ENDyy (End a Structured Group)

Code Factor 1 Factor 2 Result Field Indicators
END   increment-value        
ENDDO   increment-value        

The ENDyy operation ends a CASxx, DO, DOU, DOW, DOUxx, DOWxx, FOR, IF, IFxx, MONITOR, or SELECT group of operations.

The ENDyy operations are listed below:
End a CASxx, DO, DOU, DOUxx, DOW, DOWxx, FOR, IF, IFxx, or SELECT group
End a CASxx group
End a DO, DOU, DOUxx, DOW, or DOWxx group
End a FOR or FOR-EACH group
End an IF or IFxx group
End a MONITOR group
End a SELECT group

The increment-value operand is allowed only on an ENDyy operation that delimits a DO group. It contains the incrementing value of the DO group. It can be positive or negative, must have zero decimal positions, and can be one of: an array element, table name, data structure, field, named constant, or numeric literal. If increment-value is not specified on the ENDDO, the increment defaults to 1. If increment-value is negative, the DO group will never end.

Conditioning indicators are optional for ENDDO or ENDFOR and not allowed for ENDCS, ENDIF, ENDMON, and ENDSL.

Resulting indicators are not allowed. No operands are allowed for ENDCS, ENDIF, ENDMON, and ENDSL.

If one ENDyy form is used with a different operation group (for example, ENDIF with a structured group), an error results at compilation time.

See the CASxx, DO, DOUxx, DOWxx, FOR, FOR-EACH, IFxx, and DOU, DOW, IF, MONITOR, and SELECT operations for examples that use the ENDyy operation.

For more information, see Error-Handling Operations or Structured Programming Operations.