Collection Services data files: QAPMSYSTEM

This database file reports system-wide performance data.

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time of the sample interval, expressed in local system time. C (12)
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since the last sample interval. PD (7,0)
DTECEN Century digit. C (1)
SYDPGF Directory page faults: Number of times a page of the auxiliary storage directory was transferred to main storage for a look-up or an allocation operation. PD (11,0)
SYAPGF Access group member page faults: Number of times a page of an object contained in an access group was transferred to main storage independently of the access group. This transfer occurs when the containing access group was purged, or because portions of the containing access group are displaced from main storage. PD (11,0)
SYMPGF Microcode page faults: Number of times a page of microcode was transferred to main storage. PD (11,0)
SYMCTR Microtask read operations: Number of transfers of one or more pages of data from auxiliary storage because of a microtask rather than a process. PD (11,0)
SYMCTW Microtask write operations: Number of transfers of one or more pages of data from main storage to auxiliary storage because of a microtask rather than a process. PD (11,0)
SYSASP System auxiliary storage pool space available: Number of bytes of space on auxiliary storage available for allocation in the system auxiliary storage pool that is not currently assigned to machine interface (MI) objects or internal machine functions. PD (15,0)
SYPRMW Permanent data transferred from main storage: Number of 512-byte blocks of permanent data transferred from main storage to the system auxiliary storage pool in auxiliary storage since the last sample. PD (11,0)
SYSIZC Size count: Total number of size exceptions. PD (11,0)
SYDECD Decimal data count: Total number of decimal data exceptions. PD (11,0)
SYSEZC Seize count: Total number of seize wait exceptions. PD (11,0)
SYSZWT Seize/wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
SYSYNL Synchronous lock conflict count. PD (11,0)
SYASYL Asynchronous lock conflict count. PD (11,0)
SYVFYC Verify count. PD (11,0)
SYAUTH Object authority checks. The number of times that authority was checked for objects. An authority check for one object can result in zero, one, or more than one user authority lookups that can be cached or noncached (see SYNUAL field description). PD (11,0)
SYEXPN Total number of exceptions. PD (11,0)
SYLRT1 Transactions in first response time monitor bracket: Total number of local workstation transactions with response time less than the value of boundary 1 specified on the Advanced Local Response Time Options dialog from the Collection Services properties page within the System i Navigator interface. PD (9,0)
SYLRT2 Transactions in second response time monitor bracket: Total number of local workstation transactions with response time less than the value of boundary 2 and greater than the value of boundary 1 specified on the Advanced Local Response Time Options dialog from the Collection Services properties page within the System i Navigator interface. PD (9,0)
SYLRT3 Transactions in third response time monitor bracket: Total number of local workstation transactions with response time less than the value of boundary 3 and greater than the value of boundary 2 specified on the Advanced Local Response Time Options dialog from the Collection Services properties page within the System i Navigator interface. PD (9,0)
SYLRT4 Transactions in fourth response time monitor bracket: Total number of local workstation transactions with response time less than the value of boundary 4 and greater than the value of boundary 3 specified on the Advanced Local Response Time Options dialog from the Collection Services properties page within the System i Navigator interface. PD (9,0)
SYLRT5 Transactions in fifth response time monitor bracket: Total number of local workstation transactions with response time greater than the value of boundary 4 specified on the Advanced Local Response Time Options dialog from the Collection Services properties page within the System i Navigator interface. PD (9,0)
SHCPU Total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by microcode/system jobs. PD (11,0)
SMPLP Machine pool paging: Number of pages transferred in and out of machine pool. PD (11,0)
SMUPL Highest user pool paging: Highest number of pages transferred in and out of any user pool. PD (11,0)
SUPLI Pool with highest paging: Pool number with highest number of pages transferred in and out. C (2)
SMXDU Maximum disk utilization. The largest utilization of all single path disk units and all paths of multipath disk units. PD (11,0)
SMXDUI Actuator with maximum utilization. C (4)
SMMMT Time (in seconds) spent at MRTMAX by all MRT requests. PD (11,0)
SMME Number of requesters that routed to an MRT. PD (11,0)
SYFOPN Number of full opens system wide. PD (11,0)
SYIXRB Number of data space index creates system wide. PD (11,0)
SYJOXR Start journal operations initiated by user. PD (11,0)
