%TRIM (Trim Characters at Edges)

%TRIM(string {: characters to trim {: *NATURAL | *STDCHARSIZE}}})

%TRIM with only one parameter returns the given string with any leading and trailing blanks removed.

%TRIM with two parameters returns the given string with any leading and trailing characters that are in the characters to trim parameter removed.

The string can be character, graphic, or UCS-2 data.

If the characters to trim parameter is specified, it must be the same type as the string parameter.

The second or third parameter can be *NATURAL or *STDCHARSIZE to override the current CHARCOUNT mode for the statement. If this parameter is specified, it must be the last parameter.
  • Specify *NATURAL to indicate that %TRIM operates in CHARCOUNT NATURAL mode. The number of bytes in each character is considered when locating the characters to trim.
    1. For example, if the string parameter is a UTF-8 string with the value 'áçabc', and the characters to trim parameter is a UTF-8 string with the value 'á' only 'á' is considered to be a character to trim. The result is 'çabc'.
    2. If the string parameter is a mixed SBCS/DBCS EBCDIC string with the value x'8182830E4CB14DB10F' ('abcDDEE', where 'DD' and 'EE' represents DBCS characters), and the characters to trim parameter has the value x'0E4DB10F' ('EE'), only the last DBCS character is trimmed. The result is x'8182830E4CB10F' ('abcDD').
  • Specify *STDCHARSIZE to indicate that %TRIM operates in CHARCOUNT STDCHARSIZE mode.
    1. In the first example of the previous paragraph, with CHARCOUNT STDCHARSIZE mode, each byte of the characters to trim parameter is considered to be a separate character. Characters 'á' and 'ç' are 2-byte characters, x'C3A1' and x'C3A7'. The first bytes of 'á' and 'ç' are the same, x'C3', so the first byte of 'ç' is considered to be a character to trim. The bytes x'C3', x'A1' are trimmed from the result, so the result is invalid because it begins with the second byte of 'ç'.
    2. In the second example of the previous paragraph, with CHARCOUNT STDCHARSIZE mode, each byte of the characters to trim parameter is considered separately, so the x'B1' that ends the DBCS character x'4CB1' in the string parameter is trimmed. The result is invalid, since it ends with an incomplete DBCS sequence: x'8182830E4C' ('abc??').
See Processing string data by the natural size of each character and Character Data Type.
Note: %TRIM can also operate in CHARCOUNT NATURAL mode due to the /CHARCOUNT compiler directive or the CHARCOUNT Control keyword.
When specified as a parameter for a definition specification keyword, the string parameter must be a constant.
Note: Specifying %TRIM with two parameters is not supported for parameters of Definition keywords.

For more information, see String Operations or Built-in Functions.

Figure 1. %TRIM Example
D Location        S             16A
D FirstName       S             10A   inz ('   Chris ')
D LastName        S             10A   inz ('   Smith ')

D Name            S             20A

 * LOCATION will have the value 'Toronto, Ontario'.
     Location = %trim ('  Toronto, Ontario  ');
  // Name will have the value 'Chris Smith!        '.
   Name = %trim (FirstName) + ' ' + %trim (LastName) + '!';
Figure 2. Trimming characters other than blank
D edited          S             20A   INZ('$******5.27***      ')
D trimmed         S             20A   varying
D numeric         S             15P 3

     // Trim '$' and '*' from the edited numeric value
     // Note: blanks will not be trimmed, since a blank
     // is not specified in the 'characters to trim' parameter

     trimmed = %trim(edited : '$*');     // trimmed is now '5.27***      '

     // Trim '$' and '*' and blank from the edited numeric value

     trimmed = %trim(edited : '$* ');     // trimmed is now '5.27'

     // Get the numeric value from the edited value

     numeric = %dec(%trim(edited : '$* ') : 31 : 9);     // numeric is now 5.27