Collection Services data files: QAPMJOBMI

These database file entries contain task, primary, and secondary thread data that are collected with the *JOBMI category. Job implies job, task, or thread.

Collection Services provides data only for jobs that consume CPU during an interval.

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval based on the start time specified in the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command. PD (5,0)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and time of the sample interval for a job interval entry or the job end date and time for a job completion entry, expressed in local system time. C (12)
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. PD (7,0)
DTECEN Century digit. C (1)
JBNAME Job name/workstation name. C (16)
JBUSER Job user. C (10)
JBNBR Job number. C (6)
JBTYPE Job type.
  • A:Autostart
  • B:Batch
  • I:Interactive
  • M:Subsystem monitor
  • R:Spool reader
  • S:System
  • V:SLIC task
  • W:Spool writer
  • X:SCPF job
C (1)
JBSTYP Job subtype.
  • T:MRT (System/36 environment only)
  • E:Evoke (communications batch)
  • P:Print driver job
  • J:Prestart job
  • F:M36 (Advanced/36 server job)
  • D:Batch immediate job
  • U:Alternative spool user
C (1)
JBSTSF Status flag: indicates job status relative to this interval. The values are:
  • 0 -- normal interval collection
  • 1 -- job started in interval
  • 2 -- job ended in interval
  • 3 -- job started and ended.
Note: Jobs that are rerouted or transferred will result in a termination record (JBSTSF = 2) and a new job record (JBSTSF = 1).
PD (1,0)
JBTTYP Task type (01:Resident task, 02:Supervisor task, 03:MI process task, 04:S36 emulation task). C (2)
JBTTYE Task type extender. C (2)
JBPOOL Job pool. C (2)
JBPRTY Job priority. C (3)
JBCPU Thread unscaled interval CPU time charged. The amount of unscaled processing time (in milliseconds) charged to this thread. It includes unscaled processing time used by this thread and any unscaled processing time charged to the thread by server tasks that worked on its behalf within the interval.

For server tasks, this field will be zero.

