Searching for a Perspective: Metric Finder

Use the "Search" button on the Investigate Data page to display the metric finder function which can help you find perspectives that contain a specific metric.

The metric finder format of the Investigate Data page is designed to allow a user to quickly display perspectives based on an interest in a specific metric or type of information. By selecting a metric from the extensive list of defined supported metrics, you will be able to see a list of the perspectives that provide views based on that area of information.
The metric finder format of the Investigate Data page has these sections that vary from the hierarchical format of the Investigate Data page:
  • Metric - This metric find list allows you to display the list of perspectives that include a specific information type.
    • Filter - There are a large number of metrics available. The filter field of the Metric section allows you to limit the list of metrics in the Metric list by matching text in the filter to the name of the metric. This filter will help you search for one specific metric, without knowing the exact name of it.
      • After entering filter text, you must click "Apply Filter" to cause the metric name list to be updated.
      • When the metric list is filtered, only metrics matching the filter (partially or entirely) will be included in the dropdown.
    • The list of metrics provided with no filtering is exactly equal to the metrics from all perspectives available from the hierarchical format of perspectives. In other words, you will be able to get to all the top-level perspectives through selection of the metric wanted as you would be able to if the same perspective was found in the hierarchical format of perspectives. This includes the customer package perspectives defined by a user. Perspectives that are only accessible via drilldown are not included in the list of perspectives.
  • Perspective - The perspective list is shown as a table. The table includes one or more perspectives which match the metric selected above in the metric section. Here you can select the perspective you want to use to render your collections data.
    • The location of each perspective is shown in the chart entry by the format:

      Content Package –> Folder [–> subfolder] –> Perspective Name

Note: If a perspective contains a metric, it does not imply that a chart view of a data collection will include that metric by default. In some cases, forcing the "Show as Table" action will be required to find the metric once the perspective is displayed.