WHENxx (When True Then Select)

Code Factor 1 Factor 2 Result Field Indicators
WHENxx Comparand Comparand        

The WHENxx operations of a select group determine where control passes after the SELECT (Begin a Select Group) operation is processed.

The WHENxx conditional operation is true if factor 1 and factor 2 have the relationship specified by xx If the condition is true, the operations following the WHENxx are processed until the next WHENxx, OTHER, ENDSL, or END operation.

When performing the WHENxx operation remember:
  • After the operation group is processed, control passes to the statement following the ENDSL operation.
  • You can code complex WHENxx conditions using ANDxx and ORxx. Calculations are processed when the condition specified by the combined WHENxx, ANDxx, and ORxx operations is true.
  • The WHENxx group can be empty.
  • Within total calculations, the control level entry (positions 7 and 8) can be blank or can contain an L1 through L9 indicator, an LR indicator, or an L0 entry to group the statement within the appropriate section of the program. The control level entry is for documentation purposes only. Conditioning indicator entries (positions 9 through 11) are not allowed.

Refer to Compare Operations for valid values for xx.

For more information, see Structured Programming Operations.

Figure 1. WHENxx Operation
 * The following example shows nested SELECT groups.  The employee
 * type can be one of 'C' for casual, 'T' for retired, 'R' for
 * regular, and 'S' for student.  Depending on the employee type
 * (EmpTyp), the number of days off per year (Days) will vary.
C                   SELECT
C     EmpTyp        WHENEQ    'C'
C     EmpTyp        OREQ      'T'
C                   Z-ADD     0             Days
C     EmpTyp        WHENEQ    'R'
 * When the employee type is 'R', the days off depend also on the
 * number of years of employment.  The base number of days is 14.
 * For less than 2 years, no extra days are added.  Between 2 and
 * 5 years, 5 extra days are added.  Between 6 and 10 years, 10
 * extra days are added, and over 10 years, 20 extra days are added.
C                   Z-ADD     14            Days
 * Nested select group.
C                   SELECT
C     Years         WHENLT    2
C     Years         WHENLE    5
C                   ADD       5             Days
C     Years         WHENLE    10
C                   ADD       10            Days
C                   OTHER
C                   ADD       20            Days
C                   ENDSL
 * End of nested select group.
C     EmpTyp        WHENEQ    'S'
C                   Z-ADD     5             Days
C                   ENDSL
 * Example of a SELECT group with complex WHENxx expressions.  Assume
 * that a record and an action code have been entered by a user.
 * Select one of the following:
 *   - When F3 has been pressed, do subroutine QUIT.
 *   - When action code(Acode) A (add) was entered and the record
 *     does not exist (*IN50=1), write the record.
 *   - When action code A is entered, the record exists, and the
 *     active record code for the record is D (deleted); update
 *     the record with active rec code=A.  When action code D is
 *     entered, the record exists, and the action code in the
 *     record (AcRec) code is A; mark the record as deleted.
 *   - When action code is C (change), the record exists, and the
 *     action code in the record (AcRec) code is A; update the record.
 *   - Otherwise, do error processing.
C     RSCDE         CHAIN     FILE                               50
C                   SELECT
C     *INKC         WHENEQ    *ON
C                   EXSR      QUIT
C     Acode         WHENEQ    'A'
C     *IN50         ANDEQ     *ON
C                   WRITE     REC
C     Acode         WHENEQ    'A'
C     *IN50         ANDEQ     *OFF
C     AcRec         ANDEQ     'D'
C     Acode         OREQ      'D'
C     *IN50         ANDEQ     *OFF
C     AcRec         ANDEQ     'A'
C                   MOVE      Acode         AcRec
C                   UPDATE    REC
C     Acode         WHENEQ    'C'
C     *IN50         ANDEQ     *OFF
C     AcRec         ANDEQ     'A'
C                   UPDATE    REC
C                   OTHER
C                   EXSR      ERROR
C                   ENDSL