PD (15,3)
JBRSP Total transaction time (in seconds). PD (15,3)
JBSLC Time-slice value (in milliseconds). PD (11,0)
JBNTR Number of transactions. PD (11,0)
JBDBR Number of synchronous database reads: Total number of physical synchronous database read operations for database functions. PD (11,0)
JBNDB Number of synchronous nondatabase reads: Total number of physical synchronous nondatabase read operations for nondatabase functions. PD (11,0)
JBWRT Number of writes: Total number of physical database and nondatabase write operations. PD (11,0)
JBAW Total number of transitions from active state to wait state for this job. PD (11,0)
JBWI Total number of transitions from wait state to ineligible state for this job. PD (11,0)
JBAI Total number of transitions from active state to ineligible state for this job. PD (11,0)
JBNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of synchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions. PD (11,0)
JBDBW Number of synchronous database writes: Total number of synchronous physical database write operations for database functions. PD (11,0)
JBANDW Number of asynchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase write operations for nondatabase functions. PD (11,0)
JBADBW Number of asynchronous database writes: Total number of asynchronous physical database write operations for database functions. PD (11,0)
JBANDR Number of asynchronous nondatabase reads: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase read operations for nondatabase functions. PD (11,0)
JBADBR Number of asynchronous database reads: Total number of asynchronous physical database read operations for database functions. PD (11,0)
JBPW Number of synchronous permanent writes. PD (11,0)
JBPAGF Number of PAG faults. Total number of times the program access group (PAG) was referred to, but was not in main storage. The Licensed Internal Code no longer uses process access groups for caching data. Because of this implementation, this field will always be 0 for more current releases. PD (11,0)
JBOBIN Number of binary overflows. PD (11,0)
JBODEC Number of decimal overflows. PD (11,0)
JBOFLP Number of floating point overflows. PD (11,0)
JBIPF Number of times a page fault occurred on an address that was currently part of an auxiliary storage I/O operation. PD (11,0)
JBWIO Number of times the process explicitly waited for outstanding asynchronous I/O operations to complete. PD (11,0)
JBSZWT Total seize wait time (in milliseconds). PD (15,3)
JBSKSC Number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
JBSKBS Number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
JBSKRC Number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
JBSKBR Number of socket bytes received. PD (11,0)
JBXRFR Stream file reads. PD (11,0)
JBXRFW Stream file writes. PD (11,0)
JBTCPU Job unscaled interval CPU time charged. Thread unscaled interval CPU time charged (in milliseconds) totaled for all threads of the job within the interval.
Note: This value may not equal the sum of JBCPU for all threads due to timing differences in the collection and reporting of these values. This field is provided for primary threads only.
PD (15,3)
JBTHDF Secondary thread flag. Identifies secondary threads of a multi-threaded job. The values are: 0 -- tasks and primary threads, 1 -- secondary threads. PD (1,0)
JBTHID Thread Identifier. A 4-byte displayable thread identifier. A hex string that is unique for threads within a process. It will be blank for tasks and prior release data. C (8)
JBTHAC Active threads. Current number of active threads in the process when the data was sampled. An active thread may be actively running, suspended, or waiting on a resource. Includes the primary thread. PD (11,0)
JBTHCT Threads created. Number of threads initiated within this job. Includes both active and terminated threads. PD (11,0)
JBMTXT Mutex wait time in milliseconds. Cumulative time the thread waited for a mutex. PD (15,3)
JBIBM1 Reserved PD (11,0)
JBINSX Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBSVIF Server interactive flag. Set to '1' if the resource consumed by the function is charged to the interactive capability of the system. C (1)
JBTFLT Total page faults. PD (11,0)
JBTDE System task identifier. C (8)
JBPTDE Primary thread identifier. C (8)
JBLDUM Reserved. PD (1,0)
JBEDBC Reserved P (15,3)
JBTDBC Reserved P (15,3)
JBCOP Number of primary commit operations performed under the task. PD (11,0)
JBCOS Number of secondary commit operations performed under the task. This includes application and system-provided referential integrity commits. PD (11,0)
JBDOP Number of primary decommit operations performed under the task. PD (11,0)
JBDOS Number of secondary decommit operations performed under the task. This includes application and system-provided referential integrity decommits. PD (11,0)
JBPJE Number of physical journal write operations to disk performed under the task. PD (11,0)
JBNSJE Number of journal entries not directly related to SMAPP. PD (11,0)
JBUJD Number of SMAPP-induced journal entries deposited in user-provided journals. PD (11,0)
JBSJD Number of SMAPP-induced journal entries deposited in system-provided (default) journals. PD (11,0)
JBBFW Number of journal bytes written to disk. Such entries are packaged within the permanent area of the journal receiver. These are traditional journal entries which can be retrieved and displayed. PD (15,0)
JBBFA Number of bytes deposited within the permanent area of the journal receiver. This count includes both those bytes already written to disk and those still cached in main memory. These are traditional journal entries which can be retrieved and displayed. PD (15,0)