SYJOXP Stop journal operations initiated by user. PD (11,0)
SYJOIR Start journal operations initiated by system. PD (11,0)
SYJOIP Stop journal operations initiated by system. PD (11,0)
SYJOXD Journal deposits resulting from user-journaled objects. PD (11,0)
SYJOID Journal deposits resulting from system-journaled objects. PD (11,0)
SYJOJP Journal deposits resulting from system-journaled objects to user-created journals. PD (11,0)
SYJOBJ Bundle writes to user-created journals. PD (11,0)
SYJOBD Bundle writes to internal system journals. PD (11,0)
SYJOJY Exposed access paths currently being journaled by the system. PD (11,0)
SYJOJN Exposed access paths currently not being journaled. PD (11,0)
SYJOSE System-estimated access path recovery time exposure in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
SYJORT System-managed access path tuning adjustments. PD (11,0)
SYJOND System-estimated access path recovery time exposure in milliseconds if no access paths were being journaled by the system. PD (11,0)
SYHEAO Number of tolerated crossings of a 16 MB boundary within any teraspace. Also called teraspace EAO exceptions. PD (11,0)
SYHFTS Number of space address computations (not addressing teraspace) that required extra processing. This may occur when a subtraction or addition of a signed value causes a result that is within the first page of a space object or associated space for which the machine did not choose alignment. Also called false traps. PD (11,0)
SYHFTH Number of teraspace address computations that required extra processing. This occurs when a subtraction or addition of a signed value causes a result that is within the first page after any 16 MB boundary in teraspace. Also called false traps. PD (11,0)
SYSDBC Reserved. PD (9,0)
SYSSWC Secondary workload CPU time. The aggregate CPU time (in milliseconds) of all jobs performing workloads that cannot fully exploit dedicated server resources.
Note: This metric measures non-Domino® CPU usage on Domino servers. On non-Domino servers, this metric is not supported, so the reported value is 0.
PD (9,0)
SYJOER Number of SMAPP evaluations requested. This count reveals how many times implicitly journaled objects were examined for potential SMAPP eligibility alterations. The evaluation can result in one of three outcomes: 1 - no action; 2 - start protecting this index via SMAPP; 3 - cease protecting this index via SMAPP. PD (11,0)
SYJOES Number of SMAPP evaluations serviced. This is a count of evaluations which led to a decision to change the protection state for a related index. PD (11,0)
SYJOIB Number of SMAPP index build time estimations. The number of times background SLIC tasks have been asked to look at database keyed logical files or SQL indexes in order to estimate how long it will take to rebuild the index from scratch. Indexes whose estimated rebuild times are large will be SMAPPed. A large count here suggests that applications are frequently opening and closing files. PD (11,0)
SYJOS1 First journal entry type. This field reports the most frequently occurring among the various journal entry types that have caused the SLIC layer of journal code to empty the journal cache prematurely. The number of bundles forced by this entry type is reported in the field SYJOC1. C (2)
SYJOC1 Number of journal bundles forced prematurely by the journal entry type reported in the field SYJOS1. PD (15,0)
SYJOS2 Second journal entry type. This field reports the second most frequently occurring among the various journal entry types that have caused the SLIC layer of journal code to empty the journal cache prematurely. The number of bundles forced by this entry type is reported in the field SYJOC2. C (2)
SYJOC2 Number of journal bundles forced prematurely by the journal entry type reported in the field SYJOS2. PD (15,0)
SYJOS3 Third journal entry type. This field reports the third most frequently occurring among the various journal entry types that have caused the SLIC layer of journal code to empty the journal cache prematurely. The number of bundles forced by this entry type is reported in the field SYJOC3. C (2)
SYJOC3 Number of journal bundles forced prematurely by the journal entry type reported in the field SYJOS3. PD (15,0)
SYSDNFE The number of stream files which have been written to, but not forced to permanent storage. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (11,0)
SYSDNFO The number of stream files currently exposed that have exceeded the target exposure time. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (11,0)
SYSDTET Exposure time (in milliseconds). The number of milliseconds between the time a stream file is written to and the time the file is forced to permanent storage. This time is a total for all files that were exposed during the interval. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (15,0)
SYSDNST The number of tasks running that are forcing stream files to permanent storage. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (5,0)
SYSDFAL The number of stream files that have been exposed and needed to be forced. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (11,0)
