MONITOR (Begin a Monitor Group)

Free-Form Syntax MONITOR
Code Factor 1 Factor 2 Result Field Indicators
The monitor group performs conditional error handling based on the exception message or status code. It consists of:
  • The ON-EXCP blocks must precede the ON-ERROR blocks.
  • At least one ON-EXCP or ON-ERROR block must be specified.

After the MONITOR statement, control passes to the next statement. The monitor block consists of all the statements from the MONITOR statement to the first ON-EXCP or ON-ERROR statement. If an error occurs when the monitor block is processed, control is passed to the appropriate ON-EXCP or ON-ERROR block.

If all the statements in the MONITOR block are processed without errors, control passes to the statement following the ENDMON statement.

The monitor group can be specified anywhere in calculations. It can be nested within IF, DO, SELECT, or other monitor groups. The IF, DO, and SELECT groups can be nested within monitor groups.

If a monitor group is nested within another monitor group, the innermost group is considered first when an error occurs. If that monitor group does not handle the error condition, the next group is considered.

Level indicators can be used on the MONITOR operation, to indicate that the MONITOR group is part of total calculations. For documentation purposes, you can also specify a level indicator on an ON-EXCP, ON-ERROR, or ENDMON operation but this level indicator will be ignored.

Conditioning indicators can be used on the MONITOR statement. If they are not satisfied, control passes immediately to the statement following the ENDMON statement of the monitor group. Conditioning indicators cannot be used on ON-EXCP or ON-ERROR operations individually.

If a monitor block contains a call to a subprocedure, and the subprocedure has an error, the subprocedure's error handling will take precedence. For example, if the subprocedure has a *PSSR subroutine, it will get called. The MONITOR group containing the call will only be considered if the subprocedure fails to handle the error and the call fails with the error-in-call status of 202 or when the exception message causing the error is specified for one of the ON-EXCP statements.

The monitor group does handle errors that occur in a subroutine that is called from an EXSR statement in the monitor group. If the subroutine contains its own monitor groups, they are considered first.

Branching operations are not allowed within a MONITOR block, but are allowed within an ON-EXCP or ON-ERROR block.

A LEAVE or ITER operation within a monitor block applies to any active DO group that contains the monitor block. A LEAVESR or RETURN operation within a monitor block applies to any subroutine, subprocedure, or procedure that contains the monitor block.

For more information, see Error-Handling Operations.

Example of the MONITOR Operation

In the following example, the MONITOR block consists of
  • the READ statement
  • the IF group
  • the call to the ProcessLine procedure.

Errors that occur in the MONITOR block may be handled by the ON-EXCP or ON-ERROR blocks:

  1. The first ON-EXCP block handles message ID "ABC1234", which may be issued by called procedure ProcessLine() ( 7 ).
  2. The first ON-ERROR block handles status 1211 which is issued for the READ operation if the file is not open.
  3. The next ON-ERROR block handles all other file errors.
  4. The next ON-ERROR block handles the string-operation status code 100 and array index status code 121.
  5. The next ON-ERROR block (which could have had a factor 2 of *ALL) handles errors not handled by the specific ON-EXCP or ON-ERROR operations.
  6. If no error occurs in the MONITOR block, control passes from the call to the ProcessLine procedure to the ENDMON statement.

      Line = %SUBST(Line(i) : %SCAN('***': Line(i)) + 1);
   ProcessLine (Line);
ON-EXCP 'ABC1234'; //  1 
... handle message ID ABC1234
ON-ERROR 1211; //  2 
... handle file-not-open
ON-ERROR *FILE; //  3 
... handle other file errors
ON-ERROR 00100 : 00121; //  4 
... handle string error and array-index error
ON-ERROR; //  5 
... handle all other errors
ENDMON; //  6 

DCL-PROC ProcessLine;
   IF error;
      SND-MSG *ESCAPE %MSG('ABC1234' : 'MYMSGF'); //  7 

Monitoring for exception messages

In the following examples, an exception message is sent to either the current procedure, or the caller of the current procedure. In these examples, the SND-MSG operation is used to send the message.