JBBTW Number of transient area journal receiver bytes written to disk. The transient area contains hidden journal entries produced by the system, used during IPL, and routed to this transient area only if the customer specifies *RmvIntEnt on the CHGJRN command. This transient area is a separate area on the disk, distinct from the disk space used to store the normal journal entries. PD (15,0)
JBBTA Number of bytes generated for the journal receiver transient area. This count includes both transient bytes already written to disk and those still cached in main memory. The transient area contains hidden journal entries produced by the system, used during IPL, and routed to this transient area only if the customer specifies *RmvIntEnt on the CHGJRN command. This transient area is a separate area on the disk, distinct from the disk space used to store the normal journal entries. PD (15,0)
JBTWT Amount of time this task spent waiting for journal bundles to be written to disk (in milliseconds). This includes time spent waiting for physical disk write operations initiated by this task to be serviced, as well as time spent waiting for physical disk write operations initiated by other tasks whose journal entries reside in the same journal bundle. PD (11,0)
JBTNW Number of times this task waited for journal bundles to be written to disk. PD (11,0)
JBXRRR Number of random stream file read operations. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (11,0)
JBXRRW Number of random stream file write operations. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (11,0)
JBXRFS Number of fsync operations. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (11,0)
JBXRBR Stream file bytes read. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (15,0)
JBXRBW Stream file bytes written. This count includes files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a volume that is not formatted in Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and user-defined file systems. PD (15,0)
JBFSH Number of full secure sockets layer (SSL) handshakes that use server authentication. PD (11,0)
JBASH Number of abbreviated (or fast) secure sockets layer (SSL) handshakes that use server authentication. PD (11,0)
JBFSHA Number of full secure sockets layer (SSL) handshakes that use server and client authentication. PD (11,0)
JBASHA Number of abbreviated (or fast) secure sockets layer (SSL) handshakes that use server and client authentication. PD (11,0)
JBPGA Total number of 4096-byte units of temporary and permanent storage that have been allocated by the thread since the thread started. P (11,0)
JBPGD Total number of 4096-byte units of temporary and permanent storage that have been deallocated by the thread since the thread started. P (11,0)
JBCUSR The user profile that the job was running under at the time the data was sampled. C (10)
JBACPU Accumulated job unscaled CPU time charged in milliseconds. The accumulated unscaled interval CPU time charged for all threads of the job since the job started.
Note: This field is provided for primary threads only.
PD (15,3)
JBIPAF The remote IP address family flag indicates the type of IP address information provided in field JBIPAD. The following are supported (see <sys/socket.h> and the API referenced under JBIPAD for more information on these values):
  • Hex 00 = Not set
  • Hex 02 = AF_INET ( IPv4)
  • Hex 18 = AF_INET6 (IPv6)
Note: An address may not be available if there is no current connection.
C (1)
JBIPAD The binary form of IPv4 or IPv6 remote IP address most recently communicated with over sockets. If a sockets connection has not been established or has terminated (JBIPAF = X'00'), this field will be blank. An IPv4 address is 4 bytes long left justified in this field. An IPv6 address uses all 16 bytes. For examples and further explanation, refer to the Usage Notes section in the Convert IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses Between Text and Binary Form (inet_pton) API C (16)
JBIPPT The remote port number used in this connection. P (5,0)
JBUAUF Reserved. C (1)
JBPGRQ Page frames requested. Number of new page frames required by thread to satisfy page fault, read or clear operation. B (9,0)
JBPGRL Page frames released. Number of page frames explicitly released by thread. B (9,0)
JBMSLR File system symbolic link reads. This count includes the following file systems: Root (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems. B (9,0)
JBMDYR File system directory reads. This count includes the following file systems: Root (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems. B (9,0)
JBMLCH File system directory lookup cache hits. This count includes the following file systems: Root (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems. B (9,0)
JBMLCM File system lookup cache misses. This count includes the following file systems: Root (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems. B (9,0)
JBMOPN File system opens. This count includes the following file systems: Root (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems. B (9,0)
JBMNDC File system non-directory creates. Count of create operations for non-directory objects such as files or symbolic links. This count includes the following file systems: Root (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems. B (9,0)
JBMNDD File system non-directory deletes. Count of delete operations for non-directory objects such as files or symbolic links. This count includes the following file systems: Root (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems. B (9,0)
JBSCPU Thread scaled interval CPU time used charged. The amount of scaled processing time (in microseconds) charged to this thread. It includes scaled processing time used by this thread and any scaled processing time charged to the thread by server tasks that worked on its behalf within the interval.

