CHECK (Check Characters)

Code Factor 1 Factor 2 Result Field Indicators
CHECK (E) Comparator string Base string:start

The CHECK operation verifies that each character in the base string (factor 2) is among the characters indicated in the comparator string (factor 1). The base string and comparator string must be of the same type, either both character, both graphic, or both UCS-2. (Graphic and UCS-2 types must have the same CCSID value.) Verifying begins at the leftmost character of factor 2 and continues character by character, from left to right. Each character of the base string is compared with the characters of factor 1. If a match for a character in factor 2 exists in factor 1, the next base string character is verified. If a match is not found, an integer value is placed in the result field to indicate the position of the incorrect character.

You can specify a start position in factor 2, separating it from the base string by a colon. The start position is optional and defaults to 1. If the start position is greater than 1, the value in the result field is relative to the leftmost position in the base string, regardless of the start position.

The operation stops checking when it finds the first incorrect character or when the end of the base string is encountered. If no incorrect characters are found, the result field is set to zero.

If the result field is an array, the operation continues checking after the first incorrect character is found for as many occurrences as there are elements in the array. If there are more array elements than incorrect characters, all of the remaining elements are set to zeros.

Factor 1 must be a string, and can contain one of: a field name, array element, named constant, data structure name, data structure subfield, literal, or table name.

Factor 2 must contain either the base string or the base string, followed by a colon, followed by the start location. The base string portion of factor 2 can contain: a field name, array element, named constant, data-structure name, literal, or table name. The start location portion of factor 2 must be numeric with no decimal positions, and can be a named constant, array element, field name, literal, or table name. If no start location is specified, a value of 1 is used.

The result field can be a numeric variable, numeric array element, numeric table name, or numeric array. Define the field or array specified with no decimal positions. If graphic or UCS-2 data is used, the result field will contain double-byte character positions (that is, position 3, the 3rd double-byte character, will be character position 5).
Note: Figurative constants cannot be used in the factor 1, factor 2, or result fields. No overlapping is allowed in a data structure for factor 1 and the result field or for factor 2 and the result field.

Any valid indicator can be specified in positions 7 to 11.

To handle CHECK exceptions (program status code 100), either the operation code extender 'E' or an error indicator ER can be specified, but not both. For more information on error handling, see Program Exception/Errors.

You can specify an indicator in positions 75-76 that is set on if any incorrect characters are found. This information can also be obtained from the %FOUND built-in function, which returns '1' if any incorrect characters are found.

For more information, see String Operations.

Figure 1. CHECK Operation
 * In this example, the result will be N=6, because the start
 * position is 2 and the first nonnumeric character found is the '.'.
 * The %FOUND built-in function is set to return '1', because some
 * nonnumeric characters were found.
D Digits          C                   '0123456789'
C                   MOVE      '$2000.'      Salary
C     Digits        CHECK     Salary:2      N
C                   IF        %FOUND
C                   EXSR      NonNumeric
C                   ENDIF                 
 * Because factor 1 is a blank, CHECK indicates the position
 * of the first nonblank character.  If STRING contains '␢␢␢th
 * NUM will contain the value 4.
C           ' '     CHECK     String        Num               2 0
Figure 2. CHECK Operation
 * The following example checks that FIELD contains only the letters
 * A to J.  As a result, ARRAY=(136000) after the CHECK operation.
 * Indicator 90 turns on.
D Letter          C                   'ABCDEFGHIJ'
C                   MOVE      '1A=BC*'      Field             6
C     Letter        CHECK     Field         Array                    90
 * In the following example, because FIELD contains only the
 * letters A to J, ARRAY=(000000).  Indicator 90 turns off.
C                   MOVE      'FGFGFG'      Field             6
C     Letter        CHECK     Field         Array                    90
Figure 3. CHECK Operation with graphic data
 * The following example checks a DBCS field for valid graphic
 * characters starting at graphic position 2 in the field.
 *       Value of Graffld  is 'DDBBCCDD'.
 *       The value of num after the CHECK is 4, since this is the
 *       first character 'DD' which is not contained in the string.
D Graffld                        4G   INZ(G'oDDBBCCDDi')
D Num                            5 0
C     G'oAABBCCi'   check     Graffld:2     Num