If the message is sent using the SND-MSG operation code within the MONITOR block, the exception can be handled by an ON-EXCP block monitoring for that message ID, with or without the (C) extender, or by an ON-ERROR operation monitoring for status code 9999 (exception sent to procedure).

If the message is sent to a program or procedure called from the current MONITOR block, and the exception is not handled during the call, the exception can be handled by an ON-EXCP block monitoring for that message ID, or by an ON-ERROR operation monitoring for status code 202 (error in a call operation). However, if the (C) extender is specified for the ON-EXCP statement, the ON-EXCP(C) block cannot handle the exception sent to the called program or procedure.

  1. In the following example, the exception is sent to the current procedure. The ON-EXCP(C) block handles the exception. The program displays "ON-EXCP(C) ABC1234".
    ON-EXCP(C) 'ABC1234';
       DSPLY 'ON-EXCP(C) ABC1234'; //  1 
    ON-EXCP 'ABC1234';
       DSPLY 'ON-EXCP ABC1234';
    ON-ERROR 202;
       DSPLY 'ON-ERROR 202';
    ON-ERROR 9999;
       DSPLY 'ON-ERROR 9999';
  2. In the following example, the exception is sent to the subprocedure called from the current procedure. The ON-EXCP block without the (C) extender handles the exception. The program displays "ON-EXCP ABC1234".
       subproc ();
    ON-EXCP(C) 'ABC1234';
       DSPLY 'ON-EXCP(C) ABC1234';
    ON-EXCP 'ABC1234';
       DSPLY 'ON-EXCP ABC1234'; //  2 
    ON-ERROR 202;
       DSPLY 'ON-ERROR 202';
    ON-ERROR 9999;
       DSPLY 'ON-ERROR 9999';
    DCL-PROC subproc;
  3. In the following example, the exception is sent from the subprocedure to its calling procedure. The ON-EXCP(C) block extender handles the exception. The program displays "ON-EXCP(C) ABC1234".
       subproc ();
    ON-EXCP(C) 'ABC1234';
       DSPLY 'ON-EXCP(C) ABC1234'; //  3 
    ON-EXCP 'ABC1234';
       DSPLY 'ON-EXCP ABC1234';
    ON-ERROR 202;
       DSPLY 'ON-ERROR 202';
    ON-ERROR 9999;
       DSPLY 'ON-ERROR 9999';
    DCL-PROC subproc;
       SND-MSG *ESCAPE %MSG('ABC1234' : 'MYMSGF'); // *CALLER
  4. In the following example, escape message ABC1235 is sent from the subprocedure to its calling procedure. The ON-EXCP blocks are not monitoring for this message, so the ON-ERROR block monitoring for status code 202 handles the exception. The program displays "ON-ERROR 202".
       subproc ();
    ON-EXCP(C) 'ABC1234';
       DSPLY 'ON-EXCP(C) ABC1234';
    ON-EXCP 'ABC1234';
       DSPLY 'ON-EXCP ABC1234';
    ON-ERROR 202;
       DSPLY 'ON-ERROR 202'; //  4 
    ON-ERROR 9999;
       DSPLY 'ON-ERROR 9999';
    DCL-PROC subproc;
       SND-MSG *ESCAPE %MSG('ABC1235' : 'MYMSGF'); // *CALLER

Monitoring for RPG status codes and RNX exception messages

In the following examples, a %SUBST built-in function has an error that causes the statement to fail with status 100, due to the length operand len being negative. To cause the statement to end in error, RPG sends escape message RNX0100 to the procedure with the failing statement.

If the failing statement is in a MONITOR block, you can monitor for message RNX0100 with the ON-EXCP operation, or you can monitor for status code 100 with the ON-ERROR operation. If you monitor for both the message and the status code, the ON-EXCP block will take precedence over the ON-ERROR block, because the ON-EXCP blocks must be specified before any ON-ERROR blocks.