For server tasks, this field will be zero.

Note: The ratio of JBSCPU to JBCPU shows the current processor speed in relation to nominal processor speed.
B (18,0)
JBSTCPU Job scaled interval CPU time charged. Thread scaled interval CPU time charged (in microseconds) totaled for all threads of the job within the interval.
Note: This may not equal the sum of JBSCPU for all threads due to timing differences in the collection and reporting of these values. This field is provided for primary threads only.
B (18,0)
JBFLDR1 Reserved. B (18,0)
JBFLDR2 Workload capping group delay time (in microseconds). The amount of time this thread could not be dispatched due to workload capping. B (18,0)
JBFLDR3 Workload capping group. The identifier for the workload capping group this thread belonged to at the time this data was sampled. A value of zero is reported when no group was assigned. B (9,0)
JBFLDR4 Reserved. B (9,0)
JBJVMF JVM started. Indicates if this process has ever started a JVM.
  • ‘ ‘ = unknown / not defined
  • ‘0' = No
  • ‘1' = Yes
  • ‘2' = JVM was active at time of sample
Note: Note: This field is provided for primary threads only.
C (1)
JBJVMT JVM Type If JBJVMF is set to something other than x “00”, it indicates the type of JVM that was started.
  • x‘00‘ = unknown / not defined
  • x‘01' = IBM® Technology for Java™ - 32 Bit
  • x‘02' = IBM Technology for Java - 64 Bit
  • x‘99' = Classic JVM
Note: This field is provided for primary threads only.
H (1)
JBPASE i5/OS PASE run time – Indicates if an i5/OS PASE runtime was active in the thread at the time this data was sampled.
  • ‘ ‘ = unknown / not defined
  • ‘0' = No
  • ‘1' = Yes
C (1)

