by the user for correctness. The user specified subtype is provided to allow for subtype specific logic.

Data space index–If object damage was detected during IPL, the object is marked as damaged, damage is indicated in the object status field, and an event is signaled. If the object was invalidated because changes were made in a data space addressed by the data space index, the data space index is included in the list and marked as invalidated. The ASP number of the data space index is indicated in the list. The associated data space is also included elsewhere in the object recovery list. Only damaged or invalidated data space indexes are included in the list. The user specified subtype is provided to allow for subtype specific logic.

Journal port–Each journal port in the system is interrogated at IPL. The status field contains the result of this checking and also the result of the attempt to synchronize the objects (if necessary) being journaled through the indicated journal port. A default journal port is specified when created, and indicates the port is to be used by the machine in implicitly journaling objects. If the attached journal space is no longer supported as a deposit target for a new release, the need to create and attach a new journal space will be indicated. The system also returns the number of journal spaces attached to the journal port after IPL is complete as well as the number of explicitly journaled objects.

Journal space–Each journal space that was attached to a journal port or used by the system to synchronize an object which was being journaled at the time of the previous machine termination is interrogated during IPL. The status field reports the results of this interrogation and synchronization use. Journal spaces are referenced by the object recovery list if this IPL was preceded by an abnormal failure, some unexpected condition was discovered during the IPL, or the journal space is a default journal space. The cloaking status of each journal space attached to a remote journal will be reported. The last journal sequence number on the journal space is returned. If the journal space is damaged, this field will contain zeroes.

Space objects with a subtype of hex A0, queue objects, and byte stream file objects – if journaled, and the IPL processing is successful such that the object ends up completely synchronized with the journal, an entry for the object will appear. Unlike data spaces, data space indexes, journal ports, and journal spaces, neither queues nor space objects, when journaled, fill in the object specific status field with additional object-unique information regarding the outcome of the IPL. Instead, the object specific status field will contain hex zeroes.

Hex 0118
Uninterruptible power supply delay time and calculated delay time.

Note: The UPS delay time is meaningful only if a UPS is installed.

The format of the template for the uninterruptible power supply delay time (including the 8-byte prefix) is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 UPS Delay time Bin(4)
Calculated UPS Delay time
The delay time interval is the amount of time the system waits for the return of utility power. If a utility power failure occurs, the system will continue operating on the UPS supplied power.  If utility power does not return within the user specified delay time, the system will perform a quick power down. The delay time interval is set by the customer.  The calculated delay time is determined by the amount of main storage and DASD that exists on the system. Both values are in seconds.
--- End ---
Hex 012C
Vital product data

The VPD (vital product data) is a template that contains information for memory card VPD, processor VPD, Columbia/Colomis VPD, central electronic complex (CEC) VPD and the panel VPD. The VPD information that is materialized is the same for all partitions of a physical machine.

On a logically partitioned system, this instruction materializes only the hardware resources known to the partition in which it is issued.

The materialize format of the VPD (Including the 8-byte prefix) is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Reserved Char(8)
16 10 System VPD location Char(32)
16 10
  • Offset to memory VPD
  • Bin(4)
20 14
  • Offset to processor VPD
  • Bin(4)
24 18
  • Offset to Columbia/Colomis
  • Bin(4)
28 1C
  • Offset to CEC VPD
  • Bin(4)
32 20
  • Offset to panel VPD
  • Bin(4)
36 24
  • Reserved
  • Char(12)
48 30 Main store memory VPD Char(1040)
  • Usable memory installed
    (In megabytes)
  • Bin(2)
  • Minimum memory required
    (In megabytes)
  • Bin(2)
  • Total usable memory installed
    (In megabytes)
  • UBin(4)
  • Minimum required memory
    (In megabytes)
  • UBin(4)
60 3C
  • Reserved
  • Char(4)
  • Memory array

  • [16] Char(64)
64 40
    • Memory status
    • Char(2)
64 40
      • Memory card status
      • Bits 0-1
64 40
      • Reserved
      • Bits 2-15
    • Memory card size
      (In megabytes)
    • Bin(2)
68 44
    • Number of CCINS for this card
    • Char(1)
69 45
    • Array of CCINS for this card
    • [8] Char(4)
101 65
    • Physical slot # of this card
    • Char(1)
102 66
    • Reserved
    • Char(26)
Processor VPD

[16] Char(80)
1088 440
  • Processor status
  • Char(4)
1088 440
    • Processor card status
    • Bits 0-1
1088 440
    • Reserved
    • Bits 2-31
1092 444
  • Processor CCIN number
  • Char(4)
1096 448
  • Processor model number
  • Char(4)
1100 44C
  • Processor part number
  • Char(12)
1112 458
  • Reserved
  • Char(4)
1116 45C
  • Processor manufacturing ID
  • Char(4)
1120 460
  • Reserved
  • Char(4)
1124 464
  • Processor serial number
  • Char(10)
1134 46E
  • Reserved
  • Char(34)
Colomis VPD
(1st entry is reserved, 2nd is Colomis)
[2] Char(64)
2368 940
  • Reserved
  • Char(4)
2372 944
  • Card CCIN number
  • Char(4)
2376 948
  • Card model number
  • Char(4)
2380 94C
  • Reserved
  • Char(16)
2396 95C
  • Card manufacturing ID
  • Char(4)
2400 960
  • Card serial number
  • Char(10)
2410 96A
  • Reserved
  • Char(22)
2496 9C0 CEC VPD Char(48)
2496 9C0
  • Status of last CEC read
  • Char(4)
2500 9C4
  • System manufacturing ID
  • Char(4)
2504 9C8
  • Reserved
  • Char(4)
2508 9CC
  • System type
  • Char(4)
2512 9D0
  • System model number
  • Char(4)
2516 9D4
  • Pseudo model number
  • Char(4)
2520 9D8
  • Processor group ID
  • Char(4)
2524 9DC
  • Reserved
  • Char(4)
2528 9E0
  • System type extension
  • Char(1)
2529 9E1
  • System processor feature
  • Char(4)
2533 9E5
  • System serial number
  • Char(10)
2543 9EF
  • Reserved
  • Char(1)
2544 9F0 Panel VPD Char(64)
2544 9F0
  • Reserved
  • Char(2)
2546 9F2
  • Panel type
  • Char(4)
2550 9F6
  • Panel model number
  • Char(3)
2553 9F9
  • Panel part number
  • Char(12)
2565 A05
  • Reserved
  • Char(4)
2569 A09
  • Panel manufacturing ID
  • Char(4)
2573 A0D
  • Alterable ROS part number
  • Char(12)
2585 A19
  • Alterable ROS card number
  • Char(10)
2595 A23
  • Alterable ROS ID
  • Char(1)
2596 A24
  • Alterable ROS flag
  • Char(1)
2597 A25
  • Alterable ROS fix ID
  • Char(1)
2598 A26
  • Panel serial number
  • Char(10)
2608 A30 Processor feature Char(4)
2612 A34 Interactive feature Char(4)
--- End ---

The system VPD location information is used to determine where each of the separate VPD sections start relative to the beginning of the VPD materialization template.

The usable memory installed field contains the amount of memory (in megabytes) which the system recognizes as being valid. It is strongly recommended that the total usable memory installed value be used instead of usable memory installed. If the amount of usable memory is larger than 32,767 megabytes, this field will contain 32,767 megabytes while total usable memory installed will contain the correct (larger) value.

The total usable memory installed field contains the amount of memory (in megabytes) which the system recognizes as being valid.

The minimum memory required field contains the amount of memory (in megabytes) which is required for the system to run at optimum performance. It is strongly recommended that the minimum required memory value be used instead of minimum memory required. If the amount of memory required for the system to run at optimum performance is larger than 32,767 megabytes, this field will contain 32,767 megabytes while minimum required memory will contain the correct (larger) value.

The minimum required memory field contains the amount of memory (in megabytes) which is required for the system to run at optimum performance.

The remainder of the memory VPD is an array of 16, 64-byte entries which contain specific information about each memory card installed on the system. The memory card status field should be interpreted in the following way:

  • 00 = Memory card usable, no failures
  • 01 = Memory card usable, but has failures
  • 10 = Memory card is not installed
  • 11 = Memory card is not usable due to critical failure

The memory card size is a two byte field which will contain the number of megabytes of main store this card represents.

The number of CCINs field for this card contains a count of the number of CCINs which were found for this card. This number should be used to determine how many CCIN entries follow in the array of CCINs for this card field. This is a 32-byte field which is divided into 8, 4-byte entries. Each entry contains a CCIN number for this memory card.

The processor VPD is an array of 16 entries, each 80 bytes in length. Each entry corresponds to a processor card. To determine the status of a processor card, the processor card status field should be interpreted in the following way:

  • 00 = Processor usable, no failures
  • 01 = Processor usable, but has failures
  • 10 = Processor is not installed
  • 11 = Processor is not usable due to critical failure

The Colomis VPD is in an array of 2 entries, each 64 bytes in length. The first entry is reserved, the second entry contains information concerning the Colomis card.

For licensing purposes, processors are grouped according to performance characteristics. The processor group ID is the 4-character identifier of the processor group category to which this processor type is assigned. Possible values are: " P05", " P10", " P20", " P30", and " P40".

The CEC VPD system type extension is a 1-byte field which provides information on system packaging. The field is bit position dependent.

  • 1nnn nnnn = Server

The CEC VPD system processor feature is an identifier which represents a unique combination of processor feature and interactive feature. This field contains an alphanumeric value.

The panel VPD may or may not be filled in on a particular system depending upon what type of panel is installed. To determine if the panel VPD information is valid, the panel VPD usable bit must be binary 1. If this field is binary 0, the panel VPD information is not valid.

The processor feature is the code, in EBCDIC, used for ordering processor hardware. Blanks (hex 40) are returned if the system does not have a processor feature.

The interactive feature is the code, in EBCDIC, used for ordering interactive hardware. Blanks (hex 40) are returned if the system does not have an interactive feature.

Hex 0130
Network attributes

The network attributes is a template that contains information concerning APPN network attributes.

The materialize format of the network attributes is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Network data Char(190)
8 8
  • System name
  • Char(8)
16 10
  • System name length
  • Bin(2)
18 12
  • New system name
  • Char(8)
26 1A
  • New system name length
  • Bin(2)
28 1C
  • Local system network identification
  • Char(8)
36 24
  • Local system network identification length
  • Bin(2)
38 26
  • End node data compression
  • Bin(4)
42 2A
  • Intermediate node data compression
  • Bin(4)
46 2E
  • Reserved
  • Char(2)
48 30
  • Local system control point name
  • Char(8)
56 38
  • Local system control point name length
  • Bin(2)
58 3A
  • Maximum APPN LUDs on virtual APPN CDs
  • UBin(2)
60 3C
  • Path switch timer - network priority traffic
  • UBin(2)
62 3E
  • Path switch timer - high priority traffic
  • UBin(2)
64 40
  • Path switch timer - medium priority traffic
  • UBin(2)
66 42
  • Path switch timer - low priority traffic
  • UBin(2)
68 44
  • Default local location name
  • Char(8)
76 4C
  • Default local location name length
  • Bin(2)
78 4E
  • Default mode name
  • Char(8)
86 56
  • Default mode name length
  • Bin(2)
88 58
  • Maximum number of intermediate sessions
  • Bin(2)
90 5A
  • Maximum number of conversations per APPN LUD
  • Bin(2)
92 5C
  • Local system node type
  • Char(1)
93 5D
  • Reserved
  • Char(1)
94 5E
  • Route addition resistance
  • Bin(2)
96 60
  • List of network server network ID's
  • [5] Char(8)
136 88
  • List of network server network ID lengths
  • [5] Char(2)
146 92
  • List of network server control point names
  • [5] Char(8)
186 BA
  • List of network server control point name lengths
  • [5] Char(2)
196 C4
  • Alert flags
  • Char(1)
196 C4
    • Alert primary focal point
    • Bit 0
196 C4
    • Alert default focal point
    • Bit 1
196 C4
    • Reserved
    • Bits 2-7
197 C5
  • Network attribute flags
  • Char(1)
    • Network attributes initialized

    • Bit 0
    • Pending system name made current system name

    • Bit 1
    • Allow ANYNET support over any transport protocol

    • Bit 2
197 C5
    • Allow APPN traffic to use virtual APPN CDs
    • Bit 3
197 C5
    • Allow HPR tower support to be used for APPN
    • Bit 4
197 C5
    • Local system performs as a branch extender node
    • Bit 5
197 C5
    • Reserved
    • Bits 6-7
--- End ---

The following table shows the value of the default system name for the current partition. MATMATR option hex 01E0 can be used to materialize the current partition identifier and the firmware level.

Table 3. Default system name for current partition
Firmware level Current partition identifier hex 00 Current partition identifier hex 01 Other current partition identifiers
hex 00 System name is 'S' followed by the physical machine serial number System name is guaranteed to have the first character alphabetic System name is guaranteed to have the first character alphabetic
hex 10 N/A System name is 'S' followed by the physical machine serial number System name is guaranteed to have the first character alphabetic

The system name length is kept to determine how long the system name is. The default value for the length is eight.

The new system name is a tentative new value chosen for the machine system name. This value will become the machine system name at the next IPL. The initial value is null and the syntax rules are the same as those for the machine system name.

The new system name length is kept to determine how long the new system name is. The default value for the length is zero.

The local system network identification default is 'APPN' and the default local system network identification length is four.

The end node data compression field controls whether the machine will allow data compression when it's an end node. This value is used when the mode description is equal to *NETATR. If one of the values listed in the table below is not specified, then the value specified is equal to the maximum line speed that data should be compressed. Any configuration with a line speed slower than what is specified here will cause the data to be compressed. Valid values range from 1 bits-per-second through 2,147,483,647.

0 =
*NONE (default)
No data compression will be done.
-1 =
Data compression is requested on the session.
-2 =
Data compression is allowed, but not requested for this session.
-3 =
Data compression is required on this session.

The intermediate node data compression field controls whether data compression will be requested by the machine when it's an intermediate node. This value is used when the mode description is equal to *NETATR. If one of the values listed in the table below is not specified, then the value specified is equal to the maximum line speed that data should be compressed. Any configuration with a line speed slower than what is specified here will cause the data to be compressed. Valid values range from 1 bits-per-second through 2,147,483,647.

0 =
*NONE (default)
No data compression will be done.
-1 =
Data compression is requested on the session.

The following table shows the default value of the local system control point name and default local location name for the current partition. MATMATR option hex 01E0 can be used to materialize the current partition identifier and the firmware level.

Table 4. Default local system control point name and local location name
Firmware level Current partition identifier hex 00 Current partition identifier hex 01 Other current partition identifiers
hex 00 Local system control point name is 'S' followed by the physical machine serial number

Default local location name is 'S' followed by the physical machine serial number

Local system control point name is guaranteed to have the first character alphabetic

Default local location name is guaranteed to have the first character alphabetic

Local system control point name is guaranteed to have the first character alphabetic

Default local location name is guaranteed to have the first character alphabetic

hex 10 N/A Local system control point name is 'S' followed by the physical machine serial number

Default local location name is 'S' followed by the physical machine serial number

Local system control point name is guaranteed to have the first character alphabetic

Default local location name is guaranteed to have the first character alphabetic

The default local location name length is eight.

The maximum APPN LUDs on virtual APPN CDs default is 100. The maximum is 254.

The path switch timer - network priority traffic default is 1. The maximum is 10000. The unit of measure is minutes.

