%TRIML (Trim Leading Characters)

%TRIML(string {: characters to trim {: *NATURAL | *STDCHARSIZE}}})

%TRIML with only one parameter returns the given string with any leading blanks removed.

%TRIML with two parameters returns the given string with any leading characters that are in the characters to trim parameter removed.

The string can be character, graphic, or UCS-2 data.

If the characters to trim parameter is specified, it must be the same type as the string parameter.

The second or third parameter can be *NATURAL or *STDCHARSIZE to override the current CHARCOUNT mode for the statement. If this parameter is specified, it must be the last parameter.

For information about the CHARCOUNT mode affects %TRIML, see %TRIM with CHARCOUNT NATURAL.

When specified as a parameter for a definition specification keyword, the string parameter must be a constant.
Note: Specifying %TRIML with two parameters is not supported for parameters of Definition keywords.

For more information, see String Operations or Built-in Functions.

Figure 1. %TRIML Example
 * LOCATION will have the value 'Toronto, Ontario  '.

     // Trimming blanks
     Location = %triml('  Toronto, Ontario  ');
     // LOCATION now has the value 'Toronto, Ontario  '.

     // Trimming other characters

     trimmed = %triml('$******5.27***        ' : '$* ');
     // trimmed is now '5.27***        '