SYSDFRL The total number of stream files that have been asynchronously forced to permanent storage. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (11,0)
SYSDPFD The number of stream file pages that have been asynchronously forced to permanent storage. This count does not include pages forced by an fsync operation. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (15,0)
SYSDPFF The number of stream file pages explicitly forced to permanent storage as a result of an fsync operation. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (15,0)
SYBTAC The number of asynchronous clear operations performed. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (11,0)
SYBTAP The number of asynchronous prebring operations performed. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (11,0)
SYBTAPP The number of parallel prebring operations performed. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (11,0)
SYBTAPC The number of asynchronous create operations performed. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (11,0)
SYBTAPD The number of asynchronous delete operations performed. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (11,0)
SYLPTB LPAR time base. This field provides a way to determine the difference between the system clocks on different partitions of a single system. This field has no meaning when looked at on a stand-alone basis. However, when this value is established on two (or more) partitions of a system, the difference between these values is the time difference (in seconds) between the two partitions. B (11,0)
SYNUAL Noncached user authority lookups. The number of times that a noncached user authority lookup was performed. An authority check for one object can result in zero, one, or more than one user authority lookups. A user authority lookup can occur for the user, the user's groups, or an adopted user and can be cached or noncached. PD (15,0)
SYIFUS Interactive CPU time used. Total interactive CPU used (in milliseconds). PD (9,0)
SYIFTE Interactive CPU time used over threshold. Interactive CPU used (in milliseconds) when exceeding interactive CPU threshold. PD (9,0)
SYIFTA Interactive CPU time available. The amount of interactive CPU time that was available for use within the partition. This is the interactive capacity configured for use within the partition (also represented as interactive threshold). PD (11,0)
SYSPTU CPU time used. Total processing time (in milliseconds) used by the partition PD (11,0)
SYSCTA Total CPU time configured for the partition. Total processing time (in milliseconds) that was configured or guaranteed for this partition. This is the system processing capacity as determined by processor unit allocations during the interval. Note: For uncapped partitions, the actual CPU used can exceed this value. PD (11,0)
SYSUTA CPU time that could have been used by this partition. Total processing time (in milliseconds) that could have been used by this partition (adjusted for configuration changes over time). It includes both the guaranteed configured capacity as well as the shared pool time that was not used by other partitions. For capped and dedicated partitions, or if shared pool data is not available, this is the same as Uncapped CPU time configured. PD (11,0)
SYSUTC Uncapped CPU time configured. The maximum amount of CPU time that this partition is configured (allowed) to use within the shared pool (adjusted for configuration changes over time). This field defines the Minimum of the virtual processors configured and the configured shared pool processors. For capped and dedicated partitions, this is the same as total CPU time configured for the partition. PD (11,0)
SYSPLU Shared pool CPU time used. Total amount of CPU used within the shared pool by all partitions that share the pool. Set to zero if a shared pool is not used or the data is not available. PD (11,0)
SYSPLA Shared pool CPU time available. Total amount of CPU available within the shared pool. This value is determined based on the number of physical processors that are allocated to the pool. Set to zero if a shared pool is not used or the data is not available. PD (11,0)
SYVCPU Virtual processor time configured. The processing time capacity (in milliseconds) visible to the operating system based on the number of virtual processors configured and adjusted for configuration changes over time. This field is similar to SYSUTC except it is not affected by the shared pool configuration or the capped/uncapped state of the partition. The formula SYVCPU/(INTSEC*1000) will yield the average number of virtual processors configured in the interval. Note: Will be zero for data obtained prior to V5R4 PD (11,0)
SYDPCH Total Dispatch Time. The amount of time (in milliseconds) that the operating system has dispatched a job, task, or thread to a processor. This is not the same as CPU time used due to the effects of processor virtualization. Note: this field will contain data only if file QAPMJOBWT data is available PD (11,0)
SYSHRF Shared processor flag. Indicates if the partition uses shared processors:

