Displaying the system cross-reference files

You can use the database files that are managed by the system to determine basic attribute and database file requirements. To display the fields in these files, use the Display File Field Description (DSPFFD) command.

The system manages eight database files that contain the following information:
  • Basic database file attribute information (QSYS/QADBXREF)
  • Cross-reference information (QSYS/QADBFDEP) about all the database files on the system (except those database files that are in the QTEMP library)
  • Database file field information (QSYS/QADBIFLD)
  • Database file key field information (QSYS/QADBKFLD)
  • Referential constraint file information (QSYS/QADBFCST)
  • Referential constraint field information (QSYS/QADBCCST)
  • SQL package information (QSYS/QADBPKG)
  • Remote database directory information (QSYS/QADBXRDBD)
Note: The authority to use these files is restricted to the security officer. However, all users have the authority to view the data by using one of (or the only) logical file(s) built over each file. The authorities for these files cannot be changed because they are always open.