READPE (Read Prior Equal)

Code Factor 1 Factor 2 Result Field Indicators
READPE (E N) search-arg name (file or record format) data-structure _ ER BOF

The READPE operation retrieves the next prior sequential record from a full procedural file if the key of the record matches the search argument. If the key of the record does not match the search argument, a BOF condition occurs, and the record is not returned to the program. A BOF condition also applies when beginning of file occurs.

The search argument, search-arg, identifies the record to be retrieved. The search-arg operand is optional in traditional syntax but required in free-form syntax. search-arg can be:
  • A field name, a literal, a named constant, or a figurative constant.
  • A KLIST name for an externally described file.
  • A list of key values enclosed in parentheses. See Figure 2 for an example of searching using a list of key values.
  • %KDS to indicate that the search arguments are the subfields of a data structure. See the example at the end of %KDS (Search Arguments in Data Structure) for an illustration of search arguments in a data structure.
  • *KEY or (in traditional syntax only) no value. If the full key of the next prior record is equal to that of the current record, the next prior record in the file is retrieved. The full key is defined by the record format or file used in factor 2.

For keys specified using a KLIST, key fields must have the same CCSID as the key in the file.

See *STRICTKEYS for information about the effect Control keyword EXPROPTS(*STRICTKEYS) has on the rules for specifying keys with a list of values or %KDS.

The name operand must be the name of the file or record format to be retrieved. A record format name is allowed only with an externally described file.

If the data-structure operand is specified, the record is read directly into the data structure. If name refers to a program-described file, the data structure can be any data structure of the same length as the file's declared record length. If name refers to an externally-described file or a record format from an externally described file, the data structure must be a data structure defined with EXTNAME(...:*INPUT or *ALL) or LIKEREC(...:*INPUT or *ALL). See File Operations for information on how to define the data structure and how data is transferred between the file and the data structure.

If the file from which you are reading is an update disk file, you can specify an N operation extender to indicate that no lock should be placed on the record when it is read. See the Rational® Development Studio for i: ILE RPG Programmer's Guide for more information.

To handle READPE exceptions (file status codes greater than 1000), either the operation code extender 'E' or an error indicator ER can be specified, but not both. For more information on error handling, see File Exception/Errors.

You can specify an indicator in positions 75-76 that will be set on if a BOF condition occurs: that is, if a record is not found with a key equal to the search argument or if a beginning of file is encountered. This information can also be obtained from the %EOF built-in function, which returns '1' if a BOF condition occurs and '0' otherwise.

If there is a record-lock error (status 1218), the file is still positioned at the locked record and the next read operation will attempt to read that record again. Otherwise, if there is any other error or a beginning of file condition, you must reposition the file (using a CHAIN, SETLL, or SETGT operation). See CHAIN (Random Retrieval from a File), SETGT (Set Greater Than), or SETLL (Set Lower Limit).

Note: If a file is defined as update and the N operation extender is not specified , occasionally a READPE operation will be forced to wait for a temporary record lock for a record whose key value does not match the search argument. Once the temporary lock has been obtained, if the key value does not match the search argument, the temporary lock is released.

In most cases, RPG can perform READPE by using system support that does not require obtaining a temporary record lock to determine whether there is a matching record. However, in other cases, RPG cannot use this support, and must request the next record before it can determine whether the record matches the READPE request.

Some of the reasons that would require RPG to obtain a temporary lock on the next record for a READPE operation are:
  • the key of the current record is not the same as the search argument
  • the current record is not the same as the requested record
  • there are null-capable fields in the file
  • ALWNULL(*USRCTL) was specified for the module
  • the file has end-of-file delay

Normally, the comparison between the specified key and the actual key in the file is done by data management. In some cases this is impossible, causing the comparison to be done using the hexadecimal collating sequence. This can give different results than expected. For more information, see the section "Unexpected Results Using Keyed Files" in Rational Development Studio for i: ILE RPG Programmer's Guide.

A READPE with the search-arg operand specified that immediately follows an OPEN operation or a BOF condition returns BOF. A READPE with no search-arg specified that immediately follows an OPEN operation or a BOF condition results in an error condition. The error indicator in positions 73 and 74, if specified, is set on or the 'E' extender, checked with %ERROR, if specified, is set on. The file must be repositioned using a CHAIN, SETLL, READ, READE or READP with search-arg specified, prior to issuing a READPE operation with factor 1 blank. A SETGT operation code should not be used to position the file prior to issuing a READPE (with no search-arg specified) as this results in a record-not-found condition (because the record previous to the current record never has the same key as the current record after a SETGT is issued). If search-arg is specified with the same key for both operation codes, then this error condition will not occur.

See Database Null Value Support for information on handling records with null-capable fields and keys.

For more information, see File Operations.

Note: Operation code extenders H, M, and R are allowed only when the search argument is a list or is %KDS(). See Keys for File Operations and Ensuring Accuracy.
Figure 1. READPE Operation
 * With Factor 1 Specified...
 * The previous record is read and the key compared to FieldA.
 * Indicator 99 is set on if the record's key does not match
 * FieldA.
C     FieldA        READPE    FileA                                  99
 * The previous record is read from FileB and the key compared
 * to FieldB.  The record is placed in data structure Ds1.  If
 * the record key does not match FieldB, indicator 99 is set on.
C     FieldB        READPE    FileB         Ds1                      99
 * The previous record from record format RecA is read, and
 * the key compared to FieldC.  Indicator 88 is set on if the
 * operation is not completed successfully, and 99 is set on if
 * the record key does not match FieldC.
C     FieldC        READPE    RecA                                 8899
 * With No Factor 1 Specified...
 * The previous record in the access path is retrieved if its
 * key value equals the key value of the current record.
 * Indicator 99 is set on if the key values are not equal.
C                   READPE    FileA                                  99
 * The previous record is retrieved from FileB if its key value
 * matches the key value of the record at the current position
 * in the file.  The record is placed in data structure Ds1.
 * Indicator 99 is set on if the key values are not equal.
C                   READPE    FileB         Ds1                      99
 * The previous record from record format RecA is retrieved if
 * its key value matches the key value of the current record in
 * the access path.  Indicator 88 is set on if the operation is
 * not successful; 99 is set on if the key values are unequal.
C                   READPE    RecA                                 8899