If the failing statement is in a procedure called from the MONITOR block, an ON-ERROR block with status code 100 will not handle the error. If a call in the MONITOR block fails, the call statement fails with status code 202 (error in call).

However, if operation extender (C) is not specified for an ON-EXCP statement, you can handle message RNX0100 message sent to any procedure called during the MONITOR block if the exception was not already handled by the called procedure.

  1. In the following example, the failing statement is in the MONITOR block, and the ON-ERROR statement monitors for status code 100. The ON-ERROR block handles the exception, and the program displays "ON-ERROR 100".
       len = -1;
       Line = %SUBST('abcde' : 1 : len);
    ON-ERROR 100;
       DSPLY 'ON-ERROR 100'; //  1 
  2. In the following example, the failing statement is in a subprocedure called from the MONITOR block, and the ON-ERROR statements monitor for status code 100 and 202. Since the status code of 100 only applies to the subprocedure, the ON-ERROR block for status code 202 handles the exception, and the program displays "ON-ERROR 202".
       subproc ();
    ON-ERROR 100;
       DSPLY 'ON-ERROR 100';
    ON-ERROR 202;
       DSPLY 'ON-ERROR 202'; //  2 
    DCL-PROC subproc;
       len = -1;
       Line = %SUBST('abcde' : 1 : len);
  3. The following example is similar to the previous example, but an ON-EXCP block monitors for messsage RNX0100. The RNX0100 message is sent to the subprocedure, but the ON-EXCP block in the main procedure handles the exception. The program displays "ON-EXCP RNX0100".
    ON-EXCP 'RNX0100';
       DSPLY 'ON-EXCP RNX0100';  //  3 
    ON-ERROR 100;
       DSPLY 'ON-ERROR 100';
    ON-ERROR 202;
       DSPLY 'ON-ERROR 202';
    DCL-PROC subproc;
       len = -1;
       Line = %SUBST('abcde' : 1 : len);
  4. The following example is similar to the previous example, but the ON-EXCP block has the (C) extender, indicating that it only handles exceptions sent to the current procedure. The RNX0100 message is sent to the subprocedure, so ON-EXCP(C) block in the main procedure does not handle the exception. Instead, the ON-ERROR block that monitors for status code 202 handles the exception. The program displays "Status 202".
    ON-EXCP(C) 'RNX0100';
       DSPLY 'Message RNX0100';
    ON-ERROR 100;
       DSPLY 'Status 100';
    ON-ERROR 202;
       DSPLY 'Status 202'; //  4 
    DCL-PROC subproc;
       len = -1;
       Line = %SUBST('abcde' : 1 : len);

Using ON-EXCP to monitor for the exception causing an I/O error

See Monitor for the exception that causes an I/O operation to fail for more information.

  1. In the following example, the MONITOR block has an OPEN operation which fails due to message CPF4101 indicating that the file does not exist. RPG sends message RNX1217 to indicate that the file could not be opened. The ON-EXCP block that monitors for 'CPF4101' gets control. The program displays "Message CPF4101, status 1217".
    DCL-F badfile DISK(10) USROPN;
    DCL-S status PACKED(5);
       OPEN badfile;
    ON-EXCP 'CPF4101';
       status = %status();
       DSPLY ('Message CPF4101, status ' + %char(status)); //  1 
    ON-EXCP 'RNX1217';
       DSPLY 'Message RNX1217';
    ON-ERROR 1217;
       DSPLY 'Status 1217';
  2. The following example is similar to the previous example, but the ON-EXCP block for message RNX1217 is coded before the ON-EXCP block for message CPF4101. In this case, the ON-EXCP block that monitors for 'RNX1217' gets control. The program displays "Message RNX1217".
    DCL-F badfile DISK(10) USROPN;
    DCL-S status PACKED(5);
       OPEN badfile;
    ON-EXCP 'RNX1217';
       DSPLY 'Message RNX1217'; //  2 
    ON-EXCP 'CPF4101';
       status = %status();
       DSPLY ('Message CPF4101, status ' + %char(status));
    ON-ERROR 1217;
       DSPLY 'Status 1217';