Performing the initial program load (IPL)

To prepare the system for IBM® i user operations, follow this procedure.

Note: If you already have the IBM i Main Menu on your console, go to Using the Work with Licensed Programs menu to install IBM licensed programs to install additional licensed programs.
  1. Ensure that the system is powered off before you begin.
  2. On your console, establish a connection to the system
  3. If the installation device has separate on and off switches, verify that the switch is in the On position.
  4. Set the IPL type to A and set the mode to Manual. For servers managed by an HMC, set this in the partition properties (or a partition profile). For servers not managed by an HMC, use the physical control panel or ASMI.
    • Select the alternate restart device. If the server is managed by an HMC, set this in the partition properties (or a partition profile). For servers not managed by an HMC, the alternate restart device can be selected in ASMI if the server is running firmware 1060 or later. For older firmware, where not managed by an HMC, the default alternate restart device for that server model will be used.
  5. Start the partition IPL, using the HMC. For servers not managed by an HMC, use ASMI or the physical control panel power button.
  6. After some time, the IPL or Install the System display appears.
                                   IPL or Install the System
                                                               System: XXXX
     Select one of the following:
          1. Perform an IPL
          2. Install the operating system
          3. Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST)
          4. Perform automatic installation of the operating system
          5. Save Licensed Internal Code

    Type 1 and press Enter.

  7. Status displays are shown on the console. You do not need to respond to any of these displays. The following is an example of a status display:
                              Licensed Internal Code IPL in Progress
        Type  . . . . . . . . . : 		Attended
        Start date and time . . :		 xx/xx/xx		xx:xx:xx
        Previous system end . . :		 Normal
        Current step/total. . . :   1          16
        Reference code detail . :   C6004050
     IPL step . . . . . . :   Storage Management Recovery
    The following list shows some of the IPL steps that are shown on the IPL Step in Progress display.
    • Authority Recovery
    • Journal Recovery
    • Database Recovery
    • Journal Synchronization
    • Start the Operating System

    Some of the IPL steps could take a long time.

  8. Several messages might appear on the console. The following is an example of a message that might appear:
                                     Display Messages
                                                 System. . . . . :   XXXX
     Queue  . . . . . :   QSYSOPR                Program . . . . :   *DSPMSG
       Library  . . . :     QSYS                   Library . . . :
     Severity . . . . :   10                     Delivery  . . . :   *BREAK
     Press Enter to continue.
        System object xxxxx created again during IPL.

    To continue, press Enter after each message that you receive.

  9. The Sign On display appears.
    Note: If you need to change the password for the QSECOFR user profile, record the new password now. Store it in a safe location.
  10. The IBM i IPL in Progress display appears.
  11. If the Select Products to Work with PTFs display appears, press F3 (Exit).
  12. The IPL Options display appears.
                                   IPL Options
    Type choices, press Enter.
    System date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  XX / XX / XX     MM / DD / YY
    System time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  XX : XX : XX     HH : MM : SS
    System time zone  . . . . . . . . . . . .  Q0000UTC         F4 for list
    Clear job queues. . . . . . . . . . . . .  N                Y=Yes, N=No
    Clear output queues . . . . . . . . . . .  N                Y=Yes, N=No
    Clear incomplete job logs . . . . . . . .  N                Y=Yes, N=No
    Start print writers . . . . . . . . . . .  Y                Y=Yes, N=No
    Start system to restricted state  . . . .  Y                Y=Yes, N=No
    Set major system options. . . . . . . . .  Y                Y=Yes, N=No
    Define or change system at IPL. . . . . .  N                Y=Yes, N=No
    Last power-down operation was ABNORMAL
    • Ignore the last power-down operation message on the IPL Options display.
    • If you need to change system values, you can do so now. One example of a system value that you might change is the value for the security level (QSECURITY) system value.

      Another example is the scan control (QSCANFSCTL) system value. If you have not already done so, consider specifying *NOPOSTRST for the QSCANFSCTL system value to minimize future scanning of some objects that are restored during the installation of licensed programs in the following steps. For more information on scanning and the system value settings, see the topic Scanning support .

      Type Y for the Define or change the system at IPL prompt. Follow the instructions on the displays.

      Type the following and press Enter.
      • System date (Use the current date.)
      • System time (Use the current time, 24-hour clock.)
      • System time zone (Verify that it is correct or press F4 to select a time zone.)
      • Start system to restricted state Y
      • Set major system options Y
  13. Additional display messages could be shown.

    Press Enter after each message to continue.

  14. The Set Major System Options display appears.
                               Set Major System Options
    Type choices, press Enter.
    Enable automatic configuration . . . . . . Y            Y=Yes, N=No
    Device configuration naming  . . . . . . . *NORMAL      *NORMAL, *S36,
    Default special environment. . . . . . . . *NONE        *NONE, *S36
    Respond to the prompts on the Set Major System Options display.
    • Enable automatic configuration

      The value Y (Yes) automatically configures local devices. N (No) indicates no automatic configuration.

    • Device configuration naming

      Specify *NORMAL to use a naming convention unique to the IBM i operating system. The value *S36 uses a naming convention similar to System/36. Refer to the book, Local Device Configuration, SC41-5121-00Link to information center PDF, for information about device configuration naming and *DEVADR.

    • Default special environment

      The default value *NONE indicates no special environment. *S36 sets up the System/36 environment. Refer to the book, System/36 Environment Programming, SC41-4730Link to information center PDF, for more information about working in the System/36 environment.

      Press Enter.

  15. The Edit Rebuild of Access Paths display could be shown. If it is, press Enter to continue.
  16. The Work with Software Agreements display appears. Select to display the software agreements for *MCHCOD (which includes Licensed Internal Code) and the IBM i operating system (5770SS1). Read and accept these agreements. If the software agreements are declined, you are given the choice to either power down the system or return and accept the agreements.
  17. Several blank displays and Display Messages displays appear. To continue, press Enter for each message display. Do not respond to blank displays.
    The following display is an example of a message that appears:
                                     Display Messages
                                                 System. . . . . :   XXXX
     Queue  . . . . . :   QSYSOPR                Program . . . . :   *DSPMSG
       Library  . . . :     QSYS                   Library . . . :
     Severity . . . . :   10                     Delivery  . . . :   *BREAK
     Press Enter to continue.
       All jobs in system lost.  Job and output queues cleared.
  18. The IBM i Main Menu appears on your console.

You have completed this task.

To install additional licensed programs, continue with the tasks in Using the Work with Licensed Programs menu to install IBM licensed programs.