READP (Read Prior Record)

Free-Form Syntax READP{(EN)} name {data-structure}
Code Factor 1 Factor 2 Result Field Indicators
READP (E N)   name (file or record format) data-structure _ ER BOF

The READP operation reads the prior record from a full procedural file.

The name operand must be the name of a file or record format to be read. A record format name is allowed only with an externally described file. If a record format name is specified in name, the record retrieved is the first prior record of the specified type. Intervening records are bypassed.

If the data-structure operand is specified, the record is read directly into the data structure. If name refers to a program-described file, the data structure can be any data structure of the same length as the file's declared record length. If name refers to an externally-described file or a record format from an externally described file, the data structure must be a data structure defined with EXTNAME(...:*INPUT or *ALL) or LIKEREC(...:*INPUT or *ALL). See File Operations for information on how to define the data structure and how data is transferred between the file and the data structure.

If a READP operation is successful, the file is positioned at the previous record that satisfies the read.

If the file from which you are reading is an update disk file, you can specify an N operation extender to indicate that no lock should be placed on the record when it is read. See the Rational® Development Studio for i: ILE RPG Programmer's Guide for more information.

To handle READP exceptions (file status codes greater than 1000), either the operation code extender 'E' or an error indicator ER can be specified, but not both. For more information on error handling, see File Exception/Errors.

You can specify an indicator in positions 75-76 that will be set on when no prior records exist in the file (beginning of file condition). This information can also be obtained from the %EOF built-in function, which returns '1' if a BOF condition occurs and '0' otherwise.

If there is a record-lock error (status 1218), the file is still positioned at the locked record and the next read operation will attempt to read that record again. Otherwise, if there is any other error or a beginning of file condition, you must reposition the file (using a CHAIN, SETLL, or SETGT operation).

See Database Null Value Support for information on reading records with null-capable fields.

For more information, see File Operations.

Figure 1 shows READP operations with a file name and record format name specified in factor 2.

Figure 1. READP Operation
 *  The READP operation reads the prior record from FILEA.
 *  The %EOF built-in function is set to return '1' if beginning
 *  of file is encountered.  When %EOF returns '1', the program
 *  branches to the label BOF specified in the GOTO operation.
C                   READP     FILEA
C                   IF        %EOF
C                   GOTO      BOF
C                   ENDIF
 *  The READP operation reads the next prior record of the type
 *  REC1 from an externally described file.  (REC1 is a record
 *  format name.)  Indicator 72 is set on if beginning of file is
 *  encountered during processing of the READP operation.  When
 *  indicator 72 is set on, the program branches to the label BOF
 *  specified in the GOTO operation.
C                   READP     PREC1                                  72
C   72              GOTO      BOF
C     BOF           TAG