The path switch timer - high priority traffic default is 2. The maximum is 10000. The unit of measure is minutes.

The path switch timer - medium priority traffic default is 4. The maximum is 10000. The unit of measure is minutes.

The path switch timer - low priority traffic default is 8. The maximum is 10000. The unit of measure is minutes.

The mode name default is all blanks and the default mode length is eight.

The maximum number of intermediate sessions default is 200.

The maximum number of conversations per APPN LUD is 64.

The local system node type default is hex 01.

The route addition resistance default is 128.

All entries of the network server network IDs are defaulted to blanks with all entries of the network server network IDs lengths defaulting to zero.

All entries of the network server control point names are defaulted to blanks with all entries of the network server control point name lengths defaulting to zero.

The network attribute flags are used to communicate status of the network attributes between machine and the operating system.

  • If the network attributes initialized field is equal to binary 1, this indicates the network attributes have been initialized to their default values. The default is binary zero.
  • If the pending system name made current system name field is equal to binary 1, this indicates the pending system name has been made the current system name. The default is binary zero.
  • If allow ANYNET support over any transport protocol flag is equal to binary 1, this indicates ANYNET support is enabled. The default is binary zero.
  • If allow APPN traffic to use virtual APPN CDs flag is equal to binary 1, this indicates virtual APPN CDs can be used by APPN traffic. The default is binary zero.
  • If allow HPR tower support to be used for APPN flag is equal to binary 1, this indicates that the SNA HPR tower support is enabled. The default is binary zero.
  • If the local system performs as a branch extender node flag is equal to binary 1, this indicates the local system is performing as an end node in the APPN network, and as a network node to end nodes that it is serving. The default is binary 0. When the local system performs as a branch extender node flag is set to binary 1, the local system node type is set to hex 01.
Hex 0134
Date format

The date format is the format in which the date will be presented to the customer. The possible values are YMD, MDY, DMY where Y = Year, M = Month, D = Day and JUL = Julian.

The format of the template for date format is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Date format Char(3)
--- End ---
Hex 0138
Leap year adjustment

The leap year adjustment is added to the leap year calculations to determine the year in which the leap should occur. The valid values are 0, 1, 2, 3.

The format of the template for leap year adjustment is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Leap year adjustment Bin(2)
--- End ---
Hex 013C
Timed power on

The timed power on is the time and date, as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), at which the system should automatically power on if it is not already powered on. If the physical machine is powered off, and the time and date at which a partition is automatically powered is set to occur before the time and date at which the physical machine is set to automatically power on (according to their respective time of day clocks), then the partition will be powered on when the physical machine is powered on.

The format of the template for timed power on is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Minute Bin(2)
10 A Hour Bin(2)
12 C Day Bin(2)
14 E Month Bin(2)
16 10 Year Bin(2)
--- End ---
Hex 0140
Timed power on enable/disable

The timed power on enable/disable allows the timed power on function to be queried to determine if the function is enabled or disabled.

The format of the template for timed power on enable/disable is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Hex 8000 =
Timed power on is enabled
Hex 0000 =
Timed power on is disabled

--- End ---
Hex 0144
Remote power on enable/disable

The remote power on enable/disable allows the remote power on function to be queried to determine if the function is enabled or disabled.

The format of the template for remote power on enable/disable is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Hex 8000 =
Remote power on is enabled
Hex 0000 =
Remote power on is disabled

--- End ---
Hex 0148
Auto power restart enable/disable

The auto power restart enable/disable allows the auto power restart function to be queried to determine if the function is enabled or disabled.

The format of the template for auto power restart enable/disable is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Hex 8000 =
Auto power restart is enabled
Hex 0000 =
Auto power restart is disabled

--- End ---
Hex 014C
Date separator

The date separator is used when the date is presented to the customer. The valid values are a slash(/), dash(-), period(.), comma(,) and a blank( ).

The format of the template for the date separator is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Date separator Char(1)
--- End ---
Hex 0151
System security indicators

The system security indicators return the current setting of the system security flags.

The format of the template for system security indicators is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 System security indicators Char(1)
8 8
  • Reserved
  • Bits 0-4
  • Restrict change of service tool user profile passwords by operating system
    0 =
    Not restricted
    1 =

  • Bit 5
  • Restrict change of operating system security values
    0 =
    Not restricted
    1 =

  • Bit 6
  • Restrict adds to digital certificates store
    0 =
    Not restricted
    1 =

  • Bit 7
9 9 Reserved (binary 0) Char(11)
--- End ---

The restrict change of service tool user profile passwords by operating system field indicates whether or not the operating system can change a service tool user profile password. If this field is set to binary 1, the password can only be changed from the Dedicated Service Tools (DST).

The restrict change of operating system security values field indicates whether or not the user can change operating system security related values.

The restrict adds to digital certificates store field indicates whether or not the user can use operating system functions to add digital certificates to a digital certificates store.

Hex 0161
Perform hardware checks on IPL

The perform hardware checks on IPL option retrieves the current setting that indicates if the system is skipping hardware checks on all physical machine IPLs. The IPL checks are performed only when the physical machine is IPLed.

The format of the template for perform hardware checks is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Perform/not perform
Hex 8000 =
The system is doing hardware checks on IPLs.
Hex 0000 =
The system is not checking the hardware on IPLs.

--- End ---
Hex 0164
Uninterruptible power supply type

Note: The UPS type is meaningful only if a UPS is installed.

The uninterruptible power supply type option allows the MI user to tell the machine how much of the system is powered by a UPS (ie, what type of UPS is installed). A full UPS will power all racks in the system. A limited UPS will have enough power to perform main store dump. A mini UPS will power the racks containing the CEC and the load source.

The format of the template for UPS Type is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
UPS type
Hex 0000 =
Indicates a full UPS is installed (all racks have a UPS installed)
Hex 4000 =
Indicates a limited UPS is installed (the UPS only has enough power to do a main store dump)
Hex 8000 =
Indicates a mini UPS is installed (only the minimum number of racks are powered)

--- End ---
Hex 0168
Panel status request

The panel status request option returns the current status of the operations panel.

The format of the template for panel status request is as follows :

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Current IPL type

9 9 Panel status Char(2)
  • Uninterrupted power supply installed
    0 =
    UPS not installed
    1 =
    UPS installed, ready for use

  • Bit 0
  • Utility power failed, running on UPS
    0 =
    Running on utility power
    1 =
    Running on UPS

  • Bit 1
  • Uninterrupted power supply (UPS) bypass active
    0 =
    UPS bypass not active
    1 =
    UPS bypass active

  • Bit 2
  • Uninterrupted power supply (UPS) battery low
    0 =
    UPS battery not low
    1 =
    UPS battery low

  • Bit 3
  • Auto key mode        
    0 =
    Key mode is not auto
    1 =
    Key mode is auto

  • Bit 4
  • Normal key mode        
    0 =
    Key mode is not normal
    1 =
    Key mode is normal

  • Bit 5
  • Manual key mode        
    0 =
    Key mode is not manual
    1 =
    Key mode is manual

  • Bit 6
  • Secure key mode        
    0 =
    Key mode is not secure
    1 =
    Key mode is secure

  • Bit 7
9 9
  • Reserved
  • Bits 8-15
11 B Reserved Char(5)
16 10 Most recent IPL type Char(1)
--- End ---

The current IPL type is the state of the IPL type at the operations panel. Possible values are A, B, C, D.

UPS installed indicates that an Uninterrupted Power Supply is installed on the system and is available for use should the power fail.

UPS power failed indicates that a utility failure has occurred and the system is currently running on battery power.

UPS bypass active indicates that the UPS has been bypassed. If a utility power failure occurs, the UPS will not supply power.

UPS battery low indicates that a UPS battery is installed on the system and the battery is low.

Auto key mode indicates that the key mode is currently set to auto on the operation panel.

Normal key mode indicates that the key mode is currently set to normal on the operation panel.

Manual key mode indicates that the key mode is currently set to manual on the operation panel.

Secure key mode indicates that the key mode is currently set to secure on the operation panel.

The most recent IPL type is the type of IPL that was performed on the most recent IPL. Possible values are A, B, C, D.

Hex 016C
Extended machine initialization status record

The XMISR (extended machine initialization status record) is used to report the status of the machine.

The materialize format of the XMISR is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Save storage status Char(4)
8 8
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bit 0
  • Completion status
    0 =
    Save storage did not complete
    1 =
    Save storage completed

  • Bit 1
  • System restored status
    0 =
    Save storage did not restore the system
    1 =
    Save storage restored the system

  • Bit 2
  • Save storage attempted
    0 =
    Save storage not attempted
    1 =
    Save storage was attempted

  • Bit 3
  • Unreadable sectors
    0 =
    Unreadable sectors were not found
    1 =
    Unreadable sectors were found during save operation

  • Bit 4
  • Check for active files on save storage media
    0 =
    Do not check for active files on save storage media
    1 =
    Check for active files on save storage media

  • Bit 5
8 8
  • Reserved
  • Bits 6-31
12 C Save storage information Char(118)
12 C
  • Number of save storage resource names provided
  • Bin(2)
14 E
  • Reserved
  • Char(24)
38 26
  • Tape volume names structure
  • Char(62)
38 26
    • Number of tape volume entries
    • UBin(2)
40 28
    • Tape volume names
    • [10] Char(6)
100 64
  • Tape expiration date
  • Char(6)
106 6A
  • Bad sector count
  • Char(4)
110 6E
  • Date from save tape
  • Char(6)
116 74
  • Time last successful save started (local time)
  • Char(8)
124 7C
  • Reserved
  • Char(6)
130 82 Install tape volume ID Char(6)
136 88 IPL sequence number ID Bin(4)
140 8C Reserved Char(4)
144 90 Save storage resource names [4] Char(10)
--- End ---
Hex 0170
Alternate initial process definition template

The alternate initial process definition template is used by the machine when performing an automatic install.

No check is made and no exception is signaled if the values in the template are invalid; however, the next automatic install will not be successful.

Hex 0178
Hardware storage protection enforcement state

Note: Hardware storage protection is meaningful only on version 2 hardware or later. Hardware storage protection is not supported at all on version 1 hardware.

The hardware storage protection (HSP) mechanism is always in effect. However, HSP is enforced for individual storage areas in two different ways. For some storage areas, HSP is always enforced. For others, HSP is enforced only when this machine attribute is active.

Attempted use of any storage area in a manner inconsistent with its storage protection attributes will result in object domain or hardware storage protection violation (hex 4401) exception when HSP is being enforced for that storage.

System objects for which HSP is always enforced are:

  • programs (object type hex 02)
  • modules (object type hex 03)
  • any objects with type values greater than hex 20.
HSP is also always enforced for secondary associated spaces. In addition, some individual objects of type space or index, and the primary associated spaces of all MI objects, can optionally be protected with HSP enforcement at all times.

The format of the template for the hardware storage protection enforcement state option is as follows :

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Hardware storage protection enforcement state
Hex 0000 =
Indicates hardware storage protection is enforced only for storage that is always protected
Hex 8000 =
Indicates hardware storage protection is enforced for all storage

--- End ---
Hex 0180
Time separator

The time separator is used when the time is presented to the customer. The valid values are a colon(:), period(.), comma(,) and a blank( ).

The format of the template for the time separator is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Time separator Char(1)
--- End ---
Hex 0184
Software error logging

The software error logging machine attribute is used to allow the MI user to determine whether or not software error logging is active for the machine

The format of the template for software error logging is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Software error logging
Hex 8000 =
Software error logging is active
Hex 0000 =
Software error logging is not active

--- End ---
Hex 0188
Machine task or secondary thread termination event control option

The machine task or secondary thread termination event option controls whether the machine will signal events when machine tasks or secondary threads terminate. The default, which is established every IPL, is to signal neither machine task nor secondary thread termination events.

There are different events associated with the termination of machine tasks and secondary threads. The machine task or secondary thread termination event option is a bit mask, with individual bits corresponding to machine tasks or secondary threads, and their associated events. If a bit is binary 1, the corresponding event will be signalled; if binary 0, it will not.

The format of the template for the machine task or secondary thread termination event option is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Machine task or secondary thread termination event option Char(2)
8 8
  • Signal machine task termination events
  • Bit 0
8 8
  • Signal secondary thread termination events
  • Bit 1
8 8
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 2-15
--- End ---
Hex 01A8
Service attributes

The service attributes is a template that contains system serviceability information.

The materialize format of the service attributes (including the 8-byte prefix) is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Service attribute flags Char(1)
  • Automatic problem analysis
    0 =
    Automatic problem analysis is not enabled
    1 =
    Automatic problem analysis is enabled

  • Bit 0
  • Automatic problem notification
    0 =
    Automatic problem notification is not enabled
    1 =
    Automatic problem notification is enabled

  • Bit 1
  • Service attributes status
    0 =
    Service attribute values are not set
    1 =
    Service attribute values are set

  • Bit 2
  • Allow remote service access
    0 =
    Remote service access is not allowed
    1 =
    Remote service access is allowed

  • Bit 3
  • Allow auto service processor reporting
    0 =
    Service processor will not automatically report problems
    1 =
    Service processor will automatically report problems

  • Bit 4
8 8
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 5-7
9 9 PTF install type Char(1)
10 A Service provider name type Char(1)
11 B Default service provider Char(16)
27 1B Contact name Char(36)
63 3F Primary phone number Char(30)
93 5D Alternate phone number Char(30)
Phone number of electronic customer support line
(System disabled call back)
Phone number of remote external service tool
(System disabled reporting)
Phone number of service provider
(Service provider connection)
213 D5 Reserved (binary 0) Char(51)
--- End ---

The service attribute flags contain information that determines how the machine should handle specific system problems.

  • If the automatic problem analysis field is equal to binary 1, the intent is that system-detected software and hardware problems are to be analyzed by the system. However, this field does not actually control the operation of the machine in any way. The machine only stores and materializes this field for the benefit of the operating system.
  • If the automatic problem notification field is equal to binary 1, the intent is that system-detected problems are to be reported to a system service provider. However, this field does not actually control the operation of the machine in any way. The machine only stores and materializes this field for the benefit of the operating system.
  • If the service attributes set field is equal to binary 1, the service attribute information has been previously set. If this field is equal to 0, the service attribute information is undefined.
  • When the allow remote service access field is equal to binary 1, remote access to the system to invoke DST or remote control panel functions is allowed. When the field is equal to 0, remote access is not allowed.
  • When the allow auto service processor reporting field is equal to binary 1, the service processor is allowed to call a system service provider to report problems. When the field is 0, the service processor will not report problems to a remote service provider.

The PTF install type field defines when PTFs will be temporarily applied to the system. This applies only to PTFs already loaded on the system, and to any subsequently loaded PTFs. The possible values for this field are:

'I' =
All PTFs are marked for delayed apply. A system IPL will be performed.
'A' =
All PTFs are marked for delayed apply. A system IPL will not be performed.
'O' =
Only PTFs marked immediate are applied. A system IPL will not be performed.
'D' =
Only PTFs marked immediate are applied. Delayed PTFs are marked for apply at the next IPL. A system IPL is not performed.

The service provider name type field contains information about the format of the default service provider name. The possible values for this field are:

'A' =
The default service provider is specified as an APPN control point and network identification. Bytes 0 through 7 of the default service provider field will contain the control point, bytes 8 through 15 will contain the network identification.
'I' =
The default service provider is specified as an Internet address.