‘ ‘ = unknown

'0'= Partition does not share physical processors.

'1' = Partition shares physical processors.

C (1)
SYSIUL Reserved. PD (5,0)
SYSCIU Reserved. PD (7,0)
SYJDUM Reserved. PD (1,0)
SYJDDM Reserved. C (3)
SYJCA4 Reserved. C (3)
SYJPAS Reserved. C (3)
SYJMRT Reserved. C (3)
SYJS6E Reserved. C (3)
SYJCME Reserved. C (3)
SYJAUT Reserved. C (3)
SYJBCH Reserved. C (3)
SYJINT Reserved. C (3)
SYJSPL Reserved. C (3)
SYVPID Virtual shared pool ID. This is the identifier of the partition's current virtual shared processor pool. B (4,0)
SYVPCAP Virtual shared pool entitled capacity. The entitled capacity of the partition's current virtual shared processor pool (in units of 1/100 of a physical processor). B (9,0)
SYPPLU Physical shared pool CPU time used. Total amount of CPU time (in milliseconds) used within the physical shared processor pool by all partitions that share the pool. Set to zero if physical shared pool is not used or the data is not available. B (18,0)
SYPPLA Physical shared pool CPU time available. Total amount of CPU time (in milliseconds) available within the physical shared processor pool. This value is determined based on the number of physical processors that are allocated to the pool. Set to zero if physical shared pool is not used or the data is not available.

Note that this field will reflect CPU time donated by the dedicated partitions associated with the pool, if these partitions were configured to donate the unused CPU cycles to the pool.

B (18,0)
SYPTHV Hypervisor CPU time. Amount of CPU time (in milliseconds) used by hypervisor for its internal needs. This time is included in SYSPTU. B (18,0)
SYPTINT Interrupt CPU time. Amount of CPU time (in milliseconds) used by operating system for interrupt processing. This time is included in SYSPTU. B (18,0)
SYPTWS Waittask time. Amount of CPU time (in milliseconds) used by waittask in SMT mode. This time is not included in SYSPTU. B (18,0)
SYPTDN Donated CPU time. Amount of CPU time (in milliseconds) donated by this partition to the physical shared processor pool. This time is only reported for dedicated partitions configured to donate their unused CPU cycles to physical shared pool. B (18,0)
SYSSPTU Scaled CPU time used (milliseconds). On some system models, the processors may operate at different speeds at different times, depending on power consumption or operating temperature. Ratio of SYSSPTU to SYSPTU shows the current processor speed in relation to nominal processor speed. B (18,0)
SYUCAPF Partition uncapped flag. Indicates if the partition capacity is uncapped:

‘ ‘ = unknown

'0'= Partition capacity is capped or this partition does not share physical processors.

'1' = Partition capacity is uncapped.

C (1)
SYDONF Partition donation flag. Indicates if the partition supports donation of unused processing time to the physical shared processor pool:

‘ ‘ = unknown

'0' = Partition does not support donation of processing time.

'1' = Partition supports donation of processing time.

