Naming conventions

The rules for forming a name depend on the type of the object designated by the name and the naming option (*SQL or *SYS). The naming option is specified on the CRTSQLxxx, RUNSQLSTM, and STRSQL commands. The SET OPTION statement can be used to specify the naming option within the source of a program containing embedded SQL. The syntax diagrams use different terms for different types of names.

The following list defines these terms.

A qualified or unqualified name that designates an alias. The qualified form of an alias-name depends on the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by an SQL identifier1.

The unqualified form of an alias-name is an SQL identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

An alias-name can specify either the name of the alias or the system object name of the alias.

A qualified or unqualified name that designates an array type. The qualified form of a array-type-name depends upon the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by an SQL identifier1.

The unqualified form of a array-type-name is an SQL identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

For system naming, array-type-names cannot be qualified when used in a parameter data type of an SQL routine or in an SQL variable declaration in an SQL procedure.

A system identifier that designates a user or group of users. An authorization-name is a user profile name on the server. It must not be a delimited identifier that includes lowercase letters or special characters. See Authorization IDs and authorization names for the distinction between an authorization-name and an authorization ID.
A qualified or unqualified name that designates a column of a table or a view. The unqualified form of a column-name is an SQL identifier. The qualified form is a qualifier followed by a period and an SQL identifier. The qualifier is a table name, a view name, or a correlation name.

For system naming, column names can be qualified using the form schema-name/table-name.column-name when the name is used in the COMMENT and LABEL statements. If column names need to be qualified and correlation names are allowed in the statement, a correlation name can be used to qualify the column. The period form of qualification can also be used.

A column-name can specify either the column name or the system column name of a column of a table or view. If a column-name is delimited, the delimiters are considered to be part of the name when determining the length of the name.

A qualified or unqualified name that designates a constraint on a table. The qualified form of a constraint-name depends on the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by an SQL identifier1.

The unqualified form of a constraint-name is an SQL identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

The implicit or explicit qualifier must be the same as the schema name of the table.

An SQL identifier that designates a table, a view, or individual rows of a table or view.
An SQL identifier that designates an SQL cursor.
A variable name or string constant that designates an SQL descriptor area (SQLDA). A variable that designates an SQL descriptor area must not have an indicator variable. The form :host-variable:indicator-variable is not allowed. See References to host variables for a description of a variable.
A qualified or unqualified name that designates a distinct type. The qualified form of a distinct-type-name depends upon the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by an SQL identifier1.

The unqualified form of a distinct-type-name is an SQL identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

For system naming, distinct-type-names cannot be qualified when used in a parameter data type of an SQL routine or in an SQL variable declaration in an SQL function, SQL procedure, or trigger.

A qualified name, unqualified name, or a character string that designates an external program. The qualified form of an external-program-name depends on the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a system-schema-name followed by a period (.) and a system identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a system-schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by a system identifier1.

The unqualified form of an external-program-name is a system identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

For a service program name, the qualified form depends on the naming option. For SQL naming the qualified form is a system-schema-name followed by a period (.), followed by a system identifier for the service program name, followed by a left parenthesis, followed by an IBM® i entry-point-name, followed by a right parenthesis (library-name.service-program-name(entry-point-name)). For system naming, the qualified form is a system-schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by a system identifier for the service program name, followed by a left parenthesis, followed by an IBM i entry-point-name, followed by a right parenthesis (library-name/service-program-name(entry-point-name))1. If the entry point name contains lowercase characters, it must be enclosed in quotes.

The unqualified form of an service program name is a system identifier followed by a left parenthesis, followed by an IBM i entry-point-name, followed by a right parenthesis. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

The format of the character string form is either:

  • A IBM i qualified program name ('library-name/program-name').
  • A IBM i qualified source file name, followed by a left parenthesis, followed by an IBM i member name, and a right parenthesis ('library-name/source-file-name(member-name)'). This form is only valid when calling a REXX procedure.
  • A IBM i qualified Start of changeor unqualifiedEnd of change service program name, followed by a left parenthesis, followed by an IBM i entry-point-name, followed by a right parenthesis ('library-name/service-program-name(entry-point-name)' Start of changeor 'service-program-name(entry-point-name)'End of change).
  • In Java, an optional jar-name, followed by a class identifier, followed by an exclamation point or period, followed by a method identifier ('class-id!method-id' or 'class-id.method-id').
    Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramjar-name:class-id !. method-id
    The jar-name is a case-sensitive string that identifies the jar schema when it was installed in the database. It can be either a simple identifier, or a schema qualified identifier. Examples are 'myJar' and 'myCollection.myJar'.

    The class-id identifies the class identifier of the Java object. If the class is part of a Java package, the class identifier must include the complete Java package prefix. For example, if the class identifier is 'myPackage.StoredProcs', the Java virtual machine will look in the following directory for the StoredProcs class:


    The method-id identifies the method name of the public, static Java method to be invoked.