The default service provider field contains the network address of the system service provider. This is in the form of an Internet address, or an APPN control point and network identification.

The contact name type field through the phone number of service provider field are not defined for system usage.

Hex 01B0
Signal controls

The materialization format of the Signal Controls (including the 8-byte prefix) is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Reserved Char(8)
16 10 Signal blocking mask Char(8)
16 10
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bit 0
  • Blocked/unblocked option
    0 =
    Signal is blocked. Signal action for the signal monitor is to be deferred.
    1 =
    Signal is unblocked. Signal action for the signal monitor is eligible to be scheduled.

  • Bits 1-63
24 18 Number of signal monitors Bin(4)
28 1C Reserved (binary 0) Char(4)
Signal monitor data
(repeated for each signal monitor)
[*] Char(16)
32 20
  • Signal number
  • Bin(4)
  • Signal action
    -1 =
    Signal associated with this signal monitor is not supported
    0 =
    Handle using signal default action
    1 =
    Ignore the signal (discard)

  • Bin(2)
  • Signal default action
    0 =
    Terminate the process
    1 =
    Terminate the request
    2 =
    Ignore the signal (discard)
    3 =
    Stop the process
    4 =
    Continue the process if stopped
    5 =
    Signal exception

  • Bin(2)
40 28
  • Maximum number of signals to be retained
  • Bin(2)
42 2A
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(2)
44 2C
  • Signal priority (1-255; 1 = highest priority)
  • Bin(2)
46 2E
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(2)
--- End ---

The signal blocking mask field is used to determine if the signal action for the associated signal monitor is eligible to be scheduled. The blocked/unblocked option specified for the nth bit position in the signal blocking mask is applied to the nth signal monitor in the signal monitors attributes. When the signal is unblocked, the signal action for the signal monitor associated with the signal is eligible to be scheduled. When the signal is blocked, the signal will be retained, up to the limit set by the maximum number of signals to be retained value in the signal monitor associated with the signal. This signal blocking mask is used as the initial value of the signal blocking mask for all threads when a process is enabled for signals.

The number of signal monitors indicates the actual number of signal monitor data entries returned in the materialization template. Partial signal monitor data entries are not returned. The machine supports a maximum of 63 signal monitors. These signal monitor attributes are used as the initial values of the process signal monitors when a process is enabled for signals.

The signal monitor data defines the attributes for each signal supported. The order in which the signal monitors are defined will determine the signal monitor used by the machine for the generation and delivery of a signal.

The signal number is for use by the MI user and has no significance to the machine.

The signal action defines the action to be taken by the machine upon receipt of the signal by the process. If the value of signal action is signal associated with this signal monitor is not supported the signal default action and maximum number of signals to be retained fields for this signal monitor are ignored by the machine and will be set to binary 0.

The signal default action field defines the action to be taken by the machine when the signal action is set to handle using signal default action. The terminate the process action will place the process in termination phase, allowing invocation exits to be invoked. If the process is already in termination phase, the terminate the process action is ignored. The terminate the request action will result in the cancellation of all invocations up to the nearest invocation that has an invocation status of request processor. If an invocation with an invocation status of request processor is not present, the terminate the process action is taken. The stop the process action will result in the execution of the process being temporarily suspended until a signal is generated for the process that has continue the process if stopped as its signal default action. When a process is in the stopped state, the normal process control functions remain in effect (the process may be suspended, resumed or terminated). The signal exception action will result in the asynchronous signal received (hex 4C03) exception being signaled by the machine, with the signal monitor number and signal-specific data being included in the exception-related data.

The maximum number of signals to be retained field indicates the number of signals that the machine retains when the signal action associated with the signal monitor can not be taken (held pending). The maximum number of signals to be retained limits the number of signals held pending for the signal monitor for the process and for each thread.

The signal priority specifies the relative importance of this signal compared with other signals being monitored. The signal priority establishes the order in which signal handling actions are scheduled if multiple signal monitors have been signaled. Signal handling actions will be taken in the order the signal monitors were signaled when multiple signal monitors have the same priority.

Hex 01C8
Cryptography attributes

The format of the template for cryptography attributes is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Number of algorithm entries to follow UBin(2)
Algorithm entry
(repeated number of algorithm entries to follow times)
[*] Char(6)
  • Algorithm identifier
    Hex 0001 =
    MAC - Message Authentication Code
    Hex 0002 =
    Hex 0003 =
    SHA-1 - Secure Hash Algorithm
    Hex 0004 =
    DES (encrypt only) - Data Encryption Standard
    Hex 0005 =
    DES (encrypt and decrypt)
    Hex 0006 =
    Hex 0007 =
    Hex 0008 =
    Hex 0009 =
    Hex 000A =
    DSA - Digital Signature Algorithm
    Hex 000B =
    RSA - Rivest-Shamir-Adleman
    Hex 000C =
    Hex 000D =
    CDMF - Commercial Data Masking Facility
    Hex 000E =
    Hex 000F =
    AES - Advanced Encryption Standard

  • Char(2)
12 C
  • Maximum key length
  • UBin(2)
14 E
  • Service providers
  • Char(2)
14 E
    • Machine
    • Bit 0
14 E
    • BSAFE
    • Bit 1
14 E
    • Reserved
    • Bit 2
14 E
    • 4758 Cryptographic Adapter
    • Bit 3
14 E
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 4-15
--- End ---

Algorithm entries field is an array that contains one or more entries describing the cryptographic algorithms enabled, key lengths, and service providers providing the algorithm.

The maximum key length field specifies the maximum key length in bits that may be used for the algorithm and still comply with U.S government export restrictions on cryptography. This field is only meaningful for cryptographic algorithms that use variable length keys. Possible values are shown in the table below:

Algorithm Key length (bits)
MAC 56
MD5 No key used
SHA-1 No key used
DES (encrypt only) 56
DES (encrypt and decrypt) 56
RC4 40 - 2048
RC5 40 - 2040
Triple-DES 168
DSA 512 - 1024
RSA 508 - 2048
Diffie-Helman 512 - 1024
RC2 40 - 1024
AES 128 - 256

The service providers field specifies the cryptographic service providers that provide the cryptographic algorithm.

Hex 01D0
Communication network attributes

The communication network attribute is a template that contains information concerning communication attributes.

The format of the template for the communication network attributes is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Communication attribute Char(256)
8 8
  • Modem country identifier
  • UBin(4)
12 C
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(252)
--- End ---

The modem country identifier specifies the country-specific identifier for modems which are internal to I/O Adapters. This value must be configured correctly to ensure proper operation and, in some countries, to meet legal requirements. There can only be one modem country identifier for each partition of a physical machine

The supported modem country identifiers are as follows:

Country Modem Country ID (Hex value)
Argentina 00004152
Aruba 00004157
Australia 00004155
Austria 00004154
Bahrain 00004248
Belgium 00004245
Brazil 00004252
Brunei 0000424E
Canada 00004341
Cayman Islands 00004B59
Chile 0000434C
China 0000434E
Colombia 0000434F
Costa Rica 00004352
Croatia 00004852
Cyprus 00004359
Czech Republic 0000435A
Denmark 0000444B
Ecuador 00004543
Egypt 00004547
Finland 00004649
France 00004652
Germany 00004445
Greece 00004752
Guatemala 00004754
Hong Kong 0000484B
Hungary 00004855
Iceland 00004953
India 0000494E
Indonesia 00004944
Ireland 00004945
Israel 0000494C
Italy 00004954
Jamaica 00004A4D
Japan 00004A50
Korea Republic 00004B52
Luxembourg 00004C55
Macau 00004D4F
Malaysia 00004D59
Mexico 00004D58
Morocco 00004D41
Netherlands 00004E4C
Netherlands Antilles 0000414E
New Zealand 00004E5A
Norway 00004E4F
Pakistan 0000504B
Panama 00005041
Peru 00005045
Philippines 00005048
Poland 0000504C
Portugal 00005054
Qatar 00005141
Romania 0000524F
Russian Federation 00005255
Saudi Arabia 00005341
Singapore 00005347
Slovakia 0000534B
Slovenia 00005349
South Africa 00005A41
Spain 00004553
Sri Lanka 00004C4B
Sweden 00005345
Switzerland 00004348
Taiwan 00005457
Thailand 00005448
Trinidad and Tobago 00005454
Turkey 00005452
Ukraine 00005541
United Arab Emirates 00004145
United Kingdom 00004742
United States 00005553
Uruguay 00005559
Venezuela 00005645
Vietnam 0000564E
Hex 01DC
Installed processor count

This option makes available the installed processor count for the physical machine. The materialization format of installed processor count information (including the 8-byte prefix for number of bytes provided and number of bytes available) is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Number of installed processors UBin(2)
--- End ---

Number of installed processors is the number of processors installed on the physical machine.

If the physical machine has the on-demand processors feature, number of installed processors = number of permanently activated processors + number of temporarily activated processors + number of processors which are not activated.

Hex 01E0
Partitioning information

This option makes available partitioning information for the physical machine and the current partition. The materialization format of partitioning information (including the 8-byte prefix for number of bytes provided and number of bytes available) is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Current number of partitions (legacy) Char(1)
9 9 Current partition identifier (legacy) Char(1)
10 A Primary partition identifier (legacy) Char(1)
11 B Service partition identifier (legacy) Char(1)
12 C Firmware level Char(1)
13 D Reserved (binary 0) Char(3)
16 10 Logical serial number Char(10)
26 1A Reserved (binary 0) Char(5)
31 1F Partition attributes Char(1)
  • Partition physical processor sharing attribute
    0 =
    Partition does not share physical processors
    1 =
    Partition shares physical processors

  • Bit 0
  • Partition capacity attribute
    0 =
    Partition capacity is capped
    1 =
    Partition capacity is uncapped

  • Bit 1
  • Partition processor donation attribute
    0 =
    Partition cannot donate processor time to the shared processor pool
    1 =
    Partition can donate processor time to the shared processor pool

  • Bit 2
31 1F
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 3-7
32 20 Minimum virtual processors UBin(2)
34 22 Maximum virtual processors UBin(2)
36 24 Current virtual processors UBin(2)
38 26 Reserved (binary 0) Char(2)
40 28 Configured minimum memory (in megabytes) UBin(4)
44 2C Configured maximum memory (in megabytes) UBin(4)
48 30 Current memory (in megabytes) UBin(4)
52 34 Minimum interactive capacity percentage Char(1)
53 35 Maximum interactive capacity percentage Char(1)
54 36 Current interactive capacity percentage Char(1)
55 37 Reserved (binary 0) Char(1)
56 38 High speed link information Char(2)
  • High speed link connected
    0 =
    Partition does not use the high speed link connection
    1 =
    Partition uses the high speed link connection

  • Bit 0
56 38
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 1-15
58 3A Internal high speed connection information Char(2)
  • Internal high speed connection connected
    0 =
    Partition is not connected to the internal high speed connection
    1 =
    Partition is connected to the internal high speed connection

  • Bit 0
58 3A
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 1-15
60 3C Minimum processing capacity UBin(4)
64 40 Maximum processing capacity UBin(4)
68 44 Current processing capacity UBin(4)
72 48 Current available processing capacity in shared pool UBin(4)
76 4C Number of physical processors in shared pool UBin(2)
Reserved (binary 0)

80 50 Machine hypervisor memory (in megabytes) UBin(4)
84 54 Variable processing capacity weight UBin(2)
86 56 Minimum interactive capacity percentage UBin(2)
88 58 Maximum interactive capacity percentage UBin(2)
90 5A Current interactive capacity percentage UBin(2)
92 5C Reserved (binary 0) Char(4)
96 60 Current number of partitions UBin(2)
98 62 Current partition identifier UBin(2)
100 64 Primary partition identifier UBin(2)
102 66 Service partition identifier UBin(2)
104 68 Reserved (binary 0) Char(16)
--- End ---

Current number of partitions, current number of partitions (legacy) is the number of partitions that are active on the current physical machine IPL. This includes partitions that are currently powered-on (running) and partitions that are powered-off. A Hex FF is returned in the current number of partitions (legacy) when the number of partitions is greater than or equal to 255. It is recommended that the current number of partitions value be used instead of the current number of partitions (legacy) value.

Current partition identifier, current partition identifier (legacy) is the unique identifier of the current partition on the physical machine. This field is materialized as a binary value. A Hex FF is returned in the current partition identifier (legacy) when the identifier is greater than or equal to 255. It is recommended that the current partition identifier value be used instead of the current partition identifier (legacy) value.

Note: If a partition is deleted, the partition identifier of any existing partition that is active or defined does not change.

Primary partition identifier, primary partition identifier (legacy) is the identifier of the primary partition. This field is materialized as a binary value. Hex 00 is returned if the firmware level is hex 10. A Hex FF is returned in the primary partition identifier (legacy) when the identifier is greater than or equal to 255. It is recommended that the primary partition identifier value be used instead of the primary partition identifier (legacy) value.

Service partition identifier, service partition identifier (legacy) is the identifier of the service partition. This field may change without an IPL of this partition and is materialized as a binary value. A Hex FF is returned in the service partition identifier (legacy) when the identifier is greater than or equal to 255. It is recommended that the service partition identifier value be used instead of the service partition identifier (legacy) value.

Firmware level indicates the partition licensed internal code level.

Logical serial number provides a unique machine identifier for the current partition.

Partition physical processor sharing attribute indicates whether this partition is sharing processors on the current IPL of this partition. If the value of partition physical processor sharing attribute is partition does not share physical processors, then this partition uses only dedicated processors. If the value of partition physical processor sharing attribute is partition shares physical processors, then this partition uses physical processors from a shared pool of physical processors. One or more partitions may be executing on the physical processors in the shared pool at any given point in time.

For a partition sharing physical processors, the number of virtual processors represents the maximum number of concurrent units of execution that can be active in the partition at any given point of time. A virtual processor in a partition using shared processors has the processing capacity of a fraction of a physical processor in the physical machine. For a partition using dedicated physical processors, a virtual processor has the processing capacity of a physical processor in the physical machine.

Partition capacity attribute indicates whether the partition's capacity is capped or uncapped. Partitions that do not share physical processors cannot be uncapped; the attribute will be binary 0 for partitions that do not share physical processors. An uncapped partition can exceed its current processing capacity when its variable processing capacity weight is greater than binary 0 and unused resources are available within its shared processor pool. An uncapped partition with variable processing capacity weight equal to binary 0 is 'soft-capped' and cannot exceed its current processing capacity, even if unused resources are available within its shared processor pool. The partition capacity attribute is dynamic and may change during the current IPL.

Partition processor donation attribute indicates whether or not a dedicated processor partition can donate unused processor time to the physical shared processor pool. The attribute is dynamic and may change during the current IPL. Partitions that share physical processors cannot donate processor time to the shared processor pool; the attribute will be binary 0 for partitions that share physical processors.

The partition processor donation attribute indicates whether or not the partition can donate unused processor time to the system's physical shared processor pool. If the attribute is set, the partition's current virtual processors are counted in the physical shared processor pool; the processors are included in the number of physical shared pool, physical shared pool available time, and physical shared pool utilized time. See MATRMD Hex 27, Materialize Resource Management Data - Shared Processor Pool Information. If the donation attribute is not set, the partition's virtual processors are not counted in the physical shared processor pool. Note that various implementation, configuration, and runtime factors will affect the extent of donation achieved. For example, the partition's processor multi-tasking mode may preclude donation; some implementations require that processor multi-tasking be disabled or system controlled for donation to occur. See MATRMD hex 18, Materialize Resource Management Data - Processor Multi-tasking mode. Due to these factors, the extent to which processing capacity is being donated, if any, may be determined by the MATRMD hex 26, Materialize Resource Management Data Processor Utilization Data, and MATRMD hex 28, Materialize Resource Management Data - Multiprocessor utilizations. These instructions materialize the processor donated time since IPL on a system-wide and per-processor basis respectively.