JVM thread type. For secondary threads within a process that has a JVM active, this field may be used to identify the type or function of the thread. Values other than those defined are reserved.

Values supported by the IBM Technology for Java VM are:

  • x'00' = Thread not assigned
  • x'1E' - x'3B' = GC Thread
  • x'3C' - x'59' = Finalization Thread
  • x'5A' - x'77' = JIT Thread
  • x'78' - x‘95' = JVM Internal Thread
H (1)
JBNFHN An identifier of a resource affinity domain this software thread or task is associated with. Thread or task is associated with resource affinity domain at a create time, but operating system may decide to move it to another resource affinity domain at a later time. H (2)
JBNFLVL Resource affinity level specifies the relative strength of the binding between a thread and the internal machine resources with which it has affinity (processors and main storage).
  • Hex 00 = Processor normal, main storage normal
  • Hex 01 = Processor normal, main storage high
  • Hex 10 = Processor high, main storage normal
  • Hex 11 = Processor high, main storage high
  • Hex 03 = Processor normal, main storage none
  • Hex 20 = Processor low, main storage normal
H (1)
JBNFGRP Identifier of a resources affinity group or resource affinity domain. This identifier specifies how threads or tasks are related to other threads or tasks in their use of internal machine processing resources, or how they are related to specific resource affinity domains.
  • Hex 00000000 = Independent

    This thread is not part of any affinity group and has no affinity to any specific resource affinity domain. Operating system determines which domain is used by this thread.

  • Hex 00010000 = Anonymous internal affinity group

    This thread is part of any anonymous internal affinity group which was created for an initial thread of this job. Operating system will choose the resource affinity domain for this group, but all threads within this job will have affinity to the same resource affinity domain.

  • Hex 40000000 - 7FFFFFFF = External affinity group identifier

    This thread is part of external affinity group, which was explicitly specified when this job was created. Operating system will choose the resource affinity domain for this group, but all threads for all jobs within this group will have affinity to the same resource affinity domain.

  • Hex FFFF0000 - FFFFFFFF = Affinity to a specific resource affinity domain

    This thread has affinity to a specific resource affinity domain. However, the resource affinity domain used by this thread is not specified directly. Rather an abstract number is used which is deterministically mapped by the operating system into a specific resource affinity domain. The same number is always mapped to the same domain and a set of consecutive values is mapped to different domains (for as many domains as may be installed within the machine).

H (4)
JBNFHNC Local dispatch time. Amount of CPU time used by the thread on the resource affinity domain this thread is associated with. The time is reported in internal model-independent units.

See Note on the next field (JBNFFNC).

B (18, 0)
JBNFFNC Non-local dispatch time. Amount of CPU time used by the thread on resource affinity domains other than the one this thread is associated with, but within the same group. The time is reported in internal model-independent units.
Note: JBNFHNC and JBNFFNC fields do not have significance by themselves. The ratio of JBNFHNC to JBNFFNC shows relative amount of time this thread was dispatched to its optimal resource affinity domain.
B (18, 0)
JBNFHNP Local page frames. Number of 4K page frames allocated for this thread during this interval from the resource affinity domain this thread is associated with. B (9, 0)
JBNFFNP Non-local page frame. Number of 4K page frames allocated for this thread during this interval from resource affinity domains other than the one this thread is associated with, but within the same group. B (9, 0)
JBTNAME Thread name. Name of secondary thread, at sample time. The field will be blank for primary threads, tasks, and unnamed secondary threads. C (16)
JBSLTCNT Short lifespan entry count. If this field is greater than zero, the entry does not represent a particular task or secondary thread. Instead it is a special record used to report data accumulated for tasks and threads whose lifespan was shorter than the reporting threshold that was in effect when the collection started.