C (1)
SYPTWAIT Virtual processor thread wait event time. The elapsed time in microseconds that blocked threads of the partition's virtual processors were waiting for an event that caused them to become ready to run. B (18, 0)
SYPTREADY Virtual processor thread wait ready time. The elapsed time in microseconds that ready to run threads of the partition's virtual processors waited to be dispatched while entitled capacity was exhausted. B (18, 0)
SYPTLATEN Virtual processor thread dispatch latency. The elapsed time in microseconds that ready to run threads of the partition's virtual processors waited to be dispatched while entitled capacity was not exhausted and a physical processor was not available. B (18, 0)
SYPTACT Virtual processor thread active time. The elapsed time in milliseconds summed for all threads of a virtual processor for the time that the virtual processor is active in the partition. A virtual processor that is active is one that is varied on; a virtual processor that is not active is either varied off or not installed. B (18, 0)
SYPTIDLE Virtual processor thread idle time. The elapsed time in milliseconds summed for all threads of a virtual processor for the time that thread is idle in the partition. A processor thread that is idle is one that is varied on and running the partition's idle loop. B (18, 0)
SYPTINTR Virtual processor thread interrupt time. The elapsed time in milliseconds summed for all threads of a virtual processor for the time that thread is handling interrupts in the partition. B (18, 0)
SYFRMCPU Processor firmware time used (in milliseconds). The amount of processor firmware time used by this partition. B (18, 0)
SYFRMSCPU Processor scaled firmware time used (in milliseconds). The amount of scaled processor firmware time used by this partition. B (18, 0)
SYPFOLDSW Processor folding switch state. The current state of the processor folding switch.
  • ' ' = data not available
  • '0' = off
  • '1' = on
  • '2' = system controlled
C (1)
SYPFOLDST Processor folding state. The current state of processor folding.
  • ' ' = data not available
  • '0' = disabled
  • '1' = enabled
C (1)
SYEMMAJCDE Energy management major code (see minor code) C (1) (binary char)
SYEMMINCDE Energy management minor code. Major and minor code meanings are:
  • Maj 0, Min 0 = Unspecified or unavailable
  • Maj 0, Min 2 = Disabled (nominal performance)
  • Maj 0, Min 1 = Enabled (maximum performance)
  • Maj 0 , Min 3 = Enabled (power saver)
  • Maj 1, Min 0-127 = Enabled (dynamic power optimizer)
C (1) (binary char)
SYEMMATTR Energy management attributes.
  • Bit 0 = Power draw limit type (0 = soft, 1 = hard)
  • Bit 1-7 = Reserved
C(1) (binary char)
SYEMPWRLMT Energy management power draw limit in watts. B (9, 1)
SYSQLCPU Unscaled SQL CPU time used. The amount of unscaled processor time (in microseconds) spent performing work done on behalf of SQL operations. B (18,0)
SYSQLSCPU Scaled SQL CPU time used. The amount of scaled processor time (in microseconds) spent performing work done on behalf of SQL operations. B (18,0)
SYOSTMP Current temporary storage allocated for non database operations by IBM i. A snapshot of the total temporary storage currently allocated for non database operations across the system, expressed in 4096-byte units. B (18,0)
SYDBTMP Current temporary storage allocated for database operations by IBM i. A snapshot of the total temporary storage currently allocated for database operations across the system, expressed in 4096-byte units. B (18,0)
SYAJOBTMP Current temporary storage charged to active jobs. A snapshot of the total temporary storage currently charged to active jobs, expressed in 4096-byte units. B (18,0)
SYEJOBTMP Current temporary storage charged to ended jobs. A snapshot of the total temporary storage currently charged to ended jobs, expressed in 4096-byte units. B (18,0)
SYUSERTMP Current user temporary storage. A snapshot of the total user temporary storage currently allocated, expressed in 4096-byte units. Only the user temporary storage not charged to any job is accounted for here. B (18,0)
SYPSLPU Physical shared pool scaled CPU time used. Total amount of scaled CPU time (in milliseconds) used within the physical shared processor pool by all partitions that share the pool. Set to zero if physical shared pool is not used or the data is not available. B (18,0)
SYTRUNIC Non-idle hardware instruction count. Hardware instructions (in units of 1048576 instructions), completed by and summed for processor threads in run state.
Note: This value is available only for partitions running on Power8® and later hardware. However it is not available when running in Power7® or Power6® mode.
B (18,0)
SYTRUNVTB Non-idle processor virtual time. The amount of run state physical processor time (in milliseconds) summed for all processors. A processor is in run state when any of its threads are in the run state; a processor is in idle state when all of its threads are in idle state.
Note: This value is available only for partitions running on Power8® and later hardware. However it is not available when running in Power7® or Power6® mode.
B (18,0)
SYTITUIC Interrupt instruction count. Hardware instructions (in units of 1048576 instructions), completed by and summed for processor threads in interrupt state.
Note: This value is available only for partitions running on Power8® and later hardware. However it is not available when running in Power7® or Power6® mode.
B (18,0)
SYTFRMIC Firmware instruction count. Hardware instructions (in units of 1048576 instructions), completed by firmware.
Note: This value is available only for partitions running on Power8® and later hardware. However it is not available when running in Power7® or Power6® mode.
B (18,0)
DATETIME Interval date and time: The date and time of the sample interval, expressed in local system time. Timestamp
UTCTIME UTC interval date and time: The date and time of the sample interval, expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Timestamp
SYPMEM Partition memory (MB). The amount of main storage assigned to the partition in megabytes. B (18,0)