Minimum virtual processors is the minimum number of the virtual processors that are always available to the partition for the current IPL of this partition.

Maximum virtual processors is the maximum number of the virtual processors that will be available to this partition at any given point in time for the current IPL of this partition. The maximum virtual processors is always greater than or equal to the minimum virtual processors.

Current virtual processors is the number of the virtual processors that are currently enabled to run for this partition. For a physical machine with firmware level hex 10, this value is the number of usable virtual processors. For a physical machine with firmware level hex 00, this value is the number of configured virtual processors. The number of configured virtual processors can be materialized using the MATMIF instruction. The current virtual processors is always greater than or equal to the minimum virtual processors and less than or equal to the maximum virtual processors.

Configured minimum memory is the minimum amount of the physical machine memory allocated to this partition for the current IPL of this partition.

Configured maximum memory is the maximum amount of the physical machine memory that can be allocated to this partition for the current IPL of this partition. Configured maximum memory is always greater than or equal to the configured minimum memory.

Current memory is the amount of the physical machine memory that is currently allocated to this partition. For a physical machine with firmware level hex 10, this value is the amount of usable memory. For a physical machine with firmware level hex 00, this value is the amount of configured memory. The configured memory can be materialized using the MATMIF instruction. The current memory is always greater than or equal to the configured minimum memory and less than or equal to the configured maximum memory.

Minimum interactive capacity percentage is the value displayed for the minimum interactive performance field on the Create New Partition or the Change Partition Processing Resources DST display.

Maximum interactive capacity percentage is the value displayed for the maximum interactive performance field on the Create New Partition or the Change Partition Processing Resources DST display. Maximum interactive capacity percentage is always greater than or equal to the minimum interactive capacity percentage.

Current interactive capacity percentage is the value specified for the current/available interactive performance field on the Create New Partition or the Change Partition Processing Resources DST display. For a physical machine with firmware level hex 10, the value returned in this field is its usable value. For a physical machine with firmware level hex 00, the value returned in this field is its configured value. The configured interactive capacity percentage can be materialized using the MATMIF instruction. Current interactive capacity percentage is always greater than or equal to the minimum interactive capacity percentage and less than or equal to the maximum interactive capacity percentage.

High speed link information gives information about the configuration of the high speed link connections for the current partition.

Note: A high speed link network is a collection of systems connected on a high speed link loop.

High speed link information is information that has been set from the LPAR configuration DST display. If the physical machine is connected to a high speed link network, then a partition may or may not be configured to be connected to the high speed link network. If the value of high speed link connected is partition uses the high speed link connection, then the current partition is configured to be connected to the high speed link. If the value of high speed link connected is partition does not use the high speed link connection, then the current partition is not configured to be connected to the high speed link.

Internal high speed connection information gives information about the internal high speed connection connections for the current partition. Internal high speed connection is a mechanism for inter-partition communication within a physical machine.

Internal high speed connection information is information that has been set from the LPAR configuration DST display. A partition on a physical machine may or may not be configured to be connected to the internal high speed connection. If the value of internal high speed connection connected is partition is connected to the internal high speed connection connection, then this partition is configured to be connected to the internal high speed connection. If the value of internal high speed connection connected is partition is not connected to the internal high speed connection connection, then this partition is not configured to be connected to the internal high speed connection.

Minimum processing capacity specifies the minimum processing capacity of the partition for the current IPL of the partition. For a partition sharing physical processors, this attribute represents the minimum share of the physical processors in the pool it is executing. The value returned for this attribute is accurate to a hundredth of a physical processor. For example, a value of 233 means that the partition has a minimum processing capability that is equivalent to 2.33 physical processors. For a partition using dedicated processors, the value materialized represents the minimum number of virtual processors that will be used by the partition for the current IPL of the partition. For example, a partition with a minimum of four dedicated processors will return a value of 400 for the minimum processing capacity.

Maximum processing capacity specifies the maximum processing capacity of the partition for the current IPL of the partition. For a partition sharing physical processors, this attribute represents the maximum share of the physical processors in the pool it is executing. The value returned for this attribute is accurate to a hundredth of a physical processor. For example, a value of 233 means that the partition has a maximum processing capability that is equivalent to 2.33 physical processors. For a partition using dedicated processors, the value materialized represents the maximum number of virtual processors that the partition can use for the current IPL of the partition. For example, a partition with a maximum of four dedicated processors will return a value of 400 for the maximum processing capacity. The maximum processing capacity is always greater than or equal to the minimum processing capacity.

Current processing capacity is the current processing capacity of the partition. For a physical machine with firmware level hex 10, this value is the usable processing capacity value. For a physical machine with firmware level hex 00, this value is the configured processing capacity value. The configured processing capacity can be materialized using the MATMIF instruction. For a partition sharing physical processors, this attribute represents the share of the physical processors in the pool it is executing. The value returned for this attribute is accurate to a hundredth of a physical processor. For example, a value of 233 means that the partition's current processing capacity is equivalent to 2.33 physical processors. If the current number of processors in the partition is four, each virtual processor has 0.58 the computing capacity of a physical processor in the physical machine. For a partition using dedicated processors, the value materialized represents the number of virtual processors that are currently active in the partition. For example, a partition using four dedicated processors will return a value of 400 for the current processing capacity. The current processing capacity is always less than or equal to the maximum processing capacity and greater than or equal to the minimum processing capacity.

Current available processing capacity in shared pool specifies the available processing capacity of the shared processor pool in which the partition is executing. This capacity represents the processing capacity that is not being utilized by any partition using the shared processor pool. The value returned by this attribute is accurate to a hundredth of a physical processor. For example, a value of 075 means that processing capability equivalent to 0.75 of a physical processor is not being utilized by any partition using the shared pool. For a partition with dedicated processors, the value returned for this attribute is 0. For a physical machine with firmware level hex 10, 0 is returned.

Number of physical processors in shared pool is the number of physical machine processors that are allocated to the shared pool in which the partition is executing. The number of physical processors in shared pool is always less than or equal to the number of processors on the physical machine.

Machine hypervisor memory is the amount of the physical machine memory that is currently allocated to the hypervisor. This memory is unavailable for any other use. A value of zero indicates that this system does not have any memory allocated solely for the hypervisor's use.

Variable processing capacity weight is the relative share the partition has of available processing capacity in the shared pool. For a physical machine with firmware level hex 10, this value is the usable uncapped weight. For a physical machine with firmware level hex 00, this value is the configured uncapped weight.

The partitions share of uncapped weight is determined by its uncapped weight divided by the summation of all partitions uncapped weight. Uncapped weight will be set to 0 for partitions identified partition does not use uncapped processors.

Minimum interactive capacity percentage is the value displayed for the minimum interactive performance field on the LPAR configuration screen.

Maximum interactive capacity percentage is the value displayed for the maximum interactive performance field on the LPAR configuration screen. Maximum interactive capacity percentage is always greater than or equal to the minimum interactive capacity percentage.

Current interactive capacity percentage is the value specified for the current interactive performance field on the LPAR configuration screen. For a physical machine with firmware level hex 10, the value returned in this field is its usable value. For a physical machine with firmware level hex 00, the value returned in this field is its configured value. The configured interactive capacity percentage can be materialized using the MATMIF instruction. Current interactive capacity percentage is always greater than or equal to the minimum interactive capacity percentage and less than or equal to the maximum interactive capacity percentage.

Hex 01E1
Virtual partition status

This option materializes the state of partitions on the physical machine. This option is only allowed on a non-HMC managed physical machine and is only allowed on the Alpha partition (partition 1). Also, this option is not allowed when a Virtual Partition Manager session is active in Dedicated Service Tools. Otherwise a machine-dependent request invalid (hex 1C01) exception is signaled. The number of entries returned field in selection hex 0204 of MATMATR can be used to determine if the physical machine is HMC managed.

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Number of partition elements returned UBin(4)
12 C Number of partition elements available UBin(4)
16 10 Reserved (binary 0)

64 40 Partition array [*] Char(32) +
64 40
  • Partition ID
  • UBin(2)
66 42
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(6)
  • Partition type
    Hex 0001 =
    IBM i
    Hex 0002 =
    Power Architecture Platform Requirements (PAPR)

  • UBin(2)
74 4A
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(22)
--- End ---
Note: The size of the partition array, denoted with a plus sign (+), is determined by the number of bytes available for materialization field.

Description of Fields

The number of partition elements returned field is the number of array elements returned in the partition array. The number of partition elements available field is the number of array elements available for materialization. If the number of partition elements returned is less than the number of partition elements available then the number of bytes provided by the user is not sufficient to hold all of the array elements. If this is the case the number of bytes available for materialization field will contain the number of bytes required to materialize all of the partition array elements. The number of bytes required can be estimated by multiplying the estimated number of array entries by the size of a single element of the partition array and then adding the size of the header (the offset of partition array field). A maximum of 5 partitions is currently supported.

The partition array provides information on the status of existing partitions. The number of partition elements returned field is used to indicate how many entries are present in the list.

The partition ID field indicates which partition is being materialized. This value will be between the values of 1 and 5 (inclusive).

The partition type field indicates the partition type, as documented by the values above.

Hex 01E2
Virtual partition attributes

This option materializes the attributes of the selected partition on the physical machine. This option is not allowed if the physical machine is HMC managed and is only allowed on the Alpha partition (partition 1). Also, this option is not allowed when a Virtual Partition Manager session is active in Dedicated Service Tools. Otherwise a machine-dependent request invalid (hex 1C01) exception is signaled. The number of entries returned field in selection hex 0204 of MATMATR can be used to determine if the physical machine is HMC managed.

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Partition ID (input) UBin(2)
10 A Additional VLAN ID slot number (input) UBin(4)
14 E Reserved (binary 0) Char(26)
40 28 Partition name Char(8)
Partition type
Hex 0000 =
Unknown (Internal failure)
Hex 0001 =
Hex 0002 =
Power Architecture Platform Requirements (PAPR)

IPL source
Hex 00 =
Unknown (Internal failure)
Hex 01 =
A (IBM i partitions)
Hex 02 =
B (IBM i partitions)
Hex 03 =
C (IBM i partitions)
Hex 04 =
D (IBM i partitions)
Hex 11 =
Normal (PAPR partitions)
Hex 12 =
Diagnostic with stored service path (PAPR partitions)
Hex 13 =
SMS (PAPR partitions)
Hex 14 =
Boot to OK Prompt (PAPR partitions)
Hex 15 =
Diagnostic with default service path (PAPR partitions)

IPL mode
Hex 00 =
Unknown (Internal failure)
Hex 01 =
Hex 02 =

52 34 Flags UBin(2)
  • Partition physical processor sharing attribute
    0 =
    Partition does not share physical processors
    1 =
    Partition shares physical processors

  • Bit 0
  • Partition capacity attribute
    0 =
    Partition capacity is capped
    1 =
    Partition capacity is uncapped

  • Bit 1
  • Workload management enabled
    0 =
    1 =

  • Bit 2
52 34
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 3-15
54 36 Variable processing capacity weight UBin(2)
56 38 Partition memory size UBin(8)
64 40 Minimum partition memory size UBin(8)
72 48 Maximum partition memory size UBin(8)
80 50 Partition processing units UBin(8)
88 58 Minimum partition processing units UBin(8)
96 60 Maximum partition processing units UBin(8)
104 68 Partition shared processing pool units UBin(8)
112 70 Minimum partition shared processing pool units UBin(8)
120 78 Maximum partition shared processing pool units UBin(8)
128 80 Console slot UBin(4)
132 84 Load source slot UBin(4)
136 88 Alternate load source slot UBin(4)
140 8C Reserved (binary 0) Char(16)
156 9C Error code UBin(4)
160 A0 Reserved (binary 0) Char(64)
224 E0 Available system memory UBin(8)
232 E8 Available system processors UBin(8)
240 F0 System reference code (word 1) Char(8)
Partition state
Hex 0000 =
Powered off
Hex 0001 =
Powering on
Hex 0002 =
Powered on
Hex 0003 =
Powering off
Hex 0004 =
Partition encountered a pre-IPL failure
Hex 0005 =
Partition encountered a runtime failure
Hex 0006 =
Partition has been deleted
Hex 0007 =
An internal error has caused the control panel task to fail
Hex 0008 =
The partition is at command prompt
Hex 0063 =
Partition was created and has not yet been IPLed
Hex FFFF =
Unknown (Internal failure)

250 FA Materialize-only flags UBin(2)
  • Alpha partition
    0 =
    This is not the alpha partition
    1 =
    This is the alpha partition

  • Bit 0
  • Reboot required
    0 =
    1 =

  • Bit 1
  • Native screen incompatibility
    0 =
    1 =

  • Bit 2
250 FA
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 3-15
252 FC Reserved (binary 0) Char(4)
256 100 Memory region size UBin(8)
264 108 Reserved (binary 0) Char(24)
288 120 Virtual ethernet information [64] Char(32)
288 120
  • Virtual ethernet client slot number
  • UBin(4)
292 124
  • UBin(2)
294 126
  • Virtual ethernet resource name
  • Char(10)
304 130
  • Virtual ethernet flags
  • UBin(2)
    • IEEE 802.1Q virtual ethernet type
      0 =
      1 =

    • Bit 0
    • Access external network
      0 =
      1 =

    • Bit 1
304 130
    • Reserved (binary 0)
    • Bits 2-15
306 132
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(14)
2336 920 Virtual SCSI information [64] Char(32)
2336 920
  • Virtual SCSI client slot number
  • UBin(4)
2340 924
  • Virtual SCSI resource name
  • Char(10)
2350 92E
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(18)
4384 1120 System reference code (words 2 through 9) Char(64)
4448 1160 Additional VLAN IDs [256] UBin(2)
--- End ---

Description of Fields

The partition ID field indicates which partition is being materialized. The ID must be the ID of an existing partition (which would have a value between 1 and 5, inclusive) or a template value invalid (hex 3801) exception will be signaled.

The additional VLAN ID slot number field indicates a virtual ethernet slot number for which a list of additional VLAN IDs are desired. The virtual ethernet slot must be allocated to the specified partition ID. The array of additional VLAN IDs associated with this slot will be returned in the additional VLAN IDs field. Note that the VLAN IDs for only one slot can be materialized for each call to this instruction.

The partition name field indicates the unique name for the partition. This name is not known to the client partition. It is only used by selection reference #33 in the MATMATR instruction, as a reference point.

The partition type field indicates the partition type, as documented by the values above.

The IPL source field indicates the source of the IPL, documented by the available choices.

The IPL mode field indicates the mode of the IPL, documented by the available choices.

The partition physical processor sharing attribute field indicates whether or not the processors are shared. For a description of this term, refer to this field name under reference #31.

The partition capacity attribute indicates whether the partition's capacity is capped or uncapped. For a description of this term, refer to this field name under reference #31.

The workload management enabled field determines whether or not the partition is allowed to use a workload management tool to automatically adjust resource assignments.

The variable processing capacity weight field represents the relative share the partition has of available processing capacity in the shared pool. For a description of this term, refer to this field name under reference #31.