Short lifespan tasks are reported for the resource affinity domain they were associated with and short lifespan secondary threads are reported for the job to which they belong.

See QAPMCONF GKEY F1 for the reporting thresholds that were in effect during this collection.

B (9, 0)
JBSACPU Accumulated job scaled CPU time charged (in microseconds). The accumulated scaled interval CPU time charged for all threads of the job since the job started.
Note: This field is provided for primary threads only.
B (18, 0)
JBINDCPU Thread unscaled CPU time used (in microseconds). The amount of unscaled processor time that represents the work done solely within this thread without regard for how server task work is charged. B (18, 0)
JBSINDCPU Thread scaled CPU time used (in microseconds). The amount of scaled processor time that represents the work done solely within this thread without regard for how server task work is charged. B (18, 0)
JBCPUWC Processor elapsed time. The elapsed time (in microseconds) that a task executes. B (18, 0)
JBVPDLY Virtual processor delay time. The elapsed delay time (in microseconds) due to virtualization for a task while it was executing. Virtual processor delay time included virtual processor thread wait event time, virtual processor thread wait ready time, and virtual processor thread dispatch latency. B (18, 0)
JBSEIZECNT Seize count. The number of seizes held by this thread at the time the data was sampled. B (9, 0)
JBPSLCKCNT Process scoped lock count. The number of process scoped locks held by this thread at the time data was sampled. B (9, 0)
JBTSLCKCNT Thread scoped lock count. The number of thread scoped locks held by this thread at the time data was sampled. B (9, 0)
JBPSRCDLCK Process scoped database record lock count. The number of process scoped database record locks held by this thread at the time data was sampled. B (9,0)
JBTSRCDLCK Thread scoped database record lock count. The number of thread scoped database record locks held by this thread at the time data was sampled. B (9, 0)
JBNFOGDT Off-group dispatch time. Amount of CPU time used by the thread in a resource affinity group other than the one this thread is associated with. The time is reported in internal model-dependent units. B (18, 0)
JBNFOGMA Off-group page frames. Number of 4K page frames allocated for this thread during this interval from a resource affinity group other than the one this thread is associated with. B (9, 0)
JBFLDR5 Reserved B (18,0)
JBFLDR6 Reserved B (18,0)
JBFLDR7 Reserved B (18,0)
JBFLDR8 Reserved B (18,0)
JBPGEZSTL Pages marked easy to steal: Number of pages allocated for this thread marked easy to steal. B (9,0)
JBSQLCLK SQL clock time. The amount of clock time (in microseconds) this thread has spent performing work done on behalf of an SQL operation. B (18,0)
JBSQLCPU Thread unscaled SQL CPU time used. The amount of unscaled processor time (in microseconds) this thread has used performing work done on behalf of an SQL operation. B (18,0)
JBSQLSCPU Thread scaled SQL CPU time used. The amount of scaled processor time (in microseconds) this thread has used performing work done on behalf of an SQL operation. B (18,0)
JBSQLDBR SQL synchronous database reads: Total number of physical synchronous database read operations done on behalf of an SQL operation. B (18,0)
JBSQLNDBR SQL synchronous nondatabase reads: Total number of physical synchronous nondatabase read operations done on behalf of an SQL operation. B (18,0)
JBSQLDBW SQL synchronous database writes: Total number of synchronous physical database write operations done on behalf of an SQL operation. B (18,0)
JBSQLNDBW SQL synchronous nondatabase writes: Total number of synchronous physical nondatabase write operations done on behalf of an SQL operation. B (18,0)
JBSQLADBR SQL asynchronous database reads: Total number of asynchronous physical database read operations done on behalf of an SQL operation. B (18,0)
JBSQLANDBR SQL asynchronous non-database reads: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase read operations done on behalf of an SQL operation. B (18,0)
JBSQLADBW SQL asynchronous database writes: Total number of asynchronous physical database write operations done on behalf of an SQL operation. B (18,0)
JBSQLANDBW SQL asynchronous non-database writes: Total number of asynchronous physical nondatabase write operations done on behalf of an SQL operation. B (18,0)
JBAGCRT Activation groups created. The number of activation groups created by all threads within this job.
Note: This field is provided for primary threads only.
B (18,0)
JBPGMSACT Program and service program activations created. The number of ILE program and service program activations created by all threads within this job.
Note: This field is provided for primary threads only.
B (18,0)
JBCURTMP Current temporary storage. A snapshot of the total temporary storage charged to this job, expressed in 4096-byte units.
Note: This field is provided for primary threads only.
B (18,0)
JBPEAKTMP Peak temporary storage. The largest value that the total temporary storage charged to this job has ever been at any point within this job, expressed in 4096-byte units.
Note: This field is provided for primary threads only.
B (18,0)
JBMAXTMP Maximum temporary storage allowed. The largest value that peak temporary storage can be without notifying the operating system, expressed in 4096-byte units. This field will be zero if the job is allowed to use an unlimited amount of temporary storage.
Note: This field is provided for primary threads only.
B (18,0)
JBTMPPGA Total number of 4096-byte units of temporary storage that have been allocated by the thread since the thread started. B (9,0)
JBTMPPGD Total number of 4096-byte units of temporary storage that have been deallocated by the thread since the thread started. B (9,0)
JBHSQLSTMT Number of high level SQL statements. The number of high level SQL statements that executed during the Collection Services time interval. This count includes only initial invocation, independent SQL statements. It does not include dependent SQL statements invoked from within another SQL statement. This count also includes initial invocation, independent SQL statements which failed to execute successfully.
Note: This field is provided for primary threads only.
B (18,0)
JBTICC Thread instruction count charged. The number of hardware instructions, completed by the processor and charged to this thread. It includes instructions completed for this thread and any instructions completed for server tasks that worked on its behalf within the interval. For server tasks, this field will be zero.
Note: This value is available only for partitions running on Power8® and later hardware. However it is not available when running in Power7® or Power6® mode.
B (18,0)
JBTICU Thread instruction count used. The number of hardware instructions, completed by the processor that represents the work done solely within this thread without regard for how server task work is charged.
Note: This value is available only for partitions running on Power8® and later hardware. However it is not available when running in Power7® or Power6® mode.
B (18,0)
JBTTMBU Thread virtual time. The amount of time (in microseconds) that a processor was running instructions on behalf of this thread.
Note: This value is available only for partitions running on Power8® and later hardware. However it is not available when running in Power7® or Power6® mode.
B (18,0)
JBPICC Process hardware instruction count charged. The number of hardware instructions, run by the processor and charged to this job. It is the sum for all threads of the instructions run for this job and any instructions run for server tasks that worked on its behalf within the interval.
Note: This may not equal the sum of JBTICU for all threads due to timing differences in the collection and reporting of these values. This field is provided for primary threads only.
B (18,0)
JBPRRSCPTY Processor resource priority. See the parameter PRCRSCPTY on the CHGJOB command for more information.
  • Hex 00 = *SYSCTL
  • Hex 01 = *HIGH
  • Hex 02 = *NORMAL
  • Hex 03 = *LOW
DATETIME Interval date and time: The date and time of the sample interval for a job interval entry or the job end date and time for a job completion entry, expressed in local system time. Timestamp
UTCTIME UTC interval date and time: The date and time of the sample interval for a job interval entry or the job end date and time for a job completion entry, expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Timestamp
JBPGAI The number of 4096-byte units of temporary and permanent storage that have been allocated by the thread during the interval. B (9,0)
JBPGDI The number of 4096-byte units of temporary and permanent storage that have been deallocated by the thread during the interval. B (9,0)
JBTMPPGAI The number of 4096-byte units of temporary storage that have been allocated by the thread during the interval. B (9,0)
JBTMPPGDI The number of 4096-byte units of temporary storage that have been deallocated by the thread during the interval. B (9,0)