    This form is only valid for Java procedures and Java functions.

A qualified or unqualified name that designates a user-defined function, a cast function that was generated when a Start of changestrongly typedEnd of change distinct type was created, or a built-in function. The qualified form of a function-name depends upon the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by an SQL identifier1.

In a CREATE, COMMENT, DROP, GRANT, or REVOKE statement, the schema-name can be qualified with a server-name. In all other contexts, a server-name is not allowed.

The unqualified form of a function-name is an SQL identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

For system naming, functions names can only be qualified in the form schema-name/function-name when the name is used in a CREATE, COMMENT, DROP, GRANT, or REVOKE statement. The period form of qualification can be used in an expression.

A token that designates a label in a host program.
A sequence of tokens that designates a host variable. A host-variable includes at least one host-identifier, as explained in References to host variables.
A qualified or unqualified name that designates an index. The qualified form of an index-name depends upon the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by an SQL identifier1.

The unqualified form of an index-name is an SQL identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

A qualified or unqualified name that designates a column mask. The qualified form of a mask-name depends upon the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by an SQL identifier1.

The unqualified form of a mask-name is an SQL identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

An unqualified identifier that designates a member of a database file. A member is also a partition of a partitioned table.
A qualified or unqualified name that designates a nodegroup. A nodegroup is a group of IBM i products across which a table will be distributed. For more information about distributed tables and nodegroups, see DB2® Multisystem.

The qualified form of a nodegroup-name depends on the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and a system identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by a system identifier1.

The unqualified form of a nodegroup-name is a system identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

A qualified or unqualified name that designates a package. The qualified form of a package-name depends upon the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and a system identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by a system identifier1.

The unqualified form of a package-name is a system identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

An SQL identifier that designates a parameter for a function or procedure. If the parameter-name is for a procedure, the identifier may be preceded by a colon.
An unqualified identifier that designates a partition of a partitioned table.
A qualified or unqualified name that designates a row permission. The qualified form of a permission-name depends upon the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by an SQL identifier1.

The unqualified form of a permission-name is an SQL identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

A qualified or unqualified name that designates a procedure. The qualified form of a procedure-name depends upon the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by an SQL identifier1.

The unqualified form of a procedure-name is an SQL identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

An unqualified identifier that designates a savepoint.
A qualified or unqualified name that provides a logical grouping for SQL objects. A schema name is used as a qualifier of the name of a table, view, index, procedure, function, trigger, sequence, variable, constraint, alias, type, or package. The unqualified form of a schema-name is a system identifier. The qualified form of a schema-name depends on the naming option.

For SQL naming, the unqualified schema name in an SQL statement is implicitly qualified by the server-name. The qualified form is a server-name followed by a (.) and a system identifier.

For system naming, the unqualified schema name in an SQL statement is implicitly qualified by the server-name. The qualified form is a server-name followed by a slash (/) and an SQL identifier1.

If the server-name is used to qualify the name of the schema, the server-name may identify any supported remote server. Otherwise, the schema name is implicitly qualified with the current server.

Note: schema-name refers to either a schema created by the CREATE SCHEMA statement or to an IBM i library.
A qualified or unqualified name that designates a sequence. The qualified form of a sequence-name depends upon the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by an SQL identifier1. For system naming, a sequence-name cannot be qualified with a slash when used in a NEXT VALUE or PREVIOUS VALUE expression (the slash-qualified form is only allowed in SQL schema statements). The period form of qualification can be used in a NEXT VALUE or PREVIOUS VALUE expression.

The unqualified form of a sequence-name is an SQL identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

A sequence-name can specify either the name of the sequence or the system object name of the sequence.

An SQL identifier that designates an application server. The identifier must start with a letter and must not include lowercase letters or special characters.

A server-name may be the actual name of the relational database or a relational database alias. For more information see the Add RDB Directory Entry (ADDRDBDIRE) CL command. If a three-part name is specified directly in an SQL statement (other than the base table specified in a CREATE ALIAS statement) it can use either the actual relational database name or the relational database alias name.

For example, if the actual name of the relational database is ABC and a relational database alias name of MYABC also references ABC:
  SELECT * FROM ABC.SCHEMA1.T1   -- This is valid.

  SELECT * FROM MYABC.SCHEMA1.T1 -- This is also valid.
A qualified or unqualified name that uniquely identifies a procedure or function. The qualified form of a specific-name depends upon the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by an SQL identifier1.

The unqualified form of a specific-name is an SQL identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

An SQL identifier that designates a condition in an SQL procedure, SQL function, or trigger body.
A variable name or character or graphic string constant that designates an SQL descriptor that was allocated using the ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement.