The partition memory size field is the amount of memory assigned to the partition in MB.

The minimum partition memory size field indicates the minimum amount of memory in MB that will be assigned to the partition for the remainder of the IPL. The value applies at the point the partition is started.

The maximum partition memory size field indicates the maximum amount of memory in MB that will be assigned to the partition for the remainder of the IPL. The value applies at the point the partition is started.

The partition processing units field indicates the number of processing units assigned to the partition. When the partition physical processor sharing attribute field indicates that processors are shared, this value represents the number of virtual processors.

The minimum partition processing units field indicates the minimum number of processing units that will be assigned to the partition for the remainder of the IPL. The value applies at the point the partition is started. When the partition physical processor sharing attribute field indicates that processors are shared, this value represents the number of virtual processors.

The maximum partition processing units field indicates the maximum number of processing units that will be assigned to the partition for the remainder of the IPL. The value applies at the point the partition is started. When the partition physical processor sharing attribute field indicates that processors are shared, this value represents the number of virtual processors.

The partition shared processing pool units field indicates the number of processing units assigned to the partition, in hundredths of a unit (e.g. a value of 1 represents 0.01 shared processing units). This value only applies when the partition physical processor sharing attribute field indicates that processors are shared. This field will be set to zero if processors are not shared.

The minimum partition shared processing pool units field indicates the minimum number of processing units that will be assigned to the partition for the remainder of the IPL, in hundredths of a unit. The value applies at the point the partition is started. This value only applies when the partition physical processor sharing attribute field indicates that processors are shared. This field will be set to zero if processors are not shared.

The maximum partition shared processing pool units field indicates the maximum number of processing units that will be assigned to the partition for the remainder of the IPL, in hundredths of a unit. The value applies at the point the partition is started. This value only applies when the partition physical processor sharing attribute field indicates that processors are shared. This field will be set to zero if processors are not shared.

The console slot field indicates which virtual ethernet slot is assigned to the console. A value of zero means no console is assigned. For IBM i client partitions this value will be non-zero and the corresponding slot will be listed in the virtual ethernet client slot number field, for one of the assigned virtual ethernet slots. For PAPR partitions and the alpha partition (partition 1), this value will be zero.

The load source slot field indicates which virtual SCSI slot is assigned as the load source. A value of zero means no load source is assigned. For IBM i client partitions this value will be non-zero and the corresponding slot will be listed in the virtual SCSI client slot number field, for one of the assigned virtual SCSI slots. For PAPR partitions and the alpha partition, this value will be zero.

The alternate load source slot field indicates which virtual SCSI slot is assigned as the alternate load source. A value of zero means no alternate load source is assigned. For IBM i client partitions this value will be non-zero and the corresponding slot will be listed in the virtual SCSI client slot number field, for one of the assigned virtual SCSI slots. For PAPR partitions and the alpha partition, this value will be zero.

The error code field is a return code provided by the hypervisor when an unexpected error is encountered, for debugging purposes.

The available system memory field indicates the amount of free system memory.

The available system processors field indicates the amount of free processing units, in units of hundreth of a processor.

The system reference code (word 1) field indicates word 1 of the current partition system reference code, presented as 8 bytes of EBCDIC. A blank reference code is reported as EBCDIC blanks.

The partition state field indicates the current state of the partition, as documented by the values above.

The materialize-only flags field contains flags that are materialized via this option.

The alpha partition field indicates whether or not the specified partition ID (input) is the alpha partition. Note that this option of the MATMATR instruction is only supported when it is running on the alpha partition.

The reboot required field indicates whether or not a reboot of that partition is required in order to utilize resources (e.g. pending processors, memory, or virtual slots).

The native screen incompatibility field indicates that the current partition attributes are incompatible with the Virtual Partition Manager native screens. Some attributes may not be displayed or modified as expected on the native screens.

The memory region size field indicates the units in which memory is allocated, in MB. All memory sizes will be a multiple of this value.

The virtual ethernet information field provides information about virtual ethernet units that are assigned to the partition. An array element has valid information if the VLAN ID field is non-zero for that element.

The virtual ethernet client slot number field indicates the virtual slot number that is assigned to the ethernet unit on the client partition.

The VLAN ID field indicates the VLAN ID for this ethernet unit.

The virtual ethernet resource name field indicates the resource name assigned to this device. This field is only available for devices on the server partition.

The IEEE 802.1Q virtual ethernet type field indicates whether or not this ethernet slot is a IEEE 802.1Q device.

The access external network determines whether or not the VLAN IDs are accessible on other servers for this ethernet slot.

The virtual SCSI information field indicates information about virtual SCSI units that are assigned to the partition. Each array element represents the server virtual slot number assigned to the unit. An array element has valid information if the virtual SCSI client slot number field is non-zero in that element.

The virtual SCSI client slot number field indicates the virtual slot number that is assigned to the SCSI unit on the server partition.

The virtual SCSI resource name field indicates the resource name assigned to this device on the server partition.

The system reference code (words 2 through 9) field indicates words 2 through 9 of the current partition system reference code, each word presented as eight bytes of EBCDIC. A blank reference code is reported as all EBCDIC blanks. If system reference code (word 1) all EBCDIC blanks, the user can assume that system reference code (words 2 through 9) is all EBCDIC blanks as well.

The additional VLAN IDs field provides additional VLAN IDs that are assoctiated with the specified additional VLAN ID slot number. This array ends when the value zero is encountered in an array element.

Hex 01EC
Additional load source reserved space

Use this selection to check if additional load source disk space is allowed to be reserved for system use and if that space has already been reserved. If the indicators show that additional load source disk space is allowed for system use and that LIC has not reserved the space yet, after IPL, LIC will reserve this space and it cannot be freed.

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Reserved disk space indicators Char(1)
  • Space reserved indicator

    This indicator indicates what can take effect on the next IPL.

    0 =
    LIC cannot reserve load source disk space.
    1 =
    LIC can reserve load source disk space on the next IPL.

  • Bit 0
  • Load source space reserved
    0 =
    LIC has not reserved load source disk space.
    1 =
    LIC has reserved load source disk space.

  • Bit 1
  • Asynchronous space reservation status
    0 =
    Asynchronous space reservation is not running
    1 =
    Asynchronous space reservation is running

  • Bit 2
  • End asynchronous space reservation status
    0 =
    Asynchronous space reservation is not being ended.
    1 =
    Asynchronous space reservation is being ended.

  • Bit 3
8 8
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 4-7
9 9 Reserved (binary 0) Char(1)
10 A VRM identifier Char(3)
13 D Reserved (binary 0) Char(1)
14 E Asynchronous space reservation progress (percent) UBin(2)
Major status
0 =
Space is not currently reserved and will be attempted on next IPL.
1 =
Space is already reserved.
2 =
Unable to reserve additional space.

Minor status
0 =
No additional information.
1 =
Invalid value for VRM identifier specified on modify
2 =
Load source disk unit is too small.
3 =
Insufficient free space on load source.

Current size (in megabytes)

New size (in megabytes)

--- End ---

The space reserved indicator field indicates whether additional load source disk space can be reserved by LIC or not on the next IPL. Once the space is reserved by LIC, that is, the value of load source space reserved is binary 1, the value of this field no longer has any meaning.

The load source space reserved field indicates whether additional load source disk space has been reserved by LIC or not.

The start asynchronous space reservation status field indicates whether or not asynchronous space reservation is currently in progress. The asynchronous space reservation attempts to reserve as much of the additional load source disk space as it can prior to the next IPL. Some of the additional load source disk space cannot be reserved by the asynchronous space reservation. The remainder of the additional load source disk space is reserved on the next IPL when the space reserved indicator bit is set to binary 1.

The end asynchronous space reservation status field indicates whether or not the asynchronous space reservation is currently being ended.

The VRM identifier field specifies the version, release, and modification level of the release to reserve space for. The VRM identifier field is a 3 character EBCDIC field. The first character is the version, the second character is the release, and the third character is the modification level. For example, for version 5 release 4 modification level 0, the value returned in the VRM identifier field is "540".

If the VRM identifier is set to "000" and the system has never been prepared for upgrade before, "000" will be returned for VRM identifier. If the system has been prepared for upgrade before, whether the preparation was done in this release in a preparation to upgrade to a new release, or was done in a prior release in the preparation to upgrade to this release, the information of the target release during the prior preparation will be returned and the VRM identifier will be updated to reflect the release for which the information is returned by MATMATR. For example, assume the system is currently at v5r4m0 and it was upgraded from v5r2m0. The target release for that preparation is v5r4m0. Even if in v5r4m0, no preparation has been done to upgrade to a new release, if "000" is specified for the VRM identifier the information for v5r4m0 will be returned and and VRM identifier will be set to "540".

If the number of bytes provided by the user is less than 13 bytes, that is, the value of the VRM identifier is not known, the information for the next release will be returned in the reserved disk space indicator field.

The asynchronous space reservation progress field indicates the execution progress of the asynchronous space reservation. The field contains the percent complete from 0 to 100 percent. The value 100 indicates the asynchronous space reservation has completed and is no longer running. The value of this field is not changed if asynchronous space reservation is ended by the user. The asynchronous space reservation progress field is reset to zero on the next IPL.

The major status field indicates the status of the reserve additional load source disk space operation.

The minor status field provides further information related to the current status of the reserve additional load source disk space operation.

The current size field indicates the current size of the space that is reserved on the load source disk unit for system use.

The new size field indicates the size of the space that will be reserved on the load source disk unit for system use after the additional load source disk space is reserved by LIC on the next IPL. If the space has already been reserved, current size and new size will return the same value.

Hex 01F4
On-demand processor information

Use this selection to materialize the information of on-demand processors on the system.

If the system does not have the on-demand processor feature installed, all non-reserved values returned will be blanks (hex 40s) except the enabled and active indicators will be hex 00s, and the current time of day will be set. Also, some features may support limited on-demand functions, such as Capacity Upgrade on Demand (CUoD) but not On/Off Capacity on Demand (CoD) for processors. In such a case, the values returned for the unsupported function will be blanks (hex 40s).

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 System type Char(4)
12 C System serial number Char(10)
22 16 Capacity card CCIN Char(4)
26 1A Capacity card serial number Char(10)
36 24 Capacity card unique identifier Char(16)
52 34 Capacity Upgrade on Demand activation feature Char(4)
56 38 Activated Capacity Upgrade on Demand units Char(4)
60 3C Capacity Upgrade on Demand sequence number Char(4)
64 40 Capacity Upgrade on Demand entry check Char(2)
66 42 Capacity Upgrade on Demand maximum processors that can be purchased Char(4)
On/Off Capacity on Demand enabled
Hex 00 =
System has not been enabled for On/Off Capacity on Demand
Hex 01 =
System has been enabled for On/Off Capacity on Demand

On/Off Capacity on Demand active
Hex 00 =
No active On/Off Capacity on Demand processor-day request
Hex 01 =
Active processor-day request

72 48 On/Off Capacity on Demand activation feature Char(4)
76 4C Activated On/Off Capacity on Demand units Char(4)
80 50 On/Off Capacity on Demand sequence number Char(4)
84 54 On/Off Capacity on Demand entry check Char(2)
86 56 On/Off Capacity on Demand processors currently requested Char(4)
90 5A On/Off Capacity on Demand days currently requested Char(4)
94 5E On/Off Capacity on Demand processor-days expired Char(4)
98 62 On/Off Capacity on Demand processor-days remaining Char(4)
102 66 On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement counter Char(4)
106 6A On/Off Capacity on Demand standby processors available for request Char(4)
110 6E Reserved (binary 0) Char(1)
111 6F On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested processor-days Char(4)
115 73 Reserved (binary 0) Char(1)
116 74 On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned processor-days Char(4)
120 78 Current time of day Char(8)
Reserved (blanks)
Metered Capacity on Demand enabled
Hex 00 =
System has not been enabled for Metered Capacity on Demand
Hex 01 =
System has been enabled for Metered Capacity on Demand

Metered Capacity on Demand active
Hex 00 =
No active Metered Capacity on Demand processor request
Hex 01 =
Active Metered Capacity on Demand processor request

172 AC Metered Capacity on Demand activation feature Char(4)
176 B0 Activated Metered Capacity on Demand units Char(4)
180 B4 Metered Capacity on Demand sequence number Char(4)
184 B8 Metered Capacity on Demand entry check Char(2)
186 BA Metered Capacity on Demand processors currently requested Char(4)
190 BE Reserved (binary 0) Char(12)
202 CA Metered Capacity on Demand enablement counter Char(4)
206 CE Metered Capacity on Demand standby processors available for request Char(4)
210 D2 Reserved (binary 0) Char(1)
211 D3 Metered Capacity on Demand history of expired processor-days Char(4)
215 D7 Reserved (binary 0) Char(1)
216 D8 Metered Capacity on Demand history of unreturned processor-days Char(4)
220 DC Extended On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested processor-days Char(8)
228 E4 Extended On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned processor-days Char(8)
Reserved (hex 40s)
Trial Capacity on Demand enabled
Hex 00 =
System has not been enabled for Trial Capacity on Demand
Hex 01 =
System has been enabled for Trial Capacity on Demand

Power Enterprise Pool report enabled
Hex 00 =
Report is not enabled
Hex 01 =
Report is enabled

280 118 Trial Capacity on Demand activation feature Char(4)
284 11C Activated Trial Capacity on Demand units Char(4)
288 120 Trial Capacity on Demand sequence number Char(4)
292 124 Trial Capacity on Demand entry check Char(2)
294 126 Power Enterprise Pool processors Char(4)
298 12A Reserved (binary 0) Char(4)
302 12E Trial Capacity on Demand days expired Char(4)
306 132 Trial Capacity on Demand days remaining Char(4)
310 136 Reserved (binary 0) Char(14)
324 144 Trial Capacity on Demand unreturned processors Char(4)
328 148 Reserved (blanks) Char(42)
Utility Capacity on Demand enabled
Hex 00 =
System has not been enabled for Utility Capacity on Demand
Hex 01 =
System has been enabled for Utility Capacity on Demand

Utility Capacity on Demand active
Hex 00 =
No active Utility Capacity on Demand processor request
Hex 01 =
Active Utility Capacity on Demand processor request

372 174 Utility Capacity on Demand activation feature Char(4)
376 178 Activated Utility Capacity on Demand units Char(4)
380 17C Utility Capacity on Demand sequence number Char(4)
384 180 Utility Capacity on Demand entry check Char(2)
386 182 Utility Capacity on Demand processors currently requested Char(4)
390 186 Utility Capacity on Demand usage limit Char(4)
394 18A Reserved (binary 0) Char(8)
402 192 Utility Capacity on Demand enablement days remaining Char(4)
406 196 Utility Capacity on Demand standby processors available for request Char(4)
410 19A Total Utility Capacity on Demand processor minutes Char(8)
418 1A2 Total Utility Capacity on Demand processor minutes reported Char(8)
426 1AA Utility Capacity on Demand reporting feature Char(4)
430 1AE Utility Capacity on Demand reporting sequence number Char(4)
434 1B2 Utility Capacity on Demand reporting entry check Char(2)
436 1B4 Reserved (binary 0) Char(6)
442 1BA Total processors in use for all Capacity on Demand types Char(4)
Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid enabled
Hex 00 =
System has not been enabled for Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid
Hex 01 =
System has been enabled for Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid

Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid active
Hex 00 =
No Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid processors assigned to the shared pool
Hex 01 =
Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid processors are assigned to the shared pool

448 1C0 Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid activation feature Char(4)
452 1C4 Activated Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid units Char(4)
456 1C8 Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid sequence number Char(4)
460 1CC Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid entry check Char(2)
462 1CE Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid processors currently assigned to the shared pool Char(4)
466 1D2 Reserved (binary 0) Char(12)
478 1DE Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid enablement days remaining Char(4)
482 1E2 Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid standby processors available for assignment to the shared pool Char(4)
486 1E6 Total Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid processor minutes Char(8)
494 1EE Reserved (binary 0) Char(24)
--- End ---

System type is the type of the system.

