SUBST (Substring)

Code Factor 1 Factor 2 Result Field Indicators
SUBST (E P) Length to extract Base string:start Target string _ ER _

The SUBST operation returns a substring from factor 2, starting at the location specified in factor 2 for the length specified in factor 1, and places this substring in the result field. If factor 1 is not specified, the length of the string from the start position is used. For graphic or UCS-2 strings, the start position is measured in double bytes. The base and target strings must both be of the same type, either both character, both graphic, or both UCS-2.

Factor 1 can contain the length value of the string to be extracted from the string specified in factor 2. It must be numeric with no decimal positions and can contain one of: a field name, array element, table name, literal, or named constant.

Factor 2 must contain either the base string, or the base string followed by ':', followed by the start location. The base string portion can contain one of: a field name, array element, named constant, data structure name, table name, or literal. The start position must be numeric with zero decimal positions, and can contain one of the following: a field name, array element, table name, literal or named constant. If it is not specified, SUBST starts in position 1 of the base string. For graphic or UCS-2 strings, the start position is measured in double bytes.

The start location and the length of the substring to be extracted must be positive integers. The start location must not be greater than the length of the base string, and the length must not be greater than the length of the base string from the start location. If either or both of these conditions is not satisfied, the operation will not be performed.

To handle SUBST exceptions (program status code 100), either the operation code extender 'E' or an error indicator ER can be specified, but not both. For more information on error handling, see Program Exception/Errors.

The result field must be character, graphic, or UCS-2 and can contain one of the following: a field name, array element, data structure, or table name. The result is left-justified. The result field's length should be at least as large as the length specified in factor 1. If the substring is longer than the field specified in the result field, the substring will be truncated from the right. If the result field is variable-length, its length does not change.

For more information, see String Operations.

Note: You cannot use figurative constants in the factor 1, factor 2, or result fields. Overlapping is allowed for factor 1 and the result field or factor 2 and the result field. If factor 1 is shorter than the length of the result field, a P specified in the operation extender position indicates that the result field should be padded on the right with blanks after the substring occurs.
Figure 1. SUBST Operation
 * The SUBST operation extracts the substring from factor 2 starting
 * at position 3 for a length of 2.  The value 'CD' is placed in the
 * result field TARGET.  Indicator 90 is not set on because no error
 * occurred.
C                   Z-ADD     3             T                 2 0
C                   MOVEL     'ABCDEF'      String           10
C     2             SUBST     String:T      Target                 90
 * In this SUBST operation, the length is greater than the length
 * of the string minus the start position plus 1.  As a result,
 * indicator 90 is set on and the result field is not changed.
C                   MOVE      'ABCDEF'      String            6
C                   Z-ADD     4             T                 1 0
C     5             SUBST     String:T      Result                 90
 * In this SUBST operation, 3 characters are substringed starting
 * at the fifth position of the base string.  Because P is not
 * specified, only the first 3 characters of TARGET are
 * changed.  TARGET contains '123XXXXX'.
C                   Z-ADD     3             Length            2 0
C                   Z-ADD     5             T                 2 0
C                   MOVE      'TEST123'     String            8
C                   MOVE      *ALL'X'       Target
C     Length        SUBST     String:T      Target            8
 * This example is the same as the previous one except P
 * specified, and the result is padded with blanks.
 * TARGET equals '123␢␢␢␢␢'.
C                   Z-ADD     3             Length            2 0
C                   Z-ADD5                  T                 2 0
C                   MOVE      'TEST123'     String            8
C                   MOVE      *ALL'X'       Target
C     Length        SUBST(P)  String:T      Target            8
 * In the following example, CITY contains the string
 * 'Toronto, Ontario'.  The SCAN operation is used to locate the
 * separating blank, position 9 in this illustration.  SUBST
 * without factor 1 places the string starting at position 10 and
 * continuing for the length of the string in field TCNTRE.
 * TCNTRE contains 'Ontario'.
C     ' '           SCAN      City          C
C                   ADD       1             C
C                   SUBST     City:C        TCntre
 * Before the operations STRING='␢␢␢John␢␢␢&
 * RESULT is a 10 character field which contains 'ABCDEFGHIJ'.
 * The CHECK operation locates the first nonblank character
 * and sets on indicator 10 if such a character exists.  If *IN10
 * is on, the SUBST operation substrings STRING starting from the
 * first non-blank to the end of STRING.  Padding is used to ensure
 * that nothing is left from the previous contents of the result
 * field.  If STRING contains the value '   HELLO ' then RESULT
 * will contain the value 'HELLO     ' after the SUBST(P) operation.
 * After the operations RESULT='John␢␢␢␢␢␢'.
C     ' '           CHECK     STRING        ST                       10
C   10              SUBST(P)  STRING:ST     RESULT