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NVMe failure with disk units mirror protected

When the NVMe card fails, the disk units (namespaces) that are mirror-protected will be suspended. Normal system operations continue on the other NVMe card.

Task What to do
1. Replace the failing card and install a new NVMe device.
  1. Start System Service Tools (STRSST), and specify the user name and password.
  2. On the System Service Tools (SST) display, select Start a Service Tool.
  3. On the Start a Service Tool display, select Hardware service manager.
  4. On the Hardware Service Manager display, select Packaging hardware resources.
  5. On the Packaging Hardware Resources display, select 3=Concurrent maintenance for the Unit ID that contains the failed NVMe device.
  6. Press F9 to power off the domain.
  7. Physically unplug and remove the failing NVMe device.
  8. Physically install the replacement NVMe device.
  9. Press F10 to power on the domain.
2. Prepare the newly installed NVMe card.
  1. Return to the System Service Tools (SST) display.
  2. On the System Service Tools (SST) display, select Work with disk units.
  3. On the Work with Disk Units display, select Work with disk configuration.
  4. On the Work with Disk Configuration display, select Work with NVM Devices.
  5. On the Work with NVM Devices display, select Delete existing NVM Namespaces.
  6. Select the device that you installed in task 1 step 8 above.
  7. If no namespaces are listed, press F12 and then go to task 3.
  8. Select 4=Delete Namespace for each of the listed namespaces.
  9. F10 to confirm the delete of the namespaces.
  10. F12 to return to SST.
3. Resume mirroring.
  1. Return to the System Service Tools (SST) display.
  2. On the System Service Tools (SST) display, select Work with disk units.
  3. On the Work with Disk Units display, select Work with disk configuration.
  4. On the Work with Disk Configuration display, select Work with NVM Devices.
  5. On the Work with NVM Devices display, select Create NVM namespaces to pair with Active mirror protected NVM units.
  6. On the Select NVM Device display, select the device that you installed in task 1 step 8 above.
  7. On the Create NVM Namespaces - Show the Units Suspended from Mirror Protection display, press F7 to select all of the suspended units.
  8. Confirm the creation of the listed namespaces that will be paired with the suspended disk units.
  9. Press F10 to confirm the operation. The operation will perform the following steps.
    1. Create new namespaces on the selected NVMe device.
    2. Pair the new namespaces with the suspended NVMe disk units.
    3. Start to resume mirror protection on the newly created disk units.
  10. Press F12 to return to the System Service Tools (SST) display.
  11. This completes the procedure.
End of change