System serial number is the serial number of the system.

The capacity card CCIN is the code used for ordering processor hardware.

The capacity card serial number is the serial number of the capacity card used when ordering processor on demand activation codes.

The capacity card unique identifier is an identifier that is unique to each card.

The Capacity Upgrade on Demand activation feature is a value that identifies the orderable on-demand processor. This value must be used when ordering this feature.

The activated Capacity Upgrade on Demand units is a value that identifies the number of processors that have been permanently activated above the base system configuration. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if there are 12 Capacity Upgrade on Demand processors currently in use.

The Capacity Upgrade on Demand sequence number is a value maintained by the system to keep track of the number of the on-demand processor activation codes that have been entered. This value is displayable hex characters, and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9), or hex C1 - hex C6 (A-F).

The Capacity Upgrade on Demand entry check field is a value used by the on-demand processor ordering process.

The Capacity Upgrade on Demand maximum processors that can be purchased field is the maximum number of permanent on-demand processors that can be purchased. This value remains the same independent of the number of activated Capacity Upgrade on Demand units. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F0F6 is returned if the Capacity Upgrade on Demand maximum processors that can be purchased is 6.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand enabled is an indicator that is set to hex 01 if the system has been enabled for On/Off Capacity on Demand which means an On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement code has been entered and the On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement counter is non-zero. Otherwise, this field is set to hex 00.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand active is an indicator that is set to hex 01 if there is an active On/Off Capacity on Demand processor-day request. This field is set to hex 00 if there is no active processor-day request.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand activation feature is a value that identifies the orderable On/Off Capacity on Demand feature. This value is specific to each system model group, and it must be used when ordering a On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement code.

The activated On/Off Capacity on Demand units is a value that identifies the number of processor-days that have been enabled on this system by entering On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement codes. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if there have been 12 processor-days enabled on this system.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand sequence number is a value maintained by the system to keep track of the number of the On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement codes that have been entered. This value is displayable hex characters, and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9), or hex C1 - hex C6 (A-F).

The On/Off Capacity on Demand entry check is a value used by the On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement code ordering process.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand processors currently requested is a value that identifies the number of processors enabled for an active On/Off Capacity on Demand processor-day request. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 processors were specified in an active On/Off Capacity on Demand processor-day request.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand days currently requested is a value that identifies the number of days specified in an active On/Off Capacity on Demand processor-day request. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 days were specified in an active On/Off Capacity on Demand processor-day request.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand processor-days expired is a value that identifies the number of processor-days that have expired for the currently active On/Off Capacity on Demand request. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 processor-days have expired in an active On/Off Capacity on Demand processor-day request.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand processor-days remaining is a value that identifies the number of processor-days remaining for the currently active On/Off Capacity on Demand request. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 processor-days remain in the On/Off Capacity on Demand processor-day request.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement counter is a value that identifies the number of processor-days that can be requested. This value is the amount enabled by enablement codes, minus any requested processor-days. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 processor-days can be requested for system use.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand standby processors available for request is a value that identifies the number of processors that are in standby mode (not permanently activated, or requested in another on demand request). This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. This value is only available on systems with POWER5 or newer processors and will be blank on older systems.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested processor-days is a value that identifies the number of processor-days that have expired within On/Off Capacity on Demand processor-day requests. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. This value is only available on systems with POWER5 or newer processors and will be blank on older systems. The extended On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested processor-days is an 8-character version of this field. If the value of the extended On/Off Capacity on Demand history of processor-days is non-blank, it replaces the value of the On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested processor-days field.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned processor-days is a value that identifies the number of processor-days the system was unable to recover after an On/Off Capacity on Demand request ended. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. The system was unable to recover the processors due to a restricted system configuration, such as the assignment of the processors to logical partitions. This value is only available on systems with POWER5 or newer processors and will be blank on older systems. The extended On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned processor-days is an 8-character version of this field. If the value of the extended On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned processor-days is non-blank, it replaces the value of the On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned processor-days field.

The current time of day is a value that identifies the time of day the on-demand processor information was obtained. See Standard Time Format for additional information on the time-of-day format.

The Metered Capacity on Demand enabled is an indicator that is set to hex 01 if the system has been enabled for Metered Capacity on Demand which means a Metered Capacity on Demand enablement code has been entered and the Metered Capacity on Demand enablement counter is non-zero. Otherwise, this field is set to hex 00.

The Metered Capacity on Demand active is an indicator that is set to hex 01 if there is an active Metered Capacity on Demand processor request. This field is set to hex 00 if there is no active processor request.

The Metered Capacity on Demand activation feature is a value that identifies the orderable Metered Capacity on Demand feature. This value is specific to each system model group, and it must be used when ordering a Metered Capacity on Demand enablement code.

The activated Metered Capacity on Demand units is a value that identifies the number of processor-days that have been enabled on this system by entering Metered Capacity on Demand enablement codes. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if there have been 12 processor-days enabled on this system.

The Metered Capacity on Demand sequence number is a value maintained by the system to keep track of the number of the Metered Capacity on Demand enablement codes that have been entered. This value is displayable hex characters, and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9), or hex C1 - hex C6 (A-F).

The Metered Capacity on Demand entry check is a value used by the Metered Capacity on Demand enablement code ordering process.

The Metered Capacity on Demand processors currently requested is a value that identifies the number of processors enabled for an active Metered Capacity on Demand processor request. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 processors were specified in an active Metered Capacity on Demand processor request.

The Metered Capacity on Demand enablement counter is a value that identifies the number of processor-days that remain to be utilized. This value is the amount enabled by enablement codes, minus any utilized processor-days. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 processor-days can be utilized for system use.

The Metered Capacity on Demand standby processors available for request is a value that identifies the number of processors that are in standby mode (not permanently activated, or requested in another on demand request). This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 processors are not permanently or temporarily requested for system use.

The Metered Capacity on Demand history of expired processor-days is a value that identifies the number of processor-days that have expired. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 Metered Capacity on Demand processor-days have expired for this system.

The Metered Capacity on Demand history of unreturned processor-days is a value that identifies the number of processor-days the system was unable to recover after Metered Capacity on Demand requests end. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 processor-days have expired after Metered Capacity on Demand requests have ended.

The extended On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested processor-days is an expansion of the value that identifies the number of processor-days that have expired within On/Off Capacity on Demand requests. (See the On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested processor-days field.) This value is in displayable form and can only contain the characters hex F0 - hex F9. If this extended, 8-character value is blank then the 4-character On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested processor-days should be used. If this extended, 8-character value is non-blank, then the 4-character value should be ignored.

The extended On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned processor-days is an expansion of the value that identifies the number of processor-days that the system was unable to recover after On/Off Capacity on Demand requests ended. (See the On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned processor-days field.) This value is in displayable form and can only contain the characters hex F0 - hex F9. If this extended, 8-character value is blank then the 4-character On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned processor-days should be used. If this extended, 8-character value is non-blank, then the 4-character value should be ignored.

The Power Enterprise Pool report enabled field has the value of hex 01 if the Power Enterprise Pool processors field contains meaningful information and the value of hex 00 if the Power Enterprise Pool processors field does not contain meaningful information. The value of this field is dependent on the firmware level of the system.

The Power Enterprise Pool processors is a value that identifies the number of cores assigned to this system as a member of a Power Enterprise Pool. If the Power Enterprise Pool report enabled field is hex 01 and this field has a value of hex FFFF, then this system is not a member of a Power Enterprise Pool. If the Power Enterprise Pool report enabled field is hex 01 and this field has a value other than hex FFFF, then this system is a member of a Power Enterprise Pool and this field contains the number of cores assigned to this system. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9). For example, a value of hex F0F2 is returned if 2 cores have been assigned to this system.

The Trial Capacity on Demand enabled is an indicator that is set to hex 01 if the system has been enabled for Trial Capacity on Demand which means a Trial Capacity on Demand enablement code has been entered and the system is using Trial Capacity on Demand resources. Otherwise, this field is set to hex 00.

The Trial Capacity on Demand activation feature is a value that identifies the orderable Trial Capacity on Demand feature. This value is specific to each system model group, and it must be used when ordering a Trial Capacity on Demand enablement code.

The activated Trial Capacity on Demand units is a value that identifies the number of days that have been enabled on this system by entering Trial Capacity on Demand enablement codes. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if there have been 12 days enabled on this system.

The Trial Capacity on Demand sequence number is a value maintained by the system to keep track of the number of the Trial Capacity on Demand enablement codes that have been entered. This value is displayable hex characters, and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9), or hex C1 - hex C6 (A-F).

The Trial Capacity on Demand entry check is a value used by the Trial Capacity on Demand enablement code ordering process.

The Trial Capacity on Demand days expired is a value that identifies the number of days that have expired for the currently active Trial Capacity on Demand enablement. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 days have expired in an active Trial Capacity on Demand enablement.

The Trial Capacity on Demand days remaining is a value that identifies the number of days remaining for the currently active Trial Capacity on Demand enablement. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 days remain in the Trial Capacity on Demand enablement.

The Trial Capacity on Demand unreturned processors is a value that identifies the number of processors the system is currently unable to recover after the Trial Capacity on Demand enablement expired. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 processors are unreturned after a Trial Capacity on Demand enablement period has ended.

The Utility Capacity on Demand enabled is an indicator that is set to hex 01 if the system has been enabled for Utility Capacity on Demand which means a Utility Capacity on Demand enablement code has been entered and non-zero days remain for the enablement period. Otherwise, this field is set to hex 00.

The Utility Capacity on Demand active is an indicator that is set to hex 01 if there is an active Utility Capacity on Demand processor request. This field is set to hex 00 if there is no active processor request.

The Utility Capacity on Demand activation feature is a value that identifies the orderable Utility Capacity on Demand feature. This value is specific to each system model group, and it must be used when ordering a Utility Capacity on Demand enablement code.

The activated Utility Capacity on Demand units is a value that is required for ordering a Utility Capacity on Demand enablement code, it shows the Utility Capacity on Demand enablement period in days. This value is displayable hex characters, and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9).

The Utility Capacity on Demand sequence number is a value maintained by the system to keep track of the number of the Utility Capacity on Demand enablement codes that have been entered. This value is displayable hex characters, and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9), or hex C1 - hex C6 (A-F).

The Utility Capacity on Demand entry check is a value used by the Utility Capacity on Demand enablement code ordering process.

The Utility Capacity on Demand processors currently requested is a value that identifies the number of processors enabled for an active Utility Capacity on Demand processor request. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 processors were specified in an active Utility Capacity on Demand processor request.

The Utility Capacity on Demand usage limit is a value that specifies the maximum number of processor minutes that may be used. The usage limit is an optional user-defined setting. A non-zero value indicates a limit is in effect. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9).

The Utility Capacity on Demand enablement days remaining is a value that identifies the number of days remaining for the currently active Utility Capacity on Demand enablement. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9).

The Utility Capacity on Demand standby processors available for request is a value that identifies the number of processors that are in standby mode (not permanently activated, or requested in another on demand request). This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9).

The total Utility Capacity on Demand processor minutes value shows the number of processor minutes utilized by the system, including Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid processor minutes. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9).

The total Utility Capacity on Demand processor minutes reported value shows the number of processor minutes reported for the system. This value can be subtracted from the total Utility Capacity on Demand processor minutes value to determine the number that remains to be reported. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9).

The Utility Capacity on Demand reporting feature is a value that identifies the Utility Capacity on Demand feature used to report processor minute usage to obtain a Utility Capacity on Demand reporting code.

The Utility Capacity on Demand reporting sequence number is a value maintained by the system to keep track of the number of the Utility Capacity on Demand reporting codes that have been entered. This value is displayable hex characters, and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9), or hex C1 - hex C6 (A-F).

The Utility Capacity on Demand reporting entry check is a value used by the Utility Capacity on Demand reporting code ordering process.

The total processors in use for all Capacity on Demand types value shows the total number of activated processors of all Capacity on Demand types including unreturned processors on the system. This value is displayable hex characters, and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9).

The Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid enabled is an indicator that is set to hex 01 if the system has been enabled for Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid which means a Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid enablement code has been entered and non-zero days remain for the enablement period. Otherwise, this field is set to hex 00.

The Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid active is an indicator that is set to hex 01 if there are Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid processors assigned to the shared processor pool. This field is set to hex 00 if there are no Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid processors assigned.

The Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid activation feature is a value that identifies the orderable Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid feature. This value is specific to each system model group, and it must be used when ordering a Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid enablement code.

The Activated Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid units is a value that is required for ordering a Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid enablement code, it shows the Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid enablement period in days. This value is displayable hex characters, and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9).

The Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid sequence number is a value maintained by the system to keep track of the number of the Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid enablement codes that have been entered. This value is displayable hex characters, and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9), or hex C1 - hex C6 (A-F).

The Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid entry check is a value used by the Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid enablement code ordering process.

The Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid processors currently assigned to the shared pool is a value that identifies the number of processors enabled for Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid processors were assigned to the shared processor pool.

The Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid enablement days remaining is a value that identifies the number of days remaining for the currently active Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid enablement. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9).

The Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid standby processors available for assignment to the shared pool is a value that identifies the number of processors that are in standby mode (not permanently activated, or requested in another on demand request). This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9).

The total Utility Capacity on Demand Prepaid processor minutes value shows the number of processor minutes utilized by the system, including Utility Capacity on Demand processor minutes. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9).

Hex 01F6
On-demand memory information

Use this selection to materialize the information of on-demand memory on the system.

If the system does not have the on-demand memory feature installed, all non-reserved values returned will be blanks (hex 40s) except the enabled and active indicators will be hex 00s, and the current time of day will be set. Also, some features may support limited on-demand functions, such as Capacity Upgrade on Demand but not On/Off Capacity on Demand for memory. In such a case, the values returned for the unsupported function will be blanks (hex 40s).