If a variable is used to designate the SQL descriptor:

  • The variable must not be a CLOB or DBCLOB.
  • If the variable is a graphic string, it must be a Unicode graphic string.
  • The length of the contents of the variable must not exceed the maximum length for an SQL-descriptor-name.
  • An indicator variable must not be specified. The form :host-variable:indicator-variable is not allowed.
  • The contents of the variable are case-sensitive and are not converted to uppercase.

Leading and trailing blanks are trimmed from the variable or string. See References to host variables for a description of a variable.

If a string constant is used to designate the SQL descriptor, the length of the constant must not exceed the maximum length for an SQL-descriptor-name.

An unqualified name that designates a label in an SQL procedure, SQL function, or trigger body. An SQL-label is an SQL identifier.
A qualified or unqualified name that designates a parameter in an SQL routine body. The unqualified form of an SQL-parameter-name is an SQL identifier. The qualified form is a procedure-name followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier.
A qualified or unqualified name that designates a variable in an SQL routine body. The unqualified form of an SQL-variable-name is an SQL identifier. The qualified form is an SQL-label followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier.
An SQL identifier that designates a prepared SQL statement.
An unqualified name that designates the IBM i column name of a table or a view. A system-column-name is a system identifier. System-column-names can be delimited identifiers, but the characters within the delimiters must not include lowercase letters or special characters.
An unqualified name that designates the IBM i name of a table, view, index, sequence, variable, or alias. A system-object-name is a system identifier.

If the unqualified name of the table, view, index, sequence, variable, or alias is a valid system identifier, the system-object-name of the table, view, index, sequence, variable, or alias is the unqualified name of the table, view, index, sequence, or alias.

An unqualified name that designates the IBM i name of a schema. A system-schema-name is a system identifier.

If the unqualified name of the schema is a valid system identifier, the system-schema-name of the schema is the unqualified name of the schema.

A qualified or unqualified name that designates a table. The qualified form of a table-name depends upon the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by an SQL identifier1.

The unqualified form of a table-name is an SQL identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

A table-name can specify either the name of the table or the system object name of the table.

A qualified or unqualified name that designates a trigger on a table. The qualified form of a trigger-name depends on the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and a system identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by an SQL identifier1.

The unqualified form of a trigger-name is an SQL identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

A qualified or unqualified name that designates a global variable. The qualified form of a variable-name depends upon the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by an SQL identifier1. For system naming, a variable-name cannot be qualified with a slash when used in an expression (the slash-qualified form is only allowed in SQL schema statements). The period form of qualification can be used in an expression.

The unqualified form of a variable-name is an SQL identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

A variable-name can specify either the name of the variable or the system object name of the variable.

An identifier of 1 to 64 characters that is assigned to a package when the package is created. A version-id is only assigned when packages are created from a server other than Db2® for i.
A qualified or unqualified name that designates a view. The qualified form of a view-name depends upon the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by an SQL identifier1.

The unqualified form of a view-name is an SQL identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

A view-name can specify either the name of the view or the system object name of the view.

A qualified or unqualified name that designates an object in the XML schema repository. The qualified form of an xsrobject-name depends upon the naming option. For SQL naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a period (.) and an SQL identifier. For system naming, the qualified form is a schema-name followed by a slash (/) followed by an SQL identifier1.

The unqualified form of an xsrobject-name is an SQL identifier. The unqualified form is implicitly qualified based on the rules specified in Qualification of unqualified object names.

Table 1. Identifier Length Limits (in bytes)
Identifier Type Maximum Length
Longest authorization name2 10
Longest correlation name 128
Longest cursor name 128
Longest external program name (string form) 279
Longest external program name (unqualified form)3 10
Longest host identifier 64
Longest package version-id 64
Longest partition name 10
Longest savepoint name 128
Longest schema name 128
Longest server name 18
Longest SQL condition name 128
Longest SQL descriptor name 128
Longest SQL label 128
Longest statement name 128
Longest unqualified alias name 128
Longest unqualified array type name 128
Longest unqualified column name 128
Longest unqualified constraint name 128
Longest unqualified distinct type name 128
Longest unqualified function name 128
Longest unqualified index name 128
Longest unqualified mask name 128
Longest unqualified nodegroup name 10
Longest unqualified package name 10
Longest unqualified permission name 128
Longest unqualified procedure name 128
Longest unqualified sequence name 128
Longest unqualified specific name 128
Longest unqualified SQL parameter name 128
Longest unqualified SQL variable name 128
Longest unqualified system column name 10
Longest unqualified system object name 10
Longest unqualified system schema name 10
Longest unqualified table and view name 128
Longest unqualified trigger name 128
Longest unqualified variable name 128
Longest unqualified XSR object name 128

1 For system naming, the qualified form that uses a period is also accepted.
2 As an application requester, the system can send an authorization name of up to 255 bytes.
3 For REXX procedures, the limit is 33.