%SPLIT (Split String into Substrings)

%SPLIT(string {: separators { : *ALLSEP {: *NATURAL | *STDCHARSIZE}}})

%SPLIT splits a string into an array of substrings. It returns a temporary array of the substrings.

%SPLIT can be used in calculation statements wherever an array can be used except:
  • %ELEM

The first operand is the string to be split. It can be alphanumeric, graphic, or UCS-2.

The second operand is the list of characters that indicate the end of each substring. It is optional unless *ALLSEP is specified as the third parameter.
  • If it is not specified, or if *BLANK or *BLANKS is specified, %SPLIT splits at blanks.
  • If it is specified and not *BLANK or *BLANKS:
    • It must have the same type and CCSID as the first operand.
    • If the length of the second operand is greater than 1, any of the characters in the second operand indicate the end of each substring. For example, %SPLIT('abc.def-ghi' : '.-') has two separator characters, '.', and '-', so it returns an array with three elements: ('abc','def','ghi').

The third operand can be *ALLSEP, indicating that every separator is considered to separate two substrings. When *ALLSEP is not specified, separators following other separators, leading separators, and trailing separators are ignored.

The final parameter can be *NATURAL or *STDCHARSIZE to override the current CHARCOUNT mode for the statement. If this parameter is specified, it must be the last parameter.
  • Specify *NATURAL to indicate that %SPLIT operates in CHARCOUNT NATURAL mode. The number of bytes in each character is considered when locating the separators. For example, if the string parameter is a UTF-8 string with the value '1á2ç3', and the separators parameter is a UTF-8 string with the value 'á' only 'á' is considered to be a separator. The result strings are '1' and '2ç3'.
  • Specify *STDCHARSIZE to indicate that %SPLIT operates in CHARCOUNT STDCHARSIZE mode. In the previous example, with CHARCOUNT STDCHARSIZE mode, each byte of the separator is considered to be a separator character. Characters 'á' and 'ç' are 2-byte characters, x'C3A1' and x'C3A7'. The first bytes of 'á' and 'ç' are the same, x'C3', so the first byte of 'ç' is considered to be a separator. The result elements of %SPLIT are not all valid, since some UTF-8 characters are split incorrectly.
See Processing string data by the natural size of each character and Character Data Type.
Note: %SPLIT can also operate in CHARCOUNT NATURAL mode due to the /CHARCOUNT compiler directive or the CHARCOUNT Control keyword.

How separators are handled by %SPLIT

In the following table, the separator is assumed to be '.'.

Separator type String to be split Without *ALLSEP With *ALLSEP
A leading separator '.abc' An array with one element: ('abc') An array with two elements: ('','abc')
An extra separator 'abc..def' An array with two elements: ('abc','def') An array with three elements: ('abc','','def')
A trailing separator 'def.' An array with one element: ('def') An array with two elements: ('def','')
Several extra separators '..abc..def..' An array with two elements: ('abc','def') An array with seven elements: ('','','abc','','def','','')

If the length of the separators operand is zero, the result is a single element with the value of the string operand. For example, if sep has a length of zero, %SPLIT('a.b.c' : sep) returns an array with one element: ('a.b.c').

If the string has a length of zero, %SPLIT returns zero elements.

If all the characters in the string are one of the separator characters:
  • If *ALLSEP is not specified, %SPLIT returns zero elements.
  • If *ALLSEP is specified, %SPLIT returns N + 1 empty strings, where N is the length of the string.

Examples of %SPLIT

  • In the following example, %SPLIT has only one parameter, so the string is split at blanks.
       DCL-S array VARCHAR(10) DIM(10);
       array = %SPLIT('Monday Tuesday Wednesday');
       // array(1) = "Monday"
       // array(2) = "Tuesday"
       // array(3) = "Wednesday"
  • In the following example, %SPLIT has two parameters. The second parameter has two characters, period (.) and blank. The string is split when either of the characters in the second parameter is found.
       DCL-S array VARCHAR(10) DIM(10);
       array = %SPLIT('Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday.' : '. ');
       // array(1) = "Today"
       // array(2) = "is"
       // array(3) = "Monday"
       // array(4) = "Tomorrow"
       // array(5) = "is"
       // array(6) = "Tuesday"
  • In the following example, the FOR-EACH operation is used to process the temporary arrays returned by %SPLIT.
    1. The string is first split into sentences, splitting at the characters used to end a sentence.
    2. The string is then split into phrases, splitting at commas, colons, and semi-colons.
    3. Each phrase is then split into words, splitting at blanks.
       DCL-S sentence VARCHAR(10000);
       DCL-S phrase VARCHAR(10000);
       DCL-S word VARCHAR(10000);
       DCL-S string VARCHAR(10000);
       FOR-EACH sentence in %SPLIT(string : '.!?');    //  1 
          FOR-EACH phrase in %SPLIT(sentence : ',;:'); //  2 
             FOR-EACH word in %SPLIT(phrase);          //  3 
  • In the following example, the RPG programmer does not want extra separators to be ignored by %SPLIT.
    • The string normally contains three names, separated by commas: 'Mary,Jane,Smith'.
    • If there is no middle name, there are two commas together: 'Mary,,Smith'.

    To ensure that all commas act as separators, *ALLSEP is specified.

       DCL-S string VARCHAR(100);
       DCL-S names VARCHAR(100) DIM(3);
       string = 'Mary,Jane,Smith';
       names = %SPLIT (string : ',' : *ALLSEP);
       // names = Mary | Jane | Smith
       string = 'Mary,,Smith';
       names = %SPLIT (string : ',' : *ALLSEP);
       // names = Mary |      | Smith