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 System type Char(4)
12 C System serial number Char(10)
22 16 Capacity card CCIN Char(4)
26 1A Capacity card serial number Char(10)
36 24 Capacity card unique identifier Char(16)
52 34 Capacity Upgrade on Demand activation feature Char(4)
56 38 Activated Capacity Upgrade on Demand units Char(4)
60 3C Capacity Upgrade on Demand sequence number Char(4)
64 40 Capacity Upgrade on Demand entry check Char(2)
66 42 Capacity Upgrade on Demand maximum memory that can be purchased Char(4)
On/Off Capacity on Demand enabled
Hex 00 =
System has not been enabled for On/Off Capacity on Demand
Hex 01 =
System has been enabled for On/Off Capacity on Demand

On/Off Capacity on Demand active
Hex 00 =
No active On/Off Capacity on Demand memory-day request
Hex 01 =
Active memory-day request

72 48 On/Off Capacity on Demand activation feature Char(4)
76 4C Activated On/Off Capacity on Demand units Char(4)
80 50 On/Off Capacity on Demand sequence number Char(4)
84 54 On/Off Capacity on Demand entry check Char(2)
86 56 On/Off Capacity on Demand memory currently requested Char(4)
90 5A On/Off Capacity on Demand days currently requested Char(4)
94 5E On/Off Capacity on Demand memory-days expired Char(4)
98 62 On/Off Capacity on Demand memory-days remaining Char(4)
102 66 On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement counter Char(4)
106 6A On/Off Capacity on Demand standby memory available for request Char(4)
110 6E Reserved (binary 0) Char(1)
111 6F On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested memory-days Char(4)
115 73 Reserved (binary 0) Char(1)
116 74 On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned memory-days Char(4)
120 78 Current time of day Char(8)
128 80 Reserved (blanks) Char(42)
Units of memory
Hex 01 =
1 Gigabyte (Gb)
Hex 02 =
2 Gb
Hex 03 =
3 Gb
Hex 04 =
4 Gb

171 AB Reserved (binary 0) Char(49)
220 DC Extended On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested memory-days Char(8)
228 E4 Extended On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned memory-days Char(8)
236 EC Reserved (binary 0) Char(44)
Trial Capacity on Demand enabled
Hex 00 =
System has not been enabled for Trial Capacity on Demand
Hex 01 =
System has been enabled for Trial Capacity on Demand

281 119 Reserved (binary 0) Char(1)
282 11A Trial Capacity on Demand activation feature Char(4)
286 11E Activated Trial Capacity on Demand units Char(4)
290 122 Trial Capacity on Demand sequence number Char(4)
294 126 Trial Capacity on Demand entry check Char(2)
296 128 Reserved (binary 0) Char(8)
304 130 Trial Capacity on Demand days expired Char(4)
308 134 Trial Capacity on Demand days remaining Char(4)
312 138 Reserved (binary 0) Char(14)
326 146 Trial Capacity on Demand unreturned memory Char(4)
330 14A Reserved (blanks) Char(42)
372 174 Reserved (binary 0) Char(1)
--- End ---

System type is the type of the system.

System serial number is the serial number of the system.

The capacity card CCIN is the code used for ordering memory hardware.

The capacity card serial number is the serial number of the capacity card used when ordering memory on demand activation codes.

The capacity card unique identifier is an identifier that is unique to each card.

The Capacity Upgrade on Demand activation feature is a value that identifies the orderable on-demand memory. This value must be used when ordering this feature.

The activated Capacity Upgrade on Demand units is a value that identifies the amount of memory that has been permanently activated above the base system configuration. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if there are 12 permanent on-demand memory GB currently in use.

The Capacity Upgrade on Demand sequence number is a value maintained by the system to keep track of the number of the on-demand memory activation codes that have been entered. This value is displayable hex characters, and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9), or hex C1 - hex C6 (A-F).

The Capacity Upgrade on Demand entry check field is a value used by the on-demand memory ordering process.

The Capacity Upgrade on Demand maximum memory that can be purchased field is the maximum amount of permanent on-demand memory that can be purchased. This value remains the same independent of the number of activated Capacity Upgrade on Demand units. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F0F6 is returned if the Capacity Upgrade on Demand maximum memory that can be purchased is 6 GB.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand enabled is an indicator that is set to hex 01 if the system has been enabled for On/Off Capacity on Demand. An On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement code has been entered and the On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement counter is non-zero. Otherwise, this field is set to hex 00.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand active is an indicator that is set to hex 01 if there is an active On/Off Capacity on Demand memory-day request. This field is set to hex 00 if there is no active memory-day request.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand activation feature is a value that identifies the orderable On/Off Capacity on Demand feature. This value is specific to each system model group, and it must be used when ordering a On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement code.

The activated On/Off Capacity on Demand units is a value that identifies the number of memory-days that have been enabled on this system by entering On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement codes. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if there have been 12 memory-days enabled on this system.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand sequence number is a value maintained by the system to keep track of the number of the On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement codes that have been entered. This value is displayable hex characters, and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9), or hex C1 - hex C6 (A-F).

The On/Off Capacity on Demand entry check is a value used by the On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement code ordering process.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand memory currently requested is a value that identifies the amount of memory enabled for an active On/Off Capacity on Demand memory-day request. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 GB of memory was specified in an active On/Off Capacity on Demand memory-day request.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand days currently requested is a value that identifies the number of days specified in an active Capacity Upgrade on Demand memory-day request. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 days were specified in an active Capacity Upgrade on Demand memory-day request.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand memory-days expired is a value that identifies the number of memory-days that have expired for the currently active Capacity Upgrade on Demand request. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 memory-days have expired in an active Capacity Upgrade on Demand memory-day request.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand memory-days remaining is a value that identifies the number of memory-days remaining for the currently active On/Off Capacity on Demand request. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 memory-days remain in the On/Off Capacity on Demand memory-day request.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement counter is a value that identifies the number of On/Off Capacity on Demand memory-days that can be requested. This value is the amount enabled by enablement codes, minus any requested On/Off Capacity on Demand memory-days. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 memory-days can be requested for system use.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand standby memory available for request is a value that identifies the amount of memory that is in standby mode (not permanently activated, or requested in another on demand request). This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 GB of memory is not permanently or temporarily requested for system use.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested memory-days is a value that identifies the number of memory-days that have expired within On/Off Capacity on Demand memory-day requests. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 On/Off Capacity on Demand memory-days have expired for this system. The extended On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested memory-days is an 8-character version of this field. If the value of the extended On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested memory-days is non-blank, it replaces the value of the On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested memory-days field.

The On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned memory-days is a value that identifies the number of memory-days the system was unable to recover after an On/Off Capacity on Demand request ended. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 On/Off Capacity on Demand memory-days have expired after On/Off Capacity on Demand requests have ended. The system was unable to recover the memory due to a restricted system configuration, such as the assignment of the memory to logical partitions. The extended On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned memory-days is an 8-character version of this field. If the value of the extended On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned memory-days is non-blank, it replaces the value of the On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned memory-days field.

The current time of day is a value that identifies the time of day the on-demand memory information was obtained. See Standard Time Format for additional information on the time-of-day format.

The units of memory is a value that identifies the unit size as a multiplier for the following values (multiply this value with the following fields to determine the actual value):

  • Activated Capacity Upgrade on Demand units
  • Capacity Upgrade on Demand maximum memory that can be purchased
  • On/Off Capacity on Demand memory currently requested
  • On/Off Capacity on Demand memory-days expired
  • On/Off Capacity on Demand memory-days remaining
  • On/Off Capacity on Demand enablement counter
  • On/Off Capacity on Demand standby memory available for request
  • On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested memory-days
  • On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned memory-days
  • Trial Capacity on Demand unreturned memory

The extended On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested memory-days is an expansion of the value that identifies the number of memory-days that have expired within On/Off Capacity on Demand requests. (See On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested memory-days.) This value is in displayable form and can only contain the characters hex F0 - hex F9. If this extended, 8-character value is blank then the On/Off Capacity on Demand history of requested memory-days should be used. If this extended, 8-character value is non-blank, then the 4-character value should be ignored.

The extended On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned memory-days is an expansion of the value that identifies the number of memory-days that the system was unable to recover after On/Off Capacity on Demand requests ended. (See On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned memory-days.) This value is in displayable form and can only contain the characters hex F0 - hex F9. If this extended, 8-character value is blank then the On/Off Capacity on Demand history of unreturned memory-days should be used. If this extended, 8-character value is non-blank, then the 4-character value should be ignored.

The Trial Capacity on Demand enabled is an indicator that is set to hex 01 if the system has been enabled for Trial Capacity on Demand which means a Trial Capacity on Demand enablement code has been entered and the system is using Trial Capacity on Demand resources. Otherwise, this field is set to hex 00.

The Trial Capacity on Demand activation feature is a value that identifies the orderable Trial Capacity on Demand feature. This value is specific to each system model group, and it must be used when ordering a Trial Capacity on Demand enablement code.

The activated Trial Capacity on Demand units is a value that identifies the number of days that have been enabled on this system by entering Trial Capacity on Demand enablement codes. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if there have been 12 days enabled on this system.

The Trial Capacity on Demand sequence number is a value maintained by the system to keep track of the number of the Trial Capacity on Demand enablement codes that have been entered. This value is displayable hex characters, and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9 (0-9), or hex C1 - hex C6 (A-F).

The Trial Capacity on Demand entry check is a value used by the Trial Capacity on Demand enablement code ordering process.

The Trial Capacity on Demand days expired is a value that identifies the number of days that have expired for the currently active Trial Capacity on Demand enablement. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 days have expired in an active Trial Capacity on Demand enablement.

The Trial Capacity on Demand days remaining is a value that identifies the number of days remaining for the currently active Trial Capacity on Demand enablement. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 days remain in the Trial Capacity on Demand enablement.

The Trial Capacity on Demand unreturned memory is a value that identifies the amount of memory the system is currently unable to recover after the Trial Capacity on Demand enablement expired. This value is in displayable form and can only contain characters hex F0 - hex F9. For example, a value of hex F0F0F1F2 is returned if 12 units of memory are unreturned after a Trial Capacity on Demand enablement period has ended.

Hex 01F8
IPL identifier

Use this selection to materialize the IPL identifier. This value changes with each IPL.

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 IPL identifier UBin(4)
--- End ---

The IPL identifier is a value that is unique for each system IPL. The value increases for each system IPL.

Hex 01FC
Electronic licensing identifier

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Electronic licensing identifier Char(5)
--- End ---

The electronic licensing identifier field is the value of version, release and modification level of the IBM i to be installed during the next upgrade whose license is accepted by the customers. The format of the electronic licensing identifier is vrmnn where v is the version, r, the release, m, the modication level, and nn are operating system assigned values.

Hex 0200
Wait state performance information

Use this selection to materialize the wait state performance information.

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Reserved (binary 0) Char(8)
16 10 Offset to descriptor table entries UBin(4)
20 14 Offset to mapping table entries UBin(4)
24 18 Number of descriptor table entries UBin(2)
26 1A Number of mapping table entries UBin(2)
28 1C Reserved (binary 0) Char(20)
48 30 Descriptor table entry [*] Char(64)
  • (repeated number of descriptor table entries times)
48 30
  • Collection bucket number
  • UBin(2)
50 32
  • Collection bucket descriptor
  • Char(50)
100 64
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(12)
Dynamic table entry
(repeated number of mapping table entries times)
[*] Char(16)
* *
  • Mapping table entry number
  • UBin(2)
* *
  • Collection bucket number
  • UBin(2)
* *
  • Component identifier
  • Char(1)
* *
  • Subcomponent identifier
  • Char(1)
* *
  • Reserved
  • Char(1)
* *
  • Base object type
  • Char(1)
* *
  • Wait point identifier
  • Char(3)
* *
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(5)
--- End ---

The offset to descriptor table entries field is the offset to the first descriptor table entry array element, relative to the beginning of the materialization template.

The number of descriptor table entries field is a count of the number of descriptor table entry array elements returned.

The offset to mapping table entries field is the offset to the first mapping table entry array element, relative to the beginning of the materialization template.

The number of mapping table entries field is a count of the number of mapping table entry array elements returned.

The descriptor table entry contains information describing a wait state accounting collection bucket. A collection bucket is a container for wait state accounting information presented in various performance reports. Each descriptor table entry includes a collection bucket number that identifies the collection bucket, and a collection bucket descriptor that describes the collection bucket.

The mapping table entry describes which collection bucket contains information for a wait point. There is one mapping table entry for each wait point monitored by performance tools. More than one wait point may be mapped to one collection bucket, but a wait point is mapped to at most one collection bucket. A wait point identifies a place where operating system software may wait for resources.

The mapping table entry number uniquely identifies the mapping table entry.

The collection bucket number identifies which collection bucket will be updated when this mapping table entry is recorded.

The component identifier, subcomponent identifier and wait point identifier together uniquely identify the system software being monitored by the mapping table entry.

The base object type identifies the type of system resource being monitored by the mapping table entry.

Hex 0204
Hardware management console information

This option is frozen and will not be updated to support any additional data keywords in the future. Instead of this option, MATMATR option 0206 should be used since it will be updated as necessary to support any future additional keywords.

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Number of entries returned UBin(4)
12 C Reserved (binary 0) Char(4)
Hardware Management Console (HMC) information
(repeated for number of entries returned)
[*] Char(1036)
16 10
  • HMC information length
  • UBin(2)
18 12
  • HMC information
  • Char(1034)
--- End ---

The number of entries returned field indicates the number of Hardware Management Console (HMC) information entries returned. One entry is returned for each HMC attached to the physical machine. On a non-HMC managed system, the value returned will be binary 0.

The HMC information field returns information about the HMC. The HMC information that is materialized is the same for all partitions of a physical machine.

The data returned is in UTF8 and its format is as follows: keyword1=its_value;keyword2=its_value;etc. Each keyword is followed by an equal sign (=), its value, and ends with a semi-colon (;). Keywords and their values in the HMC information string can be in any order, and will be delimited from each other by their trailing semi-colons only.

For example, an HMC information string can look like this (other than the fact that it is shown here with two lines):


The following table shows the keywords that are supported. An HMC may return all of these keyword/value combinations, or a subset of these keyword/value combinations. These keywords are the only possible ones that may be returned.

Table 5. HMC Information keywords
Keyword Description Value Encoding Notes
HscName HMC Name UTF8
HscIPAddr Ip address of HMC's LAN connection to the partition UTF8
HscHostName HMC Host Name UTF8
HscAddIPs Additional IP addresses UTF8 Additional HMC IP addresses. The HMC can have more than 1 IP address because it can have more than 1 ethernet adapter installed. If there are additional IP addresses, they are separated by commas. For example, HscAddIPs=,;
HmcStat HMC connection state UTF8

The values of HMC connection state can be

  • 1 = the HMC is connected
  • 2 = the HMC is temporarily disconnected
  • 3 = the HMC is permanently disconnected
  • 4 = the HMC is not communicating
Hex 0206
System manager information

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Number of entries returned UBin(4)
12 C Reserved (binary 0) Char(4)
System manager information
(repeated for number of entries returned)
[*] Char(*)
  • System manager type
    1 =
    Hardware Management Console (HMC)
    2 =
    Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM)
    3 =
    Virtual Partition Manager (VPM)

  • UBin(2)
18 12
  • System manager information entry length
  • UBin(2)
20 14
  • System manager data length
  • UBin(2)
22 16
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Char(10)
32 20
  • System manager data
  • [*] Char(*)
--- End ---

The number of entries returned field indicates the number of system manager information entries returned. One entry is returned for each system manager attached to the physical machine. On a non-managed system, the value returned will be binary 0.

The system manager information field returns a string containing information about each system manager. The system manager information that is materialized is the same for all partitions of a physical machine.

The system manager type field returns an indicator of the type of system manager present on this system. When there are multiple system managers on a system, the system manager type field for the second and any subsequent system managers will immediately follow the previous system manager's information entry.

The system manager information entry length field contains the integer length in bytes of the system manager information entry.

The system manager data length field contains the integer length in bytes of the system manager data field within the system manager information entry. On a non-managed system, the value returned will be binary 0.

The data returned is in UTF8 and its format is as follows: keyword1=its_value;keyword2=its_value;etc. Each keyword is followed by an equal sign (=), its value, and ends with a semi-colon (;). Keywords and their values in the system manager data string can be in any order, and will be delimited from each other by their trailing semi-colons only.

