EVALR (Evaluate expression, right adjust)

Code Factor 1 Extended Factor 2
EVALR (M/R)   Assignment Statement

The EVALR operation code evaluates an assignment statement of the form result=expression. The expression is evaluated and the result is placed right-adjusted in the result. Therefore, the result cannot be a literal or constant, but must be a fixed-length character, graphic, or UCS-2 field name, array name, array element, data structure, data structure subfield, or a string using the %SUBST built-in function. The type of the expression must be the same as the type of the result. The result will be right justified and padded with blanks on the left, or truncated on the left as required.

Note: Unlike the EVAL operation, the result of EVALR can only be of type character, graphic, or UCS-2. In addition, only fixed length result fields are allowed, although %SUBST can contain a variable length field if this built-in function forms the lefthand part of the expression.

If the result represents an unindexed array or an array specified as array(*), the value of the expression is assigned to each element of the result, according to the rules described in Specifying an Array in Calculations. Otherwise, the expression is evaluated once and the value is placed into each element of the array or sub-array.

For information on how the CHARCOUNT mode affects EVALR, see Right-adjusted assignment of data with different character sizes.
Note: EVALR cannot be used for assignment to %SUBST when CHARCOUNT NATURAL mode is in effect.

See Expressions for general information on expressions. See Precision Rules for Numeric Operations for information on precision rules for numeric expressions. This is especially important if the expression contains any divide operations, or if the EVALR uses any of the operation extenders.

Figure 1. EVALR Operations
D Name            S             20A

    eval  Name = 'Kurt Weill';
    // Name is now 'Kurt Weill          '
    evalr Name = 'Johann Strauss';
    // Name is now '      Johann Strauss'
    evalr %SUBST(Name:1:12) = 'Richard';
    // Name is now '     Richard Strauss'
    eval  Name = 'Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart';
    // Name is now 'Wolfgang Amadeus Moz'
    evalr Name = 'Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart';
    // Name is now 'fgang Amadeus Mozart'