For example, a system manager data string can look like this (other than the fact that it is shown here with two lines):


The following table shows the keywords that are supported. A system manager may return all of these keyword/value combinations, or a subset of these keyword/value combinations. A system manager may also return a keyword/value combination that is not listed in the table below.

Table 6. System Manager Information keywords
Keyword Description Value Encoding Notes
HscName System manager name UTF8
HscIPAddr Ip address of system manager's LAN connection to the partition UTF8
HscHostName System manager host name UTF8
HscAddIPs Additional IP addresses UTF8 Additional system manager IP addresses. The system manager can have more than 1 IP address because it can have more than 1 ethernet adapter installed. If there are additional IP addresses, they are separated by commas. For example, HscAddIPs=,;
HmcStat System manager connection state UTF8

The values of system manager connection state can be

  • 1 = the system manager is connected
  • 2 = the system manager is temporarily disconnected
  • 3 = the system manager is permanently disconnected
  • 4 = the system manager is not communicating
HscAddIPv6s Additional V6 IP addresses UTF8 Additional system manager IPv6 addresses. The system manager can have more than 1 IPv6 address because it can have more than 1 ethernet adapter installed. If there are additional IP addresses, they are separated by commas. For example, HscAddIPv6s=fe80:0:0:0:211:25ff:fea4:57c3, fe80:0:0:0:211:25ff:fea4:57c4; It is also possible to have HscAddIPv6s specified with no keyword value. For example, HscAddIPV6s=;
Hex 0208
Keep current disk configuration during install

This option is used to materialize the indicator that indicates whether or not all non-configured disk units should be added to the system ASP during an automatic install operation.

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Keep current disk configuration indicator
Hex 00 =
Add all non-configured disk units to the system ASP.
Hex 01 =
Keep current disk configuration.

9 9 Reserved (binary 0) Char(7)
--- End ---
Hex 020C
Licensed Internal Code version release modification

This option is used to materialize the version, release, and modification level of the Licensed Internal Code. The value returned is an EBCDIC value of the following format: VvRrMm, where v, r, and m are version, release, and modification.

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Licensed Internal Code VRM Char(6)
14 E Reserved (binary 0) Char(2)
--- End ---
Hex 0210
Shared processor pools information

This option makes available information about shared processor pools for the current partition and the physical machine. The materialization format of shared processor pool information (including the 8-byte prefix for number of bytes provided and number of bytes available) is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Reserved (binary 0) Char(2)
10 A Current virtual shared processor pool ID UBin(2)
12 C Configured capacity of virtual shared processor pool UBin(2)
14 E Number of processors for current virtual shared processor pool UBin(2)
16 10 Current number of virtual shared processor pools configured UBin(2)
18 12 Maximum number of virtual shared processor pools UBin(2)
20 14 Total number of physical processors for physical shared processor pool UBin(2)
22 16 Maximum processors in physical machine for IBM i partitions UBin(2)
24 18 Reserved (binary 0) Char(8)
32 20 Array of bits indicating the current active virtual shared processor pools Char(32)
--- End ---

Current virtual shared processor pool ID identifies the shared processor pool in which this partition is executing. This field should only be used when this partition shares processors. A shared processor pool is a set of physical processors on the physical machine that is used to run a set of shared processor partitions that exist on this physical machine.

MATMIF option hex 0001 can be used to materialize whether or not this partition shares processors.

Configured capacity of virtual shared processor pool is the configured capacity (in units of 1/100 of a physical processor) of the virtual shared processor pool in which this partition is executing.

Number of processors for current virtual shared processor pool is the configured count of the number of processors for the virtual shared processor pool in which this partition is executing. This value defines the limit on the uncapped capacity that can be consumed by this virtual shared processor pool.

Current number of virtual shared processor pools configured is the total number of virtual shared processor pools that are configured for the physical machine.

Maximum number of virtual shared processor pools is the maximum pool number currently supported by the firmware installed on the system. Since the firmware can be updated dynamically, this value may change between invocations of MATMATR.

Total number of physical processors for physical shared processor pool is the number of physical processors that are allocated to the physical shared processor pool in which this partition is executing.

Maximum processors in physical machine for IBM i partitions is the number of physical processors in the entire physical machine that could be performing IBM i processing. This represents an upper bounds on the number of processors at any point in time that could be performing work in IBM i partitions across the entire machine. Examples of processors capable of performing IBM i work are processors in shared processor pools, dedicated processors assigned to IBM i partitions and dedicated processor partitions that are donating cycles to other partitions.

Array of bits indicating the currently active virtual shared processor pools is a set of bits that indicate the virtual shared processor pools that are configured. If a bit has the value of binary 1, this indicates the corresponding virtual shared processor pool is active. If a bit has the value of binary 0, this indicates the corresponding virtual shared processor pool is not active. For example, if the leftmost bit is set to binary 1, this indicates virtual shared processor pool zero is active and so on.

Hex 0220
Processor attributes

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Processor attributes Char(1)
  • Scaled processor time attribute
    0 =
    Processor time may not be scaled during the current IPL.
    1 =
    Processor time may be scaled during the current IPL.
  • Bit 0
  • Hardware instruction count and processor virtual time attribute
    0 =
    Hardware instruction count and processor virtual time not supported.
    1 =
    Hardware instruction count and processor virtual time supported.
  • Bit 1
8 8
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 2-7
9 9 Reserved (binary 0) Char(1)
10 A Maximum number of secondary hardware threads per processor attribute UBin(1)
11 B Current number of secondary hardware threads per processor attribute UBin(1)
12 C Physical processor model identifier UBin(1)
13 D Logical processor model identifier UBin(1)
14 E Reserved (binary 0) Char(2)
--- End ---

The scaled processor time attribute indicates whether processor time may or may not be scaled during the current IPL. If the scaled processor time attribute is binary 0, then materialized values of scaled and unscaled processor times are equivalent during the current IPL. If the scaled processor time attribute is binary 1, then materialized values of scaled and unscaled processor times are not equivalent during the current IPL.

Over any interval, the average relative processor speed (i.e. processor speed relative to nominal) is indicated by the ratio of scaled processor time to unscaled processor time elapsed during the interval. When the scaled processor time attribute is 0, scaled and unscaled processor times are equivalent, and their ratio over any interval is 1, indicating that the processor's relative speed is 1X nominal. When the scaled processor time attribute is 1, scaled and unscaled processor times are not equivalent, and the ratio of their elapsed values over any interval indicates the processor's average relative speed over the interval.

For example, consider MATRMD option hex 26 data is available at the start and end of an interval. The ratio of the elapsed scaled processor utilized time to elapsed processor utilized time indicates the average relative processor speed while the processor was being utilized during the interval. The same analysis is applicable to all categories of processor time accumulated during an interval (i.e. processor interrupted time, processor stolen time, processor donated time, processor idle time, and process/thread time) -- the ratio of the scaled to unscaled time indicates the relative processor speed for the accumulated time category. Note that when the scaled processor time attribute is 0, the ratio of scaled to unscaled processor times is always 1.

Hardware instruction count and processor virtual time attribute indicates whether the partition provides support for hardware instruction count and processor virtual time.

The maximum number of secondary hardware threads per processor attribute indicates the maximum number of secondary hardware threads per processor that may be activated.

The current number of secondary hardware threads per processor attribute indicates the number of secondary hardware threads per processor that are currently activated.

The physical processor model identifier value is determined by the underlying hardware. This value is subject to change during IPL.

The logical processor model identifier value is determined by underlying hardware and the processor compatibility. This value is set by the operating system and is NOT subject to change during IPL.

Hex 0224
Suspend/resume controls for partition mobility

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Suspend control
0 =
Disable suspend
1 =
Enable suspend
2 =
Acknowledge request
3 =
Abort request

10 A Reserved (binary 0) Char(6)
16 10 Suspend timeout Char(8)
--- End ---

Suspend control determines how check suspend readiness and prepare for partition suspend requests are handled. Valid suspend control values are:

0 =
Disable suspend. The machine rejects any check suspend readiness or prepare for partition suspend request while this value is set. The machine initializes suspend control to this value during IPL.
1 =
Enable suspend. If the machine receives a prepare for partition suspend request while this value is set, it starts a timer if a nonzero value is specified for suspend timeout.
2 =
Acknowledge request. The operating system has successfully completed all processing for the last request, and confirms its readiness to suspend.
3 =
Abort request. The operating system cannot allow the partition to suspend.

Suspend timeout determines how long the system waits for the operating system to acknowledge or abort before automatically terminating a prepare for partition suspend request. If suspend timeout is zero, no time limit is enforced. Suspend timeout is in standard time format.

Hex 0228
Suspend/resume status for partition mobility

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
Suspend state
0 =
No suspend in progress
1 =
Suspend requested
2 =
Suspend aborted
3 =
Suspend timed out
4 =
Suspend failed
5 =
Resume completed
6 =
Check suspend readiness

10 A Suspend status Char(2)
  • Suspend aborted by hypervisor
    0 =
    This failure reason does not apply
    1 =
    Suspend aborted by hypervisor

  • Bit 0
  • Suspend failed in low-level preparation
    0 =
    This failure reason does not apply
    1 =
    Suspend failed in low-level preparation

  • Bit 1
  • Suspend failed during execution
    0 =
    This failure reason does not apply
    1 =
    Suspend failed during execution

  • Bit 2
  • Partition hibernated
    0 =
    The partition was not hibernated
    1 =
    The partition was hibernated

  • Bit 3
10 A
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 4-14
  • Partition migrate request
    0 =
    Request to hibernate partition
    1 =
    Request to migrate the partition

  • Bit 15
12 C Reserved (binary 0) Char(4)
--- End ---

Suspend state indicates the state of the most recent prepare for partition suspend request. These values can be returned:

0 =
No suspend in progress.
1 =
Suspend requested. The system accepted a prepare for partition suspend request, and is currently processing the request.
2 =
Suspend aborted. The operating system aborted the most recent request to suspend.
3 =
Suspend timed out. The operating system did not acknowledge or abort a request to suspend in the time allowed. The request to suspend was terminated.
4 =
Suspend failed. A request to suspend was accepted and acknowledged, but some error prevented the system from suspending the partition.
5 =
Resume completed. The partition was successfully suspended and then resumed (possibly after hibernation).
6 =
Check suspend readiness. The system accepted a request to check if the partition is ready to accept a prepare for partition suspend request.

Suspend status indicates the results of the most recent partition mobility operation. Individual bits in this field may be set to report multiple conditions.

  • Suspend aborted by hypervisor is set after the machine accepts a request to suspend, if the hypervisor aborts the request before it is either acknowledged or aborted by the operating system, or times out.
  • Suspend failed during low-level preparation is set if the machine detects a condition (after the operating system acknowledges the request) that prevents it from suspending the partition.
  • Suspend failed during execution is set if some error is detected by Licenced Internal Code or the hypervisor during processing that attempts to suspend the partition.
  • Partition hibernated is set if the partition was successfully suspended and then hibernated for some period of time before successful partition resume.
  • Partition migrate request is set if the most recent request is to migrate (versus hibernate) the partition.
Hex 0234
Energy Management Parameters

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Reserved (binary zero) Char(6)
14 E Partition energy management status UBin(2)
14 E
  • Reserved (binary zero)
  • Bits 0-5
  • Major code
    0 =
    Non-Floor Mode
    1 =
    Dynamic Power Optimizer Mode
    2-7 =

  • Bits 6-8
  • Minor Code

    For major code = 0:

    0 =
    Energy management policy is unspecified or unavailable
    1 =
    Maximum performance mode.
    2 =
    Nominal performance mode.
    3 =
    Power saver mode.
    4-127 =

    For major code = 1:

    0-127 =

    For major code = 2-7:

    0-127 =

  • Bits 9-15
16 10 Platform power draw status UBin(4)
  • Power draw limit type
    0 =
    Power draw limit is soft
    1 =
    Power draw limit is hard

  • Bit 0
16 10
  • Reserved (binary 0)
  • Bits 1-7
16 10
  • Power draw limit
  • Bits 8-31
20 14 Reserved (binary zero) Char(36)
--- End ---

The partition energy management status field specifies the partition's effective energy management status. The following modes are defined:

  • Nominal performance (Major Code = 0, Minor Code = 2):

    Energy management is disabled. System performance and power consumption is nominal by definition.

  • Maximum performance (Major Code = 0, Minor Code = 1):

    Energy management is enabled. System performance and power consumption may exceed nominal. The objective of this mode is to maximize system performance.

  • Power saver (Major Code = 0, Minor Code = 3):

    Energy management is enabled. System performance and power consumption are reduced irrespective of workload characteristics.

  • Dynamic power optimizer (Major Code = 1, Minor Code = 0):

    Energy management is enabled. System performance and power consumption are dynamically optimized based on workload characteristics. The objective of this mode is to maximize energy conservation relative to workload performance.

The platform power draw status field specifies the platform's power draw limit. A value of zero indicates that no power draw limit is set. A power draw limit is characterized as hard if it has been specified to provide sufficient margin above the expected power draw such that it is not expected to be imposed. The purpose of using a hard power draw limit is to allow for more accurate power provisioning within the data center compared with using the so-called label limit, which is the absolute worst case power draw based on the capacities of the power supplies. The label limit provides a large cushion of margined power, which is excess power capacity that is not expected to be used under normal conditions. A hard power draw limit is specified to recover margined power without reducing the actual power draw. Power draw limit is characterized as soft if it has been specified such that it does not provide a margin above the expected power draw under all conditions. A soft power draw limit may result in power savings because the system may be required to run at a reduced power/performance point.

The power draw limit field is in units of deciwatts. One deciwatt is equal to 0.1 watt.

Hex 0236
Optimizing translator information

The format of the template is as follows:

Dec Hex Field Name Data Type and Length
8 8 Optimizing translator level UBin(2)
10 A Reserved (binary 0) Char(6)
--- End ---

The optimizing translator level field indicates the current level of the optimizing translator on this system.

Limitations (Subject to Change)

Data-pointer-defined scalars are not allowed as a primary operand for this instruction. An invalid operand type (hex 2A06) exception is signaled if this occurs.

Authorization Required

  • None

Lock Enforcement

  • None


  • 06 Addressing
    • 0601 Space Addressing Violation
    • 0602 Boundary Alignment
    • 0603 Range
  • 10 Damage Encountered
    • 1004 System Object Damage State
    • 1044 Partial System Object Damage
  • 1C Machine-Dependent
    • 1C03 Machine Storage Limit Exceeded
    • 1C0A Service Processor Unable to Process Request
  • 20 Machine Support
    • 2002 Machine Check
    • 2003 Function Check
  • 22 Object Access
    • 2201 Object Not Found
    • 2202 Object Destroyed
    • 2203 Object Suspended
    • 2208 Object Compressed
    • 220B Object Not Available
  • 24 Pointer Specification
    • 2401 Pointer Does Not Exist
    • 2402 Pointer Type Invalid
  • 2E Resource Control Limit
    • 2E01 User Profile Storage Limit Exceeded
  • 32 Scalar Specification
    • 3201 Scalar Type Invalid
    • 3202 Scalar Attributes Invalid
    • 3203 Scalar Value Invalid
  • 36 Space Management
    • 3601 Space Extension/Truncation
  • 38 Template Specification
    • 3803 Materialization Length Invalid
  • 44 Protection Violation
    • 4401 Object Domain or Hardware Storage Protection Violation
    • 4402 Literal Values Cannot Be Changed